Forgot to say - all characters belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Welcome to Energy Conservation Global Systems, my ass.

Since I had started there two weeks ago, Jasper Whitlock had been the only person who had been welcoming.

Nobody had been particularly rude. least not until today.

However, everyone was just so cold. It was very different from what I had been used to back in Washington. People went out of their ways to ensure everyone felt as though they were on a team where I had worked.

This environment was so alienating. My team barely talked to one another unless it was about work. That was fine - except earlier today when I had asked my colleague Lauren Stanley to help me navigate the software.

"Didn't you learn this in your last contracting position?" She had asked.

"We had a third party come in and take care of it," I admitted. "Can you please help me with this?"

"Well, we don't have a high budget like the company you had come from. We actually had to learn what to do here and not rely on outsourcing."

I raised my eyebrows - not because of the words she used, but because of the patronizing tone in which she said the words. It was so passive aggressive and sounded as though she pitied me. What in the world was this girl's problem?

I sighed. "And that's why I'm asking you for your help."

Fifteen minutes later, after being spoken down to, I finally said, "I'll actually just figure it out myself. Thank you for your help, though, Lauren."

Unfortunately, nobody else spoke to me. Everyone kept to themselves.

They simply weren't interested in learning about one another.

For someone who had just moved here, it was isolating. I wanted to make friends, and while I hadn't moved here specifically to do that, it would have been nice to have some kind of companionship through work.

I didn't want to rely solely on my relationship with Jacob. However, it was nice to see him after a long day. When he had gotten home, I was relieved. I finally had someone to talk to.

"So, tell me about work," I stated as I sprinkled some garlic into my tomato sauce. I had stopped at the store and had grabbed a few ingredients to make spaghetti on the way home. I had needed a distraction and cooking was the way to do it.

"Bella," Jake moved next to me, leaning against the counter. "I can't even describe it. I love it. I'm finally doing something I love. My boss is awesome. He catered in lunch today. Moving out here was the best decision we could have made. I love it."

I paused.

For a millisecond, but he noticed.

I felt his eyes on me and so I glanced over at him. He had a thoughtful look on his face.

"What is it?" I laughed nervously.

"You just...seem so content here."

That surprised me.

And disappointed me.

What I was feeling was the opposite of content. I was anxious and stressed, and I had only been at this place for two weeks.


"Yeah," he grinned. "Just seeing you when I got home, waiting here for were just so happy to see me."

I looked away.

"That sounds…pathetic."

Like a puppy dog who misses her owner.

He laughed. "Yeah, I guess I didn't phrase it correctly."

I pressed my hands down on the counter. "So what did you mean, then?"

This time, he paused. "Nothing. I just was happy to see you and you seemed happy to see me."

"I am," I forced a smile and made eye contact with him. Brown to brown. "I am happy to see you."

"How was your day at work, Bella?"

I hadn't told him about how I was having issues finding my niche. Since he was having a great day, I didn't want to ruin it.

"My day was great."

Thanks for reading!

ALSO - pretty awesome - my other story Anima Gemella was rec'd by The Lemonade Stand!

Thank you for the rec ladies!

Check out all the other bomb ass stories there.

I also am really enjoying Cerebral by LyricalKris.
