
It had been five years since Logan had been sent to London and he could not believe how his life had turned out. His father had listened and respected his demands and had allowed him to be an equal partner.

It had been a late day at work and it wasn't until seven that night that he finally made it to his Penthouse in New York.

He walked in and heard noise coming from the kitchen

"Alright, is everything ready?" a woman asked

"Yes, can we eat now?" A little boy answered

"Yes we can." Logan answered and they all turned to look at him.

The little boy, Elias Alexander Huntzberger ran to Logan and yelled excitedly, "Daddy, you're home. Now we can eat!"

Logan smiled and laughed and walked over to his wife. "Hey Ace, how was your day?" He asked as he gave her a kiss

"It was busy with that little one but I wouldn't have it any other way." Rory said as she mindlessly rubbed her hand over her protruding stomach.

"I bet and soon we will have a little Lorelai around" Logan said

Rory looked at him and smiled, kissed him and then they walked and sat down at the table with their son and their unborn baby kicking around in Rory's stomach.

Rory never expected to meet the love of her life at Yale but she couldn't be happier. She had followed her heart and it had taken her to London for a year and now it had given her a family, which would be expanding to four in a month.

Logan never knew he would find love like he did with Rory and he thanks his grandfather every day for believing him and making sure he never let go of her. He had experienced so much with Rory and it was only the beginning. They were about to embark on a new journey, being parents to two.

They watched as Elias made a mess with his dinner and simply smiled at each other. Logan reached over and kissed her passionately before saying,

" I love you Mrs. Huntzberger"

"I love you too, Mr. Huntzberger."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story! I have a new story called sweet revenge if you are interested, check it out! Thank You for all your reviews!