The week before Saturday was very interesting for Adam, he had tried going to everyone he could possibly think of to cover for him while he went on his date with Kim, Saturday night. After meeting up with a CI, he noticed he was close to 51 maybe this was his chance to get out of babysitting. He saw Sylvie and Gabby at their ambo.

"Hey ladies". Adam said with a smile.

"Hey Adam". Sylvie replies with a smile of her own.

"Nun uh, don't fall for it Sylvie that's his I want something voice". Gabby spoke.

Adam chuckled. "What? I don't want anything.

"Yeah right. What do you want Ruzek. Wait let me guess you were hoping one of us could baby sit Dani on Saturday night".

"How'd you know?"

"Antonio told us. All of us. You got roped into babysitting for 6 months so you can do it without any of us covering for you".

"Come on Gabby please, just for a couple of hours. A paramedic would be a way better babysitter than a detective. You'd know what to do in case of an emergency".

"Not happening Adam, none of us here is gonna help you. You made your bed now you gotta lie in it".

"Sylvie, darling. Please.

"Sorry Adam, I agree with Gabby. You made a commitment and you gotta follow through. Besides me and Antonio are going out that night anyway". Sylvie says.

"Everyone else can go out but me?" He groaned. An idea then popped into his head.

He then headed to Med hopefully he can convince Will to babysit for him. He walked in and saw the other Halstead going over something then walked and saw Adam.

"Adam, what's wrong? Is everything ok? Is Jay alright?" Will asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I was hoping I could ask for a favor. '' Adam replied.

"No, I'm not babysitting. Jay already called and said you may pull something like this. He's told me and all of Med. None of us are babysitting for you. Besides I have shift that night, I really can't watch Dani and work my shift".

"But who better to watch her than a doctor. You're one of the best damn doctors I know".

"Flattery will get you nowhere Ruzek".

Before he could say something Will's pager went off just as Adam's phone went off, Will went back to his patients while Adam headed back to the 21st.

Back at the 21st

Adam arrived to the squad, Jay was with Dani in the lounge keeping her occupied while the others worked on a case. He walked up and saw his team.

"Scouting babysitters Adam?" Antonio joked.

"You guys suck ass for that. Nobody's gonna help me. '' Adam complained.

"Sucks to be you Ruzek". Kevin says to his partner with a chuckle.

"And I wouldn't take her out on you're date either because if anything happens to her Hank will for sure kill you". Erin said from her desk.

"Like I said you guys suck". Adam says, sitting down.

Hank was walking back up to the squad, from the lounge Dani saw her father. She ran to him while the others covered up the stuff from their case.

"Daddy!" Dani yelled excitedly.

Knowing that sweet innocent voice Hank broke into a huge bright smile and gently scooped up his little girl. "There's my beautiful little girl".

"I missed you daddy". She nuzzled her head into his shoulder.

"I missed you too pretty girl".

Dani started to suck her thumb it was something she had done when she was about to sleep, smiling down at his princess he brushed some loose strands of hair back and kissed her forehead softly.

"I think it's nap time for someone".

"I'm ok".

She began nodding off on his shoulder he brought her to his office and laid her on the couch, he closed his door and the blinds so no one can disturb her. He quietly left the office.

The team was going over a raid plan, after going over it Hank checked on his little girl one last time he kissed her head and went out to Mouse.

"When Dani wakes up, her snack is in the fridge. She can watch a movie or play with her toys but she isn't to leave the District". Hank told the tech.

"You got it sir".

The team headed out to do their bust, Dani had stayed with Mouse at the district. About an hour and a half almost 2 hours later the little six year old woke up rubbing her eyes. Mouse had seen her.

"Hey munchkin". Mouse says with a smile.

"Hi Mousey". Dani said, rubbing her eyes.

The tech had taken the little girl to the lounge and gave her the snack that Hank had for her in the fridge. Once she was settled and eating Mouse went back but saw Trudy coming up, he closed the door half way and went over.

"What's wrong?" He knew the look on her face.

"It's Hank. He was injured in the field he's at Med. From what Olinsky told me it looked to be a set up and Hank was shot. He's in surgery now, Dr. Rhodes is working on him". Trudy told him quietly.

"Do we know how bad?"

"One in the shoulder and twice in the abdomen. He was shot with something pretty heavy. The others are working on it. Erin and Alvin are down there with him now".

"Who's gonna tell Dani?"

"I will, it should come from me".

"I'll go get back to work helping them".

She nodded and got back to work, Trudy had went to tell her goddaughter about her father. Her heart raced in her chest fast. How was she gonna tell this to a six year old for crying out loud? This could break her. Trudy went inside. Dani had seen her aunt.

"Hi Aunt Trudy". Dani says, eating some of her chicken salad.

"Hi sweetie". Trudy tells her. Time for the moment of truth. "Dani, sweet pea, I got a call from Uncle Alvin. It's about your daddy".

The little girl had felt her heart skip a beat. Was her father ok? Was he safe? What was wrong?

" he ok?"

"He got hurt while catching a bad guy, he's down at the hospital and the doctors are all working on him now".

Tears sprung in her eyes and started falling. "I want my daddy".

"I'll take you down there".

Trudy quickly gathered up all of Dani's stuff and collected her goddaughter heading to the hospital.

Over at the hospital, Erin and Alvin were in the waiting room just pacing. Erin had cleaned herself up from having Hank's blood on her. She couldn't lose the only father figure hell the only parent she had and neither could Dani. She sat down and covered her mouth as she choked on a sob. Alvin had put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok Erin, Hank's gonna be just fine. He's strong, he'll make it through this". Alvin assured her.

"Dani had just gotten a father, a real father and now she's just gonna lose him?" Erin choked out. "It's not right Al, it's just not right".

"We'll get who did this. I promise".

Shortly after Trudy had arrived with Dani and she ran over to her surrogate sister and her godfather.

"Where's daddy?" Dani practically cried.

"The doctors are fixing him to make him all better". Erin told her softly.

"You're daddy will be just fine sweetie, we promise". Alvin assured her gently.

She climbed into Alvin's lap and curled up into a little ball sucking her thumb. A short time later Dani had finally went into light sleep just as the team came in and Erin went to them so Dani doesn't overhear.

"What did you guys find?" She asked quietly.

"We went back to the bust, it was a complete set up for Voight". Jay told his partner.

"Someone tried the damndest to take him out". Adam chimed in.

"Question is who'd go through all that just to take Voight out?" Kevin asked.

"That son of a bitch Marco. The gun that was used to shoot Hank, was the same kind he and his crew almost always used. He still has connections on the outside and had his people do this. Starting this moment, I'm in charge till Hank comes back. And starting this moment Hank and Dani are going into protective custody. I'll have Kim and Roman stand guard for Voight. Dani can alternate between us just in case". Antonio said.

"I'll take first watch for Dani". Jay offered.


A few minutes later Connor came out wearing his scrubs. Everyone looked at him.

"How is he?" Erin asked.
