Happy Halloween! (Even though by the time most people read this Halloween will be over)

Here is my posting for October, Chapter 8. I hope it's good because 8 has always been my lucky number.

Obvious disclaimer, RWBY characters and universe belong to Rooster Teeth.


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Before Beacon

Ch.8) Two Lives

Normal lessons lacked the glory of combat training. Wielding her sword gave her a sense of control over her life without defying of Atlas' high society standards. But everyday academic studies lacked the glorious illusion of freedom.

She kept up her interest in these mundane skills by reminding herself that they mattered to a huntress. Math and science to calculate dust ratios and battle tactics. History and geography to understand how and why the world's current politics took shape. Language and literature to enable effective communication on and off the battlefield no matter what cultural barriers stood in the way.

To Weiss, nothing less than perfection existed. At least that was the theory, the hope that perfection would be enough.

Father had his own ideas about the values of her everyday studies. His interests lay solely with her eventual running of the Schnee Dust Company.

Even after more than four months as the heiress, the idea of running the SDC still intimidated her.

Weiss stared down at her history notes. She had a lot of studying to cover today, but for some reason she could not concentrate. The information she had been given concerning international politics in the decades since the Faunus War was clearly slanted in favor of the SDC. It contradicted a lot of the articles and news stories Weiss discovered in her own private research.

And each time she thought of those contradictions, her mind inevitably began wandering back to her roll at the SDC. How could she hope to redeem the family name if she still struggled to get accurate information? Nowadays, people looked to her and speculating about her answers to problems she could not prove even existed.

The position of heiress amidst Father's immediate company affairs no longer worried her. She easily grew accustomed to receiving extra attention at banquets and charity events. Although not always welcomed, it was tolerable.

But she did still worry about what her position meant for her future.

Sure, Grandfather ran the company as a huntsman, but he did not have her father breathing down his neck looking for a way to sabotage him at every step. If the meeting in Mistral showed anything, it proved how little Father valued her opinion. And how little control she had over her life.

Not that she hadn't already known that, but this incident seemed to grind the truth in a little harsher than usual. He…

Bang! "We're going for a walk!"

Weiss jumped as Father knocked on her door simultaneous with opening it. "What?!"

He had already started walking away. Glancing back, he gave her a look of impatience. "Are you coming?"

Dropping her notes, she hurried to the door. "Father, I have a lot of studying to do this afternoon."

"You'll have time to do that later. We need to talk."

Suppressing the urge to tell him that she had her combat training later, she pulled her door shut and followed him down the hall. "Where are we going?"

"A walk around the manor grounds will do you good. You waste too much time indoors."

"Isn't it a bit cold out for that?" She already knew the answer. Although it was still late Autumn, the temperature had dropped exceptionally rapidly this year and would soon usher in the harsh Atlasian winter.

"The cool air is healthy." Father responded without looking at her. "Too much indoor air breeds weakness."

Resigned, Weiss followed him through the halls and out onto the brisk, windswept terrace beyond the manor walls.

As they walked, Father kept up a commentary on his recent successful business dealings in Mistral. "If you look at it from any sensible point of view, it's obvious. It is business that makes the world go around, and this is the era of big business. The SDC has been around for generations, gaining people's trust, and establishing a solid financial and business platform from which we operate. There is no way your average small dust shop can compete with that. And I dare say, many of those customers only patronize those establishments out of convenience. The distance between SDC sponsored dust shops in Mistral is far too great. Without the boost given to it by the SDC's economic growth, our own superior technology and military in Atlas would crumble to the degraded levels of the other kingdoms. The fact is that although negotiating with these people is an unpleasant task, it must be done for the sake of offering Mistral the same prosperity Atlas has recently enjoyed."

Weiss sighed but restrained herself from audibly groaning at his self-congratulatory speech. Cold wind cut through her clothing and she wondered how long it might take for him to get to the point.

