Edit: woah, it's been a hot minute. Hi, I'm back. So I re-read the last two chapters and they were so bad. Ew. But whatever, I'm keeping them up! I literally have no idea what I'm doing with this story. I don't even think it makes sense but this is fun so enjoy! Ps. these characters are so out of character even i'm like yo. there is literally no plot (well at the moment anyways) but i'm just writing for fun. Tell me what you guys think!

Severus Snape, with the small bundle of boy in his arms, lands with a soft thump onto the worn down asphalt street leading up to his home. He winces when his ankles twinge in pain, but he quickly straightens himself up. He glances down at Harry, and sees the his usually large eyes are pursed tightly. Shit. He tightens his arms and bounces him gently to get his attention. "Harry, look at me. It's okay."

The tightly squeezed eyes spring open. "I'm okay, mister!" Severus startles. Well, that was quick turn around. The little legs wrapped around his waist clench, only a second later, and he spews warm vomit down Severus' right arm and onto his boots. Well, shit.

"Oh no!" his high pitched voice warbles. The large green eyes well with tears, and Severus feels a pang of something curl in his abdomen. He doesn't want to put time to ponder what that something is until he traces a lone tear trace down the sallow cheeks. That pang of something is making him nauseas.

He cradles Harry tighter to himself and the little face furrows into his chest. He rocks him side to side and abruptly makes his way to the his bleak home, long stride eating away at pavement quickly. "It's okay. Don't cry, I'm not upset!"

"But I pukeded on you," he wails, his voice muffled. "That's bad!"

"Did you mean it though?"

A little sniffle and, "no..."

"Then how is bad?"

Another sniffle. "...'cause I'm bad. Auntie 'Tuney says so."

Severus' lip curls at that blasted woman. "Well, you're not bad because I say so. And my word is final." The moment he finishes his sentence, he feels the little nose digging into his chest wipe discretely. He grimaces but also strokes a hand down the small back. "We'll figure things out."

They finally arrive to his modestly austere home, and he quickly enters through the dark, heavy metal front door. The hallway leading to the kitchen is dark, and he flicks on the light switch which dimly lights up the hallway. He worries it's too dreary. It is what it is. He makes his way to the kitchen and sets his the jam... shit! He didn't pay for them. Oh well.

Severus stands in the middle of the garish kitchen and isn't sure what he's supposed to do now. He's 25 and has acquired a child. Not even through legal means. Good heavens. But onto more important matters. "Well, Harry, are you hungry?" he asks gently.

The messy haired child escapes from his safe haven that is Severus' chest and peeks up at him with large eyes. Severus can't look away from his gaze and he smiles gently at him. He receives a small, chapped lip smile in return. A small voice murmurs,"you don't gotta feed me, mister."

A ferocious anger surges through him but he maintains a calm facade. He quickly responds with a gentle tone, "But, Harry, I'm hungry. I'd feel awfully sad to eat by myself. Would you please join me?"

A potent silence and then, "you're hungry?"

"Extremely hungry. I'd be so sad eating by myself."


"Yes, incredibly so." He jostles the light load in his arms. "How about some toast and jam?"

He receives a large gaped tooth smile and a vigorous nod. He doesn't know what compelled him to do so but he swoops down and places a firm kiss to the top of that messy hair. He hears a soft gasp and the frail, thin arms wrap tighter around him. Severus' chest aches and he can't get himself to separate from the boy so he continues to tightly clutch him. He no longer can argue that this is because this child is Lily's son but its what he sees in this child. The same starvation for attention that he once he had when he was a child.

After a long moment, he pulls back and with a knot in his throat says, "how about it?" He receives another vigorous nod. Ah, there it is.

He strides over to the small, wooden table surrounded by a single lone chair and places the child down onto it. He's met with some resistance at first and he strokes down the small back until the shockingly strong arms release him. "Sorry, mister." A stark blush spreads across the sallow cheeks and the child bites his lips.

"It's okay, Harry. I just need you to sit for a short time while I make us some toast." He smiles once more at the child and makes his way to the bread box. He quickly makes their lunch and sets the table. "I'm going to grab an extra chair, I'll be a moment." He abruptly turns away but -

"No! Wait!" He scurries off the chair and clings to Severus' leg. "I wanna stay with you. Please."

Severus pauses. He was just planning on transfiguring any plain object into a chair but he didn't want to create any unease with the child by revealing too much magic to him yet without explaining magic in depth. "I won't be but a moment."

"No, please!" Severus winces when he feels sharp, bony fingers dig into his thigh. "Take me with you!" His voice raises into a wail and Severus' eyes widen. He did initially suspect the child had attachment issues with the whole going off with a random man but he was shocked. He was only going off a few feet away.

"Harry, I'm only going to be in the next room over." He attempts to placate him without success.

"No! I'm good, please!" At this point, Severus' sighs and heaves him up to rest on a hip. Immediately, the thin arms wrap tightly around his neck and a chapped kiss lands on his cheek. Oh. The green eyes frantically meet dark, hooded eyes and they stand still watching each other.

Severus breaks eye contact first and desperately looks around the room. He's in over his head. Oh god, he's genuinely in over his head. Be calm!

"Are you okay now?" Am I okay now?

A frantic nod. He internally nods.


He silently treks to the living room and grabs the chair tucked in by his desk. It's become suffocatingly silent. He can feel the fixated gaze. He nearly struggles dragging the chair to the kitchen with one arm but he somehow manages. He once more places Harry onto his chair and is once more met with resistance.

Huffing, he slumps onto his desk chair and after a moment, Harry becomes comfortable in his lap. The both stare at the now cold toast with the thick spread of jam and Severus uses a finger to drag the plate to them.

"Well, dig in."

Harry didn't need a second prompt. He swipes a piece off the plate and happily munches, leaning his back against Severus' chest.

Severus' breath hitches and he starts to mentally write a letter.


I may have acquired...

AN: weeee! that was fun and made literally no sense! read, enjoy and review if you please! Next update sometime this weekend.