It was a Wednesday. Kuroko normally worked after school on Wednesdays, but not on this particular Wednesday. Why? It was because Kuroko was far too busy obeying the thermometer's plea for freedom from Misaka's mouth. Face flat, her caramel eyes judged the numbers displayed across the device's measly screen. Her frown steepened as she took a seat upon the edge of the bed.

"Thirty-eight degrees," she announced.

"That isn't high enough..." Misaka paused to cough. "To be considered a fever..."

Kuroko had to simply hold out a hand. Seconds after she summoned a voluptuous medical encyclopedia, she discovered she needed two hands instead. For obvious reasons, the book had been seldom used. Kuroko only recalled it because she happened to push it aside a week ago while settling into their new, but temporary, dorm. For once, the recollection served her well. After furiously turning through centuries of discoveries, diagnoses, and cures, she finally landed on her desired page. She already knew the answer, but her prejudice eyes swam through paragraphs of microscopic text for affirmation.

"That doesn't seem to be what the Mayo Clinic thinks," she corrected smoothly.

"Who cares about what they think?"

"Almost everyone."

"I don't."

"Of course..."

Despite aching all over, Misaka tossed and turned with malice, sounding with heinous groans.

"I can't have this today. Anytime but today..."

Something important to Misaka was to occur on that day? Kuroko would not settle for being the quiet bystander; she simply had to butt in and help whichever way she could! Passion propelled her hand to shut the book in her lap with force, momentarily scaring the latter out of her skin.

"What's the matter, Sissy? Do you need to be somewhere today? Tell me! I'll go for you."

"Don't you have work?"

"Yes, but I've hoarded my sick days for this sort of emergency. I'll do whatever'll make you feel better. I swear!"

Hopeless, the sickling sunk deeper into the embrace of mountains of blankets.

"You won't care."

"It has to do with you, and I care about anything that has to do with you."

"You really wouldn't!"

"I would too, Sissy!"

"Why're we shouting?"

"Because! You simply don't understand the depths of my-"

"Alright! Fine! There's an exclusive one-day giveaway of Gekota keychains at the phone tower. There's supposed to be some politician speaking there, but that's not what I care about... I just want one of the stupid keychains he's giving out."

The room became quiet.

As one who boasted absolute, unyielding trust in Mikoto Misaka, Kuroko at last struck a vein of hypocrisy; though she guaranteed otherwise, it turned out that Misaka was right. Kuroko did not care at all. She could not properly tally Misaka's collection of frog-shaped pieces of plastic. The number was much too great. Much too intimidating. She had a phone case, cell phone straps, plushes, figurines, keychains, bath bombs, pajamas... underwear... The last thing that girl needed was more to add to that hoard!

However, it was important to recall that entire collection shared the same fate as the building it called home. It was all nothing more than a few grains of ashes that joined the mountain on the opposite side of the campus. Kuroko detested the idea of allowing Misaka to rebuild her collection. Had she not realized how childish it made her look? This was a chance for her to finally behave like the refined, mature, and glorious star she was!

But Kuroko had one weakness when it came to her opposition: Misaka's pitifully somber expression, which buried itself back into her pillow. In an interval of silence, Kuroko stared at the back of her beloved's head, lips sinking into a disappointed scowl.

How puny was her supposedly strong constitution!

"I'll get it for you..." she muttered. The agreement lured Misaka onto her back, where she stared at her friend, bewilderment in her eyes.

"Will you? Really?"

"Certes, my dear. I'll lie down my every prejudice for your sake. For your happiness, I will embrace this upcoming storm! No matter how choppy the waters, no matter how coarse the tides, I'll cut through the mire with the edge of my ship and prosper. If ever my ship tips or rips, goodness forbid, I can still tread the sea. Never shall I drown, for I know what responsibilities crave my tending. I shan't disappoint them! I shan-"

"Thanks, Kuroko. You aren't so bad after all."

Kuroko calmed her drama into a pause, where she stared at her love in the silence.

Down the isles of the district's nearest drug store, Kuroko hunted for her prey: fever reducer, which she distastefully found missing from their medicine cabinet back home. She was so fixated on her mission at hand that she happened to miss the cashier greet her on her way in. For once, it was okay for her to seem rude; she had to be at the cellphone tower by sixteen hundred, otherwise she'd miss the opportunity to capture Misaka's favor.

It displeased her to be greeted by a plethora of different brands of fever reducer in the medicine isle, where she froze and stared. The longer she looked, the more overwhelmed she became. With a spinning head, she closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and gently unknotted the knots in her shoulders. She returned to the selection with a vengeance.

"There's quite a variety here, but Sissy deserves only the very best this store has to offer. Maybe I should get one of each and let her pick? Let's tally how much that would cost me. Hm... This one's fourteen hundred, thirteen hundred, eight hundred, nineteen hundred..." With each addition, her face sank lower. Upon counting the final box of medicine and adding for a grand total, a faint quarrel erupted in the pit of her stomach. Shaking her head, she shut her eyes tightly. "Blast. Buying one of each will leave my budget in shambles for at least three months. I'll have to narrow it down to a smaller number. Three, maybe? No. Five's a prettier number, but if I choose quantity, I'll sacrifice quality. What makes quality fever reducer anyhow? Would the best quality product be the most expensive? No, probably not. Ingredients would be a better thing to look at instead." She captured a random hostage and interrogated it for answers. However, the prisoner spoke a language she could not understand, leaving her efforts useless. "Carrageenan, castor oil, corn starch, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, hypro... mellose...? Like I know what any of that's supposed to be." As she returned her inmate back to its home, her eyes subtly glossed to the side. The front counter met her, where its attendant fiddled behind a shelf. "Guess I have no choice but to lie down my pride and get a recommendation."

Striding to the counter did her nothing besides evoking even more questions, for, when the attendant emerged from hiding to greet her, Kuroko's heart stilled. As her eyes widened, the employee drew nearer, eventually pausing before the counter.

