Author's note: This fanfic was co-written with LostInSantaCarla3. We wrote this story on a whim and it became this monster that we wanted to keep working on. It features our original characters, Jenn (AKA Serenity) and Marie from the fanfics Destination Unknown and Sleight of Hand and Twist of Fate, both written by LostInSantaCarla3. This story, which is a separate continuity from the previously mentioned titles, takes place some time before the 1987 movie.

Disclaimer: The Lost Boys is copyright (c) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and all others associated with legal rights.

"I can only imagine why you insist on moving around out here in that form," Jenn told her companion, Marie, as they walked along the cliff side overlooking the ocean. It was after dark, but the moon was bright and cast aside most shadows, giving the both of them the perfect route forward to wherever they wanted to go.

Jenn held the backs of her arms as she walked. A slight chill had taken over despite the warmth that had held the day earlier in the evening, and she wished she had grabbed a jacket. She figured the giant wolf beside her was probably more than cozy with all that fur covering her usually slender, curvy frame. "How are we going to get drinks back in town with you like that?"

Although Jenn possessed magical properties of her own, she wasn't fully aware of the danger all around them. She figured she could hold her own in a fight, even while looking like a frail, young girl. After all, looks were always deceiving. However, she lacked the sense of smell her friend had, and Marie had warned her about the other supernatural predators in the area, which meant insisting that she kept to her wolf form. "I know this isn't the safest place in the world, but how often do you get a chance to see the wreckage from an old haunt like this hotel? Besides, I've got you and you've got me."

The unusually large canine stayed close to Jenn as she journeyed along the cliffs on all four paws. Her dark gray fur shimmered under the moonlight while her yellow eyes scanned her surroundings, ensuring that they were safe. Or as safe as they could be, considering all the rumors that they were bombarded with upon entering town. Whispers about supernatural elements and death tied together were rampant around here, but it wasn't often heard about in today's modern society in general. Death, yes, but being linked to the supernatural?

Marie made a chuffing noise, as if trying to laugh in her current form. Humans assumed so much yet knew so little. She didn't count Jenn in that category, because her powers were beyond anything ordinary. She truly could handle herself if need be. Yet it was true what her friend said just moments ago, so long as they had each other, they would be okay.


Before Marie could reflect on what to say about returning to town for drinks or the mention of the old hotel, she stopped walking all together and sniffed the air. The ocean winds continued to blow just the same as always, but another smell briefly crossed her nostrils. It was putrid and dank. It reminded her of…

Death, Marie thought darkly, and that was when she started to growl.

"What?" Seeing as it was easier to communicate telepathically with Marie while she was in that form, the word "death" hit Jenn hard and fast and she spun around in the darkness as if something were about to creep up on them. Hearing her friend growl didn't make it any less threatening as she opened her ears to the sounds around her. Granted her hearing was fairly normal for a human, but with a lot of practice, it often helped when her eyes couldn't make out every little detail, especially in the dark.

Just over the edge, a few rocks ricocheted off each other as if they had been disturbed and clanked as they fell to the water below. Jenn was a little afraid to look over the side, even though it would have been next to impossible for someone to be hiding down below. There was nothing really to hold onto, except the jagged rocks. It would take superhuman strength to hold on.

Realizing this, she swallowed hard and looked at Marie. "You don't suppose?" she whispered and inched back away from the path closest to that ledge. What kind of beast could or would sneak in like that?

It was a simple run for beer and cigarettes that night, nothing more. Marko and David had already delivered the humans to the lobby and there they waited: four of them, soft, fleshed out girls eager to dive into some hardcore motorcyclists. The stronger the leather smell, the wetter it made them and Dwayne had already imagined the drool on their faces as they waited for cock. Little did they know their party would end in more than sex. It would be a bloodbath with no survivors except the monsters.

"I want to lick their bones," he confided in Paul as they traversed the rough ground. Dwayne held a twenty-four pack of cold ones in one hand as they moved and he looked up at the moon, thanking his lucky stars for the life he lived.

"We should have got pizza," he laughed, considering after their blood meal none of them would be hungry. He nudged his cohort playfully but then stopped short. The congenial attitude dissipated within the blink of an eye as his brow furrowed and he growled low. There were more than just mortals on the premises.

The stank of werewolf filled his nostrils and he growled louder, dropping the case of beer. "Motherfuckers!"

Taking quick action, he urged Paul to follow and hopped over the ledge, scaling the rocks like Spider-Man until the soft voice of a human was heard just above. From the sound of it, the drifter wasn't talking about anything important, with the exception of entering the Lost Boys' cave. Who was she talking to? The werewolf? A human and a wolf were hanging out together? He could tell that neither of them knew anything about his family residing there, still, with a werewolf one could never take a chance.

