Amongst the heavy downpour in the cool night a pair of headlights that belonged to a black sedan illuminated the dark night. The sedan drove through the madness of the storm while the loud cracks of thunder filled the air.

"Miss, are you sure this trip is an absolute emergency?" A scruffy middle-aged man said.

The young girl with medium length blonde hair who sat in the back of the vehicle peeped her head from out of her journal and frowned.

"Yes, I need to make it back to Pallet Town as soon as possible." She said calmly.

"This trip better be worth it, Miss! I swear I just saw an Absol!"

The young girl rolled her eyes in response. A wild Absol in Kanto? That is just preposterous!

The rain if possible seem to pick up even more.

"Miss, you have better have my money." The driver grumbled as he took a quick glance at the girl in the rear view mirror who had her head deep inside her journal again.

"I will. Now, can you please just focus on the road" the young girl said exasperated as she began writing in her journal.

After the interaction, the driver turn the volume up on the radio and paid little attention to her as the only sounds that could be heard in the vehicle was the unrelenting barrage of water droplets colliding with the vehicle and the sweet harmonies of Sinnoh jazz that seem to caress the ears.

She began to read over her journal for several minutes until she decided to take a breather and close her eyes and listen to her surroundings for just a little bit. Only to end up falling asleep.


The girl opened her eyes and found herself in the middle of a dense forest. She suddenly realized she was all alone in a forest surrounded with dangerous wild Pokémon! Realizing she had no Pokémon on hand with her and that she was in a vulnerable state gave her flashbacks of a moment in her childhood where she was all alone in a forest in Kanto.

Her anxiety started to rise as her breathing started to become heavy and she began to feel her right foot tremble. What was she going to do if she called out to someone? Would the wild Pokémon attack her? But if she-

"Serena!" The sound of a boy who called out to her broke her out of her stupor.

Wait…that voice could it be?

"Ash!" Yelled Serena as without hesitation she ran and tackled him into a hug.

She took him by surprised as she gripped him for dear life.

"I've missed you so much!" She said as she looked up from his chest and saw the same bright smile that could light up her whole world.

"I've missed you too." He said as he cradled her between his arms.

This moment for Serena was everything for her. Oh Arceus knows how long she had ached for this one moment for where she could reunite with Ash and feel this sense of warmth that he brought to her that she oh so desired.

"Where have you been- Are you" She stopped and the look of pure bliss she had on had now morphed into pure horror.

His warmth was gone. She looked frantically for him as she instantly began running through the forest.

"Ash!" Serena yelled out as she ran blindly through the forest.

"Pain pain go away!"

" My name's Ash and this my buddy Pikachu!"

"Ash! Where are you!" She shouted louder as began to hear voices in the distance.

" Go ahead and go it'll be fine."

"There's no need to worry!"

She stopped running. And tried to catch her breath.

"Thanks for the meal!"

"Wow! You made this Serena? It's good!"

She looked around helplessly as he was nowhere to be found. She let out a frustrated yell that could have shook the world as Pidgeys could be seen flying out from amongst the branches.

" Serena I love you and I know... I'm not Ash... but please let me help you"

Her eyes widened as she recognized the voice as to be Clemont!

"You have to try and move on!"

She shook her head out in denial and began to slowly walk away from the voices until she ran in a full sprint.

"Serena! Please I'm begging you to stop!"

"Live for yourself! You can't keep searching for him!"

She stopped running and realized it was her mother's voice.

"Serena I can't keep supporting you like this"

"Please stop hurting your Mother by living like this"

She got on her hands and knees as the image of her Mother's crying face brought her to tears. The sounds of the various voices started to repeat her name. Over and over again. She shook her head and covered her ears from the noise until finally she let out a blood deafening scream.

"Miss... Miss. Hey Miss!" A loud raspy voice called out to her.

Her eyes flashed wide open and she was startle to find herself in the backseat of a vehicle.

"Are you going to sleep there all night? Cause we're outside the hotel I know some things I cou-"

"Right...How much do I owe you?" She said curtly. She began to gather her things and took a glance outside the window. It was still raining.

"Rude little bitch" The middle-aged man grumbled to himself as he calculated the fare.

"Let's see... It'll be 148" He said as took a peak at her from the rear view mirror and noticed her raised eyebrow.

She frowned when she realized that she was short at least thirty dollars. But still what she was being charged for was way too expensive!

"I'm short forty"

"Well damn I'm no charity service you're going to have to pay me."