Was she dreaming?

Was she hallucinating?

Mikoto Misaka stood right in front of her!

It was a mystery how she changed out of her pajamas and into her uniform so quickly, and her face somehow returned to its original, unflushed state. It was as if weeks had gone by; Misaka's fever was cured, and she also got herself a job at the drug store!

But one thing was off: her eyes. Where there should have been a spark, a reflection from the light above them... there was dullness. She had the eyes of a dead person's... or one of those creepy dolls Kongou had a knack for collecting. Her emotionless face easily slipped into the valley of the uncanny, which promptly sent a chill down her observer's spine.

"'Welcome,' MISAKA greets politely to the customer," the girl greeted politely to the customer.

In response, Kuroko whitened.

"C-Could it be? Did that common fever permanently damage Sissy's brain to the point where she doesn't remember me and is deduced to speaking in the third person?" she thought to herself fearfully, tempted to back away. In the meantime, the hairs on the back of her neck erected.

"'You seem pale,' MISAKA observes, silently assuming the customer is seeking medication to treat the condition," Misaka observed, silently assuming the customer was seeking medication to treat the condition. "'I am not a doctor, but I might be able to provide the proper treatment if you describe your symptoms,' MISAKA adds in attempt to offer assistance to the customer as her manager instructed."

"C-Could... Could you stop talking like that, please?" Kuroko found it difficult to get that much out. She was beginning to conclude that this wasn't her dear Misaka that she spoke with, but that only brought up more questions.

"'Stop talking like what?' MISAKA inquires while raising her brow to emphasize her inability to comprehend the customer's request," Misaka inquired while raising her brow to emphasize her inability to comprehend the customer's request. The nonsense morphed Kuroko's confusion into frustration.

"Like that," she replied, a little less polite. One of her hands spread across the surface of the counter as she leaned nearer. "Look, it's one thing to go around impersonating my Sissy, but it's another to mock me the way you're mocking me right now. I'll let this slide if you cut that act and help me find some fever reducer."

The knockoff stared back at Kuroko with her lifeless eyes as if she attempted to compute some sort of response. Compute was a good word to attribute to the girl; as if she were some sort of android, her tone sounded with little emotion, and her movements were rigid. Kuroko did not know how much longer she could stare the girl down before she was creeped out enough to back off.

"'I am unsure as to why you would insist that I am impersonating someone,' MISAKA replies after a thorough session of reflection. 'It is possible that I simply look similar to someone you know, but it is not something that is worth being discussed any further,' MISAKA conjectures in attempt to resolve the tension between she and the customer, hoping it would prevent any sort of unnecessary conflict. 'However,' MISAKA continues, 'I can most certainly assist you with the requested product. Right this way,' finishes MISAKA as she departs from behind the counter, careful not to trip on the carpet trim like she did the day before," finished Misaka as she departed from behind the counter, careful not to trip on the carpet trim like she did the day before.

Flustered, Kuroko followed close behind, making extra sure not to turn her back on the strange girl. She led her right back to where she had once stood contemplating, and it was little to her amusement. After turning back around to face her, the attendant motioned to her right.

"'This is our selection of fever reducers,' explains MISAKA as she directs her hand to the fever reducer section of isle number three. 'While you browse, I will be making my way back to the cash register to prepare for our exchange,' MISAKA adds as she begins to walk toward the front counter from which she had just departed," Misaka added as she began to walk toward the front counter from which she had just departed.

"Hold it," Kuroko growled, making the employee halt. "I'm not done."

"'Oh? What further assistance do you require?' asks MISAKA, silently wishing the illiberal girl had chosen a different drug store instead of the one at which MISAKA works," asked Misaka, silently wishing the illiberal girl had chosen a different drug store instead of the one at which Misaka worked.

Kuroko's patience began to run dry.

"I'm here to pick up some medicine for someone that's very special to me, so I want only the best this place has to offer." She eased closer. "I'm sure you've heard of her. It's the girl you're obviously trying to imitate? The original girl who dresses the way you do?"

"'The original?' echoes MISAKA, recognizing the term," echoed Misaka, recognizing the term.

"Yeah. Everyone knows that I, Kuroko Shirai, am the property of none other than Mikoto Misaka herself, so I know this is a little game you're playing. You're not Mikoto Misaka, you sham. If you knew even half of how offended you're making me, impersonating my Sissy..."

"'I am Misaka,' affirms MISAKA with an ironclad tone," affirmed Misaka with an ironclad tone.

"Not Mikoto Misaka," Kuroko argued.

"'I must inform you that your stance is incorrect, for myself and Misaka are one in the same,' MISAKA explains, giving up hope that the illiberal girl can be reasoned with," Misaka explained, giving up hope that the illiberal girl can be reasoned with.

"How so?"


The train, once chugging full steam ahead, came to a screeching halt. While baring with the painful noises of rusted metal wheels scratching against rusted metal tracks, Kuroko's face softened. Confusion mixed with anger before it eventually enveloped her entire expression. After blinking, she returned to being weary of the girl.

"Excuse me?"


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"'I seek password confirmation,' answers MISAKA, expressing doubt that the illiberal girl could properly respond," answered Misaka, expressing doubt that the illiberal girl could properly respond. "'Judging by your inability to respond correctly, you were not involved in the experiment. Therefore, I am unable to answer your question,' concludes MISAKA firmly, hoping the subject will change to something more comfortable," concluded Misaka firmly, hoping the subject would change to something more comfortable.

Baffled, Kuroko stared even longer at the girl, waiting until she turned back around to return to the front counter. Eyes narrowing, Kuroko watched the girl with extreme prejudice, teeth grinding against one another.

