I know, I know. You maybe are thinking, "It has been more than a year!". And I have no excuses. None. Simply, I'm a master procastinator. And it shouldn't have take me that long, because all of this was based on one scene and only that it's how I'm ending this. Basically, I've writted all this for this last chapter.

And thank you so much to all the people who favorited/followed/reviewed (Although it wouldn't have killed you to write one or two more comments.).

Well, no more talking.

Enjoy the reading!


"… and instead of a demon, that git, Russia, appeared through my floor!" England was talking with the illusionists. It seems they are friends now. "That's why I think he has some connection with the other world. Or at least, some demon has possessed him. What do you think?"

"Kufufufu… it's a very intriguing dilemma. Why are you asking me? For what you have tell us, you have plenty of experience with magic. Haven't you found any answer by yourself?" Mukuro sipped at his wine glass. The three of them were sitting in a table by the corner, away of the uncivilized.

"I think if he knew the answer he wouldn't be asking us, Mukuro-sama."

"What I am trying to say is that I haven't found any positive answer." Clarified England. "And that's not the only time something like this had occurred. He broke Busby!"

"Busby? As in Busby's chair?" Chrome asked, obviously interested.

"Yes" Answer England. "Do you anything?"

"The Busby's stoop chair or the Dead Man's Chair," Chrome started, using some illusions for atmosphere " is an allegedly haunted oak chair that was cursed by the murderer Thomas Busby before his execution by hanging in 1702 in North Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom. Many deaths were later attributed to people sitting in the chair."

"You should stop hanging out with the puppy so much, Nagi…" Said Mukuro. "So he broke it with his pipe?"

"No! He broke it by sitting on it!"

"He sure is big, but I didn't think he was that big." Said Chrome.

"No, no, no! He sat on it and it explode!" England was losing his temper. But relaxed when the other two started laughing. "Arg! You were just messing with me."

"Kufufu… Relax, my friend. But about the matter at hand I can tell you something." He eyed the Russian who was with a laughing Lambo. "He is not possessed but he isn't free of demonic energy either."

"Must be the Russian curse." Said Chrome with a light under her chin and smiling.

"Please! Stop it!" England paled for a second, totally not scared. "He is scary enough without curses."


"Why are you hanging here by yourself, old man?" Prussia approached Gokudera with a cocky smile. He tried to unhang him, but Gokudera wouldn't stand still.

"I'm going to blow up your ass!" Said Gokudera squirming again trying to reach for his dynamites.

"Ma, ma, Gokudera, he is trying to help you" Yamamoto, who had been with Tsuna, after the right hand man was kicked away, and the Axis talking with Japan about swords and baseball while the rest cared about Italy, had seen his friend being… obstinate and had come to help. Gokudera stopped moving and Prussia and Yamamoto unhanged him. "There. Now what do you say, Hayato?"

"Why aren't you with Decimo?"

"Ryohey is with him now, relax." Said Yamamoto. Gokudera shouldn't be so tense all the time. It wasn't good for the heart.

"Why are you worried so much about him? I think he could take care of himself, with that title. And there is no danger in here." Asked Prussia.

"You wouldn't understand" Said Gokudera more calm now. He looked at Tsuna with a mix of admiration and worry in his eyes. It didn't escaped Prussia's eyes.

"You would be surprised, old man" Prussia said with an understanding look. "I once served a man with the same heart as your Decimo… but no more of that now! You both come and take a drink with us!" He was leading them to a table were Spain and France were laughing. "The awesome me is back with to stray children!"

"Ohonhon… two fine garçons… good job Prusse!"

"¡Prusia! What took you so long?"

"This wouldn't stop squirming like a fish! And after the awesome me walked all the way to the entrance only to unhang him, the ungrateful." That took Gokudera off guard.

"Thank you… for that" He was after all the Right Hand Man of Vongola Decimo. He should know better.

"Ah… Are you flushed Gokudera?" Yamamoto teased him.

"Shut up yakyubaka!" Totally blushing now.

"I don't think we presented ourselves yet. This is Gokudera Hayato and my name is Yamamoto Takeshi." Said Yamamoto.

"Encantado." Said Spain shaking his hand. "Now that we all know everyone's name, let's begin the party!"

And like that, they drunk and talked like they know each other since ever. Surprisigly, (or not) Yamamoto and Spain really like each other and were talking cheerfully about meaningless stuff.

"Those two are pretty excited about milk". Commented Prussia gulping his beer.

"L'Espagne is very proud of… everything that is from his place. And I have to say his milk is really good." Purred France.


"Gross! Do you have to make a sexual comment of everything, Mr. France?" Gokudera shivered at the double meaning.

"Isn't everything?" France laughed. They all loved to mess with the newbies.

"Calcium is very important for your bones. More if you have thousands of years and you want to keep in shape!" Said Spain.

"That was a very awesome battle back there with the eyebrows guy! And that axe is so cool." Spain laughed at what Yamamoto just said.

"It's just an old battle axe."