"I will when I have the-"

"Nah I'll tell you what. You don't have to pay me squat. If you do this one favor for me." He said as he turned around and gave her a smirk.

Her eyes widened and she felt a sense of dread. She gripped her pokéball containing Delphox.

"No thanks, I'll give you what I can" She said as something in her gut told her that anything that this guy was offering was not going to be good.

"Well I'm going to have to be compensated in some way."

" Right... I have a hundred on hand I cou-"

"I didn't risk my life in this weather for you to not have my money! Look, just let me take a few pictures and cop a feel that's all. I'll be quick! " the man said with a laugh at the end.

She felt her pokéballs around her belt twitch. And she knew they we're thinking was along the same line as her. She was about to act until she took a glance at the fare which was in front of the dash that read 88!

Just who the hell was this bastard trying to fool!? Feeling frustrated and before she could even respond a knock on her door on the left hand side of the vehicle had surprised her. The door opened and revealed the person who she was going to meet up at the hotel in Pallet town.

"Misty!" Serena shouted out in relief as she instantly grabbed her stuff and exited the vehicle to give her a hug.

"Hey! it's great to see you too!" Misty said taken aback at first as she couldn't let out a laugh but paused when she felt the tense atmosphere.

"That's nice and all but she owes me my mon-"

"Cut the crap! I only owe you eighty-eight. I'm not paying you anymore than I have to and I for sure am not going to be doing any 'favors' for you!"

Misty raised her eye brows and glanced at Serena and the man trying to comprehend the situation.

"Here take the eighty-eight and leave!" Serena said as she threw the money in the back seat.

"That's not going to cut it!" He shouted as he was about to get out of his vehicle until he realized who the girl was with.

"You! And you're little friend here are going to have to pay me! Look your friend clearly owes me my money! I just was gonna be off- Wait... You're the Cerulean gym leader!"

"That's right..." Misty said as she gripped a pokéball. One look at the guy and she could tell his intentions we're not pure.

"Damn you!" He shouted as he slam his foot to the pedal and took off almost losing control as a flash of light flashed from behind the vehicle for a brief moment.

"Hey wait!" Misty shouted as she was about to call out her Gyradous until Serena grabbed her arm and shook her head.

"Don't worry I got a picture of the license plate" Serena said gesturing with her phone.

Misty eyes widened for a split second and couldn't help but nod to herself. Ever since Ash's disappearance Serena had really matured. She spent her time traveling around the different regions in search of Ash after he disappeared.

"That bastard try to pull a fast one on you, huh?"

"You have no idea" Serena said as she shook her head in disgust.

"We'll have to report this officer Jenny... Hey you're usually traveling with that one guy with the glasses... The science guy right?"

"Oh... you mean Bill?" Serena said innocently

"No! He had blonde hair" Misty said with a laugh


"Yes! He's always had some random neat little invention!"

"Oh we don't travel together anymore."

Misty eyes widened and she couldn't help but feel concern.

"But still Serena this world is dangerous it's better to travel with other-"

"And what about you?"

"Well... I have my Pokémon."

"Exactly! Same here" Serena said with a smile as she gestured to her belt that had her current party with her.

"Ah... Well I guess you're right" Misty said with a laugh.

"We're never truly alone" Serena said as she grabbed her things and made her way to the lobby.

As she walked in she was greeted by Tracey and Cilan who she shared the same title as them as "Ash Ketchum's Traveling Companions".

"Serena it is so marvelous to see you again!" Cilan exclaimed with a huge smile.

"Yeah! how's it going!?" Tracey called out as he Serena an eye smile.

"Well, she had to deal with quite the gentleman of a driver." Misty said as she shook her head.

"What!?" Tracey called out with a look of concern that filled his eyes.

"Are you ok? Cilan asked as he walked over to check up on her.

"Relax guys, I'm fine. I would've been able to deal with him by myself but Misty coming to greet me was fantastic timing" Serena said with a laugh as she gave Misty a quick side hug.

"Where is Clemont at?" Cilan asked as he looked around towards the lobby door in anticipation.

"I'm not traveling with him."

"But why not? It's dangerous for girls to be traveling by themselves!" Tracey said with a frown as he crossed his arms.

Misty felt the need to say something but to her surprise again Serena spoke up.

"You know I don't understand that... Why is it okay for guys to travel alone? And yet for girls it's some type of damn crusade. I mean it's one thing to worry about some wild rabid Pokémon but another thing to worry about is men... Please! I'm never alone I have my Pokémon. I may not be a gym leader or the champion but my Pokémon and I can handle ourselves!" Serena said sternly as she realized she raise her voice quite a bit judging by the looks of random people in the lobby.

