Hands clasped over his eyes from behind. "Guess whooo?"

He blinked, as his long legs still dangling over the roof edge. Or at least he tried to.

The night's patrol had been relatively uneventful, but his mind still whirred with the homework he still had yet to do and the plans his father had for him tomorrow. Meaning his mind had clearly been too unfocused to note her approach.

In the dark, barely the slightest trace of light slipped through her fingers. His mask was hardly any help.

Her voice had echoed into the still night air. His kitten ears had even swiveled back so far as they would manage, marveling at the unrestrained joy in the timbre of her voice as she chuckled slightly.

"Hmmm." He wondered aloud. "Whoever could it possibly be?"

His claws reached up to her hands

"Nope," she chided, clamping her fingers together more closely over his eyes. "No fair peeking, Chat."

His lips curled upwards.

The air smelled of the bakery below, yeasty breads, with tantalizing, familiar hints of honey, chocolate, and vanilla that thrilled his nose.

"I wonder…" he mused.

Not that there was any in his mind who it was standing behind him. Not that there were many too options for who else would be up on Marinette's roof this late in the evening.

Of course, if she was being this facetious, the little bit of help he had given her in tutoring must be going well. Not that Marinette would ever be so forthright with how her grades were with him during the day.

It was another freedom this costume afforded; the chance to get to know his friend better, even as his civilian side rarely got the chance.

Chat grinned, leaning back from his tenuous hold on the brick roof ledge to settle back against her chest in a makeshift hug. "I suppose there can be no doubt," he practically purred, relishing the warmth of the contact for however long as she might allow it. "It must be my Princess."

Without warning, the warmth was gone but as he was still leaning against her, he dropped backwards with a thud.

But it wasn't the drop that had left him breathless, sucking the air right from his lungs.

It was the vision in red who stood above him, a mixture of shock and concern warring in her too blue eyes.


He struggled for breath. How on earth had his senses–as sharp as they were in this form thanks to Plagg's powers–failed him so spectacularly?

"Are you alright, kitten?"

The moonlight washed over her, as she towered over him, extending him a gloved hand up.

His claw grabbed for her hand, marking her height as he drew up to full height beside her. The suddenly familiar shade of her hair and her eyes. The pigtails.

His eyes widened. Everything he had grown accustomed to in the past few months, suddenly appearing new.

The magic had lifted, but it wasn't gone. Just changed.

Chat inhaled carefully, desperately willing his heartbeat to slow. His desire to keep her protected had only grown two-fold: to keep both her – and her secret – safe.

He let his civilian instincts take over, sliding hooded eyes and a too bright smile into place to mask away his shock.

"I think I will be, my Lady."

Author's Notes:

I need to expand my range to improve the plans I have brewing for several of my in progress works.

You can find me on Tumblr as "overworkedunderwhelmed" to request prompts.