earl grey

A story about leaving, being left behind, and reconciliation

The first thought that came into his mind when he entered her apartment was 'Not bad.'

It was a decent, little apartment, good for one. One can practically eat and watch television at the same time since there were no partitions in between the living and the dining room. Pearl white tiles and walls blend perfectly with the coffee brown outlines of the apartment, as well as the cabinets and tables in it. On his far left, just across the dining table, was a Victorian inspired door leading to the bedroom.

Setting his luggage aside, Dick sighed, tired, as he plopped down the couch. He stared at the ceiling before letting his azure eyes roam around once more. There was a cabinet full of awards and medals but what caught his eye was the painting in between it and the television. He turned his body sideways to take a better look at it. It was night time scenery on a hill top. His lips turned into a small smile, knowing exactly who created it.

"Doorbells were invented for a reason."

The small smile turned into a smirk after hearing her round voice. His azure eyes quickly travelled to his bestfriend. His smirked widened when he saw a glare coming from her. He realized she was resting when he let himself into her home. "A reason I have no intention of doing Rae," he said. He tilted his head and noticed she was wearing a pink teddy bear designed pajama. He teasingly raised a brow.

"Nice PJ's by the way."

Raven's glare intensified as heat made its way on her cheeks. "Shut it you moron. I was sleeping." She crossed her arms and added, "And don't call me 'Rae' will you? You sound like Vic and Gar."

He sent a half-hearted glare before turning away.

Raven let out a tired exhale and tied her long, messy lilac-colored hair into a bun. "How did you get in anyway?"

He held up a pin. "How do you think?"

She huffed and strolled away.

Dick suddenly heard clanking noises and realized she went to the kitchen. Silence followed after that. Either it was a good or a bad sign, he didn't know. They hadn't seen each other in years, and the last time they did was the most heart breaking moment of their – or rather his, life.

He tuned the noises out as he felt the tension in the air. Questions that were buried in the back of their minds have now started to rise and waiting to be asked. He swallowed hard. He was never a person who talks. Often, he would just shrugged his problems and get over it by ending it then and there. Now, thinking of what the outcome would be if they were to talk, makes his mind hazy. A part of him assures him though, that nothing will go wrong. She's his bestfriend and she understands him. After all, she didn't kick him out did she?

Wrong. She hasn't kicked him out .Yet.

He frowned at the thought and assured himself that everything will be fine. He prepared himself before setting foot in her home.

He was slapped back to reality when he smelled a tinge of minty honey. He raised his head and saw Raven standing a foot or two away from him, two tea cups in her hands.

His frown deepened.


"—tea." She cut him off, settling one cup on the table for him. "Earl grey tea."

Dick fought back the smile that was threatening to show. "Thanks."

Raven hummed in response. She walked towards the couch across him and took a seat. She gently blew her own tea before taking a sip.

Neither spoke nor no one dared to. No one can. Many things have change during their time apart. They both learned and matured. They've met new people that helped them to be the people they are now. They have grown. They weren't kids anymore and this isn't a child's play. But what happened years back was something no one can just let go easily. Both knew this, and neither of the two knows what could happen should things get out of hand. Talking seems to be the least possible solution right now.

They were both hurt and never got over it.

"What made you?"

Her monotone voice was barely a whisper but he heard her clearly. Hurt was evident in it and he couldn't look at her properly, knowing he was the cause.

"What made me what?" he answered with the same tone.

She crossed her legs and leaned back. She was quietly staring into the ceiling, thinking before letting the words come out.

"What made you come back?"

Dick stared at her. That wasn't the question he was expecting. He wasn't sure how to react. He thought he was prepared. But then again, she always loved to prove him wrong and she always did. Just like when they were young and everything seems beautiful.

He was glad that didn't change.

"What made you think I wouldn't?" The words flew faster than he can stop them. Curiosity got the best of him and that was the only thing logical to say now. He wanted to know what made her think he wouldn't come back.

Looking back, he realized he never said anything about coming back. That could be the reason, but he needed to be sure.

"You just left." She said.

"That's not a possible reason." He retorted back.

She shrugged and finally looked at him. "You leaving— that was a good reason enough for me."

Once again, Dick found himself speechless to what she said. Her words were simple, yet she managed to cut deep through him with it as a dagger. He mentally cursed himself for his ignorance of her intelligence and wits. It has gotten more blunt and sharper than before. She has always been blessed with talents. Being good with words was one of them. As a child, her words were like commands needed to be done and she always gets the last word of an argument. He thought of it as annoying back then, and he and the others would get pissed off.

But now, it just made him feel hurt.

His previous thoughts of what the outcome of this conversation would be quickly dissolved. The questions he thought would be asked are now nothing but a shade of the past wanting to be erased. He suddenly asked himself, what made him cling onto the past for so long? The answer— he didn't know. He had been blinded by the guilt and hurt before; it never occurred to him that he was clinging to the past like a life line. At this point, he realized, it has already been so long ago it was already time to let go and move on.

