A Penny for Your Thoughts

The Big Bang Theory

*Note to reader- some content will be directly from the script


Sheldon walked up the stairwell, humming the song he created as a child for naming the stars. Every other step would alternate the beat of his tune. On the fifth step of the last stairwell, he retrieved his keys from his jacket pocket. As was his habit.

"Son-of-a-bitch!" A shout sounded from his new neighbor's apartment. "No! No-no-no-no-no!"

Southern codes of propriety dictated that a man should implicate himself to the lesser sex in a time of absolute need. Fortunately, Sheldon did not believe in such a thing as the 'lesser' sex. Gender did not render the intelligence of any being. Look at Madam Currie. His mind shifted to the radioactive findings of… his thoughts were again interrupted.

"No! No! No!" A loud crash. "This can't be happening!"

Sheldon's hand hovered at the lock of his apartment when he decided that southern codes of propriety should be followed. He knocked rhythmically on his neighbor's door. It was badly in need of another coat or 2 of paint. He would give Penny the number to building maintenance, although, she probably had it. Each apartment came with its very own 'welcome' packet. Sheldon himself had been part of the committee to organize those packets delivery. Even if it was only a 1 person committee comprised of himself.

"Yeah, hang on." Penny answered gruffly from the interior. 8 footsteps sounded through the chipped door when it opened. "Oh, hi Sheldon."

"Hello." Sheldon shocked himself when his first thoughts were of her well-figured shape and toned arms. She wore a yellow daisy tank top with ripped jeans and yellow flip flops. He liked that his neighbor had taken the time to coordinate her outfit. "You were shouting."

Her eyes squinted. "Sorry about that; not having the best day."

"Southern custom dictates that I should ask if you're in any danger," he glanced around, "but I think the only thing that you in danger from is stepping over these boxes and jackknifing yourself over the ottoman. Clearly a health hazard." The building's maintenance number was right there on the fire escape map hanging on the refrigerator. Good, he thought.

"I'm still sorting through my belongings." She replied.

"You've been here for 3 days." He reasoned.

"Yeah, but my computer keeps crashing and I've spent all of my spare time rebooting it." Penny frowned at her duct taped computer with the chipped keyboard and worn curser sensor pad.

"Buy another one."

"That takes money."

Maybe Penny believed that Sheldon was unaware of how the economy worked. "Yes, money will purchase you another computer. I can make a few recommendations if you'd like." A list quickly formed in his mind.

She face palmed. A clear indication of… anger? Or no, frustration! Yes, that was it!

"Sheldon, sweetie." She spoke slowly to annunciate her words. "I'm unable to purchase another computer because I do not have enough money. I don't have enough money because the script that was on this computer…" She held up the sad equipment. "This computer has CRASHED. I've tried to recover the hard drive, but the backup failed. Then the screen went black."

"You should have had another backup." He said in an obvious tone.

A chill that was unrelated to the building temperature settled in the room. Gooseflesh rose on his arms. Sheldon knew if looks could kill, that he'd be deader than his childhood dog. A chilled, frostbitten murder if there ever was.

Penny held up a flash drive. "I have another outline on this, but I… I don't…" Her face crumpled. "My script is due in 2 days and I don't want to start all over again!"

"But you're good at it." He observed as she flashed him another lethal glare. "Now hang on, don't yell again. Just look around you; you did all of this yourself. Leonard watched you for hours, carrying heavy boxes, using the stairs." He added as a side note, "obnoxious, really. We were playing teams on Halo."

"What do you mean, he watched me?!" She squealed.

"Well, he was going to offer to help you, but Wolowitz kept making fun of his attempts and Leonard chickened out." He explained finding Leonard's cowardice suddenly distasteful.

Penny pursed her lips. "Oh, what was your point again?"

Sheldon thought it was obvious, but the minds of the common folk were always too slow. "My point is that you do not lack the ability to begin again. Look at the caterpillar." She leveled him another glare and he stopped his longwinded speech midway. "You're more than capable. Maybe not organizationally capable…" He stared at half open boxes and the empty shelves in the kitchen. "Plus… you're looking at a man with an IQ of 189. Your duct taped computer is NOT a challenge." He opened his hands and received the shabby laptop.

