Chapter 1: The Princess of Diamonds

(Below the deck of a large ship sailing in the ocean)

The dark wizard, Ganondorf, was looking out the window as the fish were swimming by. Then two Wizzros entered the room with a wiggling sack.

Ganondorf- I take it you brought the princess I asked for?

Wizzro- Yes, lord Ganondorf.

Second Wizzro- She is right here in this sack.

Ganondorf turned around to face them and the sack that was still wiggling violently.

Ganondorf- Open the sack then. I want to speak with her.

The first Wizzro untied the mouth of the sack and the head and upper body of a legendary Poke'mon, called Diancie, was sticking out of the sack, only there was a piece of cloth tied around her mouth. Diancie continued to struggle against her bindings and making muffled screams as Ganondorf approached her and removed the cloth around her mouth.

Diancie- Who…who are you?!

Ganondorf- Forgive me for your rough treatment, Princess Diancie. I am Ganondorf of Hyrule. Master of dark magic, ruler of the demons, and future ruler of Hyrule. You see my dear, I have tried to conquer Hyrule so many times, but this enchanted sword wielded by a new swordsman each generation has the power to repel my dark power.

Diancie- And what does this have to do with kidnapping me?

As Diancie was asking Ganondorf that question, what looked like a third Wizzro entered the room.

Ganondorf- I'm glad you asked. You see, I found an incredible mystic artifact buried just below Hyrule. However, my dark magic, nor the Triforce of Power can activate it. Since you, Princess Diancie, have the power to create diamonds from thin air, your power might just be what I need to activate it. You'll understand when we get back to Hyrule. Until then, relax and make yourself comfortable.

Then Ganondorf noticed the third Wizzro in the room.

Ganondorf- What are you doing? There had better be a good reason for you to be down here.

Third Wizzro- As a matter of fact…I do!

Then the third Wizzro pulls out a clawshot from his robe, uses it to pull Diancie to him, and quickly runs out the door.

(In the hallway of the ship)

The Wizzro was running through the hallway trying to get above deck while carrying Diancie who was still in that sack.

Diancie- Who are you?

Wizzro- Don't worry. I'm someone who's here to rescue you.

Suddenly, a bolt of black lightning was shot down the hallway by Ganondorf. Luckily, the Wizzro managed to dodge, but the robe he was wearing was destroyed. As Ganondorf walked down the hallway, he saw that the Wizzro that took Diancie from him was actually Link disguised in a Wizzro's robe.

Ganondorf- Link…I should've expected.

Link- You should actually be thankful to me, Ganondorf. Last time we met, Sonic and I saved your ass after Nazo took over the Triforce of Power.

Ganondorf- I'll thank you by making your death painless after you hand over Diancie.

Link- How about no…

Link pulled out the Master Sword with his free hand and fired a sword beam at Ganondorf. Ganondorf blocked with a bolt of black lightning. But when the smoke cleared, Lin was gone with Diancie again.

Ganondorf- Damn you, Link!

(At the deck of the ship)

Link had made it to the top of the ship while still carrying the sack Diancie was in. Some of Ganondorf's minions tried to attack Link, but Link just dodged instead of fighting.

Diancie- Why are you just running? You have a large sword on your back. Why not use it?

Link- Can't risk it while I'm holding on to you. Besides…I left something for Ganondorf and his goons in the ship's hull. Just hold on tight. We're almost to the small boat I used to sneak aboard on.

Just as Link was about to reach where he left his small row boat, a bomb was thrown into the boat before blowing it up.

Link- Oh shit!

Link turned around and saw it was Ganondorf who threw the bomb.

Ganondorf- Now be a good boy and hand over Diancie.

Link was about to reach for his Master Sword, but suddenly, an orange blew quickly swooped passed Link and Diancie. Then Ganondorf noticed that Link and Diancie had suddenly vanished.

(In the sky and on the back of a Charizard)

Link was still holding the sack Diancie was in, but he was quickly moving his head, looking around everywhere, acting like he was confused as to what just happened. That is until he heard the voice of the person riding in front of him.

Ash- Hey Link! Long time no see!

Link- Ash?!

Ash- Haven't seen you since the Kalos League.

