Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of these characters.

I got this idea off of Tumblr somewhere.

"I guess you just weren't her type, Tony," Tim McGee said as he typed up his report, having just been forced to listen to Tony's latest sob story about being rejected by some blonde twenty-something.

Tony's head snapped up to glare at McGee from where he had been lounging forlornly. "Anthony DiNozzo is not a 'type,' McGee." McGee rolled his eyes and went back to his report. "Besides," Tony continued, leaning his head back into his interlocked hands,"I don't believe that whole thing about women having types. I mean, if a man is hot enough, and his wallet is big enough, any woman will have him, right?"

Up until this point, Kate had only been half listening, working on her own report for Gibbs. But upon hearing Tony's last words, her head snapped up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Tony chuckled. "Oh come on, Kate. You expect me to believe you would turn down a millionaire with perfect teeth?"

"No-I mean, yes, but that's not what I mean. Not that the notion that all women find handsome, rich men irresistible isn't offensive, but what do you mean you don't believe women have types?"

Tony grinned somewhat apprehensively, not understanding what Kate was getting at. "What are you implying Kate? That you have a type?" Tony laughed, long and hard, he found the idea that ridiculous.

Kate, however, just pinched her lips together and glared at him. Slowly, Tony realized she wasn't smiling, and sat up, suddenly very interested. "You have a type?" Kate glanced down and back up again, before turning back to her computer without answering. "Ohoho, you do have a type. Probie, you hear that? Kate has a type." McGee glanced at Tony, then back at his computer, unwilling to get involved. "So, Kate, how do you like your men? I'm guessing you're a tall, dark, and handsome kind of girl, huh?" Kate just rolled her eyes, regretting bringing up the topic in the first place. How did Tony do this? She hoped he would drop it, but he kept needling and teasing her, his remarks getting more suggestive by the minute.

Finally, when she couldn't take it anymore, she snapped,"I like my men like I like my coffee, all right, DiNozzo?" She hoped that would stall him, but McGee quite unhelpfully chose that moment to jump in.

"Smooth and sweet?" he asked innocently. Kate ground her teeth, and Tony grinned. She hated when Tony grinned.

"Dark and exotic?" he asked. Kate sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"No, Tony, I like my men-"

"-bitter and strong," Gibbs interjected as he swept into the bullpen, taking them all by surprise. Gibbs dropped a coffee on Kate's desk and a kiss on her cheek before moving to his own desk and sitting down. He ignored Tony's stare and grinned at his computer screen, while to his right, Kate blushed to the roots of her hair.

A/N: Please review!