"Well, you may hide your argument behind some password, but I'm more than happy to reveal mine." She teleported closer to the girl, whose back remained turned to her. One of her sneaky fingers, skilled from practice, pinched the bottom of the girl's skirt and promptly lifted it. Beneath the garment, prejudice eyes found stripes, not Gekota. In response to Kuroko's act, the fake paused, slowly turned around, and gave her a deathly glare. Kuroko was too smug to be intimidated by the expression. "Heh. Knew it. You may think you're Mikoto Misaka's biggest fan, but you don't know her with even half the intimacy that I do. She is my Sissy after all. Sissy won't ever admit to it, but she adores her limited edition 'Gekota: Teamwork is the Cure' panties. She washes the entire set every Friday so she can wear them during the week. Today's Wednesday, so she should be wearing the pair with the orange polka dots with the winking Gekota face. But what's this I've found here? White and blue stripes? Preposterous! Sissy probably won't even consider those until she's at least seventeen." With her eyes half-lided, Kuroko ebbed even nearer, raising a brow. "Gig's up. I win."

"'It has recently come to my knowledge that revealing one's undergarments is deemed socially unacceptable in public spaces,' states MISAKA, recalling the employee training video she watched two weeks ago. 'Title Seven of the JAUW's Civil Rights bill prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace, and any misconducts must be reported to the authorities immediately,' adds MISAKA before heading to the store's landline with the intention to call the police," added Misaka before heading to the store's landline with the intention to call the police.

Kuroko then realized she had made a mistake.

"W-Wait. Hold on. We're both girls here, aren't we?" she inquired while recalling Saten's constant shenanigans with Uiharu. She followed closely behind the girl as she made her way back to the front. "It's fine when it's just girls messing around. Boys are a different story."

"'Your pattern of speech, especially in regard to the original, leads me to believe you are what is called a homosexual, a natural phenomenon in which one organism is sexually attracted to members of the same sex,' explains MISAKA calmly as she picks up the telephone. 'Seeing that the both of us are female, I take your misconduct as an unwanted sexual advance, and it must be reported,' MISAKA finishes as she dials for the police station," Misaka finished as she dialed for the police station.

It was set in stone: the phony was not changing her mind, likely because she was fixated on revenge for losing the argument. Kuroko had no choice but to flee the scene, no different than the petty criminals she chased almost every day. After she disappeared, the cashier's eyes narrowed, and she gently replaced the handset on the base.

"'A mere description will not be good enough for the police to catch the criminal,' mutters MISAKA, disappointed that the perpetrator has escaped. 'It is necessary that I upload the image to the MISAKA Network,' MISAKA adds as she begins to open the MISAKA network, calling to its many members."

"'What is the matter, MISAKA-14458?' inquires MISAKA-19003 after receiving the image uploaded by MISAKA-14458."

"'A mishap has occurred in my workplace,' answers MISAKA-14458, glad to receive an instantaneous response from MISAKA-19003. 'Unfortunately, I am not permitted to leave the store during my shift, so I must ask a favor of you,' adds MISAKA-14458 as she uploads an additional picture of the perpetrator for an improved reference selection. 'The girl you now see is one Kuroko Shirai. She has sexually assaulted me, and sexual assault violates Title Seven of the JAUW's Civil Rights bill. It is vital that she is apprehended and punished for her misbehavior,' elaborates MISAKA-14458."

"'I agree with your solution. It has come to our attention that sexual assault is a serious crime,' contributes MISAKA-10044, anger encouraging her to take action against the menace."

"'I will gladly set my errands aside to assist in the apprehension,' adds MISAKA-17768 while returning her groceries to their respective shelves, receiving strange looks from fellow shoppers."

"'What?' exclaims MISAKA MISAKA angrily. 'Anyone who dares to pick on MISAKA MISAKA or her sisters will face the consequences!' adds MISAKA MISAKA as her napping roommate yells at her for being too noisy."

"'I will indefinitely call for reinforcements,' states MISAKA-15673, hoping the others will do the same if they have not already."

As she sighed, the phony's shoulders sank easily, allowing her to find peace.

"'Your concern and efforts are appreciated,' MISAKA-14458 breathes, expressing her gratitude. 'I wish you luck in finding and capturing the perpetrator,' finishes MISAKA-14458."

Kuroko thought she had left that ordeal behind, having delved deeper into the city. Since it was nearing sixteen hundred, she aimed directly for the Hasegawa Cellphone Tower, which was situated in a denser part of the city. Thanks to her nifty esper ability, traveling there was not a concern of hers...

Even though it should've been, since it allowed her to catch the eye of a seemingly random pedestrian. She sat at the bus stop, petting a stray she'd found wandering the streets. Over her auburn bangs was a pair of bulky goggles. A Tokiwadai uniform masked her white undershirt, which was neatly tucked into her skirt. Even if Kuroko flashed by for a second, a second was all the pedestrian needed to take notice.

"'By sheer luck, I've caught eye of the perpetrator on the end of the eightieth block while petting this nice dog I found,' alerts MISAKA-10044, taking her hand from the dog's soft head."

"'That is several blocks away from MISAKA-14458's workplace,' notes MISAKA-17768, baffled at how quickly the perpetrator can travel."

"'You should be more focused on tracking down the perpetrator, MISAKA-10044, not petting a dog,' MISAKA-15673 scolds, frustrated by MISAKA-10044's lack of participation."

"'The perpetrator has demonstrated the possession of spacial movement-type esper abilities,' describes MISAKA-10044, intentionally ignoring MISAKA-15673's frustrated comment. 'This would properly explain why she has covered so much ground,' MISAKA-10044 adds to better explain their enemy."

"'I happen to be near the eightieth block,' MISAKA-10055 injects, pleased that her current position has proven advantageous in the situation. 'When my shift is over, I will immediately join in the search,' MISAKA-10055 also mentions, knowing her addition to the resolve will boost the network's morale."

"'I too am near the eightieth block. I'm heading out,' MISAKA-12899 states, leaving the department store in which she had been searching for the perpetrator."

"'MISAKA MISAKA is going to the eightieth block now!' MISAKA MISAKA informs while receiving questioning looks from strangers on the subway. 'MISAKA MISAKA will be there to get a piece of the action too!' MISAKA MISAKA also says to reaffirm MISAKA MISAKA's excitement."

