Belle took a deep breath before knocking at the door of the pinkest house she had ever seen.

She had heard all the horror stories from the young girls in town whom had interviewed for the live in Nanny position to the town recluse's only child. Surprisingly the horror stories weren't about father but about the one year old boy. Stories ran amok from screaming fits, to hitting, biting and even a case of projectile vomiting. That was all just from the initial screening processes.

Currently, she could hear a tantrum being thrown as if she was in the same room so she raised her hand and knocked a bit louder. She needed this job. Difficult child or not, Mr. Gold was offering a substantial amount of money, enough to make a sizable dent in her ever growing student loans.

Finally the door was thrown open and appeared as disheveled as she had ever seen him. When she saw him in town he was always very well put together without a single hair out of place. This could not possibly be the same man but she must say, he was still quite handsome, even as distressed as he obviously was.

"Ms. French," he sighed, running a hand through his hair in an effort to straighten it. "You're a bit early I'm afraid. Caught Bae in the process of naptime."

Belle had to refrain from chuckling. "Doesn't sound like much napping is being done," she referred to the screaming toddler that was just barely visible from the pack-n-play in the living room.

"Yes, well. He screams and cries then finally drinks his milk and falls asleep a few hours later. It's a process as I say."

"May I?" she gestured. Gold stepped aside and she entered the house hoping she hadn't bitten off more than she could chew. She didn't have much experience with kids but she remembered her mother soothing her to sleep as a child.

"Hi there Bae, I'm Belle," she said kneeling at eye level with the unhappy boy. "Can I pick you up?"

Bae quieted though his brown eyes still shown with tears. He didn't reach for her but he didn't scream when she slid her hands under his arms and laid him against her shoulder. He willingly tucked his head in against the crook of Belle's neck as she hummed in his ear and very lightly ran her fingers up and down the boy's then began to sway in time with her humming and several moments later tiny snores could be heard.

Gold watched her in amazement.

"Stay forever," he murmured.

Belle smiled and laughed gently at that. "I'll stay with you forever.

She didn't know how true those words would be.