A/N: Okay, so I went back and sorted out some files in my computer, only just realizing by now that I had been storing outtakes that didn't make it into the official post. And boy, I realized by now how plenty scenes I had to scrap and make again in order for it to become what it is now. I read a few of them, made me cringe a lot for my past self, and then decided on the idea if I could post them online and share some of my insights on how I write and how I decided whether things would be scrapped or not. Haha. Self-depreciation is a thing that I do I guess.

So anyway, here's a couple of scenes along with some notes here to share with you guys on the TGWLTW series!

Disclaimer: Most, if not all, scenes here are incomplete and the subject/thoughts for that specific scene would start at some random point, or it could trail off to oblivion. Some of these scenes may contain very short paragraphs, and would seem incoherent, but please let me remind you that these are scrapped ideas, and does not start/continue anymore in any way, shape or form.

To help you through this, i will indicate an Author's Note [A/N] before of every scene on my opinions, thoughts that played around in my head at that time, and then everything after the [Start Scene] is the entire thought/idea/paragraph/scrap/whatever. I will end it with a [End Scene] and a separator as there would be pasting multiple Outtakes here.

I'll start with an easy one with the format below:

[A/N] There was an idea way back when that I would like to call her some sort of title. I tried to painfully research everything I could for any kind of mystical stuff, but then I scrapped the idea because it didn't feel like I'd wanted her to have only just one title. Also, Greenseer feels too weird.

[Start Scene]

"What... what about?"

His posture stiffened. Which meant now that he meant business. I don't know if I could handle business after what I've went through.

"I was in the study looking for things I hoped that could bring some semblance on your existence in this world. Unfortunately, the books aren't best enough to explain to me your predicament. But I've found one interesting thing." He said, pausing a little after. "You are somewhat a variation of a myth called the Greenseer."

"A what?"

"Greenseers. Simply put, they are gifted people who have the ability to see into the future. You have the capability, somewhat, just like them."

[End Scene]

Do you get it now? Well then, on with the show!

[A/N] This is a scene where Rory and Jaime were talking with each other at the cage part when Jaime was captured (before attempting to kill Alton). The following scenes are my attempts on how to start off the conversations between Jaime and her, and some of these things are really funny and also made me cringe a little bit. Off to the dumpster these scenes did. Also, I had only realized that it wasn't Jaime and Cersei who killed Jon Arryn, but it was her wife Lyssa. Hoo, I almost bit the nail on this one. haha

[Start Scene]

"It's not of what you can do for me." I lifted up slightly the skirt of my dress and crouched down to his height. "It's more of what I can do for you. But," I then bit my lip. "I'm still kind of thinking about it."

"Oooh, this game I just love to play." He bit back sarcastically. "And if killing that fat lady's boy isn't the most interesting idea, then I really don't know what is."

I decided to ignore his last retort, and just came up with an instant thought.

"You know, when you actually look away from the bigger picture, everything actually points out to you and your sister. If Bran wasn't pushed off that tower, if Jon Arryn didn't get poisoned, then I would've never stepped foot in this world in the first place… and we could've all avoided this stupid war."

"And what makes you think that I killed Jon Arryn? Pushing off Bran was my thing, that I can sing with my proud heart, but Jon Arryn?"

"Oh of course it was you. He was about to find out what's going on between… but maybe in a sudden surge of panic, like what you did with Bran, you went on and finished him off before he revealed everything."

Poor Bran. I hated what happened to him, but I couldn't let the thought go without mentioning it to Jamie.

[End Scene]

[Another Scene]

This time, I finally had the guts to creep slowly to the door of the cage and held the bars while I was looking intently at Jaime.

"I hated you for hurting poor Bran, but while we were slowly getting to know you, you have earned slightly redeemable qualities. Bran still earned something for what he bargained for, but it could've all been avoided if it wasn't for that mishap." I paused, but then continued. "You're, in some ways, still selfish. But you will grow out of it when fate plays it part."

"And you're telling me all this because you have finally made a decision?"

[End Scene]

[Another Scene]

"Okay then, I'll play your little game. What can I, the proud and illustrious Jamie Lannister, could persuade you into letting me go?" He then did his smile. "We've got gold, much of it apparently. And you know what they say, A Lannister—"

"Always pays his debts." I supplied, eventually shaking my head. "No, I don't need that. I need… something else."

"You want my body? I don't know about that… I haven't bathed for days… You sure you want that kind of a tryst?"

A looked at him. This time it was getting slightly below the line. "Why do men 'round these parts like to oversexualize women…" I mumbled.

"Out with it, then. Or do I have to tell your bannermen that you've committed treason by plotting an escape?"

[End Scene]

[A/N] Was planning a scene where Renly would explain the assault on Highgarden (to reclaim it, as was mentioned in the 1st part of the story), but I just wanted it to become a non-Rory-involved thing. I wanted to reiterate that my writing with Rory is only just a one-person perspective. She doesn't need to know everything or does have the need to become involved in all of the things... what can she do about it anyway?