"'In the meantime, we will need to devise a strategy that will give us the advantage in spite of the perpetrator's spacial movement-type abilities,' MISAKA-10053 strategizes while sprinting down the sidewalk of the thirtieth block, starting to lose her breath."

"'The theory of probability will give us the advantage we need,' MISAKA-10044 assures while rising from the bench, prepared to follow the perpetrator."

She was the subject of a conversation that was literally spread across all of Academy City, but Kuroko knew absolutely nothing about it. She was a bit too fixated on finding that silly rally that supposedly took place in front of the phone tower, a place that did not require too much effort to find. A large, colorful crowd caught her eye, and she felt drawn to it. She knew she was at the right place when she was met with several posters, buttons, fliers, balloons, and banners, each inked with the same picture of the same man. Ever since she was young, Kuroko knew politicians were full of themselves, so a place with a man's face plastered everywhere was likely a politician's rally.

In the midst of a crowd, Kuroko landed on the pavement, unnoticed by her fellow peers. They occupied themselves with watching and listening to a pudgy man standing atop a platform. He spoke loudly, mouth gaping wide with passion for certain words. Perhaps, Kuroko wondered, the man would open his mouth so wide he gobbled the microphone whole. Instead of listening to whatever lies he had to say, she zoned out, pondering on what other drug store offered fever reducer... which was probably just about every other drug store in the city. In a city that housed millions, she was not dry of options, but she wanted to be as quick as she could for her Sissy's sake.

When the people around her began to cheer and clap, Kuroko knew the politician was finished. Like a philanthropist, he welcomed his listeners to refreshments, which would be found on tables right next to the base of the tower. Tending to them was a small army of women, all hard at work. For just a moment, Kuroko was fooled; she saw the politician as a humble, sharing man, but she quickly remembered the way they played their game. They attempted to gain innocent people's votes by swooning them with simple favors. She was familiar with that age-old tactic, being one who employed it (too) many times when it came to Misaka. She knew better than to fall for the trap.

Though she would not fall victim to the sly politician's advances, Kuroko was more than obliged to take advantage of his offerings. Without even the slightest amount of guilt, she teleported her way to the tables, beating those who even had a head start. With only one thing on her mind, she perused the free, but cheap, little mementos. In the meantime, the workers, fresh and peppy, eagerly attempted to grab her attention.

"Thanks for coming! Care for a chocolate covered strawberry?"

Kuroko did take one of those, but, like an unwavering ship, she did not stray from her goal. Her hard, cold eyes remained glued to those tables, searching and searching as though her life depended on it (in some ways, she had convinced herself that her life did depend on it). While looking, she absently sucked on the strawberry she had acquired from the lady, and by the time she finished it, she reached the end of the line. There they were: a box filled with plastic shaped into a familiar green character, a patriotic hachimaki tied around his forehead. With a sense of victory, she smirked.

Until she heard the box's attendant.

"'Thank you for coming,' MISAKA greets her visitor, attempting to sound excited like her employer instructed, likely to further persuade the visitor to vote for him. 'Would you like a limited edition 'Gekota: Adventures in Rainbow World' keychain?' MISAKA offers, secretly reluctant to give away the keychains because she too is interested in having one," Misaka offered, secretly reluctant to give away the keychains because she too is interested in having one.

Kuroko froze, and her eyes widened. Painfully slow, she lifted her head until she was face to face with a familiar, and dear, face: Misaka, except her eyes were still as dull as a doll's. An identical Tokiwadai uniform clothed her body. A pair of bulky goggles covered her forehead, smashing her bangs over her eyebrows. Whitening, Kuroko felt tempted to stutter, but the most she could do was lift a limp finger to point at her.

"Y-Y-You..." Any minute now, she feared, the wailing of police sirens would sound behind her. She might have to flee the city. Heck, maybe even the country. She'd seek refuge all the way in Scandinavia, Finland preferably, and live a secret life, constantly hiding from her trip to the pokey. Would she ever get to see Misaka again? How long would it be? Would Misaka have moved on and started her own life by then? Would she have gotten herself a normal job? Would she have gotten married to that monkey? Would she have had children? Would she have forgotten all about her dear old friend Kuroko? How was Kuroko supposed to make Misaka her wife if she was busy hiding in Finland?


Kuroko wasn't handing Misaka over to Touma Kamijou that easily.

She wasn't running away.

She was going to straighten up. Stand tall. Let nothing knock her down.

She was going to stare her problem in the eye no matter how brightly it shined.

"You again," Kuroko resounded sternly, the polar opposite of her fearful voice from before. The phony Misaka stared back, seemingly emotionless. "How'd you get here so fast?"

"'The answer is simple: I am not the same MISAKA you saw at the drug store. That was one of my sisters,' explains MISAKA while she connects to the MISAKA Network to relay urgent news to its other users," explained Misaka while she connected to the Misaka Network to relay urgent news to its other users.

"So there's a whole family of you imposters... or is this some kind of Mikoto Misaka-worshipping cult? Sisters... 'Misaka Network'... That does sound a bit cultish. I'm interested in joining."

"'It is impossible for you to join the MISAKA Network, for you are not a MISAKA, nor were you involved in the experiments,' MISAKA replies to keep the perpetrator occupied long enough for the others to arrive," Misaka replied to keep the perpetrator occupied long enough for the others to arrive.

With a frown, Kuroko's brows raised.

"Waiting for who to arrive?"

"'I am waiting for my sisters,' responds MISAKA," responded Misaka.

Unbeknownst to Kuroko, who thought she had the situation under control, a second imposter burst through the skylight on the roof of a nearby department store. She recklessly tossed her book bag on the ground and whipped out a conspicuous hunk of metal. It was conspicuous for a reason; it was a gun.

