I do not own Naruto or Freedom Planet





Chapter 3

Shang Tu

It has been over a month since Naruto accepted the Magister's offer and began his training. At the beginning they had him unlock his chakra, but realized that the energy burst he had had already unlocked it. The first thing they had him do was chakra control exercises and learn about the history and the culture of the three kingdoms. Over the month the Magister had decided that Naruto should have his tails tied up to look like one tail; yes it looks bigger and more fluffy for someone his age, but it still looks like only one tail. When Naruto asked the Magister why he had to do this he said it was to make sure no one that knows of the legend can easily find him by looking for anyone with nine tails, but also so the leaf village can't find him just by seeing the tails. Naruto understood this and tied his tails together with two smooth pieces of cloth to bind them together and used cloth as to not make it uncomfortable and irritate his tails. For the past time he was on the leaf sticking exercise of chakra control, which was a well known control exercise for beginners. Naruto is currently doing said exercise; sitting in the middle of the outside training field with Nerra who was assigned to watch him to not only help with his training, but to subdue him incase the Nine Tails power starts coming out and did not wanting him to train in it until he was older and more trained. Nerra was keeping an eye on him and saw that a red energy was starting to bubble up "Naruto!" she shouted to break his concentration and get his attention. Naruto gave a worried look knowing that he had most likely had that power come up again. Narra gave a stern look, but then sighed knowing that something has been on his mind since he got here and started training, but has refused to talk about it or change the subject "Naruto I know you don't want to talk about it, but whatever's on your mind is affecting your meditation causing you to let lose that power" Nerra said wanting to get to the source of the problem. Naruto looked down at the ground knowing that he can't keep this up, but still decides to avoid it "Nothing wrong I just need to keep trying" Naruto said earning another sigh from Nerra. Nerra was not used to this, specifically not used to training someone of Naruto's age and is trying to get him to open up on what's been bothering him. With a third sigh she sat next to Naruto and put her spear down on the ground to her left side "Naruto I know you don't want to talk about it and I'm not the best person that should be talking to you about this, but please tell me what's wrong. Let me help" Nerra says to Naruto a bit worried and a bit uneasy due to not doing this before. Naruto was thinking about this current situation and how they gave him a new life. He didn't want to push his problems onto them yet knowing who he is they let him stay and train him "I-I-I just keep thinking back to t-that village. I can't seem to just… forget it" Naruto said to Nerra who now understands what' been going through his head for the past month. He has been afraid he will be found and taken back to that village most likely by force knowing them. "Naruto you don't have to worry they can't find you, we are across the ocean and the elemental lands don't bother us and even if they did all three kingdoms have prepared for them" Nerra said hoping to calm him down. "I doesn't matter! They WILL try to get me and hurt everyone until they do and not just the leaf!" Naruto shouted. (Naruto is or was the son of the Hokage and knows some of the lengths a village will go to get what they want whether it's a bloodline or to gain a new weapon to get an edge) Nerra looked to him in pity knowing that what he said is true and that eventually he will have to face his former family. Nerra did what no one not even herself would do; she hugged Naruto like a mother would "Naruto I know you're afraid, but that doesn't mean you should carry all of that weight alone. There are other who will help you and I know you will meet them in the future" Nerra said softly not really knowing how true her words are. Naruto sat there stunned that she hugged him and what she said. Over the month that Nerra was mainly known for her strict attitude and cold personality. He also noticed how she was warming up to him, but this was completely out of character for her. While Naruto was in his thoughts about what was going on and what she said Nerra was in her own thoughts 'Why am I doing this?! I have NEVER done anything like this before how will he-' her thoughts were interrupted when Naruto said one word "Kaa-san"(Spelling?) Naruto said and now noticing he was hugging back. Both their eyes opened up wide and quickly separated and looked at each other with Nerra's face with shock and Naruto's with embarrassment. "I'm s-sorry I wasn't thinking I-" Naruto started to ramble on how sorry he was and then Nerra decided to speak. "Naruto" she said calmly stopping him "Why did you call me mother?" Nerra asked having never being the mother type. "W-well Kushina never acted like a mother for me and was only their to make sure I was studying and punish me for what my former sisters blamed me for and keep me locked away for a time until I finished with a part of my civilian study's and you acted like what a mother would do for her child" Naruto paused and then continued "I called you mother because… well to me you acted like one" Naruto finished worried about what Nerra would do. After 3 minutes of awkward/tense silence Nerra decided to give her answer "Naruto I never thought of myself as the 'mother' type and never thought of being one" Nerra said causing naruto to look down "It doesn't mean I won't give it a try" she finished causing Naruto to look at her with a bright shine in his eyes. "Y-you mean?" Naruto looked at Nerra with his voice nearly cracking "Yes Naruto if you need a true mother then I guess I'll have to fill that role" Nerra said with a small smile. Naruto went and began hugging Nerra like she was about to disappear "Kaa-san" he said while crying a bit "It's alright Naruto, but call me that when we're in private ok" Nerra said to her newly adopted son. "All right Kaa-san I will" NAruto responded with a true smile.

The Leaf Namikaze house

Kushina was sitting down on the couch thinking over what has happened over the past month. Her daughters had pulled some pranks over the village and had tried to blame Naruto for it despite that he was missing and that he was sent to the island before the pranks ever happened and that the so called evidence was placed in plain sight in his room and showed up after he left and then disappeared. The twins had tried to use their older brother as a scapegoat for their pranks and when questioned they just denied it and claimed that he did it before he left, which was impossible since he was watched by ANBU. The decided to search their rooms for anything that will tell them the truth and found their diaries. When they finished reading they found out that it really was them that did the pranks and what they were going to turn their own brother who had done nothing wrong to them into a servant to do with as they please. the parents confronted them and let's say they fully regret their actions and wish to find their lost brother and make amends. Kushina was thinking over her children's life and trying to find out when things went this way when she felt a strong need to kill someone for taking something very important. Who and what she didn't know, but will find out when she meets her lost son again.

Shang Tu

Back with Nerra and Naruto they were both continued training and never noticed that someone was watching them. In the distance was the Magister who was going to check up on Naruto's training and hopefully get Naruto to open up knowing whatever is bothering him will impede his training and possibly hurt him in the long run. He saw that both Nerra and Naruto were sitting down having a little talk. The Magister decided to listen in on their talk and was surprised on the turn it took. Under his helmet the Magister smiled 'To think that he can get through to Nerra and have her open up to him and it seems he's starting to move on from his past.' the Magister thought. He gave them one last look before walking away leaving the two be and knowing that they didn't even notice he was there during their whole talk 'Maybe I should give Nerra the adoption papers and help make it official' The Magister thought while walking away.

Chapter end

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