I'd like to start off by saying that I apologize for not continuing this story. I'm not going to make up some excuse as to why I couldn't finish it, I just lost all motivation and I was never able to regain it. When I first began writing Recollection, I was super excited to try something new and to create my own story and characters that people could follow and be excited to read about. I loved reading all the reviews after publishing a story, they always made my day if they were positive, had ideas, or had constructive criticism. As time went on, I began to lose that excitement I had early on and that's why I started writing New Soil. I wanted something new and exciting to write to try and refresh my motivation to continue writing.

Unfortunately, I never regained that motivation and I feel like an ass for dropping these stories before finishing them. That's why I'm giving out my full permission to continue either one of my stories. Hopefully, someone who has more motivation than myself will continue Recollection or New Soil and make them better stories than I could have made them. If anyone would like any information on the stories, send me a message and I'll try and get back to you!

With that being said, I hope everyone has a great day and I apologize once again for dropping these stories. Thank you so much for reading them! Maybe I'll try and write smaller stories in the future.

Thanks, apologies, and farewell,