"'I have eyes on the target and am within firing range,' states MISAKA-15673 while loading her Metal Eater MX with newly purchased MS-222 bullets." A skillful, familiar flick of the loading chamber sealed the winning shot inside the weapon.

"'We have successfully calculated potential escape routes the perpetrator may take in the event of a missed shot,' informs MISAKA-12666. 'All hands, report your location,' MISAKA-12666 adds, making sure the others are prepared for the operation."

"'Coordinates: 35° 41.411' 46" N 139° 41.543' 57" E. In position,' confirms MISAKA-10032, readying her weapon in case it is needed."

"'Coordinates: 35° 41.891' 76" N 139° 41.899' 29" E. In position,' confirms MISAKA-10033, taking cover behind a mailbox so that the perpetrator will not see her if she chose to teleport to her location."

"'Coordinates: 35° 40.001' 42" N 139° 41.500' 57.879" E. In position,' confirms MISAKA-10034, unable to withdraw and ready her weapon because her coordinates are in the middle of a crowded restaurant."

"'Coordinates: 35° 35.447' 30" N 139° 40.593' 19.73" E. I'm almost in position,' confirms MISAKA-10035, slowed by a pestering child."

"'That 'pestering' child is MISAKA MISAKA, and MISAKA MISAKA is with MISAKA-10035 to watch!' clarifies MISAKA MISAKA, hoping MISAKA-15673's shot will miss the perpetrator so that she will teleport some place nearer."

"'Coordinates: 35° 20.001' 29" N 139° 41.533' 20.3" E. In position,' confirms MISAKA-10036, unable to report to her precise destination because it is in the middle of a waterway."

As the locations continued to be relayed through the network, the phony atop the department store fidgeted a while longer with her rifle. The safety was relieved of its duty. The barrel of the gun, to achieve the best stability, propped itself upon her knee. After shoving her goggles down her forehead, she carefully peered into the scope, prepared to take aim.

"'I have the perpetrator in sight. I am prepared to take the shot,' MISAKA-15673 reports, her index finger itching to pull the trigger."

"'Fire! Fire!' exclaims MISAKA MISAKA excitedly!"

As if she were the goddess of good timing, Kuroko's eyes widened in the midst of an intense stare down with the attendant. It was then, when a sudden, and alarming, thought barged into her head. She withdrew, losing the staring match.

"W-Wait a minute... How did you know I was at the drug store?"

Before the fake Misaka could reply, a noise caught their attention. The source of the noise, which sounded right next to the toe of Kuroko's shoe, was a small dart, which now rattled on the ground. Its sharp nose had been bent by the concrete it struck just moments ago. The longer Kuroko stared, the more her heartbeat quickened.

Never mind. Finland it was.

Slowly, she lifted her head once more, spying upon the unamused Misaka. She stared at the dart longer than Kuroko did, but when their eyes met a second time, she cleared her throat.

"'The MS-222 bullet has missed the target's leg by approximately five point twenty-two centimeters,' MISAKA-10055 regrets to report, confident the perpetrator will hurriedly flee the scene now that she realizes she is under attack."

"'My apologies. I endeavor to aim more accurately next time,' MISAKA-15673 sighs, overwhelmed by immense embarrassment."

As expected, Kuroko disappeared the soonest she could, sweat gathering above her furrowed brows. Where she fled was unknown to all but herself, but the conversation that spread across the city furiously scrambled to turn the table.

"'The perpetrator has just fled the scene,' inputs MISAKA-10055, hoping the others will be able to rediscover the perpetrator before she escapes."

"'All hands, report if the perpetrator has appeared at your location,' commands MISAKA-12666 firmly to reenforce the severity of the situation."

"'Negative,' reports MISAKA-10032."

"'Negative,' reports MISAKA-10033."

"'Negative,' reports MISAKA-10034."

"'Negative,' reports MISAKA-10035."

"'Negative,' reports MISAKA-10036."

"'Affirmative. I'm taking the shot,' reports MISAKA-12844 while beginning to aim her Metal Eater MX across the street, careful not to accidentally shoot or alarm any uninvolved pedestrians."

Kuroko landed on the sidewalk after gathering some distance from the cellphone tower, accidentally obstructing a civilian that had been there before her. As she stumbled out of his way, she began to prowl, nervously frowning and fixing her eyes forth. She had to study each and every face that passed her, or else she would surely grow even more uncomfortable. Who knew what other people were part of this strange cult that was now out for her throat? It wasn't Kuroko, and she wasn't in the mood to take her chances.

Past her ran a young woman, who giggled. Nothing seemed off about her, and probably for good reason: she was just a plain, harmless woman, who playfully turned back around to watch a young man rush after her. Two frolicking lovers, Kuroko assumed. She considered admiring them to take off some edge, but she would not get to relax long. When it was the young man's turn to pass her, he stopped suddenly to release a hiss. A hand reached for his shoulder as he slowed, and his girlfriend returned to him quickly. Out of concern, Kuroko too approached him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" asked the woman.

"I don't know, babe, I just..." He lifted his hand to reveal a dart, which had gone straight through his upper arm. After the woman gasped, his breath grew heavy. "Man... I don't feel so good all of a sudden..." He began to collapse. Luckily, his lover and another concerned neighbor caught him before he could plummet to the ground.

"What's wrong with him?" screeched the girlfriend.

"I don't know, ma'am... Is... Is this a tranquilizer dart?"

Kuroko whitened after hearing the exchange, and her head whipped to the direction from which the dart hailed. Emerging from behind a bus stop was Misaka, goggles drawn over her eyes. Clutched in her hands was what Kuroko could only assume was a military grade sniper rifle. The moment their eyes met, Kuroko fled once more, balancing on the edge of panicking.

In the wake of the girl's disappearance, Misaka quickly began to return her weapon to her book bag.

"'Unfortunately, in spite of my optimal range and location, I have failed. A civilian interrupted my shot at the perpetrator,' MISAKA-12844 utters, less embarrassed than MISAKA-15673 because her failure had nothing to do with her lack of skill."

