~My Heart and Soul: Chapter 9 – Blood~

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling, she has full copyright ownership of all characters portrayed in the Official Harry Potter book series. Any characters not mentioned in the Harry Potter book series either belong to Tokyo Ghoul – belonging to Sui Ishida - or are of my own making. Please check the official release of both mentioned.

Over time Kaneki's heart grew cold, he wasn't a naive child that had big dreams anymore, he was a ghoul. He was a creature, a creature that was hunted down for merely existing. He was hunted down because he ate differently to over people because he wanted to survive even if that meant feasting on the soft, squishy flesh of humans, drinking down their warm rich blood. Over time, however, Kaneki noticed that these things didn't bother him as much, sure, he still had trouble eating flesh that didn't do anything to him but he would and he could if it meant he could survive.

The white-haired teen wondered though when his thoughts turned from 'I want to live' to 'I want to live with him'. Kaneki knew, ever since the day he met Tsukiyama that there was something special there, and he didn't mean love because Kaneki still didn't know what that was. No, he meant a type of companionship that only comes once in a lifetime, a true bond between people that extended over petty fights and meaningless squabbles.

Even though they had this bond, Kaneki was still surprised when Tsukiyama slammed to door open just as he was about to attack the school's Headmaster. The teen was held tightly against Tsukiyama's chest, who kept holding him tight even though he was in pain due to Kaneki tearing his shoulder into little bits. Over the man's gaudy suit jacket, Kaneki could see Dumbledore's horrified expression, an expression that many CCG members once held before they decided to fight back.

It was not an expression Kaneki liked.

Still, he couldn't control his body movements, couldn't stop his teeth ripping into his companion's flesh. Kaneki could taste the salty ghoul blood, the hard jawbreaker like flesh, as he continued to feast again and again and again. He tried to draw back, he would rather hurt the wicked old man in front of him than the man holding him, however, those arms held strong and kept him tightly pressed against a warm chest. Kaneki couldn't struggle for long anyway, his body longing for sustenance as it kept him still.

'No!' His mind cried out hysterically, this wasn't supposed to happen like this. He was supposed to get up off of the cold hard metal, stare into the horrified eyes of Dumbledore as he feasted on his organs, one piece at a time. But that plan was ruined as soon as Tsukiyama burst through the door like the devil was right on his heels.

"Let me go!" He cried into the bloodied shoulder, his arms pushed at the purple haired man's stomach. He tried to get them higher, on the older man's chest, so that he could use more power but the man hugging blocked every an attempt by holding Kaneki close.

"No, once you come back to yourself..." Tsukiyama paused, grunting as Kaneki's hungry mouth dug deeper into his shoulder. The white-haired teen dug deep, eating away at muscle and flesh, "You'll regret trying to eat him, no matter the pain he caused you. I won't allow you to experience the regret anymore, Kaneki."

"Please, please just one bite. I'm so hungry."

Tsukiyama didn't answer with words this time and instead held tightly onto the younger male. He slowly moved them away from the old man, who still had yet to overcome his shock though, Tsukiyama could practically hear the calculating and hurtful thoughts running rapidly.

The older of the hugging two wanted to yell at the man, wanted to take his frustrations out on him. This man, this wizard, was a carer for children, someone sworn to protect them with every bit of his being. After taking another look at the quivering lump of flesh on the floor, Tsukiyama could see that Dumbledore would never get out of his way to protect children.

Unless it was beneficial to him.

He, of course, had read all the Wizarding World books he could get on his precious Kaneki only to find himself annoyed.

'Harry Potter was actually quite dumb in everything apart from defense', one of them said, this quote coming from one his 'close' friends.

'What a load of bull,' Tsukiyama thought as he felt the teen in his arms slow. after meeting the shy, dark-haired teen, the purple haired adult knew without a doubt that Kaneki was a genius. Being able to read heavy kanji books when being from English origin was already a testament to that. Another fact that continued to hint the Frenchman was the fact that Kaneki was in university.

Tsukiyama knew Kaneki was smart.

A cleared throat from nearby shocked him out of his reverie, Dumbledore was on his feet again, wand glowing green and pointed towards the ghouls.

"I'm sorry, my boy. But we simply can't let that thing live in pain anymore, can we?" Tsukiyama felt the blood drain from his face, he should've realized! This man was much more dangerous than what he first suspected, this man wouldn't just throw kids under the bus to protect himself but he would also drive the bus.

He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty, Tsukiyama realized as a light surged towards them. With his enhanced eyes he could see mangled, screaming faces asking him for help, on and on. He covered his ears as the noise of the spell got closer, what was this?

Before he knew it the sound had stopped and one of four tails protected him from the screaming light. The weapon quivered in pain, looking as if it had just been bruised. He knew that kagune from anywhere, he was closely intimate with it considering Kaneki won all their spars after his torture.

didn't look hungry anymore, in fact, he looked more alive than ever. A smile played at the teen's lips as his tails raised to surround him, a perfect defense and offense.

As if waiting for some kind of signal, the Headmaster and the teen stood stock still, watching each other. Kaneki analyzed the old man in front of him with serious eyes, he would've given him a merciful end but then he had to go ahead and attack Tsukiyama.

Dumbledore was scared, this monster in front of him was smiling lightly as if he was talking about the weather but his eyes were cunning and screamed of death. He didn't know how to fight a creature like this, especially one with tails that just absorb spells meant for death and destruction.

"Headmaster! It is gone! The book is gone! I bet it was those fre-" The voice was cut off as a tail-like weapon cut through their stomach, splitting them in half. Dumbledore turned to see Ronald's top half soaring through the air, his blood and inner organs splattering everywhere as he went.

"Ron!" Hermione cried out as several litres of her boyfriend's blood landed on her pristine outfit. She watched in horror as the bottom half of the body slammed its knees to the ground, twitching.

"Well... He was a bit weak wasn't he?" The bushy haired female turned to see a monster. It's red pupil glowing in the darkness as Ron's head knocked the only light in the room. Something bright and electric looking swished around behind, she could just barely see it was their let alone what it was.

"What did you just say?" She demanded, taking a step forward, her shaking hand raising her wand as she went.

"I think you heard me the first time," Kaneki answered, a satisfied smile set upon his face.

He had really wanted to kill the redhead as soon as he got back.

"Unless, of course, you got some blood of that disgusting thing in your ear."

A scream could be heard throughout the room as Hermione went through spell after spell, sending them all at the bastard that killed her boyfriend didn't even care.

Kaneki easily dodged the spells which seemed to move slower than a snail to his enhanced senses. He could see that Tsukiyama was doing the same with Dumbledore, practically playing with the old man before he went in for the kill.

"Just die already!"