"For Gods sake, can these people just shut up already?!" Alexander Hamilton sat in the back corner of a very loud, very crowded coffee shop. Usually it was a quiet place, but with all the rain the city had been having the past week, people had decided to come out en masse to relieve the boredom. Alex couldn't blame them, not really, since that was one reason he himself was in the shop. He had gotten fed up of sitting in his dingy little apartment for hours on end, doing nothing but studying or writing. By the end of his second day being cooped up inside, he had run out of coffee and patience that the rain would end. So he had wound up here, hoping maybe a change of scenery would help him focus better. God, how he hated the rain.

Looking around, he could see why people wanted to come here. It was a small shop, but a comfortable one. For some inexplicable reason the owners had decorated with an American and French theme (Why FRENCH, Alex wondered distractedly). There were black and white photos of landmarks in both county's, like the Eiffel Tower, The Statue of Liberty, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Washinton Monument, and small flags representing both countries everywhere.. He wondered for a moment if the owner wasn't an immigrant like he was, but he dismissed that thought. He HAD to get his work done, and that would never happen if he kept wondering about the owner of the coffee shops decor choices.

With a grumble, he searched through his olive drab green messenger bag for his headphones, in an attempt to drown out the noise. Finding them, he plugged them into his phone. Maybe listening to some music would help him concentrate. He hoped it would at least. With his music on and his coffee close at hand, he finally sat down to get some work done.

Several hours and six cups of coffee later, Alexander closed his laptop with a disgusted sigh. He HATED having to take this stupid class. He already knew everything the professor was talking about, and had already been rimprimanded for correcting him. Was it Alex's fault if the teacher was an idiot and didn't know what he was talking about? Yet he still had to sit through the class, even though he had already taken them in Nevis. None of those credits had transfered, however, so he was stuck with it.

He sat back in his chair, his hands tangled in the mass of hair that had fallen out of its restraint sometime during the day. I'm going to go bald if I have to keep taking these stuipd classes, he thought to himself. He knew that he had to continue on, though. Han't he promised his mother all those years ago that he would get his degree and make something of himself. He couldn't fail now. He was off the tiny island, out of the foster care system finally. This was his shot, and he was NOT throwing it away. Even if it meant sitting through all the boring classes, he would finish his degree, for his mother if for no other reason. That didn't mean that he couldn't be snarky, though. He just needed to control his outbursts, so that they would be most effective.

Sighing, he stood up to stretch out his joints that had become stiff from sitting so long. Looking around, he saw that the shop had quieted down, the crowd having left for better things to do. Probably gone to be with friends and do something fun, he thought to himself. He wished he had had somewhere else to go, but he really didn't know too many people in the city. He hadn't had a chance to go out, what with all the school work he had, and his paper editing job that he did to get by. Even if he HAD know people, he wouldn't have gone out to do anything. New York City was EXPENSIVE, and he needed to save all the money he could spare to get by. The scholarship covered most of his expenses, but he still had to buy food and a few other things. The only reason he was even able to be in this shop is because they let him get free refills on his coffee.

Speaking of coffee... Looking into his cup, he saw he was nearly out of coffee. Grabbing his cup he went up to the counter, to see if the barista could fill it up. When he got up there he saw it was Peggy, his favorite person in the shop. If he was completely honest with himself, she was probably his only friend in the city. He was in the coffee shop often enough that the two of them talked on a regular basis, which was saying something since he rarely spoke to anyone these days.

Peggy was at the computer, showing someone how to work it. Looking up, she waved at him. " Hey Alex! I'll be right with you. I'm just showing the new kid how to work this thing." Flashing a grin at her he replied, "No worries Peg. I'm in no rush."

While he waited, Alexander looked into the bakery case. Seeing all the baked goods,he realized he hadn't eaten anything all day. No wonder he was so hungry. To be honest, he couldn't remember the last time he even ate... Was it yesterday? He wasn't sure. There were times he forgot all about his health, absorbed as he was in his studies. Maybe if I eat ramen noodles for a few days, I can afford to get something now. His stomach grumbled at that exact second, making his mind up for him. He knew he needed to take better care of himself, but it always just slipped his mind.

Absorbed as he was in his thoughts, he jumped when he heard someone speak to . He looked up to see Peggy laughing at him. "Its just me Alex. Breathe. Maybe you should lay off the coffee some. Or at least drink Decaf", she teased. Seeing Alex's death glare, she rolled her eyes. " Fine. Keep drinking three gallons of coffee a day. See if I care!" They both chuckled at that, because they knew no matter what, Peggy would always care what happened to Alexander. She had basically adopted him like one would a lost puppy, caring for him and quietly keeping a track of him, to make sure he was OK. Alex smiled at his friend, glad he had found someone like her.

"Oh! I forgot I'm training the new kid! Let me grab him real quick. You don't mind if I let him take your order, do you Alex?" Not waiting for a reply she walked off and dragged the new employee to where Alex was standing, once again looking into the bake case. "Okay, Johnny Boy, time to get to work! Alex is starving, can't you see!"

