Chapter Twelve – The return, part II

Yes, I know it took me a while, but I was in a bad phase of my life. I'm not much better, but I'm trying hard to write some. Help, you know?

Ah, this is the last chapter. I'm happy that I got very close to what I wanted, but also sad because it's ending ...

I would love to write a second season, I already have some ideas, and maybe it really does, although I have dozens of other stories to write.

Thanks to all the comments, followers and favorites. I love and appreciate all of you. You're the best.

Thank you, from the heart.

Enjoy !

Darling V.

Shayera woke up and it was not long before she realized that she was tied. It was not long before she realized that she was not alone. John, Wally, and Carter were also tied up. All were on the ground, before a golden object, similar to an ankh cross. She recognized the place.

"The museum?"

"I'm glad you joined us."

One of the shadows moved, gaining the shape of the Thief.

"I'll kill you when I get out of here." She said between her teeth.

"I've been watching you over the years. And to think that all this is because of me. Without me, there would be no hawkgirl..."

"I think I'm a bit off." John said. "Who is this?"

"Let me introduce myself. I'm the ShadowThief. An old friend of Mrs. Hol."

"Considering I came back to my maiden name, it's Sanders. And we're not friends."

"This thing attacked us in our dig in Egypt, and it almost killed us." It was Carter.

John looked from his friends to Carter, still not recognizing the figure of that man.

"John, this is Carter, my ex-husband. This is not the best time for an explanation, but apparently he's been alive all this time, doing whatever."

"I stayed faithful, contrary ..."

"Unlike me?" Shayera laughed. "You've always been able to discuss the relationship at the worst possible time."

The shadow-thief's voice echoed through the room.

"I think everyone is familiar with their roles in this play. But for those who don't know, I will tell them."

Something like tentacles came out of his arms. They clung to the arms of those who were trapped. Shayera tried to fight, as did the others, but her hands were carried to the ankh cross.

"You are the king, the queen, and the soldiers." The Shadow Thief said. "This was written much earlier. Now, what you don't know."

Images appeared in their minds. First, Egypt. Then they wore eighteenth-century clothing and explored the tomb. Then Shayera and Carter saw their current versions almost three years earlier. In all of them there was that shadow that haunted them.

The Shadow Thief let them go. The four returned to reality, where they were still tied up in the museum. He won four pairs of confused stares.

"You are Hath-Set, the Egyptian priest. You killed us, I mean ..."

"No, queen. Carter knows who I am. I am his blackest will."

"But ... how?" Carter asked, as confused as the others.

"I gave you everything I ever wanted. You wanted this woman, I made her get in your way."

Immediately, Carter and Shayera remembered the day they met. She, still young, almost lost her purse. And Carter came to help her, the Prince Charming.

The shadow thief continued.

"You wanted to be great, I gave you your greatest discovery. Twice. And you still fail?" He shook his head. "I don't think you're so good without me."

"I'm better than you think." Carter commented between his teeth.

The last rope that bound him was released, thanks to the knife he found in his clothes. The shadow thief didn't even bother to search them. So maybe...

He pointed the penknife at the criminal as he lunged for him. He did not expect the attack, so he did not have time to change his form. He was thrown against a wall, and mingled in the shadows of the place.

Carter stood for a few seconds, looking around. His gaze landed on the trio still trapped, everyone trying to break free. He ran up to them and began cutting Shayera's ropes. As he did so, he stared at John.

"I hope you have your gun." He glanced confusedly. "Maybe I've always been around."

"Less talk and more action." She said.

Carter released Shayera, then she felt two hands on her neck. Carter went to help her, but she was ordered.

"Put them down." She said, her voice cracking.

He obeyed, however, it seemed to take forever the time it took to cut those strings. The three men exchanged a look of understanding, and went to help Shayera. John and Wally threw themselves upon the Thief, yet they crossed it, with no effect.

He tightened his grip on Shayera's neck. Her efforts were in vain to let go.

"Shayera!" He shouted.

Carter ran to help her, and was sandwiched against the wall. That creature was too strong. And nothing seemed to hurt him. But Carter remembered something. If that thing was his will, he might be able to lock it up again. The hands that were trying to break away now pulled him deeper and deeper.

When the Thief saw Carter's intentions, it was late. He used all his energy to unite them.

"No matter how hard you try, I still ..."


Shayera shouted on the other side, staring at her ex-husband. Ended. They won. Carter felt inside that black figure, hovering over every thought of his. But now that they were one again, it would be easy to control him, right? At least he would not hurt Shayera, or manipulate his actions as before. He prayed it was right.

John helped Wally to his feet. The redhead looked disoriented, as if he had struck his head in his fall. It was very likely to do so. Shayera looked away from her ex-husband for Wally. She touched his face. Some cuts on the forehead and cheeks.

"Are you ok?"

"I think I need a nurse, Shay."

She laughed lightly and hugged him. They were all wounded with light cuts, but the tension was not the time for caresses.

"I'm fine too, Shayera." John said. "Thank you for asking."

"So this is the famous Wally West?"

They all turned to Carter. Wally just shrugged.

"What are you going to do now, Carter? Back to Egypt?"

"I don't know. I thought about starting over my life, maybe finding a job. I'd like to spend some time in Midway…"

"Listen, I can't stop you from staying here, but I hope it's not an attempt to get back together. At the moment, you are far from my circle of trust. And I don't know if that would change so easily."

She turned her back on him and walked away, still holding Wally. John resignedly followed his friends. Carter stood still, watching the trio move away from him. He let out a heavy sigh and went his own way, but in the opposite direction. But don't think Shayera that he would stay away forever. He was more than willing to regain...