I haven't watched or written fics about Kuroko no Basuke in a long ass time, so forgive me if the characters are a bit out of character.

Kagami Taiga was used to a life of mockery, pity, and bullying.

It was because he was always the odd one out. And he couldn't fight to defend himself or his family like the other kids in Zenkatsu.

Zenkatsu was the land of the magical, where all mythical creatures and humans reside together, though in separate cities with big grudges that date back to millennials ago.

Long story short, Kagami's parents: Kagami Tachibana, an alpha wolf, had a forbidden love with a pureblood vampire loyalty which would be his mother: Hanamiya Sayuri.

It would be their forbidden love that many old mages and midwives would blame for the birth of Kagami Taiga.

What was so bad about Kagami Taiga?

He had been shunned by both of his parents' families because he was born not only half Alpha wolf and half Pureblood Vampire, he was born mute, and he was born with his two legs paralyzed and immobile. Because of the two dominant types of races in him, one would always try to dominate the other, causing poor Kagami to have seizures that he couldn't handle on his own.

Fortunately, his father's best friend was a healer and didn't see any flaw in their relationship or their child. The Himuro family were kind and accepting people and when their youngest son, Tatsuya witnessed Taiga trying his best to shoot a basketball into a neighborhood hoop, he knew they would have similar interests and immediately they became best friends and bonded like brothers. Kagami quickly learned to read and write in order to communicate with Himuro whenever he couldn't figure out the word in sign language and vice versa. It was a good childhood memory to have, especially since bad news had to eventually hit Kagami's ears.

Both of his parents were murdered by an unknown hate group when he was only five years old. It was all over the news, describing how clear the hate of their forbidden relationship was. The government did everything they could to find the perpetrators that would ruin the peace of the country, but to no avail, they were never found. The government put a hundred million kazi bounty for the murders if they were to be found, and the government made sure they kept an eye on Kagami 24/7, even going as far as to give him an enchanted ring to protect him from immediate danger.

Before they died, Kagami's parents wrote in their will to entrust his mother's most powerful katana that was infused with his father's unmatched strength, to Kagami. The katana was breathtaking, with a matte black sheath that was inscribed with silver artwork that explained his parents' fateful meeting and falling in love. The hilt had a pendant of a man and woman in an embrace on both sides. And the illuminating silver blade itself would make anyone speechless. The length of the blade was two meters, with a width of four inches, a thickness of two inches, a weight of three hundred pounds, and the blade was so sharp that even one slight touch could make you bleed for half an hour straight. Thanks to another family that were friends with the Kagami's and the Himuro's, there was an everlasting spell casted on the katana to give it one last special feature. Because of the katana's great abilities, there were people who would surely try to steal it, so the Garcia's had put a spell, causing anyone who wasn't Kagami Taiga a severe burn if they touch it no matter what item or spell they use to try and stop the burning sensation.

Regardless of all the physical protection he was receiving, no one could protect him from the emotional attacks of vicious words he would receive from his classmates. If children alone are honest, then the children of Zenkatsu were brutally honest. Surely, they would watch their mouths around their elders, but around each other, "watching their mouths" would temporarily be discarded from their dictionary.

Once he had started school, he had heard endless names being thrown at him. All of which, he cried. They called him a dumb useless mutt, a blind bat without wings, a stupid moron with no mouth, a weak wolf with no legs, and the list goes on.

Taking advantage of his muteness, because Himuro was a grade higher than him, he couldn't always be by Kagami's side, so Kagami kept all of the bullying to himself. Always pretending to be happy whenever Himuro's family asked how his day went.

As he moved on to middle school, where his growing into puberty would show, some boys would even take advantage of Kagami's handicaps of being mute and paralyzed in the legs to touch him in inappropriate places. And once again, Kagami would keep the sexual harassment to himself.

However, now that Kagami had turned sixteen, he was finally old enough to wield his mother and father's most loved sword, and he could finally leave the hometown filled with awful kids to study in the government's prestigious High School of Combat out in the capital city. He hears that the people there are more accepting because unlike the rural regions of Zenkatsu, the people in the city realize that it is already the 21st century and there is no need for a feud between races. Love between different races weren't frowned upon, nor were they looked highly upon either. Science and medical technology were more advanced there, so even if someone had turned blind, they could fix it.

Waiting for him at the front gates of the High School of Combat was Tatsuya, who waved and smiled enthusiastically as he ran to give Kagami a hug.

A bodyguard informed Kagami that they would move his things and his sword into his room. He bowed politely to thank them for all their hard work for looking after him ever since he was a child.

"Taiga, oh how I missed you. Being able to send only video spheres isn't as good as seeing the real man himself. But look at you! You're finally a high schooler and look at all of those muscles you've built while I was gone! And did you grow taller?"

