Chapter 3: Change Isn't Always Easy

A figure is seen walking down the white brick path towards the world renowned "IS Academy". The figure was male, around 6-foot-tall, black hair, and had Red eyes that could stare straight through your soul if you weren't careful. He wore a black trench coat that had a white fur hood, underneath was a dark blue shirt, Black jeans that had a chain on the left pocket, and finally he was listening to something on a pair of Dark blue and Black headphones that covered his ears completely.

He walked in complete silence not even paying mind to all of the stares and remarks being thrown around about him. Literally both of the sides of the path were packed full of girls from the Academy and civilians that heard about Ichika from the news.

"Tsk… They could have at least sent somebody to pick my bags up…" Ichika cursed to himself as he lugged around 2 large duffle bags full of all of his valuable belongings that he brought along with him.

Ichika kept walking along not even asking where to go because all the students and people around literally made a pathway towards the school. It was like there was a parade coming down the street and Ichika was the parade.

Ichika simply turned up his headphones and drowned out everything else in preparation. What preparation you may ask? Once again, he would have to deal with Chifuyu. Don't even get him started on the others that are going to be there… "Childhood friends" is what one could call them, sadly Ichika could care less of them now.

What they would have to understand is… A lot has changed.

"Well fuck… I definitely didn't expect this…" Ichika spoke to himself with sarcasm clearly intended.

There in the main doorway to the school stood no other than his own blood related sister.

"Miss Orimura." Ichika greeted monotonously clearly not happy with the meeting.

"I-Ichika." Chifuyu greeted back.

Everyone who was tailing Ichika or waiting for him at the school all stared in silence at the scene before them. Ichika stood there completely calm and relaxed while Chifuyu looked… Apprehensive? Everyone else would have cowered before Chifuyu because of her impressive aura she almost always produced, others would be in awe of her, but no-one ever stood in front of her like Ichika. He didn't cower before her he wasn't in awe of her, no, he was simply emotionless, after a few moments the more observant students and civilians saw very slight disgust and anger from Ichika but they thought nothing of it and simply watched the scene in curiosity.

"So? What do you want?" Ichika asked seriously.

"O-Oh, Right. I was told to show you to your temporary room and set you up with all your necessities." Chifuyu informed him slightly worried that Ichika would rebuke.

Silence permeated the area as Ichika stared straight at Chifuyu as if he could see straight through her. This only worried Chifuyu more as she braced herself for any rebuttal

"Ugh… Fine… Lead the way." Issei sighed trying to calm himself, he didn't want to get mad at something out of his control. Sure, maybe Chifuyu forced her way to get the job but Ichika couldn't be bothered by that at the moment. He had enough of the nagging he got before he left his home back in the mainland now he just wanted to get sorted out.

"Then follow me." Chifuyu slowly regained her stoic and strict personality but nevertheless she was still apprehensive.

And so, they made their way through the halls in silence, the only sound was the sound of Chifuyu's heels clicking on the floor.

"Wait… Did you say temporary room?" Ichika immediately lost all calmness in his face and an annoyed expression replaced it.

"Yes, your room isn't ready yet so you will be put in a regular dorm for the time being." Chifuyu was getting more comfortable with the situation thinking it wouldn't be that hard to get Ichika back.

Sadly, the only reason she was having such success was because Ichika was tired and didn't feel like make her life a living hell… Yet.

"Those fucking old Bastards! The can't do anything right! All they do Is sit on their thrones watching over japan as their whores suck them off!" Ichika cursed to himself shocking Chifuyu in the process.

Why was Ichika mad? Because he may have pulled some more strings with the Japanese officials after his first appearance and asked for a personal apartment sized dorm so he could do his "Work" and other commitments without worrying about being subjugated to a small dorm. Of course, they graciously accepted and even through in some extra things to please Ichika. The overall verdict in Ichika's mind was that they would use this chance to plant a few bugs and cameras in the room to monitor his movements and whatever "Work" he had to do. But Ichika didn't worry he already planned ahead for that.

"Language!" Chifuyu reprimanded Ichika without thinking and lost control of her motherly and sisterly instincts. Ichika noticed this all too easily.

"Or what?" Ichika asked threateningly.

"…" Chifuyu couldn't answer him.

"Last I checked you are not my mother OR my sister." Ichika answered not caring for his tone, he was "Okay", key word being "Okay", when she was trying to act professional but if she tried to act like his family that crossed the line.

"S-sorry…" Chifuyu responded all of her previous thoughts on success with Ichika shattering in seconds.

"Just lead the way." Ichika spat out venomously.

And so, they got the dorm hallway quite quickly after the little argument.