Pikachu was sitting on Ash's shoulder.

Pikachu- Pika!

Diancie- Ash? It is you! Been a long time since I saw you. I see this man in green is a friend of yours. That explains why he's trying to rescue me.

Ash- Diancie?! Well, Link is a friend of mine, but I honestly didn't know you were kidnapped or that Link was carrying you.

Link- What are we riding, anyway?

Charizard- (Roar)

Ash- That answer your question?

Then this red machine with a face appeared from behind Ash's back.

Rotom'dex- Scanning! Diancie, a fairy and rock type Poke'mon.

Ash- Guess I forgot to introduce you to my new pal. He's called the Rotom'dex.

Then Ash and Link noticed a few bat-like creatures called Kee's flying after them.

Link- Ganondorf must've sent those to try and stop us from escaping.

Ash- I'll handle them! Rowlet!

Ash tosses a poke'ball and out comes a small green owl Poke'mon.

Rowlet- (Woot)

Link- I don't remember you having that Poke'mon.

Ash- I recently caught Rowlet during my time in the Aloha regain. Rowlet, leafage!

Rowlet- (WOOOOOT)

Then Rowlet made a bunch of leaves come out of its body before launching them at the Kee's and knocking them into the ocean. Allowing Link and Ash to escape with Diancie.

(Back on Ganondorf's ship)

Ganondorf stood there as Ash's Charizard flew away.

Ganondorf- **** that Link! And **** that Poke'mon Trainer too!

Moblin- Ganondorf, we got a big problem! We found a large bomb planted on the hull of the ship!

Ganondorf- Wait! What?!

That was all Ganondorf had time to react before Link's bomb blew up the ship.

(Hau'oli City)

A lovely city next to the beach in the Aloha Regain. Charizard landed on the boardwalk next to the beach. Link let Diancie out of the sack and Diancie jumped all around.

Diancie- Finally! Free!

Link- I was a little surprised to see you come when you did, Ash.

Ash- I heard that a ship from Hyrule was sailing nearby. Thought I'd take a look in case it involved a certain green swordsman.

Rotom'dex- Green? He does not look green. Only his clothes. Does not compute.

Ash- Yeah, Rotom'dex does this sort of thing a lot. But Link, what does Ganondorf want with Diancie?

Link- I don't know. Zelda and I saw Ganondorf's boat leaving Hyrule boarders so I followed it and snuck aboard. That's when I saw them kidnap this Poke'mon. And that's also when your Charizard arrived.

Diancie- Right now, I need to get back to my diamond kingdom back in the Kalos regain.

Ash- No problem, Diancie. I was able to return you to your kingdom once, I can do it again.

Link- Ash, are you sure about that? I mean, after what happened at the Kalos League…

Ash- Link, I'm fine. I'm over what happened. And in my opinion, it should be Luigi you should be most concerned with since he broke his arm battling Lysandre's monster. How is Luigi anyway?

Link- Not sure. This is the first time since the Kalos League I've encountered anyone from the team. But still, you sure you are ready to go back in the field after what happened?

Ash- Like I said before, I'm over it. Besides, do you even know where in the Kalos regain the diamond kingdom is? Or where anything is in my world?

Link- Fair enough point.

Ash- Let me just go to the Poke'mon center and swap out some of my Poke'mon. I've got a feeling we might encounter Ganondorf or some other obstacle along the way.

(At a dark alley nearby the beach)

Jessie, James, and Meowth peeked their heads from behind the corner to see Ash on the beach. They were also wearing the clothes of ordinary civilians in Aloha instead of their Team Rocket outfits.

James- Looks like the twerp is back. And it looks like he brought that diamond making Poke'mon, Diancie with him.

Meowth- This is great! We can capture both Pikachu and Diancie for the boss!

Jessie- Oh my! Who's that tall handsome man clouded in green? He looks like my type!

James- If I recall, that's the swordsman from Hyrule who joined the Super Mario Brothers' Team like the twerp did when Tabuu appeared in Grand Metropolis.

Meowth- Oh shit! And here I thought we didn't have to deal with the other members of that team for a while after the Kalos League. We better keep our distance for now, or we might be dealing with the wrong end of his enchanted sword.