How odd is that, brother? A girl walking and talking with one of those strays like it's nothing?

Why do they gotta pick tonight of all nights to show up? Paul complained, never one to bother hiding his annoyance. From the moment they were forced to drop their party goods, he was able to easily keep up with Dwayne until they got close enough to see the culprits themselves.

Being the youngest, Paul had the least experience with werewolves, but David, Marko, and Dwayne filled him in on how to properly deal with them, with the end result always involving death to their mortal enemies. Sure enough, Paul wasn't going to step down when it came to defending his turf and his family's home.

Upon seeing the girl, however, he felt something odd. She was a total looker, a major eleven on scale of one to ten, but in a different kind of way that separated her from the biker sluts unknowingly waiting for their dooms in the cave. Maybe it was due to the fact that she willingly chose to hang out with a werewolf that made her stand out.

We gotta keep her around a lil' longer, Paul advocated as he continued to ogle the stunning blonde who, if she took another step back, was going to tumble into the crashing waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Better meat than the ones inside? Dwayne was half teasing, half serious as he glanced at his brother from their position on the rocks. He could see the change in his brother's facial expression as soon as he noticed the blonde and he swore it went beyond a fast fuck and feed, which never happened. Maybe we should let her fall, that way you can be the dark hero. I got a feeling though, that wolf at her side isn't going to play nice. They never do.

He hit a few loose rocks with his Converse on purpose, but it had the opposite affect and the girl backed away. She was smart, which was quite a relief considering most of the wanderers were asleep at the brain. How much are you willing to pay me to battle that beast just so you can have a taste of that blonde?

Marie heard the rocks and her eyes bled red. She bared her huge teeth at the unseen invaders who were hiding like cowards in the darkness, undoubtedly waiting for them to make the first move. The smell of death, the sly actions and prying eyes leering at them. It only led to one conclusion.

Vampires! she hissed telepathically. Jenn, we have to get away from here!

She cursed herself, wondering why she didn't realize this sooner. Then it dawned to her—the ocean. With the natural formations and the elements, it was the perfect place for vampires to hide. They had the wind and the sea to mask their presence.

Vampires? The word, so foreign and yet familiar at the same time had Jenn questioning her next move. It had been a long time since she'd heard the term. Someone had warned her about them once, a long time ago, said they would only use her for their own gain once they realized she couldn't die. Yet the idea of coming face to face with one or more had never crossed her mind. Lucky for her, paying attention when it came to training had helped her gain control over her powers and the knowledge it took to use them.

She bit her bottom lip as she hurried further away from the ledge toward the path that would take them away from the haunts of the old hotel. Yet at the same time she couldn't help but ponder. "Marie! This would be a great time to test myself. I'm not trying to sound stupid or whatever, but it's the truth. How many do you think there are?"

Nerves started to kick in and her gut clenched as if something or someone was forbidding her to leave the area and she paused for a second and doubled over. Her breath was short and remained steady as she focused and centered her vision. No matter what, evil would not overcome her. She threw a mental blow right back at the intruder and straightened, squaring her shoulders.

SHIT! Paul made a sharp sound when that force struck him from seemingly out of nowhere. He was pushed back but caught his footing, preventing himself from falling. He leaned forward and his true form, a monster with sharp bones, tightened skin, amber eyes, and rows of fangs were revealed. Despite the swift attack, he found himself drawn even more to the girl, considering she was openly defying him now.

I'm likin' this girl more and more, Bro, Paul confessed. I can't stay hiding like this for long. I say let's get 'em!

You're going to owe me for this!

There was no more reason to hide, their presence had been noted. With swift movement and little effort, the monstrous version of Dwayne appeared from below the ledge. His savage laughter echoed after the girls as he lunged forward, arms gaping at his sides like the Hulk with eyes on fire.

Finally they had found two worthy opponents to tango with. Paul wanted the girl and Dwayne held the record for taking down stray wolves with his bare hands. He got a kick out of the way the young blonde stood, so little and petite, yet the look in her eyes was all fight. As for his challenge... he didn't doubt she held some records of her own.

"This is private property," he snarled. "Anything on it belongs to us. You ladies know what that means?"

Marie was quick to follow the blonde, and even as the dark haired vampire boasted, she took to standing protectively in front of her. She snarled, and her body was tense. She was not afraid to do what she needed to do, even if it cost her life. After all, Jenn saved her from a life of bleak loneliness, a life that would have led to her premature death. Without Jenn, she wouldn't be here, so she vowed to protect her no matter what.