"'Was that intended to be an insult?' inquires MISAKA-15673 in attempt to start a conflict between she and MISAKA-12844 so that she will win and thus repair her ego."

"'Stop arguing!' MISAKA MISAKA growls angrily, baffled that MISAKA MISAKA's sisters would choose a time like this to fight each other! 'MISAKA-14458's harasser is getting away, and MISAKA MISAKA will be very upset if that happens!' adds MISAKA MISAKA, beginning to sound like a spoiled child!"

"'Very well,' MISAKA-12844 quickly complies to show that she is more mature than MISAKA-15673."

"'We will settle this once the perpetrator is captured,' agrees MISAKA-15673, trying to bide her increasing anger."

Kuroko reappeared elsewhere: a random room in a random building. She had reached a point in which she no longer cared if she trespassed any forbidden territory, for the imminent fear of being discovered by her mysterious pursuers drove her to unlawful acts.

Additional investigation led Kuroko to believe she found herself in the midst of an office building. What sort of office it was happened to be irrelevant to her. So long as it offered a sufficient place to hide herself, she was more than willing to acquaint herself with it.

She prowled through her new friend, hoping to familiarize herself with it more. Dozens of computers were scattered across the room. The lights were turned off, but the size of the room's windows allowed her to see plenty. A water jug rested on the side of the wall. To give herself competent ammunition, she took the time to dash her fingers across every object she could, including those computers and the jug. She would never know when she would need them...

It would be far sooner than she thought.

From the hall rolled a visitor, the umpteenth Misaka, whose weapon was clutched tightly in her hands. After landing on her feet, she crouched, aimed, and promptly began to fire furious amounts of rounds. Kuroko noticed her presence just in time to teleport out of the way of the barrage, and she reappeared right above her attacker. A drop kick would not be delivered to Misaka, for she launched herself out of the way. After Kuroko landed on her feet, which did not collide with a skull like she intended, Misaka took her aim once more.

She had the advantage, to Kuroko's dismay. After yanking on the trigger of her weapon, several darts more launched toward her target. Kuroko could not teleport herself out of the way quick enough, but the darts still did not hit her. Instead, they pelted several computer monitors, which appeared in the air to shield their summoner. When gravity played its part and sent those monitors to the floor, a new wave of obstructions appeared. A water jug was the final stand against Misaka's attack. The more darts the jug took, the more water spewed out of its wounds, and it soon burst. Soaking wet, Misaka heaved in the wake of the confrontation, and when the commotion died down, she found that Kuroko had used it to escape.

Misaka grit her teeth and relieved the goggles from her eyes.

"'The perpetrator has begun to retaliate,' notes MISAKA-17492, wringing out her wet uniform."

"'Did you get her? Did you get her?' MISAKA MISAKA inquires, unable to stomach the suspense."

"'No. She is skilled in both defense and offense,' MISAKA-17492 answers, beginning to worry the perpetrator may be too difficult to catch. 'I would advise ambushing her in groups, or, if we can coordinate quickly enough, attack her all at once. It is less likely that she will have the coordination to focus on multiple opponents,' strategizes MISAKA-17492, hoping the rest of the network will contribute ideas."

"'Your observations will prove beneficial to our bottom line. We will begin working on countermeasures,' replies MISAKA-12666, confident the perpetrator will soon run out of options and be forced to surrender."

"'I have a report,' interrupts MISAKA-19664 with an urgent tone. 'I have caught sight of the perpetrator. She is making her way to the old textile factory on the ninth block,' reports MISAKA-19664 while inspecting the building from afar."

"'Do not move in yet, MISAKA-19664,' commands MISAKA-12666 harshly to make sure MISAKA-19664 does not accidentally ruin a prime opportunity by confronting the perpetrator alone. 'All hands, report to MISAKA-19664's location as soon as possible. We will overwhelm the perpetrator with numbers,' finishes MISAKA-12666 while beginning to sprint to the nearest bus stop."

Was it a coincidence that Kuroko happened to have a sinking feeling as the phonies enacted their plan? Not really.

She threw herself against a wall once breaching the largest, and nearest, building she could find, a hand on her pounding heart.

"All of this trouble for lifting a girl's skirt up. Ridiculous. Saten must be a criminal mastermind..." she thought nervously to herself. When she noticed how her hands quivered, she set them in her lap, where they clutched one another. "Just calm down for now, Kuroko..."

She found that to be a chore, since she was only being chased by a large, apparently meticulous, cult of angered Misaka look-alikes. Or did Misaka just have a bunch of doppelgängers? If Kuroko made it back to Tokiwadai alive, she vowed to make it her life's work to keep Misaka away from those fiends, or else it would surely spell misfortune. She would do whatever it took, even if it got her hands dirty.

Speaking of dirty...

When Kuroko lifted her hands, which were on the floor before they migrated to her lap, she found them to be filthy. She scowled at the sight before wiping the grime on her skirt. When she brought herself up to her feet, she dusted the back of her clothing. Afterward, she cautiously prowled over to the hallway's window, out of which she peeked. She found a sight that did not please her the slightest bit.

Misakas littered the outdoors. At least twenty patrolled the streets, and above them, on rooftops, patrolled many more. With each passing minute, they seemed to multiply, for their resolve grew with new additions. Each of them was armed with at least one type of gun, and, judging by the way they handled those guns, they were certainly familiar with them. After blinking, Kuroko's mouth gaped with bewilderment.

"What the hell's going on?"

She was not so hasty to teleport out of the situation. Not until she knew the facts. As far as she knew, Misakas surrounded just one side of the building. What were the chances of more covering the other three sides? If they had the building completely surrounded with staggering numbers, it was likely that Kuroko's teleportation lag would be just enough time for one of them to get a shot in. Just one would do the trick.