Tracey had a look of guilt and wanted to say something but couldn't find the words to which Cilan patted his back and made his way towards Serena.

"Here let me take your things and make you a nice warm soup." Cilan said softly as he grabbed Serena's backpack and took her hand and led her to the group's room.

"I... I just was...-"

"You're good, Trace. It's been a long day for her and for all of us." Misty said with a light smile and gave him a quick pat on the shoulder to cheer him up. Tracey slowly nodded his head in response. The pair then made their way back to the room.

Serena quickly fell to the bed and couldn't help but let out a huff into her pillow. She hadn't mean to burst out of him but she hated how people treated her like she was some little girl who needed protection. She traveled all across the world with her Pokémon!

"Serena here is some tea" Cilan said with a warm smile.

She perked up from the bed, her hair in disarray. She slowly reach out towards the mug only for Cilan to pull back.

"Your shoes, Serena" He chided

With a roll of her eyes she gave in and took off her shoes. Satisfied with the two plops Cilan handed her the mug.

"Thank you, Serena" he said before going back to the kitchen to prepare the soup.

The door open and in came Misty and Tracey.

"Wow, Cilan sure is spoiling you, huh Serena?" Misty teased as Serena smiled and shrugged in response.

"Oh! I could bake sweets! It would go well with this tea!" Serena said as she tried to get up but Misty stopped her.

"Nope! You go on and just relax" Misty said with a laugh.

Serena smiled but deep down she knew she didn't have time to relax. Ash... Each moment she spent doing nothing meant another moment that Ash could be in danger! She had to find him! She just knew he had to be alive... Because if he wasn't then... No! she had to continue with the belief that he was alive!

After eating dinner Serena sat along with Misty while Cilan and Tracey washed the dishes.

"Are there any new updates?" Serena asked

"Yes... That's why we called you down here." Misty said as got up to hand Cilan her dirty plate.

"We think we might've found Pikachu."


" I don't understand! Why would you ever want to leave our paradise?" A woman voice could be heard. A thud and a grunt of pain could be heard.

"Cynthia please..." the voice of young man called out

"Ash, sweetie you know how much it pains me to punish you like this. But you did a bad thing. You can't leave me! If you were to leave me then I would be sad! And..."

"Cynthia being sad is bad" Ash mumbled out as he clutch his sides. He was certain that her Garchomp had cracked a few of his ribs.

"See! I knew you we're learning but yet you disappoint me." Cynthia said with a cross of her arms.

"Please! I'm so-"

"Garchomp!" Cynthia commanded as the Pokémon in question took a swipe at Ash who in return cried out in agony.

"Oh! You know it hurts me so much to discipline you like this."

"It hurts! Please... just mak-"

"Garchomp, Halt!"

Garchomp immediately stopped and moved aside as Cynthia walked towards Ash and picked him up by the shirt collar and stared deep into his eyes. His brown eyes met her grey eyes.

"Oh sweetie, this hurts me more than you'll ever know." Cynthia said softly as she cradle his face for a moment with her free hand then she gripped a pokeball in hand.

"Lucario, Close Combat..." Cynthia said coldly as she let Ash drop to the floor with a noticeable thud.

Cynthia walked away as Ash's screams of agony filled the distance.

"Miss Cynthia! ...You should really tell your Lucario to stop." A heavyset man with blonde hair and worn down sun cap said wincing every time he heard Ash scream.

"Mohn, your suggestions are appreciated but my Ashy tried to escape again. Wanting to leave me alone in our own special paradise, huh? That is just too cruel."

"I understand but-"

"Not another word, Mohn. I'll cut your number of pokébeans down." Cynthia said sternly as she walked away in the distance.

"Yes, milady." Mohn said with his head cast down.

He walked towards Lucario once it seem like it was done. As he made his way he couldn't help but grimace at the Lucario who seem to be trying to flick the blood off of her paws. He sighed as he handed the Pokémon a cloth. He then took a good long look at the state of Ash Ketchum.

He was a bloody mess to look at. His face was heavily bruised and his breathing was deep almost as if he was gasping for air. If you looked closely the faintest of tears trailed down his face.

"Pikachu... I want... to see my-" Ash said between breaths until he finally he passed out.

Mohn sighed and shook his head at the pitiful sight. Without a word he picked him and carried him back to his special paradise.