
"I don't believe you sometimes Abby!"

Becker frowned as he heard Jess's voice. It wasn't like Jess to shout. Well, it wasn't normally like her to shout at people. Pushing open the door to their flat he raised an eyebrow as he saw both Jess and Abby squaring off against each other. Even in her heels Jess fell a few inches short of the blonde. Abby rolled her eyes.

"Jess I don't see what the issue is here? It's only a Facebook photo."

"I know but," Jess shook her head, "You tagged me and Becker in it and put a love heart!"

"Um," Becker shut the door behind him, "Can I interrupt here?"

"Yes please do," Abby snapped, "Try and make your girlfriend calm down."

Becker nodded, suddenly a lot less confident that he had been a few moments ago. He and Jess had been dating for just under four months now and had been living together for one of those months. For most people it seemed like they were rushing. But having spent a good eighteen months flirting with each other, it seemed only natural to speed up everything else. Besides, Becker wouldn't have it any other way. As Abby moved off into the kitchen. He took Jess by the hands and sat her down.

"Okay. Take some deep breaths and then tell me what's wrong."

Jess nodded, "She put a photo of us up on Facebook."

Becker nodded, "Yes I gathered that. But why is that such a bad thing? I'm not that ugly am I?"

Giggling, Jess leant back on the sofa, "Of course you aren't. But she basically implied we are in a relationship."

"Um Jess. We are in a relationship!" Becker leant back and hugged her close.

"Sweetheart what's going on here? It's just a photo."

"No but…" Jess looked over at him, "my parents will see it."

Becker paused, everything made so much sense now. Jess had already met his parents and they had fallen in love with her. But he hadn't met her's. In fact, as far as Jess' parents were concerned she wasn't even in a relationship. Becker knew Jess wasn't ashamed of him. She'd explained it to him several times that her parents would just try and create trouble for them. Forcing his own nerves back down, he smiled at Jess.

"Is this such a bad thing? I mean they were gonna find out at some point surely?"

Jess nodded, "Of course. I just wanted to tell them myself. Now it's going to be clear that I hid this from them."

Becker took her hand, "Look. I'm sure it'll be fine Jess. If you wanted you could take the photo down. They might not have seen it yet."

Jess shook her head, "No they'll have seen it. My mum is addicted to it. I'm surprised she hasn't called me already by now."

Becker nodded, unsure of what best to say next.

"Okay. Well, when they do call why don't we just invite them around and talk to them. Jess we face creatures from history that try and kill us. Your parents can't be worse than that."

Jess raised an eyebrow. However she nodded and then got to her feet.

"I suppose I should go a see Abby and apologise. It wasn't exactly her fault."

Becker nodded. As Jess moved off towards the kitchen he lay back, his stomach churning at the thought of having to meet Jess' parents.

He wasn't good with new people. Certainly not people he needed to impress. Meeting the parents of girlfriends had never exactly gone well in the past. Meeting a girlfriends parents who would already dislike him was going to be complicated.

Becker looked over to see Jess hurrying into the open kitchen. Had this been anyone else he'd have suggested putting it off. But this was Jess. And there was nothing on this earth that he wouldn't do for her.

Jess chewed her lip as she saw Abby making herself a cup of tea. The blonde briefly glanced her way before turning back to her drink.

"Here for round two?"

Jess shook her head, "No. Look I wanted to apologise. I should never have yelled at you the way I did. I'm sorry."

Abby nodded, "I overheard a bit of what you said to Becker. Jess you could have just told me about your parents. I wouldn't have put the photo up if I had known."

Jess nodded, "I know. I know. I should have said something. But…well, it's hard enough being taken seriously at work most of the time anyway. I knew if I told you guys about my parents then you'd just see me as some child who can't stand up to her family."

"We wouldn't have," Abby smiled, "Honestly. Trust me Jess I know all about overbearing family. It's not something to be ashamed of."

Jess nodded and Abby flashed her a smile.

"Look. I'll take the photo off Facebook. If your parents haven't seen it then you have nothing to worry about. If they have…well…I'm sorry."

Jess nodded, "It's fine. You didn't know after all. And Becker is right, they would have found out about us at some point. I just wanted to tell them myself."

Abby nodded in understanding. Jess went to say something when her phone buzzed. Pulling it out of her pocket she rolled her eyes.

"Great. Here we go."

Turning her back on Abby she put the phone to her ear.

"Hi mum."

"Jessica Ann Parker! Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend?"

"I…"Jess bit her lip, aware of Becker watching her carefully.

"I just…we didn't want a big fuss. And you and Dad can be very…you haven't exactly been welcoming to any of my previous boyfriends."

"Jessica I cannot believe that you would keep something like this from you own parents! Who is he? Does he work with you? What does he do? How old is he?"

At the barrage of questions, Jess could almost picture the disapproval on her mums face.

"His name is Becker. Yes he does work with me. He works as Head of our Security. He's twenty seven. Is that everything?"

"Jessica this is completely inappropriate!"

Holding her phone away from her ear, Jess was aware that both Becker and Abby could hear what was being said.

"You are only just twenty years old! Someone like that is far too old for you. For all you know he could just be trying to take advantage of you!"

"Mum!" Jess hurriedly pressed the phone back against her ear as Becker's face went bright red.

"Mum it isn't like that. I've liked him for a very long time okay. And he isn't trying to take advantage of me. Is it so hard to believe that he might actually care about me?"

"Don't take that tone with me young lady! Be thankful I'm the one calling and not your father."

Jess had to concede that one. A conversation with her father would have been much worse. She ran a hand through her hair.

"Look mum, why don't you and Dad come over at the weekend? I can introduce you to Becker and you can get to know him."

There was a pause before she heard a mum say, "Very well. I'll text you later on with some times."

"Okay mum," Jess shut her eyes, "Bye."

Hanging up she chucked the phone onto the sofa. Becker eyed it nervously.

"So…I'm meeting your parents at the weekend?"

Jess nodded before her eyes widened. "Oh God! Oh I should have asked you first! Are you working? Do you have other plans? Oh Becker I'm so sorry it just slipped out and she wouldn't stop talking."

"Hey," Getting up Becker smiled at her, "It's fine. I don't have plans."

Jess nodded, "Oh God you're going to meet my parents."

"Jess it's fine," Becker kissed her forehead, "Trust me it'll all be fine."

Jess smiled "Okay. Just…Becker they won't like you. No matter what you do or say, they won't like you."

He frowned and Jess hugged him close, "You're several years older than me and you were in the army. My Dad hates soldiers and my mum is…old fashioned shall we say. Just…please don't be upset if they don't like you because nothing you do will get them to change their minds."

Becker paused before nodding, "As long as I do you proud, I don't care what they think."

Jess smiled, "Becker, you could never not make me proud."

I feel so bad for neglecting Jecker for so long. But I had a lot of uni work to do (which is now finally finished forever!) So here's a little idea I was playing round with. Hope you all enjoy it xx