She was momentarily distracted by a curious sight: a man, who minded his own business, turned around a corner, where he was met with the sight of hundreds of Misakas, all with their eyes fixed on Kuroko's hiding place. The sight of many identical girls armed with guns (understandably) spooked the man, but he continued down the sidewalk cautiously. Kuroko's followers did not pay the man any mind as he weaved past them.

"Yep. They're after me. No doubts about that..." Kuroko sneered as she turned down the hall with the intention to investigate the state of other flanks.

But then, a door opened, ramming her right in the face. Tears gathered in Kuroko's eyes as a result of being smacked square in the nose, and as she stumbled back, a squadron of Misakas spilled through the doorway. Kuroko knew she was in real trouble then. If she teleported to the outside, she would surely get shot when hundreds of guns were aimed at her, so there was no escape. Well, there seemed to be no escape anyway, since she couldn't teleport thanks to being struck in the nose (which was quite painful). Unable to focus long enough to flee, Kuroko resorted to pitifully withdrawing as her pursuers grew closer.

Their eyes, which were likely as lifeless as the other's, could not be seen, for they were covered by ominous, glowing goggles. The frowns on their faces disapproved of her, even though they had never met. At least it seemed as though they'd never met. That certainly wasn't the case when they spoke.

"'Miss Kuroko Shirai, it is time you stopped trying to escape,' mutters MISAKA grimly as she closes in on the perpetrator," muttered Misaka grimly as she closed in on the perpetrator.

"'The entire building is surrounded, so you will not be able to escape, even with your spacial movement-type esper abilities,' adds MISAKA, wondering what sort of punishment is in store for the perpetrator," added Misaka, wondering what sort of punishment was in store for the perpetrator.

It was so uncanny it sent chills down Kuroko's spine: these girls, all four of them, looked exactly like her true love, whose body she knew better than anyone else. Their height, in addition to being identical to each other's, was identical to Misaka's. Their lips settled at the ideal balance between plump and slim. The width of their frames, which were slightly petite, were eerily similar. Their hair, just like Misaka's, was shoulder length and the perfect autumn's auburn.

"What is this sorcery?" Kuroko couldn't help but ask. "N-No, it's got to be some sort of esper ability. Illusions, maybe? Is there an esper somewhere making me see things that aren't really there? Th-There's... n-no way all of you can look just like her! Hip girth, foot size, hair color... bust si-"

Before she could finish, one of the Misakas fired a dart into her. It struck Kuroko precisely in the shoulder, causing her to wince. Kuroko rambled for only a moment before collapsing like the boyfriend on the street, except she had no one to break her fall. In the wake of the scene, the four Misakas stared at their game before they worked up a smirk.

"'The perpetrator has been successfully sedated,' announces MISAKA-15498 to the rest of the network with pride."

"'The job could not have been done without your contributions,' comments MISAKA-14000 to praise the rest of her sisters while making her way to the perpetrator."

"'MISAKA MISAKA wants to see!' shouts MISAKA MISAKA as MISAKA MISAKA bursts through the door the main squadron used." As promised, a small girl, a child Misaka, rushed down the filthy hall, an oversized lab coat flowing after her. She shoved her way through the legs of her fellow, but taller, Misakas before laying eyes on their enemy, who lay motionless on the floor. The second the young Misaka looked at her, she worked herself up into a frenzy and delivered a light (but powerful in her opinion) blow to the girl's back. "'Take that! Take that!' MISAKA MISAKA taunts to the perpetrator after giving her an explosive kick! 'That's what you get, you pervert! That's what you get!' proclaims MISAKA MISAKA, making extra sure the perpetrator gets what she deserves."

One of the Misakas halted the youngling by subtly patting her shoulder, shaking her head in the meantime.

"'Unfortunately, the perpetrator cannot hear you because she has been knocked unconscious,' informs MISAKA.

"'W-What? Then how're we going to punish her? MISAKA MISAKA wants to see the girl punished! MISAKA MISAKA demands for it!' whines MISAKA MISAKA, fearing justice will not be delivered."

Another Misaka in the hall spoke up.

"'Once she reawakens, we could subject her to Chinese waterboarding,' suggests MISAKA, recalling a television program that discussed medieval torture techniques."

"'Or just regular water torture,' inputs MISAKA, also participating in the conversation."

"'An iron maiden can easily be constructed,' adds MISAKA-17748."

"'Scaphism is possible given the many waterways that run through the countryside,' states MISAKA-17498."

"'There is one request I have left,' MISAKA-14458 speaks up after completing a transaction with a customer, glad to hear the results of the outing."

"'What is that request, MISAKA-14458?' inquires MISAKA-15498, knowing that MISAKA-14458 deserves to decide what ultimately happens to the perpetrator."

"'The perpetrator, before harassing me, proclaimed to be the property of Big Sister. If that is so, the best place to take a misbehaving slave is to its master,' states MISAKA-14458, her statement meant to be a suggestion."

"'The idea is superb. We will look into finding Big Sister and make the delivery,' confirms MISAKA-15498."

With not a word more, took the unconscious Kuroko in their arms, bound to carry her through the darkest pits of the city...

It was past curfew, and Kuroko had yet to return home.

Misaka passed her sickly time by focusing on makeup work, which was delivered by a charitable classmate. Unfortunately, she had to put up with her illness without any sort of luxurious relief, such as medicine. Kuroko was supposed to have gotten that medication... But Misaka was worried about a few more important things. The images of men dressed completely in black danced across her mind, and she feared they might be the cause of Kuroko's tardiness. If that were so, Misaka was in no shape to depart from the dorm and search for her. The time would most certainly be grave.

For the sake of a sound mind, she supposed Kuroko was late because something got her busy, such as being called in by Konori because of an emergency. Her attempts to alleviate her worries crashed and burned, for she realized that Kuroko would have at least called if such a thing came up. Not to mention this was Kuroko she was thinking about... She would have certainly stopped by to administer a dose of ibuprofen to her sickly love, no matter the consequences.

So much for not being worried.

