A/N I would like to state that I am officially rebooting the AHAD story. After writing the eighth chapter, I read over it and though, "man, what the fucking hell did I just write, it's complete and utter shit." I had accidentally dug myself in a six foot hole and turned it into my grave. The plot flowed out pretty nicely, but then it just started getting pretty complicated and hard to understand. After this, I took a look at the entire story and found that my way of telling a story differed from that of Dhurva, causing problems when I tried to adopt it. Along with this, I will also be working on a Ben 10 x Death March crossover, Ben 10 x Worm crossover, and a massive Ben 10 x X-over with many different series.

Now I would like to state I will be using a lot of the same plot with minor differences. Ben's SG will also be different I the reboot. I will also still be collaborating with Dhurva on writing this story.

I do not know when the reboot or any of the other stories will come out. Lately, life's been hard. On Nov, 15, my family's house burnt down. De to this, writing has been almost impossible. I hope it will be soon that I release the stories, but don't hold your breath. Thank all of you for your support.