"Wow, thanks Sheldon. It means a lot."

"Yes, well, this should take me a couple of hours. In the meantime, you'll be able to tackle this messy hellhole." He waved to the general mess in front of him.

She grinned and in that moment, Sheldon thought he understood his friend's incessant need for female companionship. Luckily, it passed quickly.

"Thanks, Sheldon. I'll make us lunch and get started on this hellhole." Penny giggled.

"It's 4:30, you can hardly make us lunch."

"Dinner then." She replied.

"Too early for dinner, but I understand the convention. Since it is Wednesday, we usually eat early, go to the comic book store, and play Halo at 8 PM. Which gives me until 6:30 PM to fix this monstrosity. So, I suppose an early dinner is in order."

Penny rolled her eyes. "Fine. I can order take out or make sandwiches."

Sheldon took a few moments to run through the list of menus programmed in his memory or the contents of Penny's refrigerator. His tummy rumbled at the thought of food and he decided that sandwiches were the quickest solution. "Sandwiches, wheat, marble, or rye bread, mayo, cheese on the mayo, deli turkey, then lettuce, then cheese, and the other slice of bread."

During his order, Penny had been busy at her counter. Clearly, he hadn't been paying attention to her inattentiveness. "Here, I've got tuna." She had passed him a sandwich wholly unrelated to his order. "Grocery shopping is next on my 'to do' list. Plus, this isn't a restaurant."

"Clearly." He eyed the sandwich and his stomach cramped with hunger. "Alright, thank you. I think. There are veggie chips in our apartment, help yourself while I begin fixing this sorry excuse of a laptop."

"Gee, thanks Sheldon." Penny replied dryly.

"You're welcome, Penny." He replied with a small smile, entirely missing the sarcasm.

Sheldon sat in his favorite place and began working on her laptop. She hopped between eating, cleaning, and pulling him out of his concentration with brief interludes of conversation. Instead of finding it tedious, Sheldon found conversation with his new neighbor enlightening and enjoyable. Well, slightly enjoyable.


Leonard and Raj walked up the stairs of his apartment to find a peculiar sight. Both the door of his apartment and Penny's was open. His hope of snagging Penny's attention stirred deep in his abdomen.

Raj asked quietly, "What is going on? Do you think you've been robbed?"

Just then, Penny dashed across the hall, called a short greeting to them, and went into his apartment. Leonard's hope at starting a romance with her rose a great deal.

Raj glanced at Leonard with wide eyes. He would likely remain silent for the foreseeable future or until Penny was out of sight. "Penny, is everything okay?" He set his car keys in the bowl and his messenger bag on the wall rack. "What's going on?"

"Sheldon just fixed my laptop!" Penny cheered. "You're a lifesaver!"

Then, to Leonard's horror, Penny gave Sheldon a tight hug and friendly peck on the cheek. Instead of balking at the unexpected physical contact, Sheldon gave an awkward pat on the back and said, "You're welcome. Where's Howard?"

"He is meeting us at the comic book store." Leonard replied impertinently.

"Are you all ready to go?" Penny shouldered her purse.

"Yes, let me get my jacket." Sheldon said.

"Really? It's not that cold." She responded.

"I suppose you're correct, but if I get a chill, it's on you."

She huffed. "Then, I'll make you tea."

"Oh! I like tea. I have mint and ginseng, though I don't really like it."

"Why do you have it?" She asked.

"Leonard bought it and it seemed rude to point out to him that he was wrong again."

She laughed and fidgeted with her phone in the hall.

Leonard was baffled at their easy flowing candor and said so to his irritating roommate. Sheldon was always difficult when conversation was on the table.

"Penny is going with us." Sheldon replied.

Raj made a noise somewhere in his throat, which Leonard echoed in unison. "Can you explain exactly what transpired in my absence? Because I'm completed baffled!"

Sheldon groaned. "Penny's computer crashed. She made me a sandwich while I fixed her laptop. This allowed her to complete the many tasks she had to do. Thereby, saving her career as a screen play writer. When I mentioned the comic book store, she thought it would be a good idea to tag along."

