Well... Here it is. Part 3 to the Scars Saga. I hope enjoy.


Year at a Glance

31 October, 1994

"This is madness, Dumbledore. You're not really going along with this, are you?" I asked.

I was in the Headmaster's office along with McGonagall, Snape, and Mad-Eye. The champions for the Triwizard Tournament had been selected, and Harry was among them. Bagman and Crouch had insisted that the Goblet of Fire constituted a magical contract, despite the fact that Harry was underage. After Bagman had finally trotted off to bed, I stuck around to try and convince Dumbledore to not let Harry compete.

"You heard Barty, Katherine," McGonagall said.

"Yes, but this is Harry we're talking about. He's fourteen; he hasn't even taken his OWLs yet. He's not ready for something like this."

"Then Potter should have considered the consequences more carefully before entering his name," Snape drawled.

"If Harry said he didn't do it, then he didn't do it," I replied through my teeth.

Snape snorted. "He is his father's son."

"You know his mother had something to do with it. You do realize how it works don't you?" I spat, my eyes darting downward with purpose before flashing up to meet his steely gaze once more.

"Katherine!" McGonagall scolded in a tone that said she would have deducted points from my house if possible.

"Sorry, Professor," I mumbled in her direction.

"What's it to you?" Mad-Eye asked from his corner. "Why are you so concerned with the boy?"

"Why am I so concerned…?"

I hadn't informed Moody of my true relation with Harry; there didn't seem to be a need to. I was never particularly close with Mad-Eye. I'm not sure that anyone apart from Dumbledore was, but I did respect him. And I think he held some respect for Kate as well. However, Sirius seemed to think it best to limit how many people I told. After all, the illusion kept me hidden from Peter all these years.

"Because, Professor Moody, I've known the boy his whole life. I've watched him grow like a mother would. He's spent weekends and summer holidays at my place. I think of him like family."

Snape gave an indignant huff before addressing Dumbledore. "Despite her…familiar objections, Ms. Porter has failed to realize that if Harry did not put his name in the Goblet…"

"…Which he didn't."

"..then the only way to figure out who is behind it is to let the events unfold…for the time."

"What?" McGonagall gasped. "And do nothing?"

"Yeah, and if Harry happens to find himself in mortal danger you won't break your back to save him, will you?" I snapped in Snape's direction. For a second I thought I saw the twitch of a smirk.

"I agree," Dumbledore began slowly and I turned my attention back to him. "…with Severus, Ms. Porter. I can assure you, however, that we will work diligently to find the culprit and to protect Harry."

I saw the firm resolution in the Headmaster's eyes, and I knew I would only be wasting my breath to try and reason with him.

24 November 1994

Dragons! The first task was dragons! If I had known that Harry would have to get a golden egg from a nesting dragon, then I would have given him extra homework as a pretense to helping him.

After fifteen grueling minutes, in which my nerves ate at my cuticles until they bled, Harry grabbed the golden egg and tied for first place with Krum.

26 December 1994

I secured my charmed scarf around my neck a little tighter as Jonathan and I trudged through the snow to Hogsmeade.

"I really like her, Mum," Jonathan said.

I smiled. "Oh? Well she is quite pretty."

"It's more than that," he insisted. "She's smart; she's fearless, and not just on the Quidditch pitch either. I see that same fierceness in her every day, lurking inside her eyes, daring anyone to force it out of her. And…yeah, she was beautiful last night. Did you see her, Mum?"

"I did, and I'm happy for you, Son. And I'm really glad you finally told me. Now, just remember to always be a gentleman and treat her with the respect she deserves."

"Don't worry, Mum. I won't ask her to go behind the greenhouse shed." I could hear him rolling his eyes.

"I better not find out you've asked her to go anywhere else either. Believe me, I know all the good corners, crevices, tapestries, and hidden rooms to…hide in."

"Hidden rooms?"

"Oh yes; your father and I did quite a bit of exploring in our…"

"Eww! Mum, stop! Please! I do not need to know about any…exploring you and dad did."

I laughed as we passed into Hogsmeade.

Remus was waiting for us in the village. He pushed off the sign post he'd been leaning against and made his way over when he saw us. It had been four months since I last saw him, so I took the time to observe him. His hair was a little lighter and grayer than I remembered. His face looked a little thinner, as though he'd had to skip a meal or two. The new cloak he wore, a Christmas gift I'd helped Jonathan pick out, partially hid his tattered clothes. But, he still carried himself with the same respect and dignity he always had.