Kagami let out a soundless laughter and smiled at his best friend, signing to him, "Yes, if I could stand, I'd be at least five inches taller than you."

Tatsuya pouted and crossed his arms, "That's not fair, my baby is growing up so fast while I'm staying this height for good. Damn you and your alpha genes!"

Kagami knew he was only kidding, "Too bad~ Healers can only grow up to be that tall." He playfully stuck his tongue out, earning a slap to the head.

"That hurt."

"Serves you right for making fun of my height!"

"How are you?"

"Honestly, so much better. Nobody here is making fun of my looks or calling me a girl like back at home."

Wow, Kagami wouldn't have thought that Tatsuya was being bullied either. But it wasn't as severe as his bullying at least. As long as Tatsuya wasn't hurt badly, he's okay.

"In fact, I have quite the fanbase here. Apparently, there's a lot of handsome and cute guys here, so to make the girls' hard trainings seem worth it, the girls have started to rank u boys by our looks. And I'm in the top twenty~" Tatsuya says while winking at him.

Kagami stifles a laughter and Tatsuya looks at him, "Why are you laughing? What, you think it's weird that I'm all the way up there?"

Kagami nods and Tatsuya looks at him shocked. "How dare you?!"

Kagami smiles as he rolls in his wheelchair towards the school, trying to avoid Tatsuya's grip.

"I'm going to give you the wettest Willy you've ever had!"

The taller freshman tuck his tongue out as he rolled away from his best friend, until he accidentally knocked someone over. When the light blue-haired boy got up, Kagami quickly apologized, bowing his head several times. The small-framed boy dusted himself off and smiled, and to Kagami's surprise, the boy started to sign, "I'm fine. People don't usually see me because I'm so quiet. I'm practically invisible."

"You can sign?"

"Yes. I come from a family of language masters, so I can sense what language everyone uses, and if I need to communicate, I can use magic to talk and understand in a different language."

"That's so cool! So, wait, you're not mute like me?"

"No. I just don't talk a lot."

"Do you mind if I ask to hear your voice?"

The small boy had a little shock to get such a request, but then, he smiled, "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya. What is your name?"

"Kagami Taiga. I just started school today."

"So you are a freshman?"

He nodded with a smile.

"Me too. Let's be friends."

Kuroko offered his hand for a shake and Kagami couldn't believe it. It was true! People were more accepting here! He gladly shook his hand and Kuroko was happy that he could make a new friend.

"I have to unpack my clothes, so I'll see you around, Kagami-kun."

He waved and went in the direction of the dorms.

Tatsuya finally decided to show up and shook Kagami by his shoulders. "Dude! I can't believe you just became friends with him!"

"Why? What's wrong with him?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. But look, every year, the freshman students get added into the school ranking of power and usually, because they are inexperienced, the freshmen would be at the bottom. But he's the only freshmen this year that is in the top twenty. Top twenty! And he's only a freshman!"

"Wow! That's amazing!"

"He's the talk of the school so if you're going to be his friend, be prepared for a lot of fangirling."

"I'll try my best."

"Oh yeah, let me show you to your dorm. Your roommate is quite interesting."

Tatsuya pushed him along to his room.

When he went inside, he was in awe. The dorm room, even though it was only for two people, if was huge!

"I heard your roommate is Aomine Daiki, and apparently you're replacing the sophomore that he beat to death last year. He's an alpha, so be quick to send me a distress signal if he tries to hurt you, okay? He hasn't come back to school yet because he loves being late, so don't expect seeing him until after all of your classes end. Well, I have class in ten minutes, so here's your schedule and good luck! I hope you make new friends!"

Tatsuya gave him a tight hug before waving goodbye.

After he left, then the realization started to hit him. "I'm replacing a student he beat to death?! What have I gotten myself into?!"

Kagami only found out that he had only special classes because of his disabilities and his special weapon. The only normal classes he had were academic class like math, science, history, weaponry, magic study, etc. But luckily, Kuroko was in all of his classes, so he didn't worry too much about meeting new people.

To his surprise, Kagami had quite the fanbase as well. Some girls were brave enough to approach him and call him cute, and asked him for permission to pet his pair of soft ears.

The students were very welcoming and didn't say anything about him being mute or paralyzed. In fact, they thought it was actually really cool.

The school was even nice enough to give him physical therapy classes with the best doctors to help him get over his paralyzed legs. As for his muteness, they say his voice will probably come with time, or not at all, but Kagami was already very happy and grateful with being able to cure his paralyzed legs and being able to learn how to walk.

After his last class of the day, Kuroko walked back to the dorms with Kagami and accompanied him to his room.

"I heard you're in the top 20. That's amazing!"

"Me? Well, I did get some vigorous training back in my middle school, so I guess it makes sense."

"But still, that's amazing that you're up there with the upperclassmen."