"When that girl gets back, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind..." Misaka growled atop her bed, a damp washcloth sprawled across her forehead. Well, she wasn't lying. When a knock sounded on the door, her face scrunched, and she begrudgingly brought herself onto her feet. "Forget to bring your key too, Kuroko? If you'd been any later I wouldn't have bothered opening the door for you..."

She gripped the doorknob. She knew something was up when she received no response, since Kuroko was always quick to explain herself to prevent any potential wrath. If it wasn't Kuroko, then who was it? Who would visit her past curfew? She couldn't bare with the curiosity for long, so she threw the door open quickly.

It came as a surprise (perhaps even to her dismay) to find four carbon copies of herself, all standing in the hallway. They did not feel threatened, so testified the fact that their goggles were not drawn over their eyes, but those eyes looked particularly grim... Well, grim enough for a pair of eyes that could not display terribly much emotion. More concerning, however, was the limp Kuroko in the leader's hand. She held her by the collar of her shirt, and Kuroko... she just kind of dangled there without any qualms, swaying to the slightest whim of the copy's movements. A small stream of drool spilled out of her mouth on rare occasions.

After Misaka took the picture in completely, her eyes immediately darted to her visitors, to whom she scowled slightly.

"'Good evening, Big Sister,' greets MISAKA after her Big Sister opened the door to her living quarters," greeted Misaka after her Big Sister opened the door to her living quarters.

"Oh. It's you kids. What're you doing at my school? And the better question..."

Before they answered, the visitors barged in the room rashly, asking not for any sort of permission. They did not apologize for intruding, even after Misaka scolded them for their insensitivity. Misaka did not want to stir up a scene, however, for it would certainly lead to a lot of questions if the dorm matron happened to be prowling the halls. Behind her visitors, Misaka slammed the door shut.

As Misaka turned around, she watched her doppelgänger toss Kuroko onto the floor. Like a rag doll, Kuroko landed, sprawling across the rug without a care in the world. The sight disturbed the watcher mildly, which was why she turned to the copies once again.

"What did you do to her?" she asked forcefully, implying she would no longer accept empty responses.

"'We have come to return your slave,' replies MISAKA, hoping her Big Sister will provide proper punishment," replied Misaka, hoping her Big Sister would provide proper punishment.

"What? She's not my slave. What'd she do?" argued Misaka, still puzzled.

"'The perpetrator proclaimed herself to be your property. Therefore, as her master, you are obligated to discipline her for her inappropriate acts,' responds MISAKA, prepared to explain the situation to her oblivious Big Sister," responded Misaka, prepared to explain the situation to her oblivious Big Sister.

"Perpetrator? What does this-"

"'Your slave went to fetch you some medicine at Tomihiko's Drug Store on the fiftieth block, where MISAKA-14458 works,' MISAKA further explains, pausing to allow MISAKA-14000 to present MISAKA-14458's gift."

Another look-alike lifted a quaint, plastic bag, which she handed to Misaka.

"'MISAKA-14458 sends you her regards,' relays MISAKA while offering MISAKA-14458's gift."

Misaka gently accepted the gift, into which she peered curiously. Inside sat a fresh, unopened bottle of fever reducer. Surprisingly, Misaka recognized the medicine's brand to be particularly expensive in comparison to its competitors. Her brows dropped as she lifted her head.

"Um... Thanks..." Her attention darted to Kuroko, who mewled from the floor.

"'The perpetrator is awakening,' observes MISAKA, eager to see what her Big Sister will do." observed Misaka, eager to see what her Big Sister would do.

"You keep saying I'm going to do something to her. Why don't you tell me why I should?" Misaka grumbled, patience slimming. In the meantime, Kuroko sluggishly rolled onto her back, where her eyes slowly opened. It was made evident by her puzzled expression that she could not register much.

"'While being assisted by MISAKA-14458 in the drug store, your slave intentionally exposed and observed MISAKA-14458's panties, which is a direct violation of Title Seven of the JAUW's Civil Rights bill. It is vital that you, as her master, punish her,' elaborates MISAKA," elaborated Misaka.

Kuroko may have not been able to register much before then, but the moment the phony finished speaking, Kuroko was wide awake. She scrambled to her knees despite the fact that most of her body was numb, and she subjected herself before Misaka, her goddess.

"S-S-Sissy, I-I can explain," her quivering voice proclaimed.

Misaka did not seem to be interested in listening.

"Can you, now..." she murmured. A spark erupted above her head. She may have been ill with a fever, but she could most certainly salvage the strength to teach her a lesson. Having a good sense of intuition, all four of Misaka's visitors took a step back. A smirk appeared on each of their faces.

"Yes, S-Sissy. There was an imposter in that drug store! I-I wasn't g-going to stand there and let her insult you like that!"

"Oh, I'm sure that was the case, Kuroko," Misaka concurred with a fake tone. "I'm very sure that was the case... or did you just see someone that looked exactly like me and took advantage of her?" She lowered herself by kneeling before her cowering friend, where her tone deepened. "I know you're not exactly above harassing girls."

"N-Never. I'd never do something like that to anyone that wasn't you, Sissy!"

"I don't believe you. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, Sissy, but please-"

"Do you understand what I must do now?"

Kuroko fought for a lost cause. With hope fading from her eyes, she nodded in defeat, and she buried her face into her only friend: the rug. Her neck hairs raised when a wave of static hit her unsuspecting skin. Chills traveled down her spine, leaving heinous goosebumps in their wake. She braced herself the best she could.


With a crackle and a scream, from the window shined the brightest light the night had ever seen.

Author's Note: Whew. Writing the Sisters is tedious as hell. Good thing they're entertaining, though. Their speech pattern is unique and fun. Thanks to everyone who's read, commented, followed, and supported this project. I'm quite proud of the way it turned out.

Will there be a sequel to Threshold Fever? Likely. When will it happen? I'm not sure. I have a few other projects on my queue, and I'd like to get those out of the way first. Until then, I will hopefully see you all soon. Have a wonderful day.