"This is it." Chifuyu informed him breaking the silence as they both stopped in front of a door.

Everyone was once again watching in curiosity peeking out from their own dorm rooms to see Ichika for themselves.

"Is that all then? I will find everything else by myself if that is it." Ichika opened the door and saw a key hanging on the wall so he grabbed it not even examining it.

"A-Alright… Yes, that is all…" Chifuyu was clearly depressed as she heard that. She messed up her chance.

Ichika started to close the door but stopped.

"Classes start tomorrow correct?" Ichika asked for the last time.

"Ye-!" Chifuyu was quickly cut off.

"Good… Oh and quit annoying me." Ichika finished with that as he slammed the door on Chifuyu's face.


Those closest to Chifuyu heard the slight sniffling and wondered what it was. Chifuyu fought off the urge to cry seeing as there were students around but she was fighting a losing battle. So as swiftly as she could she walked as fast as she could to the Teacher's Dorms so she could lock herself in her room and let out the pain.

(Inside Ichika's Dorm)

Ichika quickly threw his first duffle bag on the bed as he placed his other on the nearby desk. He then collapsed on his bed enjoying the feeling. After a few minutes rest he sat up on his bed using his hands to balance himself, then he looked around the room making sure he didn't miss anything important. The room was a nice dorm, nothing fancy but it clearly was made for more… High class girls, Red velvet carpets with Gold accents, Redwood walls, 2 King sized beds with matching red and white blankets and sheets, and a fairly large bathroom.

"Oh, thank fuck!" Ichika exclaimed out of nowhere as he fell back onto his bed once again.

"I almost thought they were going to place me in the same room as some random girl! Looks like they are smarter then they look…" Ichika noticed that there was no other occupant of his room, simply him and him alone.

After about fifteen minutes of silence and Ichika resting his eyes he finally groaned and got up.

"Ugh… I better make sure everything is working and online…" Ichika spoke to himself as he got up from the bed and made his way to his desk where he placed the second duffle bag.

As he opened the duffle bag he took out a black laptop and brought it back to his bed.

"Let's see… Ah! There it is! IS Academy security systems…" Ichika clicked the icon on his laptop.

Ichika didn't even worry for any bugs in the room since the room was a IS Academy cleared dorm room, the Officials in the Government had no power in anything to do with these parts. Ichika's new apartment or whatever they called was a different story though, since the government was funding and constructing it they had all the power in the world to do as they wished. But nevertheless, he flipped through security channel after security channel, they had literally everything wired, from the school hallways to the school rooms, even the entire city on the island was rigged with cameras on literally every angle and corner.

"And everything is still 100%... Good…" It wasn't hard for Ichika to access the security channel for the school basically he found a loose end, a back door into the system one could say. At first he thought they were trying to use reverse psychology to trick an unsuspecting hacker or terrorist into getting themselves compromised but Ichika was quickly surprised as he noticed it was literally… A back door left open by accident… Ichika did them a favor in the long run actually, he closed the access point and even reinforced some other weak links in the system at the same time. Why? Multiple reasons why, some being because when it came to programming and hacking he had slight OCD to make sure everything was working well, but the main reason? Because he didn't want anyone other than himself in the system in secret.

"Now let's get to work on making this system my puppet…" Ichika grinned down at his laptop as he lay on his bed.

And so, for the rest of the day he literally recreated the programming, receivers, and override manuals for the entire security system, it looks normal to the naked eye of the security guards and whoever was in charge of the system, but in reality Ichika messed it up really bad. After he finished that he went straight to bed having been tired from all the traveling.

(Next Day)

Ichika awoke and started his day at 6:00 AM hoping to get in his exercise before any of the female students awoke, he knew he was somewhat lucky that Chifuyu personally escorted him through the school otherwise he probably would have had girl after girl talking to him and asking questions about his life and how he could use an IS, stuff like that was a daily occurrence after he unveiled himself.

But back to Ichika now. He walked down the hallways in a light jacket colored dark blue, black running shorts, his blue and black headphones, and if one looked close enough they would see the slight crease in his short's pocket where his phone was. As Ichika exited the building he set off the silent alarm for the security system, he didn't think anything of It as he knew the security team would most likely see what he was doing and simply wave it off, what he didn't know was that Chifuyu had Security warnings and messages get sent straight to her phone even though she wasn't a part of the security force.

Normally Chifuyu would sleep straight through any alarms or text messages but she trained her body to somehow wake up from the security alerts as they had a distinct vibrating pattern.

And so, as Ichika started running he of could swore he heard a door slam shut from back in the dorm building.