There's one more, Marie informed Jenn, answering her earlier question about how many vampires there were. If the situation wasn't so dire, she would have tried to cover her nose with her paw. The undead smelled so God awful, it was a wonder how any sane person would want to willingly be close to them. Then again, the poor humans they manipulate wouldn't know any better, they wouldn't even mind the smell, until it was too late.

In reality, Jenn had no idea what vampires were capable of, aside from the obvious murders and drinking blood to survive, but did they take captives as well? Were they rapists?

Not only that but she hated hiding like a child behind Marie. She appreciated the fact that her friend was willing to die for her, but there was no way she could let that literally happen. With a brave facade, she stepped out from behind the massive wolf and folded her arms. "That a threat? You implying that we are your property now? I'm pretty sure those traditions died a long ass'd time ago." Good lord the vampire was huge. It was hard not to quiver in front of him. "We were told this place was vacant. Good cover by the way. Must be so easy getting the tourists in here that way. Lazy bastards."

That was more than a mouthful and a lot more than she intended to say, but her heart was pounding and it was making her head pound. "Don't come any closer! We didn't come looking for trouble and we don't have a death wish. You let us go on our way and you'll never hear from us again. That's a fact and a promise. No reason why..."

She had put her hands up at that point in defense, forming a small spark at the center of her palms, just in case firepower was needed, but as she began to finish her sentence, the second one emerged. At first all she saw was the blonde of his hair and she knew instantly he was the one who had pulled her back. Suddenly her knees felt weak and her tongue tied.

Paul used his speed and the power of flight to get himself right behind the girl. The wind aided him with his move, because without it, the wolf would have caught onto what he was going to do before he could do it. He purposely brushed past the girl, letting her know who she was getting involved with, where he then grabbed her by the armpits from behind, and hoisted her high up into the sky. The wolf jerked around, but it was too late and all it saw was empty space.

"Ha, ha!" he taunted the wolf as he tightened his hold around his captive, letting her feel the iron grip he had over her.

Dwayne's laugh was vicious yet comical as the smart mouthed girl was pulled away by Paul before the wolf had a chance to sense it. "Number one lesson around here: you don't talk back to us!"

He moved as if he was going to leave the wolf alone and then turned back to her. "Now, are you going to fight me in that form or turn back into a submittable lady like you should? Either way, she's not coming back. See, my brother likes her. I think he might just keep her."

He laughed again and waited. There was no sense in attacking just yet, unless the unruly beast before him made the first move.

Marie could only look helplessly from the ground as the vampire spirited away Jenn. Where did she go?! The wind was making it all too difficult for her to sniff out where she could have gone. She couldn't even see either of them!

She turned around as the other vampire openly mocked her. How dare he make assumptions about her! What was his problem? Were all vampires such creeps? But really, what could she do? She couldn't fly after Jenn, and even if she could, she couldn't find any trace of her. It was making her sick to her stomach, knowing she failed so miserably. She also knew she had no realistic chance of winning against a vampire. Humans were weak in general, and unless they harbored powers like Jenn, they couldn't stand up to a werewolf like Marie. But vampires...? Vampires were a different story. After all, there was a reason Mother Nature created them as adversaries for one another.

I could try and fight him and hope Jenn uses her powers to escape, Marie thought as the red in her eyes vanished. Or I could shift and pray that they bring Jenn back. So long as I submit, it might make them think they have the winning edge.

After a silent count of three, Marie willed herself to relax, so that her body could morph. Fur disappeared, muscles shifted, and more human-like features took shape. The form of a brunette with dark eyes and broad hips slowly stood up from the ground. She glared at the vampire, refusing to be more vulnerable than she had to be.

Dwayne watched the girl gradually transform back into her human guise, surprised by the fact that she had chosen not to fight, and when he saw her in the flesh, his mouth nearly dropped open. She remained steadfast with a strong jaw and angry, beautiful eyes, but her skin was perfect and smooth under the moonlight. She was one of the most amazing creatures he had ever come across and that shocked him even more. He was thankful he didn't have to kill her, at least, not yet.

In response, he let his own guard down where his face was concerned and showed her his true, once upon a time, human features. "Smart girl," he said, his voice calmer and less rash than before. "Name's Dwayne. Follow me."

"Hey! Put me down!" Jenn ordered as she was forced high up in the sky, throwing fists against the vampire. His hands and arms felt more like iron rods wrapped around her body than flesh and blood. She was stuck. This wasn't a game, it was life or death as far as she was concerned, yet her mind felt muddled and it had to be his fault. He was keeping her from using her powers, or so she thought. "I'm NOT going to die like this!"