[Start Scene]

"Highgarden was a safe place that can very well defend itself… but with the Lannister army spread all over the Reach, it's impossible for us to reach our support all the way from us here in the Riverlands." Renly explained. "That's why they exploited the vulnerability, and their march has already started as we speak."

"We had to buy time to make sure that the songs are true. I cannot leave my wife's homeland unattended while we go marching towards Harrenhal. Not when we know that it's in danger." He then continued. "I know now what you feel, my Lord. How family affects the choices of our original paths, and I must condone for that."

"We shall not stray from our decision. We shall still ride if it's necessary and we would not abandon Highgarden."

[End Scene]

[A/N] Here's a little longer for you guys (which pains me to say that I dumped something this long makes my heart ache) .

The following scenes are kind of like what I wanted to interpret when Rory was knocked unconscious, way back when Robb tried to rescue him. This… was almost close to become an actual scene, but it definitely foreshadows a little bit too much of my decisions (back then) for my character. This was the time where I wanted to blur the lines for Robbry and Jonry, but it felt like I don't want to tease on which ship sailed or not too much.

It's kind of like a dream-vision thing, particularly foretelling the events that would happen at the Red Wedding. Also some stuff for Jon in the near end.

[Start Scene]

I was floating.

Well, it felt like I was floating.

Take her… Bring… Maester...

My eyes were open but everything was a little hazy. The only thing I could really tell was corridor dimly lit by an aisle of candles. The architecture was mostly wooden and stone, and perhaps, was that the sound of rushing water? I looked through the window, it was dark. Very dark. It was very cold too. I hugged myself but I felt the perspiration all over me, prickling in my skin. I was also hot. My temperature burning.

I then started to move. Unconsciously… Consciously… I really didn't know. I felt tired like I had trekked a high mountain. And yet, I didn't even feel my legs put on weight every time I stepped forward.

I didn't know where I was headed, but it felt like I was going in the right direction. The candles became dimmer and the gushing of snow silently faded. And then there was a whole new focus. A faint sound appeared out of nowhere. And then another. And another. It was distant, but I figured there were men boisterously laughing. Cups were clanking. A mellow tune was strumming.

I got closer and closer, and then the sound came louder as well. I followed the voices, and soon enough I was facing a huge door. I examined it with its crooked lines and tattered wood. I reached for it but then it slowly opened. And then the sound burst through.

There were long tables filled with dozens of food, men and women loitering around. All were slightly disheveled, like what happens after a lot of drinking after the eve of night. It was mellow, but at the same time merry. Everyone was celebrating. To what, I didn't remember.

"I thought you'd never come."

I turned around and that's when I saw a man of curly brown hair and intensely blue eyes. His voice was also recognizable. Like I knew him. His face was dusted with a properly trimmed beard, and his gentle smirk could almost attract any princess of the kingdom… for he was certainly some kind of prince…

A prince.

She… survived… Thank the Seven… She… hero.

I did not speak, but it felt like I replied. I didn't know what I said but he only bowed down and chuckled solemnly in embarrassment. When he turned his chin up again, he was smiling. It was a very endearing smile.

He offered up his hand, and then I took it. He guided me along an aisle of drunk men, women serving up their tankards. I decided to take the opportunity to look at the many faces, but they were all fuzzy, like I wasn't supposed to recognize them.

However, in the end, on the front pew with a table filled with more lavish food besides the one behind them, the man let go of my hand and then strode towards two women. One looked older, and surprisingly, I could discern clearly her face. She had the same eyes as his. His mother perhaps. Yes. It most certainly was. The other, she was looking plump. Pregnant plump. And the man had this yearning smile on his face when he sat next to each other and caressed her belly.

"Take a look. You've given me my future." The man then said to me.

She's… fever… She cannot wake…

We stayed there for a couple of hours, I think. They were all drinking and being merry. The sounds coming from the band were melodious. It felt like there was a celebration. Of what, I couldn't really remember.

And then the man and his wife talked. About small things. About many things. What their future were, what they would do after everything was finished. And they looked so happy. And surprisingly, it made me feel happy too.

The music died down. Into more of a mellow tune. The pacing of merriment had slowed, but a couple of men were still drinking their ale. The bustling turned into more of an ambiguous talk. The atmosphere suddenly went a little timid.

It was getting hotter. The prince was now staring at me. It was as if he was trying to read me. I sputtered out a voiceless question, and his straight lip turned into a frown.

"I wish I had more time." The prince said.

He was now looking up. Towards the band that was playing up the ramparts of the great hall. Although, this time, they weren't equipped with playing instruments. Instead, they all wielded crossbows and bolts. They were all aimed at him. Like a sacrificial lamb.

My heart leapt.

Restrain her! … She… having… attack!….

My eyes closed before I could record what happened next.


It's… days now… When… wake up?


All there was, was endless snow.

I do not know.

There was nothing but the pure white tundra ahead of me. No trees. No rocks. No flakes falling. I was just. There. Beneath the glimmer sunrise of the horizon.

It wasn't really cold at all.

A slush of booted footsteps silently resounded behind me, until I heard it coming exactly coming next to my side.