And so Ichika ran, after the first five minutes he already noticed he was being followed, not by one person, no, by two individuals. Normally he wouldn't worry but the fact that they were following him in secret was the problem. He continued to run picking his pace up in the process as he ran into the shopping district of the island. As he ran he subconsciously fiddled with the knife he had hidden on his right leg.

But nevertheless, his run was uneventful as none of his stalkers chose to reveal themselves. He then went back into his dorm room and took a shower to get ready and hopefully get himself prepared for his first day at IS Academy.

As he walked out of the shower he was immediately put on edge, there was a brand-new male uniform for Ichika that wasn't there before his shower and definitely wasn't there before his run this morning.

Ichika immediately knew he couldn't be as lax as he has been, clearly, he wasn't the only one here trained professionally, he knew the trainers were trained but they would be busy at the moment, that meant every teacher was an IS Pilot and Ex-Soldier. He would have to be more observant.

He put on his Uniform and quickly made a note to himself to change the locks on his apartment once he got it, he wouldn't do it on his dorm so he wouldn't raise any suspicions but he'll be damned if he let them do as they wanted when he had his own apartment dorm or whatever they called it.

"For an academy that boasts about their security… This uniform sure holds a lot of weapons…" Ichika spoke to himself as he noticed all of the flaps and hidden pockets inside of his uniform. Overall Ichika only hid 7 weapons on him at the moment since he didn't want them to seem obvious in any way, considering he now knew how many threats were present he had to go with minimal options, a knife under both sleeves, a 9mm pistol in his right boot, a thin blade around a foot long under his jacket on his lower back, and three throwing knives hidden under his left arm strapped to his torso. Why did he have these weapons? In the type of business Ichika ran he could never be too prepared, if anything he was underprepared at the moment, he couldn't bring any biotech or any type of equipment that could enhance his movements or speed. It was too valuable to risk bringing to the school and Zeke made sure he waited until the final mods on it was complete.


The classroom was bumbling with girls talking about the "New Transfer" that was Ichika Orimura. From what Ichika could gather was that everyone in his class was from the same school in middle school and they all transferred automatically into IS Academy where they have been taking prep classes to be more prepared, so by default they all knew their seats and who everyone was while Ichika was the new kid even though he transferred here on the first day, it didn't help that he was who he was.

As Ichika got to his classroom he noticed that his sister was waiting for him while everyone else shuffled into the room and started to gossip even more about Ichika.

"Ichika." Chifuyu started.

"Introduce me to the class I don't want to waste time." Ichika immediately stopped her advances.

"…" Chifuyu simply looked down sadly, but as she entered the room she shook it off and reverted as much as she could into her well known self, cold, calm, and collected. Sadly, she wouldn't be going back to that 100% for a while.

"Alright everyone quiet!" Chifuyu ordered as everyone shut up including her co teacher Maya Yamada who was gossiping with some of the other girls.

Maya Yamada was a beautiful woman with medium to short green hair, green eyes, a very voluptuous figure, and large breasts.

"Today as you all know we have a new student! He is also the only known male able to use an IS so stay on your best behaviors and don't do anything stupid!" Chifuyu roared.

"…" Nobody said a word after that.

"Maya would you please get him?" Chifuyu didn't want to start anything before class on the first day so she made Maya get him instead.

"Right away!" Maya exclaimed as she opened the door and gestured for Ichika to enter.

As he entered you could already hear the whispers being passed around, most of them were captivated by Ichika, he was mysterious to say the least and he was also good looking which added to his factors.

"Please introduce yourself." Maya said as she stood next to him between Chifuyu and Ichika.

"My name is Ichika. As you all know I can pilot an IS that is why I am here. I am an extremely busy person so don't expect to see me around too often, also don't sneak up on me or I may accidently hurt you. Other than that, I don't have anything to say." Everyone stayed silent after his introduction it was… Formal to say the least. It was quick and to the point leaving no room for misunderstandings. Just mystery.

"Alright! Thank you Mr. Orimura!" Maya exclaimed with clapped hands not realizing what she had just done. Gasps were heard from around the room as their previous thoughts were now confirmed, almost immediately after Maya said that she was hit by killing intent. It had been so long since she last felt something like that she almost jumped in fear.

"A-Any questions?" Maya didn't exactly know where the killing intent was coming from and she clearly didn't want to find out.

A girl in the front row raised her hand first.

"Are you dating somebody Ichika?" The girl asked getting some nods in agreement for the question.

"No, not at the moment." Ichika replied coolly.

"Do you have experience with girls?" Another girl chimed in getting a few individuals in the room to take extra attention.

"I do have past experience yes." Ichika answered truthfully.