For a second she whimpered as she squirmed and ended up falling against one side of his neck. Her lips hit his cool flesh and she inhaled. The vampire smelled of weed and sugar, perhaps from the sweets at the boardwalk. Either way, it wasn't the rotting smell everyone claimed it was, unless this was another kind of mind trick. Regardless, he smelled familiar, but she knew they had never met before. Obviously, otherwise why would she be in this mess, struggling for her life. But was she struggling? She wasn't trying very hard.

"I have a life!" she yelled, right into his ear, before she felt the zap move through her body. It hit him hard and she prepared herself for the hard landing if it worked to get him to let her go.

Paul shrieked from the sudden attack. He wasn't expecting it, as he was far too caught up in his antics. It was like getting electrocuted from within and he momentarily lost the sensation in his arms.

"DAMN IT!" he yelled as Jenn slipped from his grasp and went falling down toward the cliff. He had no plans of scraping the remains of splattered human off Hudson's Bluff. He actually wanted to do more with this chick than the usual fuck and feed.

Upon hearing the vampire's unearthly cries, Marie turned away from the one named Dwayne and watched in horror as Jenn was falling. It didn't matter that her friend could use her powers to float or fly, but what if she was caught up in the moment of everything happening? Could she use her powers in such a short amount of time? Marie didn't shift, but instead she sprinted over to where Jenn was about to make impact. Even in her human form, she was faster than the average mortal. Crouching down, she then leapt forward and at an angle, where she was prepared to catch Jenn and cradle her against her chest, so that the landing wouldn't be so rough. So it came to her complete surprise when the blonde vampire suddenly appeared and grabbed Jenn just half a second quicker.

Marie grunted as she was forced to twist her body in mid-air, where she was able to land safely over by the cliff's edge. Ironically it was in the very same spot where Jenn was standing minutes ago right before she was captured. In her crouched position, she watched as the vampire was now standing over by Dwayne with Jenn in his arms.

"You better not be thinking of pulling that kinda stunt again," Paul warned as he now had Jenn so that she was forced to look up at his face. It was a human face that was staring down at her with bright blue eyes and a square jaw covered with stubble. A dagger earring dangled from one of his ear lobes and unruly hair was constantly being pushed around by the wind.

In this position, Paul was able to get a closer look at the girl, and he couldn't help but notice how soft her skin was, how it gave off a healthy glow, and how great she smelled. No cheap perfume junk about her anywhere. Her lips had a sweet, pink gloss about it, and he easily could imagine the things that mouth could do to him.

Turning to Dwayne, Paul brushed aside the growing sexual urges for his new toy and asked, "We gonna take 'em both back or...?"

The idea of getting away had trumped the idea of falling to Jenn's possible death, considering they were still on the cliff, but by the time she had freed herself it was too late. Yet in a whirlwind of chaos, she felt hands catch her. At first, from the corner of her eye, she saw Marie and let her eyes close. They would get away from this. Yet as the dust settled and she realized she was safe, she also realized she was in the same steel hands as before.

For the first time, she was able to get a real good look at the vampire. Blinking slowly, she took in what he said, and found herself mesmerized by the light blue of his eyes, like the color of the sky on a sunny day. His lazy scruff and wild mane, along with his metal attire made him look like one of those rock stars from an eighties band, and oh how she had a soft spot for those guys.

She swallowed hard, her lips parted, and she found herself speechless. How could this gorgeous guy be a killer?

There was more to it. There had to be, and while he spoke to the other fiend, she decided to test her theory a little. Frowning, she pushed, with her mind, prodding his, without using her power to send him flying backwards. Who are you?

"Color me impressed," Dwayne said as the action played out. "You two have talent. David is going to shit himself when he finds out about this." With purpose, he approached Marie and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to lead her on. "Don't look so glum ladies, if we wanted to kill you, we would have already. Come on. I didn't catch your name."

He regarded Marie with interest as they headed towards the old, awkward stairs. "We had plans tonight. Good plans. In fact, you might even get to watch. No. I take it back, where are my manners? I wouldn't want to scare you. Not yet anyway. I know, I keep saying that, but I think you'll like it here. Watch your step."

Despite his temper and dominance, Dwayne had never taken it upon himself to pry into the thoughts of another he regarded as an equal, and even though the wolves were enemies of the vampires, he saw promise in this stray and decided it was better to let her open up to him for the time being. The girls were odd enough with the company they kept. "When we get inside, try to show some respect. David isn't fond of your kind and I wouldn't want him to slit your throat on a whim. Paul and I will get you guys settled in a room for awhile and then, after we have our fun, we'll come back to get you and figure out where to go from there."