Chapter 10:


2 years later:

He watched as they exited the muggle hospital and walked a few steps before being escorted by what seemed like personal security inside a rather large black car, all with a smile on their faces.

He watched as his son held onto what seemed like a baby bag on one hand as he placed a loving arm on his wife's waist as she carried a baby bundled in a blue blanket and led her to the black car.

He watched as his son led his wife inside and gave the baby bag he held onto, to one of the men he assumed was part of their body guards, and waited outside the car for a few seconds.

He watched as his ex-wife exited the hospital with a smile on her face, happily holding onto the hand of a little girl who was the spitting image of his son, with her white-blonde hair, grey eyes and pale complexion, as she held onto a stuffed toy which he could only assume was for her new baby brother.

He watched as Draco led his mother and daughter inside the car before entering himself.

He watched as they sped by him, unknowingly, uncaring.

Lucius Malfoy watched as the one thing he prized most- his family- sped away from him, for good.

As they reached their Manhattan townhouse, Hermione and Draco were surprised to see all their friends and Hermione's parents inside their living room.

"I thought it would be nice to have them all here to welcome you home." Narcissa said as she led Jasmine inside the house and explained that she'd planned the surprise.

Narcissa knew that even though Hermione left on good terms with her best friends and the Weasleys that she missed them terribly, even when Hermione, Draco, and Jasmine would visit England on Holidays, she knew it wasn't enough for her friends and her to spend time with each other as they each had a family of their own now.

Draco, she knew, was also grateful for Hermione's friends. It had been awkward and tension filled at first, but as the months flew by, the two boys had been an incredible help for when Draco had finally proposed to Hermione. They were not best of friends just yet, but they had a relationship that was special in it's own way.

Narcissa, after being acquainted with her granddaughter, had vowed to open her mind more to the world that her granddaughter had lived in and will continue to be immersed in. She'd met the acquaintance of Hermione's parents and, while the cultural differences made for awkward gatherings at first, but she soon found common ground with Hermione's mother, Lorraine when they discovered that both of them loved to garden.

Years of familial animosity between their families and then their husbands had not made it easy for Narcissa and Molly Weasley to be able to be in the same room, however, as both mothers knew how important family is, they did their best to steer clear of each other at first. It didn't make the awkwardness go away, rather, it made it worse. It was then that Narcissa decided it was time to set their past aside and if she were the one to extend an olive branch, then so be it.

She had approached Molly during Draco and Hermione's first anniversary dinner in London and had apologised for her sister's horrific behaviour toward the Weasley matriarch. Molly had been wary at first, but with Andromeda's help, they were able to get past their animosity and build a somewhat civil relationship with one another.

"Thank you for coming, everyone." Hermione said as Draco kept her by his side. Jasmine had already gone and greeted her nana Molly and Cissa and was now on her way to play with the other children.

Once the party had ended and everyone had left their home, Draco and Hermione was left alone with their children.

"Hey." Draco said as he entered the nursery that was newly re-decorated into pastel blues and light greens, a contrast to the white and pink that Jasmine had in her room.

"Hi." Hermione said as she turned to look at her husband who now had his arms wrapped in her waist.

"Mother's decided to stay with your parents for the night. Apparently they'd promised to take her to that muggle shopping center and then to the Hamptons for the weekend." Draco said as he placed a kiss on his wife's head as they both turned to look at the newest member of their family.

"He's perfect, isn't he?" Hermione asked, but it was more like a statement.

"Yes. He is. He and Jasmine are perfect." Draco whispered.

Hermione laughed as she watched Draco and Jasmine play and run around in their garden while she lounged with Narcissa and her mother in the shade as her son slept snugly in her arms.

As she hummed a lullaby contentedly at her son, she looked around to see her mother and mother-in-law happily and comfortably interact with one another.

She watched as they laughed and talked, it was a sight she never would have dared to conjure up before.

She watched as Draco twirled and laugh with Jasmine, her heart skipping a little beat when she saw him throw her into the air and then catch her in his arms.

She smiled as she felt her son cuddle up to her as he slept.

Looking back to the very day she watched Draco walk away from her all those years ago, she never would have thought that they'd be where they are now. But as time went by, she realized she wouldn't have had it any other way.

And so, for the rest of her life, she continued to watch her children and her family grow.

She watched as her life continued filling up with love and happiness.

She watched as her children lived their lives.

But this time, Draco was there to watch all of it with her.


AN: Finally got around to posting the remaining chapters! I'm sorry I didn't stick to my original posting schedule, my internship just had me running all over the place! Anyway, here's the final chapter! Thank you for reading my short story! :)

Disclaimer, HP is not mine.