"Since it was founded, it has been the duty of the Schnee Dust Company to build a better world."

Weiss almost stopped walking at that comment. The SDC may have been founded with such a dream, a dream she shared with Winter. But both sisters knew well enough that Father only shared that dream to the extent that he could turn a profit with it. But as she had her whole life, Weiss bit back her frustration and continued walking.

"That better world requires lien. The SDC can not spare much at the moment, which is why the revenue from out next Mantel charity concert is vital for keeping the company's reputation intact."

This time Weiss did stop walking. "What charity concert? When?"

Father turned on the spot to face her. "The one coming up in…oh, what is it? Less than two weeks now."

"Am I supposed to sing at this concert?"

"Of course." Father spoke as though he found the question odd and the answer obvious.

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?! I need time to practice."

"Don't be absurd. I told you weeks ago."

Weiss searched her memories, but Father telling her about an upcoming concert was not something she could have forgotten. In her desire for perfection, she would have started practicing immediately. Hating to contradict him but needing to address the issue, she spoke hesitantly. "No, you didn't…"

"Of course, I did. It's not my fault you forgot. Honestly, if you expect to run the SDC one day, you will have to get better at keeping your affairs in order." Be paused to frown down at her, but before Weiss could argue, he continued.

"On that note, it has come to my attention that your understanding of how to run a modern business is not as complete as it might be." His voice carried a more direct tone. Clearly, they were finally getting to the reason he wanted to speak with her. "Now I realize that this is not entirely your fault. Until recently, you had little reason to suppose that running the SDC would one day be your responsibility. However, I am disappointed that you appear to have made no preparations at all for this contingency, however unlikely."

Weiss winced internally at the accusation of ill-preparedness, but a spark of rebellion drew a flash of frustrated anger as well. How could she have known that Winter was serious about joining the military or that Father was serious about disinheriting her for it? She had been sure at least one, if not both, of them was bluffing, but she was wrong.

"Concerning your destressing lack of preparation, I believe I have found a solution." As they continued their walk around the manor grounds, Father failed to notice his daughter's irritation. "I wish you to have a mentor, someone experienced in the business world who can guide you in the practical application of commercial dealings in today's political climate."

"Who do you mean when you say a mentor?" Weiss asked.

"I mean someone you can approach regularly with questions and who can develop your education by relating their own experiences."

Weiss considered idea. It might be useful to have someone she could regularly talk to about her insecurities over someday running the SDC. But one concern remained. "Who do you have in mind?"

"I have not made a selection yet. Though I have found some prime candidates."

Dread filled Weiss. Given Father's low opinion of her and his attitude toward other people in general, what kind of person would he choose? What if he chose someone monstrous to act as her mentor? She doubted how comfortable she would be with anyone he chose and quickly sought for her own suggestion. Winter would be her first choice, but although Weiss' sister had received more business training in her years as the heiress, she currently held a military job rather than a commercial one. And of course, Father wanted nothing to do with her.

Searching her mind for any suitable suggestion, she jumped at the first name that came to mind. "What about Davon?"


"Davon Scarlioni. From the meeting in Mistral a couple weeks ago. She seemed quite polite and respectable. And intelligent."

Father frowned. "That consulting agency hardly qualifies as big business."

"But they work with a lot of big businesses."

"Her brother seems the more efficient partner in that enterprise. I'm sure I could get him to agree to mentor you if you wish."

Weiss suppressed a shudder and desperately invented an argument for her case. "He's probably too busy, but I'm sure Davon would have time to speak with me on occasion. Besides, she has experience coming into an already established business just like I will have to with the SDC."

Father was silent for a moment. Weiss practically held her breath while waiting for his response. "Do I have your word that you will heed her advice and place maximum effort into your business studies?"

"Yes, Sir." Weiss let out her breath in a sigh of relief, the cold air turning that breath into a billowing white cloud that half obscured her view of Father's curt nod.

