Logan POV

It had been a long year. I had been forced to do a year abroad at oxford by Mitchum so that I could work in the London Offices. I had negotiated with Mitchum that I would work one year in London during school as long as I could stay in New York once I graduated.

It had been a long time since I had been able to relax with my closest friends, Colin and Finn. I had heard from Colin and Finn that Finn had a girlfriend who was not a redhead and they had been seeing each other for six months. I had no idea who could have captured my best friends eye but she probably was as much of a partier as him.

I wandered around Yale and couldn't help but feel that my senior year was going to be the best year. I could already tell that the girls were checking me out and it felt good. I had never had a relationship because no girl had ever held my attention long enough. I was looking forward to just having fun with some girls and not giving much thought to what my life would be like once I graduated.

I was meant to meet Colin and Finn at the dorm in fifteen minutes so I decided to stop for coffee before heading over there. I got in line when I heard the girl in front of me rambling on her phone before hanging up when it was her turn to order. I let my eyes wander over her and noticed how nice of an ass she had an how long her legs looked. She was just wearing jeans and a tight turtleneck but from behind she looked amazing.

I watched her grab her coffee and take a sip before she moaned. Just listening to her moan made me hard. Then she turned around and I saw she had the most beautiful blue eyes.

"Wow. You sure make that coffee sound amazing." I told her smirking

She looked up at me surprised. "It is good. Enjoy yours." She said pointing to the coffee being handed to me. She started walking away with a skip and I was shocked that she hadn't made a pass at me.

I headed to the dorm that I was sharing with the guys, still thinking about the blue eyed beauty, when I saw that Colin and Finn were already there.

"Welcome Back Mate" Finn yelled while jumping up and giving me a hug

"its good to have you back Man. Its been lonely without a wingman now that Finn is taken." Colin said smirking while Finn simply shrugged.

"So when do I get to meet the poor lady that has decided to date you?" I asked him smirking.

Finn pouted before answering, "She should be here any minute. She was getting coffee. She's a bit of a coffee addict. I think you'll like her."

Colin spoke up, "Yeah, she's a reporter for the YDN and super smart but she has also joined us on some of the LDB adventures. You're gonna love this girl man. If she wasn't with Finn, I would commit to her."

Finn gave him a look but then changed the subject.

We sat there chatting for a few minutes about the night's plans when the door swung open and girl walked in, sat down on Finn's lap and gave him a chaste kiss before she began telling him a story. I zoned out but couldn't help but stare.

I couldn't believe that it was the blue-eyed beauty from the coffee cart. I just sat there staring until Colin spoke.

"Reporter Girl, where's my kiss?"

"Aw you know my kisses are reserved for Finn but I guess since you did help me with dragging Finn's drunk ass home last night, that warrants a kiss."

She walked over to Colin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she walked back over to Finn and set next to him.

"Aw come on reporter girl, you can do better than that. I also helped you with that article the other day." Colin said pouting.

She looked at Finn and he nodded so she shrugged, walked over, and gave Colin a chaste kiss on the lips. I could believe it. "I expect a longer kiss next time, reporter girl but this will do for now." Colin said smirking.

"Maybe in your dreams but that kiss is as much as you're gonna get from me." She smirked back at him.

He pouted, "We'll see."

I cleared my throat and they finally looked at me when Finn spoke.

"Oh Mate, this is my girlfriend Rory Gilmore. Rory this is one of my best mates Logan Huntzberger."

She looked surprised again and I simply smirked. "So you're the famous Logan. Did you enjoy your coffee?"

"I did. You were right." I said while looking her over. Colin and Finn looked confused but she filled them in on their coffee encounter.

I couldn't believe that the girl who's ass I had admired earlier and who was gorgeous was my best mates girlfriend. I needed a serious drink tonight and to get laid.