Author's Note: Holy buttcakes Batman! It's been a year since this story has been updated! Man have I been swamped with life or what! I know a lot of you have probably been wondering… what the heck happened to this guy?!

Haha… just kidding. No one knows or cares who I am LOL.

Anywho, apparently I have reeeeeeeally dropped the ball on my story updates. I mean, I do take longer than most people to update anyways; but even by my standards it's been way too long. I can't be faulted too much however… as life happens, and unfortunately adulting means I have to not have time to sit around and write all day and instead use both my time and energy for college and work. Like seriously, bump that noise.

In all seriousness, I really do hope you guys will like this. I put a ton of effort into making sure I really took my time in order to preserve writing quality. I didn't want to make some things feel rushed, though I admit it was very hard for me to not try to advance to my major plot points too quickly. It's hard for me to write about the mundane that has to fit in between LOL. You guys waited long enough for this, and… well… I did try my best. This chapter alone is over 14,000 words, which is almost the entirety of all the previous chapters combined (they total to 17,000). This will definitely help lay the groundwork for the many arcs I have planned, and will help to push us out of what I call the "introductory" stage of the story.

By the way guys, to those who follow my first story (which also hasn't been updated in forever), I promise I will eventually update that one as well. The reason why that one is taking so long to update aside from me being busy, is because I plan on making an overhaul on the previous original chapters. It is an experimental story… and I need to fix the execution of some plot points first before I add onto it. Thanks for being so patient with me!

As he collapsed his clamshell laptop, Beast Boy heard a knocking at his door. Before any audible sound could come from the voice of the one behind said door, the changeling skyrocketed off of his bed in fear of being found out. Though once he heard who it was, he relaxed a little; giving his tense muscles a chance to get some much needed rest.

"Yo BB! It's Cyborg, open up!"

Quickly scanning the room before deciding to shove the laptop under the bed, Beast Boy made his way to his bedroom door and pressed the button on the side to allow for the metal door to slide open. The cybernetic young man waltzed in like he owned the joint, before finding a spot on the wall to lean on as he crossed his arms. Though in a way, he kind of did… given the fact that he was the one who helped in both designing and constructing the entire tower.

"Hey Cy, wassup?" Beast Boy asked modestly.

"How have you been doing man?" Cyborg asked while ignoring Beast Boy's rhetorical question.

"…Uh, what do ya mean 'how am I doin'? It's the afternoon and I get to stay in my room all day; I'm right as rain." The changeling answered.

"Uh hum. So, you haven't really ran into any issues with things like, I don't know… those along the lines of pale and purple?" Cyborg pressed.

"You mean Raven? Nah, we haven't fought in a while." Beast Boy mused.

Beast Boy nonchalantly nodded his head as he scratched his neck before turning his head sideways in both curiosity and confusion.

"Wait… why would ya think I had a problem with her? Is she mad? Oh God what did I do?! I swear all I did was wake up and eat today!" He exclaimed.

Cyborg smirked and shook his head while he put his hands up, making a pushing down motion to indicate that things were fine. "Chill bro, she's not mad or anything. I'm just curious is all." He told the changeling.

"You being curious is never good." Beast Boy replied.

"Anyways…" Cyborg cut in while emphasizing to Beast Boy that he still had a lot to say. "Robin and Starfire are heading out this weekend to spend some time alone; and while they're gone, I'll be heading over to the Titans East to hang out with Bee'." The older Titan explained.

Beast Boy tilted his head slightly, leaning forward while slightly closing one of his eyes as he was trying to decipher where Cyborg was going with this. "…Okay…?" Beast Boy responded.

"This my man… presents you a wonderful opportunity!" Cyborg exclaimed. He walked up to Beast Boy and put his arm around him; using his other arm to make a waving motion off into the distance as if he was showing the entire future to the green bean.

"Just do the math BB. Five minus three, equals two. The five being us Titans, the three being Robin, Starfire, and me; and you and Raven being the two. Meaning… you both. In the tower. Alone. And from what I hear… it takes two to tango if you get what I'm sayin'." He continued before letting out a stifled laugh.

Beast Boy's back slumped a little as pink began to appear on his cheeks. He reached behind him and grabbed Cyborg's arm, throwing it off him before bringing his hands down to his sides in clinched fists.