"Hey, Dad; happy Christmas," Jonathon greeted as he and Remus exchanged a hug.

"Happy Christmas, Jonathan. Thanks for the cloak."

"You're welcome. Does it fit alright?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Thank you."

When Remus turned his eyes upon me, my heart gave an involuntary flutter.

"Katherine," he greeted with an almost forced kindness.

"Remus," I replied. "Happy Christmas."

"And you as well." Then he held out a small wrapped parcel to me. "This is for you."

I smiled and took the gift with one hand while the other sunk into my pocket.

"Thanks, but I thought we decided not to exchange gifts."

"It's from Padfoot," he replied softly, leaning towards me.

"Oh…" My smiled waivered slightly and I released his gift I had hidden in my pocket. It dropped back into the depths of my cloak like a gold brick.

"So you've…you've heard from him then?" I asked.

At the end of summer I had dropped Sirius off at Remus' cottage, hoping he would stay there. Evidently, Sirius had other plans. He didn't stay more than a week before taking off to who knows where.

"Very little, but yes," Remus replied.

"And is he well? Is he staying safe?"

"As safe as he ever was."

"That's not very reassuring."

Remus smiled genuinely. "No, I don't suppose it is."

"So, what did he get you?" Jonathan asked, breaking the slight tension that had arisen between Remus and me.

I carefully opened the small package and laughed out loud as the bag of candy fell into my hand.

"What's so funny about a bag of Swedish Fish?" Jonathan asked, a confused look on his face. Remus on the other hand was smiling.

"This is so typical of him," I said.

"What? Lame gifts?"

"No…Sirius and I never gave each other a gift that was…well...serious. We've always exchanged gag gifts. And since becoming Animagi, our gifts have related to our animal form somehow. I bought him dog biscuits on year, which he ate…without being in his dog form, mind you."

"I remember he gave you cat-nip in seventh year," Remus said with a laugh.

"Merlin! Yes! I forgot about that. That stuff was potent too. I was strung out for like a week."

"It's a good thing we didn't have class that week."

"Ugh! Could you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if I walked in to transfiguration strung out on cat-nip?"

"She might ask for your supplier," Jonathan quipped.

Remus laughed in a manner than penetrated my core and tore at my heart. His laughter was a sound that I duly missed. We hadn't spoken to each other since August when I picked Jonathan up before the World Cup, apart from the three owls it took to set up this meeting. The distance between us was greater than it ever was, and I missed him terribly. I still thought about him often. I wondered if he ever thought about me.

"Well, I… I guess I'll leave you to it then," I said. "Remember he has OWLs this year, so he needs to be back at reasonable time."

Remus nodded.

"Mum, it's Christmas."

"And how much homework do you have to finish, Mr. Prefect?" I asked pointedly. "Have fun." I turned and walked away.

"Mum, wait!" Jonathan called. "You don't have to leave, you know. You could stay with us."

I looked towards Remus to read his response. It didn't take long. I would have loved to stay and spend time with both of them, like a family, but it was clear to me that Remus didn't want me there. Of course, he'd never say as much in front of Jonathan. I looked away from Remus and fought to keep the hurt at bay as I tried to smile convincingly at Jonathan.

"What? And intrude on guy time? I think not. Besides, now I have to make a trip by the Pet Shoppe for a gift. I'll see you later."

I risked another look at Remus, and received a tight lipped smile in return.

24 February 1995

For the second task, the champions had to search the depths of the Black Lake for something that was taken from them. Harry had to find Ron. He was the last to emerge from the lake, but was still awarded second place for his "Moral Fiber." Apparently, he was the first to find the hidden hostages, but remained behind to make sure all of them were rescued.

As nerve-wracking as I found the tournament, and as much as I wished he wasn't participating at all, I was still very proud of Harry's achievements so far.

26 May 1995

Sirius sent me a letter from wherever he was hiding.

Be careful! I know about Crouch going mad on the grounds, and I urge you and Jonathan to keep a close eye out. Something is stirring out here. I know Leo can sense it too. It's beginning to feel like it did before. I wish I could be there to hex anyone who so much as looked at you wrong…I owe it to James. Don't protest; I do. Stay safe and watch over our boys.
