[Act 3, Scene 13]

[The Farm. It's been utterly destroyed and partially rebuilt. Dorothy & Toto roll onto the ground and stands or sits up where the Farm House used to be. Her shoes are now silver with ruby heels]

Dorothy: Good Gracious!

Marvel: (As he's entering the stage with Uncle Henry) I'm sure we'll find her.

Henry: Thank you for helping us look for her.

[Marvel sees Dorothy & Toto]

Marvel: Gale, look!

[Henry looks where Marvel is pointing, and to his delight, sees Dorothy & Toto]

Henry: Dorothy! Toto!

[Henry runs to Dorothy & Toto]

Dorothy: (As she's running towards him) Uncle Henry!

[Henry & Dorothy embrace for a long time]

Henry: I thought I'd never see you again!

Dorothy: As did I! How's Aunt Em?

Henry: She and the others are looking for you. We should tell them the great news! (Calling off-stage) Em, Hulk, Hickory, Zeke! She's here!

Marvel: (To Dorothy) Glad you're alright.

Dorothy: Thank you Professor Marvel. I found your cousin, Oscar. He's on his way in his balloon.

[Before Marvel can reply, Em, Hulk, Hickory & Zeke enter]

Em: (As she's running to embrace Dorothy) My darling child! Where in the world were you?

Dorothy: The Land of Oz.

Hulk & Hickory: (In disbelief) Oz?

Dorothy: Yes. And I met your brothers, Fiyero and Boq. They told me to give these to you.

[Dorothy reaches into her basket and takes out the letters. She hands them to Hulk & Hickory.]

Dorothy (cont): Hulk?

Hulk: Yes?

Dorothy: (Angry) How dare you abandon Burrr when he was just a cub! Fiyero trusted you!

Hulk: I didn't mean to, honest! It was an accident! He got lost, and while I was looking, I found myself here in Kansas.

Hickory: Dorothy, where did you get those shoes?

Dorothy: The Munchkins gave them to me after our house landed on their Governor.

Hickory: Nessarose Thropp, the Wicked Witch of the East?

Dorothy: Yes. She's dead.

Hickory: She is?

Dorothy: Yes.

Hickory: Hallelujah! (Celebrates)

[Everyone stares at Hickory. After a while, Sheriff enters. He stares at Hickory, who slowly and awkwardly stops celebrating.]

Sheriff: So I see you've found her?

Henry: Yes, and she's been through a lot. (Showing Sheriff off) So, you can cross her off the missing person's list.

Sheriff: Actually Gale, I've come to tell you some tragic news.

Henry: How tragic?

Sheriff: Ms. Gultch died.

Everyone: What!?

Sheriff: A telegraph pole fell on her, and crushed her. By the time we found her and got her help, it was too late.

Em: What about the ordinance?

Sheriff: It's been drooped. The dead can't press charges, I'm afraid. (Tips his hat) Have a nice day.

[Sheriff exits. The Gales, Farm Hands & Marvel celebrate]

Dorothy: (Grabbing Toto) Oh, Toto, we're safe! Safe and home!

Hickory: No more Wicked Witches for me! (Realizes something) Wait, what about the Wicked Witch of the West?

Dorothy: She's dead. She set Fiyero on fire, and I tried to put it out with a bucket of water. But the water splashed on the Witch, and melted her.

Em: Well you've certainly had an adventure.

Dorothy: I did. And I'll tell you all about it later, but now, I'm just glad to be home. Home, with the people, and animals, that I love dearly and never want to be away from ever ever again! Oh Auntie Em, there's no place like home!

[Stage darkens]

[Act 3, Scene 14]

["No One Mourns the Wicked" plays in the background.]


Good news!
She's dead!
The Witch of the West is dead!
The wickedest witch there ever was
The enemy of all of us here in Oz
Is Dead!
Good news!
Good news!

[Stage relights to the room where Elphaba "melted" as the music fades. Scarecrow enters holding Witch's hat. He looks around to make sure he's alone. He goes to the trap door and bangs on it.]

Scarecrow: The plan worked!

[The trap door flies open from the inside, and Elphaba, unharmed and in her underdress, emerges.]

Elphaba: Fiyero! I thought you'd never get here! (She sees his face, then a wave of guilt rushes over her)

Scarecrow: (Trying to comfort her) It's alright. I'm not mad, you didn't know.

[Elphaba climbs out and hesitantly puts a hand up to touch his face]

Scarecrow: (Cont) Go ahead, touch, I don't mind. You did the best you could. You saved my life.

Elphaba: You're still beautiful.

Scarecrow: You don't have to lie.

Elphaba: It's not lying... It's looking at things another way.

[They stand up and hug each other tightly. While they hug, Ozians quietly sing]

No one mourns the Wicked!
Now at last, she's dead and gone!
Now at last, there's joy throughout the land

[Glinda enters in her bubble, holding her wand. Or the Grimmerie. She addresses the crowd.]

Glinda: (Hidding her sadness) Fellow Ozians, friends, we have been through a frightening time. There will be other times and other things that fighten us. But if you let me, I'd like to help. I'd like to truly be, Glinda the Good.

Good news!

Scarecrow: It's time to go.

Elphaba: We can never come back to Oz, can we?

Scarecrow: Well you can't. I'm kinda a hero, and co-ruler of Oz. (Elphaba gives him a confused look) It's a long story, which I promise to tell you later, but the gist is, since I helped "destroy" you, and since me, Boq, Burrr, Dorothy, and Toto scared the Wizard away, me and Glinda are to co-rule, and Boq and Burrr are to be our top advisors. Don't worry, I've made arrangements to spend as much time as I can with you.

Elphaba: (smiling) I only wish...

Scarecrow: What?

Elphaba: That Glinda could know that we're alive.

Scarecrow: She can't know. Not if we want to be safe. No one can ever know.

[Elphaba grabs her bag.]

Good news!

Fiyero: (To Elphaba with his hand outstretched) Come.

[Elphaba is about to follow Fiyero offstage, but she stops and stares at Glinda]

Who can say if I've been changed for the better but...

Glinda & Elphaba
Because I knew you...

No one mourns the Wicked!

Because I knew you...

Glinda & Elphaba
I have been changed...

No one mourns the

Glinda & Ozians

[Elphaba & Fiyero exit]