"By the way, how did they make appear those weapons from nowhere? I thought all weapons were confiscated at the entrance. Do you use some kind of box weapon?" Asked Gokudera.

"What are you talking about, old man?" Prussia said leaving the empty glass with the others.

"Stop calling me old man, old man!" Gokudera reached for Uri's box on his pocket. "This is a box weapon, but I didn't see rings or flames either."

"Oui, oui! That's the new compartmenting method Italy was talking about. It's a pity flames aren't a common thing."

"We don't use those." Spain said.

"Weren't you talking with the yakyubaka just now?"

"Don't mind him. It's a Spaniard thing to be in all conversations." Said Prussia. "We had some trick on the sleeves."

"And what is it?" Gokudera took his notebook and glasses out again.

"Ah ah ah. It's a personifications only kind of secret. Kesesese!" Gokudera looked like a kicked puppy.

"But I bet you guys are super strong!" Said Yamamoto.

"More than a human, but not much more right now, I'm afraid, boy. Basically is experience." France said with a nostalgic tone.

"Right now?" Gokudera lighted up a bit. Given the amount of alcohol these three have drunk, maybe he could get them to talk.

"You should have seen me in Napoleon's era. French Empire… stills sounds perfect." Said France sipping his wine cup dramatically like the drama queen he is.

"Or me during the German Empire" Prussia said with a dreamy look.

"Or me during the Spanish Empire, where the Sun never sets…"

"No one need to see that again." His two friends interrupted him.

"¡Oh, venga ya! I wasn't that bad! WE ALL have bad moments."

"Even at my peak, you managed to defeat me with a squirmish!" Screamed France, indignant.

"After you invaded me, France!" Answered Spain.

"Sooooo, will you fight me?" The trio looked at the Rain Guardian.

"Kesesese! Prepare to be defeated by the Awesome ME, boy!"

"Yeah Takeshi! It'll be fun!" Said Spain with a smile.

"Ohonhon. Boys this days don't respect their elders… I like it."

"Perfect! So tomo-" Yamamoto was interrupted by a flying tonfa coming from nowhere.

"The omnivores are mine first."

"Hibari?! Where were you all night?" And of course, no answers were given, angering the Storm.

"Hibari-san!" Tsuna came pulled by the sudden appearance of his Cloud Guardian. "I thought Reborn confiscated your tonfas for tonight!"

"And I did, Decimo. But it's 00:01 now." Reborn said from his student's shoulder.

"And that means I'm due a fight." Hibari turned to the trio, tonfas in hand and attacked. If not for the years in the battleground, Prussia wouldn't have dodged it.

"Relax! We can fight tomorrow in the morning, hombre." Spain put an arm on Hibari's shoulders. "Come! Have a drink with us!" Hibari pushed him, spilling his wine on the floor and then a tonfa went straight to his abdomen, sending him to the opposite wall, where the illusionists and England where chatting.

"Spain, what the hell?!" England looked at the apparently unconscious Spain.

"Oya? The skylark send us something, and I think it's dead." In that moment, a battle axe materialized is Spain's right hand and used it to stand up. "Or not. Impressive…".

"That is all you got, child? It can't compare to Romano's headbut." Spain said with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You have to learn to accept a drink. Maybe I should teach you." And the battles began.

"Hibari-san, please! Stop that!" Tsuna dodged a vase thrown in his direction. "Spain-san!"

"There is no case there, Tsunayoshi." Said France.

"Yep, that guy is dead. No one mess with a drunk Spanien and his drink." Confirmed Prussia

"Hieeeee! No way!"

"Decimo should we do something?" Said Gokudera.

"Ve! Fratello Spagna is fighting! Look fratello!"

"Che cazzo? What the hell is that bastard doing?"

"Look America! They're having an EXTREME fight! Should we join?"


"No wait America-san, Oni-san!" Tsuna could see were this was going.

"What the hell do you think you are doing git?!" England shouted at nobody in particular.

"SHUT UP PIRATE!" Spain shouted back while holding Hibari's tonfas with his axe.

"What did you call me?!" And England joined the battle.

"Maybe we should join too, Mukuro-sama."

"I like how you think, Nagi. Let's give some nightmares"

"Wait! Mukuro! Chrome not you too…"

"NYAHAHAHA! Let's battle, slave!" Said Lambo from Russia's shoulders.

"Da" And Russia walked in with pipe in hand.

"France we can't be let out! Kesesese!" Prussia graved France's arm and lead him to the all out war in the middle of the room.

"No! Prusse!"

"Kesesese. What are you waiting for, old man?"

"What?" Gokudera grabbed his dynamites. "There only can be one albino left!" Yamamoto run behind the right hand man laughing.

"Wait! No you two too!" He can see the pile of paperwork growing with every piece of furniture destroyed.

"You should make them stop, De-ci-mo." Reborn smirked in Romano's shoulder.

"Why me? I don't want to be a mafia boss!"


One last review? Maybe telling me if you liked it or not, or throwing shit at me for not uploading before.