Ever since the Blood Moon Ball Marco had started to have feelings for Tom, and each day they got stronger and stronger. The only thing is that Marco knew that Tom liked Star and absolutely despised him. He wouldn't have a chance to be with Tom, so he buried his feeling behind a damn. That all broke the day Tom invited him to see that Karate movie marathon.

In the carriage, as Marco and Tom hung out, Marco had an internal conflict.

'What if he actually likes me?'

'Don't be silly. He likes Star.'

'But what if that was just for a decoy?'

'Then why would he always be all over Star?'

'Maybe it's just a decoy?'

'Stupid! He wouldn't pick you over Star! Think about it! Star's a girl, you're a guy. Compared to you, Star is perfect. You're all kinds of flawed and messed up. Of course Tom's going to want Star.'

'You're right, but what if?'

'We'll see. If this is a rouse, then we'll have our answer.'

Just then Marco realized the move was going to begin in ten minutes. "Hey, we better go. The move is about to start," Marco said.

"No, no, no! Just wait another three minutes!" Tom said hurriedly as he grabbed Marco back into the carriage.

As Marco was being pulled back, chains appeared on the door. "What the hell man! The movie's going to start!"

"I know! Just wait for a bit longer!"

"No, Tom! You said we were going to watch the movie marathon, so we are going to watch it!"

"I said no! Those movies SUCK ANYWAY!" Tom yelled as flames started to surround him.

Suddenly, the tiger's head came off and in place was Tom's life coach. "Calm down, Tom. Pet the bunny."

As Tom pet the bunny, he said to Marco, "I don't even want to be here! I'm only hanging out with you so I could graduate! I had to be with my most hated person for three hours!"

Marco looked at Tom, hut clear in his eyes. "So you used me?" Marco whispered. "I was stupid enough to think that I had a chance, and you used me," he said louder.

Tom looked at Marco in surprise. He had not expected to see the hurt look on Marco's face. He expected anger and frustration, but not hurt.

"Marco," Tom said as he reached a hand out to Marco.

Marco turned away and kicked down the door. Before he left Marco whispered, "Sorry you didn't graduate." Then he leaped out of the carriage and started running home with tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.

Tom watched as Marco's retreated back, wondering what that was all about.