Kuroko smiled, "I think Kagami-kun, once you complete all of your physical therapy classes, you might be even stronger than me."

"Oh no, I can barely hold my katana, let alone use it. So I won't be up there."

"I'm sure you will. What is your student code? Kuroko asks as he pulls out an electronic device.


"Where's your phone? So I can plug in my student code too."

"What's a phone?"

"It's a communicating device that the school gives to students so that they can call or text, or video chat with others in the school. Your phone should have the codes of all the teachers that you have and the codes of all of the infirmaries and campus security."

"I don't know if I got one."

"It's usually placed in your room before you arrive. Maybe it's in your room."

They kept walking until they reached Kagami's room.

"See? I think that's your phone on the desk there."

Kagami went to go get it and Kuroko turned it on for him. The screen lit up with words, "Welcome, Kagami Taiga" on it.

"You can always change the background on your phone if it's too boring for you. But I will teach you that another time. For now, I'll leave you to rest. Goodnight, Kagami-kun."


Kagami took a big sigh after Kuroko left, but he jumped when he heard the door open again. A big waft of alpha pheromones hit him like a wave, invading his senses and waking up his inner wolf.

The man had navy blue hair and dark skin, contrasting to his own bright red hair and creamy skin.

"Are you the new roommate? The name's Aomine Daiki. Just don't get on my nerves and we'll get along great."

Kagami thought to himself, "Wow, what a jerk."

He had no time to say more when he felt his seizure coming. He didn't have one in a long time, so having one now was making him panic more than he should be.

His breathing became ragged and he clutched at his chest, hoping to calm it down.

Aomine seemed to notice and turned to look at him. "Hey, are you okay?"

Kagami couldn't even give him a shake of the head when his body started to twitch of its own accord. He was convulsing in his wheelchair and Aomine got really concerned.

Kagami fell off of his wheelchair and onto the floor. Aomine quickly came to hold him, "Hey! What's wrong?! I should call for the nurse-"

Before he could reach in his pocket for his phone, Kagami grabbed Aomine's hand and held it to his chest.

That seemed to do the trick because Kagami's body slowly calmed down and became limp in Aomine's arms.

"Holy shit dude, you scared me! Was that a seizure?"

Kagami nodded weakly. He was surprised the man even knew what it was.

He was taken aback when Aomine decided to carry him and put him on his bed.

"Geez, they didn't tell me my new roommate would get seizures."

Kagami casted his eyes down apologetically.

He flinched when he felt Aomine playing with his wolf ear. "Wow… are you a mixed breed?"

Kagami nodded slowly, not wanting Aomine to stop.

"That's cool." He exclaimed as he continued to sit on Kagami's bed and play with his ear.

Kagami closed his eyes in bliss and leaned his head closer to Aomine when he decided to play with both of his ears and pet his hair.

He heard Aomine's deep chuckle and blushed. "You're like a dog."

Kagami was an amazement to Aomine because full werewolves don't have a pair of ears and a tail sticking out when they shift into their human form.

"You have a tail too?"

Kagami blushed even harder when Aomine reached for his tail and caressed it with such a gentle touch.

"I think we're going to get along okay. My last roommate was a fucking bloodsucker. That bastard could never shut his mouth. But I like you better already."

Kagami didn't know how he felt about that. He was happy that Aomine liked him, but he also didn't like how Aomine called his mother's races with spite.


Kagami didn't even realize Aomine had left the bed until he saw him close to his sword.

"Is this yours? This shit is huge!"

Aomine was about to touch it when Kagami banged the wall as a warning.

"What? I can't touch it? Don't worry, I won't break it or anything."

Kagami wanted to scream to stop him, but he couldn't. The contact was inevitable and Aomine backed away quickly, yelling. "What the hell?! Why does it burn?! Fuck! That shit's vicious!"

Kagami motioned for Aomine to come to him. The alpha sat back down and Kagami held his burnt hand. Strangely enough, the burning sensation went away.

"So what? Only you can touch that? Why didn't you warn me?!"

Kagami hit the wall with his hand again to try and tell him that that was his way of warning him.

"Why can't you just yell at me to stop?"

Kagami pointed to his throat and opened his mouth.

"Hah? You got a sore throat or something?"

Kagami shook his head at how stupid this upperclassman was. He demonstrated some sign language and then Aomine understood.

"Oh~ you don't speak Japanese?"

Kagami facepalmed. He can't be kidding.

He reached for his phone and saw a note app and typed in clear kanji, "I'm mute. I can't speak."

"Oh~~~wait...you're mute?"

Aomine sort of felt a little bad now. He was expecting a mute person to speak to him and warn him.

"Sorry. What's your name?"

"Kagami Taiga."

"Freshmeat, right? I'll keep that in mind."

Yayyy first chapter finished! I hope that you like this! Reviews are welcome and highly appreciated!