"Peggy! That's not my name and you know it!" said the guy standing next to her. Alex caught a glimpse of Peggy sticking her tounge out at the guy before he looked him in the face. "Sorry... Alex, right?...What can I get for you today?"

Alex said nothing. He couldn't. Seeing this boys face left him speechless. He had never seen anyone so... Freckly! All he could see were the freckles... On his cheeks, his nose, freckles going all the way down into the boys shirt. And his EYES! They were the most unique eyes he had ever seen... Green and brown at the same time. Framing his face were little baby curls, and Alex could only imagine what his hair would look like down... He could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. That had to be because of the coffee right? Maybe Peggy was right. Maybe he should switch to decaf, because there was no way someone could do that to him right?

"Earth to Alex! Are you OK, dude?" He thought he heard Peggy say. Realizing that he had been stating at the poor guy, Alex turned beet red. "Oh yeah, sorry can I get a refill of coffee, and..." He just pointed into the case randomly, "that...". He tried to avoid eye contact with the guy (what is his name? Alex wondered), but still caught a glimpse of the smile he had on his face. He turned even redder, if that was even possible. His face flushed crimson, he looked at Peggy. " maybe you should make that a DECAF coffee, Peg"

Peggy, who had witnessed the whole episode, just smile a knowing smile. "OK, Alex. I have to go get the fresh pot though. Newbie here can help you out with your food though." Smirking , she twirled around and nearly skipped to the kitchen to get the coffee. She congratulated herself and giggled. I knew they would hit it off, but damn! That was priceless! I wish Eliza had seen their reactions. She couldn't wait to see what happened between the two boys in the future.

While Peggy flounced her way to the back, a panic stricken Alex stood motionless. Why would she do this to me! He screamed in his head. Realizing that the guy behind the counter probably thought he was a dork, he cleared his throat and forced himself to speak. "Um... So yeah. I'd like the biscuit... Thing." He mentally slapped himself. God I sound like a moron! Just kill me now!

The guy behind the counter looked at what he was pointing at. "The croissant? Those are my absolute favorites." Pulling out the pan and grabbing one for Alex, he continued."They're only good if the person who makes them knows what they're doing. Thank god Laf does!" Maybe it was Alex's imagination, but he thought the guy was talking a little more quickly than a normal person would. Almost like he was... Nervous?! He handed the wrapped up croissant over to Alex. For just a split second, their fingers touched and to Alex it felt like an electric jolt went through his body. Apparently, the other boy felt it too, because he took his hand back quickly, and the look of confusion on his face must have mirrored Alexanders own.

For a second they stood still, looking at each other, until the other man looked away. Clearing his throat quietly, as though trying to get his voice to work properly again,he asked " Can I get you anything else, Alex?" Alex just shook his head no. He headed over to the register, getting ready to pay so he could leave. I'm not sure what the hell just happened,but I need some air!

At that moment, Peggy finally came back to the front, with a full pot of coffee. Looking at the two men,who were determined not to make eye contact,but both of whom kept stealing glances of the other, she could do nothing but smirk. Shaking her head, she looked at Alexander."Alex! Did you want this to go, or do we get to have the pleasure of your company for a while longer today?"

Looking like a deer caught in the headlights, Alex managed to say "Make it to go, Peggy. I've got to get home and finish that nonsense ." he made a vague motion towards his belongings. He didn't catch the slightly crestfallen look in the new employees eyes, but he saw Peggy silently laughing and glared at her.

Peggy tugged on the mans sleeve. "OK, kid. Can you make this cup of coffee for me? " Throwing a look at Alexander as she walked towards the register to help another guest, she said" Alex, don't worry about paying today. I've got you covered." He just shook his head and smiled as she walked away. Somehow, that girl always knew when he was hungry and never made him pay for a meal. He didn't know if she got in trouble with her boss when she did it, but he always appreciated it. Maybe he could buy something REAL for dinner this week.

He had nearly forgotten about the coffee when suddenly it was thrust out at him. "Here you go, Alex." He looked up in surprise and nearly went speechless again. What was it about this guy that made his mind go blank, he wondered. He reached out for the cup and smiled tentatively at him. The other man smiled back at him, just as shyly. "I'm Laurens, by the way. Well, John Laurens. You can call me John though. All my friends do."

Alex's smile grew wider. "OK, JOHN. Its nice to meet you." The slight flush on Johns face made him catch his breath for a moment. OK, I REALLY have to be out of here now. I may go crazy in the same building as John..." And thank you for the croissant... I um... I have to leave... See you later. Bye Peggy! " he yelled, turning around in what he hoped was a normal manner to go collect his things. As he walked out the door, he turned around one last time to see John watching him. He threw up his hand in a wave, and was rewarded with the most brilliant smile he had ever had directed at him and a wave in return. As the door closed he thought he heard a faint "bye Alex" follow him.

Damn, that man is gorgeous. What am I going to do now? Alex asked himself as he walked down the sidewalk, not even noticing the drizzle of rain that still continued to come down.