"Tag along?" Leonard pressed. "Good idea?"

"For inspiration. She is in need of creative inspiration. Jeez, Leonard. It's like talking to a wall. A very uncreative wall." He turned to the golden skinned goddess. "Leonard isn't creative like us; he just doesn't get it. Come on, Penny, Leonard can drive. I'd like to arrive there in one piece."

"Ha, ha." Penny smiled at his tall roommate. "Let's go!"

The 2 of them left after she locked her apartment. They chatted each other up as they trotted down the stairs shoulder to shoulder.

"What just happened?" Raj asked him after Penny was safely out of hearing distance.

"Beats the hell out of me."


Enter Raj, Leonard, Sheldon, and Penny into The Comic Center of Pasadena. Lime green walls were covered with movie posters, caped heroes, and dashing villains. The owner, Stuart Bloom, a pasty faced man with a slight shoulder hunch and kind eyes stood with an overweight patron. In fact, several patrons were present. Skinny, short, chubby, pimply, bespectacled, and each were male and a bit dorky.

Leonard was still reeling over the situation. It didn't help that Raj did his annoying silent snickering laugh every time Sheldon and Penny spoke. It was almost like they were FLIRTING!

"Wow!" Penny exclaimed. "What a cute little store." A pause. "Leonard, everyone is staring." She froze mid-step.

It was true, the entire store was held in a state of perpetual immobility. Their gaping mouths could literally catch flies. He grinned at her, "No worries, they're more afraid of you than you are of them."

"I kinda doubt it." She replied drily.

"Penny, based on what you told me earlier, you'll find the selection on the back wall to the best use for your script." Sheldon pointed to the far wall.

"Great, thanks!"

He walked her over to the wall, ignored the gawkers, and suggested several comic books. She laughed at whatever he was saying and the entire room was clearly showing their bafflement. How did Sheldon, a compulsive narcissist, become a smooth talking ladies' man?!

Stuart strolled over. "Hey Leonard, can I help you find something?"

"How about the reset button on this day?" Leonard growled as he glared at the back of his roommate.

"Who is Sheldon's girlfriend? She is giving half of the customers an asthma attack." Stuart was correct. Many of the guys were pulling puffers from their jacket pockets. Almost in synchronization, one by one, they pressed down and inhaled.

Leonard rolled his eyes. "They're not dating." He hoped.

Howard joined Leonard and Raj. "That's right. She is with us." Howard gestured to the gawkers.

"Bunch of nerds." Raj thumbed to the group of poor breathers. "So pathetic."

"No kidding!" Howard agreed. "Oh, hey! A batman belt buckle."

Penny brought over a handful of comic books and said, "Sheldon really knows a lot about comics."

"Penny, this is Stuart. He owns the shop." Leonard introduced them.

"Blink twice if you're here against your will." Stuart joked.

To his horror, Penny laughed with Stuart. A deep, stomach holding laugh. Leonard decided that finding a reset button wasn't as important as borrowing Sheldon's childhood design for a sonic death ray.

"Well, let me know if you need any help." Stuart smiled naturally which shocked Leonard. Stuart was usually as nervous around women as Leonard was. Maybe not as bad as Raj, with his selective muteness. And definitely not as aggressive as Howard's bold brazenness. But Stuart didn't stand a chance with a girl like Penny.

"Thanks." Penny replied and turned to face Leonard when Stuart cashed out a customer. "He seems… nice." Her tone suggested that Stuart was a bit lame.

"Well, now, Stuart really is nice." Leonard added, suddenly defensive now that she showed no interest in his friend. "He owns his own business. Comic book stores are making a real come back, you know? Plus, Stuart was an art major. He is a talented artist. You have to see the customers from his perspective…they're not weirdos. Well, except for Captain Sweatpants over there."

"Yeah, he is the one who caused me to retreat." Penny's brow raised. "I'm going to buy these."

As she approached the counter, Stuart began chatting her up. Apparently, he had drawn a likeness of Penny wearing a crown and carrying a bloody battle sword. The depiction was clearly meant to impress, though, Leonard tipped up on his toes and saw that the drawing was a bit cartoonish. Apparently, Penny was determined to be impressed by anyone except himself. What had Leonard done to be so determinedly discounted?