"That is SO not cool dude!" He griped. By that point, Cyborg let loose and filled in what could have been awkward silence with boisterous laughter.

After calming himself down, Cyborg resumed a more serious demeanor as he addressed Beast Boy.

"In all seriousness Beasty, this really is an opportunity. You will have an ENTIRE weekend to yourselves. This is your opportunity to make a move; get to know her better… and on a more personal level."

Beast Boy blushed at the word 'personal'. "But, what would I even do?"

"I don't know man, something! You have wasted so much time with worrying about what she will think of you when she finds out how you truly feel, verses being forever alone." Cyborg pointed out.

"Hey! I could find someone else!" Beast Boy cried.

"But it wouldn't be Raven. Honestly Grass Stain… there really could be a future for you both. I think that the only things that are keeping you both apart are your fear of rejection, and her continual denial." Cyborg expressed.

"Ya really think so?" Beast Boy asked timidly, voice cracking. He then became even more flustered by his own awkwardness, looking away.

As if he just got slapped across the face with an epiphany, the changeling abruptly turned his head back to Cyborg with eyes wide open.

"Wait… you said that Raven is in denial? So, you think that she actually already likes me?!" Beast Boy questioned enthusiastically.

Cyborg placed his hands on his cybernetic hips and let out a sigh. He looked down briefly, before directing his sight to the ceiling.

"The thing is Beast Boy, I can't exactly give you a for sure answer. But in my gut, I just know that she does. She has to. Whether it's now, or sometime in the future… she's gonna eventually take the plunge. What you do need to consider, is that it's actually possible. You need to realize that you have all this time now, but soon it could be gone in an instant. I think that even if you were to be rejected now, after so long she will eventually find her way to you. That's just me, but I'm pretty good with predictions given almost half of me is computer." Cyborg finished, adding a little humor to his tone with the last part.

"Well, I have less time than you think." Beast Boy mused.

Cyborg frowned as he looked at the changeling slightly confused. "What do you mean?"

Beast Boy took a few seconds to think about how he was going to word what he was about to say; and more so as to whether or not he even should. After mulling it over for some time, Beast Boy paced back and forth several times before plopping himself down on his bed. He placed his hands on his knees and stared forward.

"Robin told me about an offer that was on the table; coming indirectly from Batman." He began to explain.

"Whoa, the Batman?! That's gotta be some serious stuff then man." Cyborg assessed.

"It is. Apparently, there's an agency or sumthin' out there looking for young talent with supernatural abilities that could run some solo ops for them. After a while, that offer somehow reached me through Robin." Beast Boy explained.

"Whoa man! That's awesome!" Cyborg exclaimed, holding out a hand to high-five his buddy; which was met with a half-enthused green hand.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. I'm definitely gonna take Robin up on the offer. But… that means that I definitely don't have much time to be with Raven. Even if things were to work out in my favor, I'm pretty sure we're gonna be living two separate lives…. ya know?" Beast Boy said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Cyborg rubbed his chin with his hand, agreeing with the changeling. "Well, that's true… it would make things more difficult should you go that route. But honestly Beast Boy; is that really what you want? You have a lot going for you now-" Cyborg said before stopping and pointing behind him in the direction where Raven's room would be.

"And things could go even better if you make some decisions." He finished, not having to elaborate on what those 'decisions' were.

Beast Boy let out a defeated sigh. "I know Cy, I know. It's just… I feel like I need a change of pace. I also need to find my place in the world. I feel like I haven't exactly met my full potential ya know? It's a really hard decision."

Cyborg walked up to the conflicted changeling and laid his hand gently on his shoulder. "See, that's your issue BB. You're doing an awful lot of feeling without a lot of thinking. Now I'm not trying to make your choices for you… and I'll support you either way; regardless on what you end up doing. But, you need to really; and I mean really, think about this. Because if you do leave, and she comes to her senses and realizes how much she actually values you… you're gonna be too far gone to ever be reached. And your opportunity? Gone." Cyborg advised him, while giving his last sentence emphasis by snapping of his fingers.

Though Beast Boy was looking straight at the floor, Cyborg could feel his friend tremble slightly.

"…I know…" Beast Boy croaked.

