Yo guys, FlareDragon here with a new story and before you guys get on my case about the other stories, it comes and goes. Sometimes I would feel like writing them or sometimes I'll write them but would not complete it or continue. I guess it might come back if I practice enough.

Warning: This story will contain bits of violence and cursing with some graphic materials in the later chapters.

Anyway, on with the story. I don't own Fairy Tail nor do I own the characters.

"I'm all fired up now!" – Someone Talking

'He's cute.' – Someone Thinking

Chapter 1- NATSU?!

A certain white haired little girl looked at the chaos in her guildhall and couldn't help but slump down and sigh. This little girl was no older than eleven years old and was sitting on a booth with a kitten in her arms, a blue kitten. This little girl is Lisanna Strauss, youngest of the Strauss siblings Her sapphire blue eyes were looking around and saw that so many of her guild members were either hiding or trying to join the fight between the two girls fighting in the center of the guild hall, which happened to be her older sister Mirajane and her sister's rival Erza. As much as the fight was beginning to be annoying, at least it was a small part what people were actually doing.

Lisanna saw Cana and Levy, two of her good friends, were playing chess. The two girls seems to be pretty serious about it since there was a small pile of cash on the table and she could hear them mumbling about the 'bet of the week'. The young Strauss sister also saw some of the older members drinking and laughing.

Lisanna sighed again and slumped even further down with her blue kitten, Happy.

"Something wrong Lismama?" Happy asked as he snuggled closer to his adoptive mother. Incredible that the small kitten isn't only blue, but also that he talks too. Talk about breaking the laws of nature there…

Lisanna looked at her 'son' and smiled. He hatched (yeah that's right, Happy the talking cat hatched from an egg) not too long ago so his voice was still high and squeaky, which makes him even cuter.

"No sweetie, nothing is wrong. It's just that Mira and Erza has been going at it for the past two hours and it's really starting to get on my nerves." The young Strauss sibling pouted as she saw Mira kick Erza into the wall, missing Gray by an inch.

"Was that supposed to hurt you Gothic bitch?" Erza taunted as she rose from the new hole in the wall.

Mira smirked as she aimed her fist at her red-headed rival, "Don't act so tough Fire Crotch!"

Lisanna, as well as anyone who heard Mira's insult, cringed and knew that her sister just broke one of the guild's unofficial rules:

Never mention ginger jokes or ginger insults to Erza. EVER!

The air around Erza turned red and orange while the air around Mira turned a dark blue and purple. Both of the teenage girls glared at each other and was bout ready to launch each other.

Everyone got as far away as they could from the scary girls, Lisanna and Happy included.

"Why isn't the master stopping those two monsters?" Wakaba, one of the older members, asked as he was cowering behind a chair.

Macao, another older member, answered, "I remember that he went into his office with a bottle of scotch and some cigars."

"But it's only ten in the morning!"

"Who cares!"

Mirajane and Erza were launched at each other, each with their right fist raised and aimed at their opponent's face. Everyone didn't know what to do other than not look and hoped for the worst. To make matters worse, the universe seemed to have a funny sense of humor when a pink-haired preteen boy kicked through the door and leaped inside. This boy was none other than Natsu Dragneel, the 'father' of Happy the blue flying cat, Fairy Tail's fire dragon slayer and Lisanna's best friend.

"I'm back! What's up-" Natsu couldn't finish his sentence when he felt two fist making contact with his face. Apparently, when Natsu leaped into the guild, he got himself right in between Mirajane and Erza and received their attacks. Luckily for the guild, Natsu's interference was able to stop the girls from destroying their precious guild, and all it took was one unfortunate boy to suffer. As cruel as that sounds, the guild members didn't want to see anymore fighting.

The unfortunate boy flew across the guild, right next to Lisanna and their 'son'. The white haired girl squeaked and looked at the poor, unconscious boy, "Natsu! Are you okay?!"

Natsu's eyes were unfocused and his his were ringing but answered anyway, "Never better Lisanna…" The young girl didn't believe him when she saw blood coming out f his nose, most likely broken, and his left eye was already swelling.

"Let me get some for you Natsu. Happy, can you keep an eye on him while I get some bandages?"

The small kitten saluted, "Aye Lismama!"

The young girl smiled brightly, 'I'm glad I taught him to say that, though I might change it to just mama.' Lisanna thought as she quickly went to the infirmary.

Natsu groaned, "Hey Happy?"


"I can't feel my eye."

Natsu frowned, 'Damn it…those two really are demons.' Natsu thought when he felt the ringing in his ears going away.

Lisanna returned with the bandages and helped the poor dragon slayer with his injuries.

"Thanks a ton Lisanna." Natsu smiled, showing off his canines. Lisanna smiled and giggled,

"Well of course Natsu. After all, the wife has to take care of the husband when he's injured right?" Natsu blushed from his friend's comment and turned away, mumbling about crazy stuff and that she was embarrassing him.

"Hey Natsu, Lisanna, want me to read your future?" Natsu looked with his good eye and saw Cana holding a deck of cards. The 'couple' looked at each other, before looking back at the fortune telling brunette and nodded. Cana smiled and began shuffling her cards.

"Okay love birds, time to see what the future holds for you," Cana led them to an unbroken table and began laying out the cards, all of them facing down. Lisanna looked excited and hoped for the best, Natsu on the other hand looked a little bored.

"Okay," Cana laid out all her cards in front of her, "Each of you pick three cards."

Natsu looked confused, "But if I wanted four cards?"

Cana shook her head, "No Natsu, three cards; not four, not two, just three cards."

Natsu pouted but complied to the rule. He and Lisanna each took three cards randomly.

Cana gave a smile, "Good, now let me see them."

They handed her the cards and she quickly went to work. She looked at Lisanna's first, "Hmm…you're one lucky girl Lisanna. You'll be having the best relationship you can ask for."

Lisanna's eyes beamed like the stars in a clear night sky. If what Cana said was true, then she and Natsu will finally-

"…with two guys."

Lisanna's world crashed when she heard that. Two guys? Two guys?! TWO GUYS!

"What the hell do you mean two guys?" Lisanna said with steam coming out of her ears. This brown haired bitch must be messing with her if she's saying that she will be with another man instead of the one of her dreams.

Cana waved her hand, "I think it's two guys. The cards say that two of them are the same but in different bodies; two bodies with one type of soul."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Said a voice behind Cana; scaring the shit out of her. Cana turned to see Mira staring at Lisanna's cards.

"Sorry, but that's what the cards say."

Lisanna sighed, "Fine. What about Natsu's fortune?"

Cana checked the dragon slayer's cards and hummed a soft tune. After a few seconds, her eyes widened and gently put the cards down as well stopping her tune. Natsu, Lisanna, and Mira were confused by how she's acting.

"What's wrong?" Mira asked, "Does the brat have a bad future or something?"

"….I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Natsu ask while looking at his cards again, "I knew I should have taken another card!"

"It's not that you idiot, it's just that I've never seen anything like this before!" Cana shouted as she looked at the cards again.

Right then the door to the guild were kicked open and a young man came in and shouted,

"I'm back!"

Everyone turned to see pink haired man with some tattered clothing covering his body and a scaly scarf wrapped around his neck. Wait a second…


And that's the first chapter for this one! I know you guys want me to continue with the other stories and I will...eventually. It's that that I've been out of practice for a while and I need to practice and get into it again. Until then,

June 10, 2017

FlareDragon out