"What's going on over there?" Raj asked him.

"Stuart is putting the moves on Penny." He rolled his eyes.

"I've got to learn how to draw." Howard replied with his usual gusto. "Ladies are always drawn to artists."

Penny's laugh unnerved each of them.

"Jeez, Stuart is really up in Penny's business." Raj said a bit possessively. "Look!"

Penny held Stuart's hand with hers and used a marker to write on his palm. "Okay, you've got my number, now give me the picture."

"You drive a hard bargain." Stuart passed over the drawing. His complexion was brighter and his pallor was no longer pasty white. He looked so… so… normal!

Sheldon approached. "So, how do you like anything can happen Thursdays?" A beat. "Bazinga! It's Wednesday!" The dorky beautiful mind giggled to himself. "I just kill me!"

Leonard scowled at his roommate and determined that he would discover the location of a daily reset button; even if he had to invent it himself.


Penny retrieved her laptop and set to work straightaway. She had lost nearly 4 days of writing time and had only 48 hours to complete her scripted screenplay. It held potential for a regular position writing for the Syfy Network. She said goodnight to the guys, went to her newly organized apartment, and made a hot pot of coffee. This would be a long 2 days.

She turned on the newly rebooted laptop to a surprising new background of Sheldon's face with a speech bubble saying 'Help! I'm trapped in a computer.' His face had smashed against the screen as if he really was trapped inside.

It made Penny chuckle.

With the handful of comic books laid open for inspiration, post-it-notes, and loud blaring music blasting through the earbuds… Penny's fingers flew across the keys.


Penny Morgan's coffee pot drained. The sink full of stained cups and milk crusted bowls. Laundry piled high. It was clearly in need of cleaning as the writer typed furiously on the chipped keyboard of the duct taped laptop. The calendar nearby indicated a reset tutoring appointment and a work schedule for The Cheesecake Factory.

41 hours later, Penny hit save and immediately contacted her registration agent. Given the early hour, she was surprised that they answered. To protect her work, the screenplay should be registered. She had learned that the hard way, when her very first movie screenplay had been stolen for some ridiculous movie called Serial Ape-ist. It was the most humiliating moment of Penny's career. A rookie mistake.

The navy night sky was turning brighter by the minute.

She took a moment to appreciate the sunrise before doggedly cleaning her living space. Scrubbing the counters, vacuuming, and putting away clutter. She smiled at the comic books that had served as a unique writing and research tool for this work. With any luck, this screenplay could provide a regular working career for the future.

Tugging the heavy laundry downstairs was tedious and soon the rhythm of the machines caused Penny to drift off to sleep. Just 30 minutes later, a loud ringing sounded from the cellphone.

"Ello?" Penny's voice barely a whisper.

"Hey slugger!"

She straightened after glancing at the phone screen. "Daddy?"

"Good morning, how is the little actress?"

"I'm doing great, still not having much luck with auditions." She chewed her fingernails at the lie. "How are you and mama?"

"Whelp, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. We're not doing so great."

"Why? What happened?" She feared that someone had died. Even with the time zone difference, her father usually left the phone calls up to her mama.

"Your brother was arrested again yesterday. The particulars… well, can't really talk about it over the phone, but we're short on funds and I've got a crop to harvest. I need help, slugger."

She groaned. "How much is the bail?"

"5 smackers." He said. "If we go through a surety bonding agent, it's only 10 percent. It's either that or we put up grandma's house."

Penny winced. "So $500, huh? Let me see if I can pick up an extra shift at the restaurant."

"That's my girl." A pause. "Whelp, gotta start the day. Talk to you later."

"Bye daddy."

The buzzer on the dryer startled her out of a depressive reverie. With a groan, Penny lifted herself off of the floor and folded the laundry on autopilot. Lugging the basket up several flights of stairs, she dropped it on the turquoise sofa and called The Cheesecake Factory. They indicated that the 11 AM to 6 PM shift was open and she grudgingly agreed.

With a glance at the calendar and the notation of an 8:30 AM tutoring appointment, a much needed shower was in order.