Almost immediately even more Killing intent pooled into the room this time it wasn't directed towards Maya and everyone felt it.

The moment Chifuyu heard that something inside of her snapped and couldn't believe her ears. "Her Ichika had experience with other woman other than her?" she immediately was filled with rage and jealousy. (No that doesn't mean she already likes Ichika sexually and not as a brother! I'll explain at the end of the chapter!)

One other student emanated killing intent but it wasn't on the same level as Chifuyu's. After everyone saw Chifuyu's reaction another girl raised her hand.

"Yes?" Ichika asked politely.

"U-Um… Ichika you and Miss Orimura are siblings… Correct?" The golden question had been asked.

"No. I am not related to that… Person… So, don't misunderstand that." Ichika immediately used a tone that showed that wasn't to be questioned.

That reaction simply filled everyone with more questions. Usually somebody didn't show that much resentment towards somebody that easily, let alone towards Chifuyu.

"Alright, Ichika you may take that seat over there." Maya pointed towards the one empty seat in the middle of the class room front row.

Ichika made his way towards the desk and took his seat happy that these desks were more or personal cubicles then anything. Literally he was so shocked to see that he could literally slack off the entire time if he wanted to. The desks had walls on the 3 sides for privacy keeping it so the students could only look at the teacher and not each other's desk.

"Alright before we start we must go over important things!" Chifuyu informed.

"You will not slack off! You will not talk unless spoken too! And you will be expected to take notes so you don't fail your tests! Your easy life styles do not come in handy here so don't expect it to be easy for you just because you are from a better family then others!" Chifuyu further explained.

"…" Nobody questioned it.

"And finally, you will address us by Sensei! I am Orimura Sensei and that is Yamada Sensei! That includes you Ichika." For some reason Chifuyu thought that was a good idea to point him out.

"What? You expect me to call you something else?" Ichika asked sarcastically.

"N-No I didn't mea-!" Chifuyu was cut off as Ichika continued.

"What? Did you seriously expect me to call you Chifuyu-nee? Seriously? Are you that dense?" Ichika questioned as gasps were heard around the room from the clear insult Ichika threw.

"…" Chifuyu's lip was quivering slightly.

"Seriously… After everything I went through Because of you and For you? Seriously don't be so fucking conceited. Orimura Sensei." Ichika made sure to add the last bit just to get to Chifuyu more and hopefully make her feel worse.

Ichika knew what he was saying the entire time never once losing his calm. He wasn't expecting her to be so dumb that quickly but he adapted and made use of whatever one could call that.

"Yamada Sensei please take over the class for me I have something I need to take care of at the moment." Chifuyu didn't trust her own voice to say anymore and quickly made her way out of the room. The way Ichika said "Orimura Sensei" didn't sit well with her, it rolled off his tongue so easily it hurt her. She just wanted to be called "Chifuyu-nee" again…

"A-Alright then… Let's start class!" Maya tried to lighten the mood but the little mishap only threw people even more out of the loop then before.

Chapter 3 End.

Alright! This wasn't exactly a "Real" chapter… It wasn't a filler no it was still part of the start of the story. So this was just to set the scene pretty much for later chapters.

I was kind of rushing to get this chapter out so... Sorry for the errors and whatnot... If you see any tell me and i will fix them immediately!

Basically I want to get this out there! Ichika has 2 personalities! I wont say its necessarily a split personality disorder just… Mood swing type things? He can control it just… Like when he doesn't care he has the type of personality you saw when he was by himself. His other one is the Sadistic personality that you saw when he purposely brought Chifuyu down in front of the entire class. They both combine at times though.

Also! Before you all think when Chifuyu leaked killing intent when she heard Chifuyu had past experience with woman that she thought of him sexually and as a man more than a brother! That isn't the case! She simply doesn't want any others to lay a hand on him! Her motherly and sisterly instincts will do that! She is like that in Canon too!

Also! Her Motherly instincts and Sisterly instincts will contradict with her Veteran Soldier instincts quite a bit. So expect some of that. That will also create more problems for her with Ichika.

Also! Chifuyu will be in the Harem! I was going over things in Canon and doing research and guess what I found!? Every girl in Ichika's harem sees Chifuyu as a Rival in Love! Dang! I didn't know that! And even Maya thinks Chifuyu likes Ichika more than a brother! So damn!

Anyways like I said this isn't a legit chapter yet it is… So if this isn't my best work that's because this is still part of the prologue one could say.

Anyways! If you have questions just leave them in the Reviews or PM me! I love answering everything I can! Also if you want to say something just tell me! Or if you have a critic please leave it! I appreciate everything! The more you guys interact with the story the more motivated I am! So Review and PM!