"I will make the calls and arrange for Miss Scarlioni to contact you as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Father." Weiss allowed herself a small smile. Maybe a mentor would help.

They walked on in silence.

Her smile slipped away as she realized she had to bring up one more thing before this conversation could end.

"Father," Weiss spoke hesitantly, knowing the king of reaction she could expect from her next words, "I still need the list of songs I am to perform at the concert."

He held her in a steady, cold gaze. "I'm sure I gave it to you weeks ago."

"I…" Weiss hesitated. His glare dared her to contradict his version of events. Hanging her head, she conceded. "I must have lost it."

"This is unacceptable laxness for someone who will one day lead one of the world's most powerful corporations. You hold the weight of the world on your shoulders and anything less than perfection will disgrace this family."

Weiss flinched at his words and their increasing volume as his scolding continued, his mood taking a rapid turn toward aggressive anger.

"You think you can get away with this kind of sloppiness in the real world? Think again."

"I'm sorry, Father."

"Sorry doesn't fix mistakes. The only thing that fixes mistakes is not making them in the first place."

Their walk had taken them back to the front entrance to the manor. Weiss desperately wanted to go inside, to shelter from the cold wind and cruel words. But she could not leave without that list of songs or before Father finished his lecture. Looking up at him, she gave her hesitant request again. "Could I have a copy of the song list, Father? Another copy, I mean."

Father glared at her but said nothing. She tried not to squirm uncomfortably under his accusing gaze and to maintain the dignified poise that had been drilled into her since birth. After an unbearably long silence, Father sighed. "I will give Klein the list to deliver to you this afternoon."

"Thank you, Father." Desperate for the conversation to end, Weiss plowed onward. "May I go inside now?"

"I suppose." Father sighed. Weiss gave him a grateful nod before heading for the door. She got half way there before he halted her rush to go inside to warm up. "One moment, Sweetheart."

Weiss cringed before turning to face him. "Yes, Father?"

"At this concert, you are to perform only the songs on the list I have prepared."

Weiss' eyes widened. At every concert, Father always let her choose one song to perform beyond the ones he assigned her. Sometimes she performed songs that she had written herself. Her song choice was the best part of each concert. And he was taking that away? "I…but…"

"With little time left before the concert, I do not want you wasting your time writing or rehearsing an irrelevant piece of music. Your prescribed songs must be performed with perfection. As you have allowed so little time for rehearsal, you will devote your attention to the music I have chosen. Perhaps next time you will be more proactive in preparing."

Weiss opened her mouth to argue but instantly realized it would be futile. She redirected her attention to the only realistic thing she could achieve, ending this conversation. "May I go inside, Father."

He nodded. "Yes. Let's go inside."

She could have screamed in frustration. All she wanted was to get away from him to clear her head, but he insisted that she walk by his side all the way back to his study. When they finally got there, he simply gave her a "Good afternoon" and a nod before slamming the door in her face.

Still cold, she walked back to her room. The weather outside chilled her beyond her clothing's immediate capacity to protect her.

Inside her room, she stared at the history book left open on her bed and checked the time. How was she supposed to complete her combat training, finish her studies, and still have time to practice for the concert? She thought of Father referring to her huntress training as a hobby during the meeting a couple weeks ago. He probably expected that she would set aside her hobby until the concert.

She defiantly shook her head at the empty room. Her life as the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company could not be allowed to eclipse her life as an aspiring huntress. She would do both even if that meant staying up half the night to get everything done.


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Author's Note:

I hope everyone is enjoying Volume 5. It seems to be off to a good start.

Note on OCs: I like to keep things as close to canon as possible, but there are so few canon characters from Weiss' past that a few OCs are needed. However, since the clear theme of Weiss' childhood is loneliness, do not expect any OCs to stick around very long.

Again, thanks to anyone who read, reviewed, favorited, etc.

P.S. I also fixed a few typos in the previous chapter. Sorry about those.