[EDITED:] Please be forewarned that this fic plays on a 'lust potion' trope. The issue of consent will be raised, and addressed within the universe of this fic. If you are adverse to reading about sex under the influence, please skip this story.

"Lieutenant Benson has been attacked."

The words echoed around the squad room with all the subtlety of a rocket. The silence lasted for the space of a heartbeat, and then all the detectives were clamoring around, demanding to know what had happened and how she was. Chief Dodds held up his hands. "Olivia is...okay," he tried to reassure them.

"I don't like that pause," Fin said, crossing his arms over his chest. "What aren't you telling us?"

Dodds swallowed hard, looking around the circle at these people who cared about Olivia. Who were prepared to defend her until their dying breath.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to wait until—"

The doors to the squad room burst open, and Barba rushed in. "I came as soon as I could. Where is she?"

Dodds gestured to the semicircle of cops. "I was just about to tell the squad that Lieutenant Benson will be fine."

"Will be? As in, she's not currently?" Barba fired off.

"She's been drugged." Dodds decided then to list out the information he had in the quickest, most clinical way possible. "She stopped to help another officer with a run-of-the-mill arrest on her way back from her in-service. Unfortunately one of the onlookers decided to try to level the playing field, and injected her with an unknown combination of drugs. She's at the hospital now for testing and treatment. Again, she will be fine." He cleared his throat. "She is pretty out of it at the moment, however. The doctor suggested that she'll need around-the-clock care for at least the next twelve hours as the drugs work their way out of her system."

"I can do it," Barba replied immediately.

"Me, too," said Carisi. Amanda and Fin chimed in that they were available to help as well.

"Thank you all," Dodds said, sincere. "I know Olivia would hate to ask this of anyone."

"I have the fewest obligations," Barba pointed out. "No children, no spouse, no reason I can't take off work the rest of today and tomorrow. I'll do it," he reiterated.

"If you need help..." Amanda offered. Barba nodded once at her.

"I need to get back to the hospital," Dodds said, gathering his belongings. "I thought it was only right to come let you know in person."

The detectives murmured their agreement, and then Amanda passed a scrap of paper with their cell phone numbers on it to Barba. "She's ours," was all she said.

"Call the second she needs anything," Carisi added. Barba agreed and then the two men were headed down the hallway to the elevators. As they exited the building, Dodds directed Barba to his vehicle.

"No driver?" Barba asked, surprised.

"Not today," Dodds answered, jerking his head towards the passenger door to indicate Barba should get in.

As they pulled into traffic, Dodds began his third unwanted conversation for the day. "I wasn't entirely truthful with the squad," he started. To his surprise, Barba didn't immediately jump down his throat. So he continued. "They already know what she's been drugged with, and she needs more than just...babysitting." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You ever heard of PT-141?" Dodds kept his eyes focused on traffic, but he knew Barba had turned to gape at him. "Sometimes they call it the lust potion," he offered helpfully.

"I know what it is!" Barba shouted. "How in the hell—who did this?"

"We're going to find that out," Dodds replied grimly.

Silence reigned in the car as Barba processed this information. Finally, he said, "Bring him to me when you find him. I want him prosecuted under every available law, statute, and guideline of common decency."

Dodds inclined his head in agreement. Then something made him add, "If there's anything left of him by the time our officers get done with him."


Silence stretched again, but this time it was less fraught with tension. At least until Barba worked through the implications of what, exactly, Olivia was going to "need". Dodds knew the exact moment Barba became aware of why Olivia was not currently okay.

Dodds decided to start talking before Barba could back out. "She asked for you, you know. Not today—I mean earlier this year, when we went through emergency protocols. Benson asked for you specifically in the event something like this occurred."

"Who the hell plans for 'something like this' to occur?"

"Lieutenant Benson. And rather thoroughly, as well." He pulled the car up to the curb at the ER entrance, then reached into the back seat and handed Barba a thick file folder. "It's all in there. But Olivia can tell you." He sighed, then placed his hand on Barba's shoulder. "She needs patience and understanding right now. Her doctor can help explain everything better than I can, but, Barba... Be kind."

Barba shook his head, disbelief clear in his expression. He looked up at Dodds with doubt. "What am I supposed to do to help her with this? How can I 'be kind'?"

Dodds removed his hand and sat back in his seat. He stared out the windshield for a long moment and then said, "My suggestion? Give her as many orgasms as you can manage."

A/N: So this is a pretty common trope in the Harry Potter fandom-Character A is dosed with some kind of lust potion-but I wanted to think of a way it might happen in the less-magical world of SVU. I make absolutely ZERO claims that I have any idea what I'm talking about when it comes to drugs and their side effects, so while I have tried to do a decent bit of research here, I'm also asking you to just go with the flow of the premise. :) I like to think you won't be sorry.