The bangs of his ebony locks fell, covering his blue eyes. He had faced the consequences of his actions, he had heard the question that gave closure to what was done and now, he knew the words needed to be spoken. It's just that those words seem to be trapped in his throat.

Raven stared at her bestfriend's forlorn figure. After years of separation, she almost forgot about him and the memories they shared. Seeing him, many buried emotions and thoughts resurfaced from her mind. There was a part of her wanted to throw the nearest thing she can reach at him. Yet another part just wanted to stay where she was and do nothing. She was smart enough to decide not to let her anger of the past get the best of her. No matter what anyone would say, he was still her friend and opening the past both held in their heart tightly is not an answer; it never was. She knew that.

But he doesn't.

So she decided to end it all and asked the question she knew will do so.

Raven sighed and straightened her form. "You don't have to say anything. You probably realized it now." She said.

Dick chuckled. "It's all in the past now, isn't it?" he whispered, seemingly lost in his thoughts.

She nodded. "And there's no used in going back."

He hummed in response and she smiled with understanding. "You don't have to say it. I already forgave you." She said.

"Yeah," he looked at her and gave a small smile "but you deserve it."

She anticipated what he has to say.

"I'm sorry."

Her smile widened at him.

"Apology accepted."

They sat in comfortable silence. The tension earlier was now dissipating. Dick took the opportunity to stare at his friend once again. Out of all the changes that occurred in her, he noticed that the most remarkable one was her maturity. Despite of his absence in her life for years, and the fact that he wasn't around to see and guide her through it, he was proud that she managed to stand tall and achieved her dreams.

He couldn't help but be proud of it.

"You've done it. You achieved your dreams." Dick complemented, seeing that the many awards were about her paintings.

Raven grinned. "You should see Kori. She's married Harper and has kids already."

He choked on his drink. "No. Them? Together? Didn't they hate each other's guts before?"

Raven chuckled. "I asked the same question too you know."

They laughed before looking at each other. Once their eyes met, both felt a surge of genuine happiness and reconciliation—the things that haven't been present in a while in their hearts.

He took the tea cup in his right hand and blew it gently before taking a small sip. His eyes flickered towards her afterwards. "You still know?" he asked.

"Of course." She answered, transferring beside him, her own tea cup in her hand. "Just because I moved on doesn't mean I'd forget right?"

"Yeah." He murmured. "Moving on— learning to accept and let go."

"And that is how life should be." She said.

Both smiled and stared into nothing, once again enjoying the silence, contentment settling in their hearts. They can see their future as the think of all the things they would do to make up for the time they lost. They can see it as a warm new beginning for the both of them and their healing hearts.

Dick stared at his tea, drowning in his thoughts. The years have come and gone and it certainly changed many things. They grew in mind and heart— they've learned and moved on. Now, sitting here with her, it dawned to him that change is inevitable, but it is one's decision should that change be a good or bad one. He was glad both of them accepted the change as a good one. The change he thought was bad for him was actually a learning experience. It made him realized that the hurt and guilt was nothing more but a tool to grow— something he failed to realize before. Taking another sip of his tea, he was thankful to come here tonight and see her— his bestfriend, Raven. Despite of the changes, she was still the one person who loves him all his life.

It made his heart swell— seeing that their love for one another still stays the same, no matter what.

"Vic and Gar are on their way. They are quite surprised and pissed off when they heard you're back."

"What?!" Dick exclaimed, completely off-guard.

Raven raised a brow. "What? You didn't think I'd actually let you sleep here in my home without telling the others, did you?"

"But I'm your bestfriend, your other half. Why betray me like this?"

"Other half, he says. Put a ring on my finger and I just might apologize for this someday," Raven sarcastically said with a roll of her eyes.

Dick could only pout.


"Don't you have something to say to me?" Dick teased as he nudge his purple-haired bestfriend— his wife, who keeps on eyeing her ring finger.

Raven smirked. "Don't push your luck Richie-boy. You'll be owing me after what I'm about to do to you tonight."

Dick flushed bright red and coughed. "You just love having the last laugh, don't you?"

Raven's smirk just widened.

Author's Note:

College is tough. Mental illness is tough. Life is tough. However, these are not excuses for not updating and writing. For that, please accept my humble apology. But yes, I still plan to finish all of my stories. I have the drafts in my laptop and notebook(s). Also, I still plan to expand One Bad Day I am just having a hard time starting it.

Anyways, here's a modern AU RobRae fluff. Just a story I wrote a few years back... But not robrae tho... I hope you enjoy :3 read and review too please.

Also, I am trying to revive my tumblr account (not that it was ever alive). I'm recently more active there since I am trying to find an outlet for my mind and stuff. It's very unorganized and have no purpose. Since I can't always log in here, if you have any questions/requests please feel free to contact me there, link's in my profile. Thank you and once again, I'm sorry

Disclaimer: Teen Titans is a property of DC Comics and Warner Bros.