Author's Note: This is my first Resident Evil fic! It's told from Steve's POV. It'll be a little different from the original game plot (of course).

When I woke up, I discovered that my cell had been completely destroyed. I was half-buried in rubble, and the mangled bodies of guards and prisoners were scattered everywhere. My head was throbbing from the explosion. Where had that explosion come from? Was there some sort of attack?

I didn't have time to figure it out, the explosion had given me an opportunity to escape this crazy place. I brushed off the debris and climbed over the mess. I noticed the bodies of my captors. What on earth happened to them? It looked like something had been eating them...

I shuddered. I needed to leave. Now. I started to head towards the stairs. Maybe I should look for a map or something...

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a low groaning. I wondered if it was one of the prisoners.

"Is someone there?" I called out. There was no answer, just a soft shuffling sound. There was another moan. I began walking towards the source of the sounds. Maybe someone had survived the attack.

"Hello?" an injured man stumbled out. It was hard to see him in the dark, but I was thankful that it was one of the prisoners. I didn't want any of the guards to find me down here. I quickly rushed over to him.

"Hey. Hold on, I'll help you get out of here," I said to him. He stumbled forward and fell toward me.

He's really hurt, I thought. I crouched near him to help him up. His hand clamped down on my foot as he tried to pull himself toward me. I let out a gasp as I got a clear view of his hand. It was shriveled and gray, chunks of flesh were missing from it...

The man, or what had been a man, was now trying to clamp his jaw onto my shoe. Disgusted, I kicked him. It hadn't been a very hard kick, yet the man dropped to the ground. A large piece of his scalp fell off, revealing bone and muscle.

Oh gross! What was that guy? He looked a...
Okay that does it. It's time to get out of here. I'll get out of this crazy place and get to an airport and escape...

I turned away from the zombie and ran, hoping that would be the last zombie I'd see.