A figure appeared.

Dark-brown hair, almost bordering black, and steel grey eyes— solemn and yet at the same time guarded— came into bright focus. He wasn't in his usual dark fur cape, but he still wore his black typical figurewear. He almost seemed noble, but there was a way that his hands that were postured behind his back told me that he had seen his fair shares of wars. A slightly different kind of war.

He turned his head on the horizon again and still I was waiting for him to speak, but he didn't. Not that time. He was just… admiring the view of it all.

Silence crept on. And somehow, in some way, it calmed me.

She's... normal…

There was this tingling feeling that came inside me. It's as if I wanted to stay. Not forever though. It just felt like I belong, but like the very first house you'd ever lived in and then after so many years, you then moved far away, returning brought back a certain nostalgic sense into it. Like you just wanted to stay a few hours to reminisce and then go back to the way things were.

And that's what we did. We both saw the sun on the horizon rise up and changed the lighting on the fields. It reached its peak, the brightest it has always been during the day, and then slowly it lowered back again, viewing the orange painted across the sky.

And just like that, the day was about to end.

In those hours none of us ever really spoke. Even in the finality of it, he just stared at me with a faint, sad smile on his face. It wasn't born out of pity. It felt it was more like he enjoyed the silent company, but then the day is finally ending and we've both got to go our separate ways.

He crossed the boundary when his hand tucked one side of my hair behind my ear, and then lowered until he grabbed hold of my side, tugging me into his warm presence. Consciously, I obliged. My head was now safely tucked on his chest just underneath his chin.

I closed my eyes and breathed out a sigh.

She should wake any day now.

[End Scene]

[A/N] Liked that one? hehe, I sure hope you did.

In any case, the below scenes is a little different, this one actually made it to post, but with a different scenario. Here's a nice thought to myself that even if I scrap ideas, there are still some bits and pieces I would still use because I kind of enjoyed what I was writing back then.

If you want a little effort, you can compare the below paragraph to the scene where Alton was anointed as Rory's personal bodyguard from the last two chapters from the first book.

[Start Scene]

"You know how to wield a sword?" I asked, and then was answered by a nod. "Well, I need to have the… what do you call it? The one who defends you just in case you stand in trial?"

"By combat?" I shrugged. It hardly ever mattered anyway. "You mean a champion?"

"Yeah. That. I'm never good at fighting anyway, so why not let someone do it?" I grinned. "I also needed a… Podrick? Hmm, no. You look way more tougher than him. Sandor, maybe? Nah. Too Hound-ish… Maybe a go-between?

He didn't seem to get what I just said and just shook his head. "Do you know that I'm a Lannister? That I'm a member of the one enemy of the Starks and Renly Baratheon?"

"You never listen, do you?" I said disapprovingly. "It kinda seems you're still missing the point that I'm the one and only— no matter how much I hate the title— Fate-Changer, right in your very midst."

"Still don't make no sense."

"Well, it means I'm changing your fate, silly." I yawned. God, I didn't realize I was this tired. "Don't worry, if anyone bats you strangely in the eye, I'll make sure to take care of it."

Geez, the guy doesn't really seem to get it. But I don't blame him. Thing was, I could use a random, travelling companion with me, and I have a feeling that he and I would get along somewhere down the road. Of course, it seemed very quick and very unusua

[End Scene]

[Another Scene]

"I…" He then stopped, and shyly ducked his head, almost as if he was embarrassed. "Forgive me. I… I had thoughts being sent back to the pit again."

I was shocked. "And who gave you that idea?"

"No one. It's… it's just..."

Something was in his system. Or maybe it was just the booze. I'm kind of clueless as to why he was being so flustered like that, and after everything that has happened that past hour, I just really want to punch him in the shoulders and just be on with it.

Finally though, he sucked up his breath and mustered whatever courage he has left when he spoke.

"You have been kind to me, my lady. So much that you have placed yourself in front of me and have defended me every time I'm treated like I'm not supposed to be here. I should have not, but you insisted."

For what felt like another surprise for me again for how many times today, I suddenly twisted myself to face him, this time my attention was completely to his.

"Don't think I have noticed. I have seen it with before with your Lord, Robb, and I have also seen it tonight with her mother. And… Well, and…" He sighed but then spoke again. "With my debt not being repaid, I couldn't help myself but think that I should be the one who should defend you, not the other way around."

"Well, I'm really not counting any favors…"

"Still," He interrupted. "When I saw you entered, I sensed that it did not go well

[End Scene]

[Another Scene?]

And gracious, I knew that he was downright so awkward by the whole question. It felt like it was too beneath him, too benign, especially someone like a Lannister, to even want to say that. Yet apparently, here he was. Stooping too low his level to say it.

… And it kinda made me proud of him.

[End Scene]


A/N: Well that's it for the first outtake!

And yes, I have some outtakes for book 2 as well, I just need some time to gather/recall my thought process from the time that I wrote it. Hoping I could post them sooner than later!

Let me know what your thoughts! Also, stay tuned hopefully for an update for the next chapter soon!