"Hey man, it'll all work out fine." Cyborg ensured. He backed away from his vegetarian friend and began his walk out of the room. When he reached the door, he stopped and looked back.

"As long as you get your head out of your butt." He chuckled.

"Screw you man." Beast Boy replied lightheartedly.

This was stupid. Real stupid.

If stupid had a picture of itself in the dictionary, this would be it.

The sight of Starfire and their beloved leader becoming all ooey gooey like they had no care of who was around was absolutely horrendous; at least in Raven's eyes.

Reserve that for a hotel room. Raven thought to herself.

Cyborg had been gone for a considerable amount of time, and Beast Boy was presumably in his room. That left her, Starfire and Robin in the common room. Since Raven wasn't much of a talker, it was very hard to remember that she was even present after a good amount of time. That lead to things like… breaking the PDA rules.

Like what was happening right now.

Luckily, they hadn't begun to make out yet… so there was that. Raven was not so sure how long it would be before she had to vacate the room. In fact, she was considering saving herself the trouble of finding out by heading back to her room. Stealthily, she got up and slipped past the lovestruck couple as she made her way out of the common room and into the hallway.

As she proceeded down the hall, she could see Cyborg on his way back to the common room. Although she was half-demon, Raven didn't see herself as completely evil, so she figured she should let him know that the common room was currently a no-fly zone.

"Hey Victor. Just so you know, I would strongly advise not going into the common room. Dick and Kori are really engaged with each other right now. It's unbearable." Raven stated, the last part causing her to visibly shudder.

Cyborg grinned, finding the entire situation to be unsurprising given the infatuation that came with a relationship as recent as the one between Robin and Starfire. "Thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll break up their party then, cause I wanna play me some GameStation."

Raven scoffed, but couldn't keep herself from letting a smile creep up on her face. Changing the subject, the empath casually asked about Cyborg's 'garage activities'. "So, what did you manage to fix back there?"

"Oh, I didn't necessarily have to fix anything. I just.. recalibrated some things. Made sure I set things back where they needed to be." Cyborg replied with amusement. After a moment of shared silence, Cyborg resumed his journey towards the common room.

"Well, I'm gonna see how fast I can clear the lovebirds out." He gaffawed.

Raven shook her head while letting out a small laugh. As Cyborg began walking away, Raven too continued on to her room. With a press of a button, she was inside.

Safe. Safe within the confines of the only four walls throughout the entire tower that kept her from being pestered by any of her teammates. Well, at least for the majority of the time.

Since tensions within the city had reached an all time low, there was only a small but steady amount of criminal activity currently in Jump City; all of which, could be handled by the local law enforcement. Because of this, all of the Titans have been able to temporarily kick back, relax, and enjoy their lives. While they were at the Tower, all of them used their downtime in different ways. For Raven, she liked to remain in solidarity. That meant her either spending most of her time in her room, or taking her meditation time to the roof. Either way, Raven preferred to not be in the presence of her teammates for most of the time. It wasn't that she necessarily didn't want to be around them, she just kept them in arm's length. She loved each and every one of them, that was undeniable. They were her friends… and truly the only thing really close to her ever having a family. That did not however change the fact that she needed her space. She didn't do well with people anyways.

Raven let out a small sigh as she placed her hands on her hips. What to do on such an off day? Having this much time on her hands wasn't something she or the rest of the Titans were normally accustomed to. Since she didn't have any hobbies aside from reading and meditating, there really wasn't much for her to do. Raven's lips pursed; she definitely needed to expand her repertoire.

Eyes scanning the room, she realized that her laundry basket was full. In contrast to recent events, the team had been so swamped with work that she could not find the time to take care of all the uniforms and other clothes piling up. The empath rolled her eyes before approaching the clothes mountain.

I guess this is something I should do.

As she was bending over to grab the basket, she paused. Did she really want to immediately leave her room after just arriving, only to do laundry before making another trip back to her room? She turned her head slightly as her eyes met with her computer's blank display. She remembered that she technically had a new project to work on. Perhaps she should check on some things… dirty clothes could come later.

Biting her lip, the purple-haired girl made her way to her computer and turned it on.

After loading the website, the empath logged into her FanFiction profile. She immediately saw that she had a new response from her now partner-in-crime, and with a quiet groan opened it up. As she was reading the contents, she felt a mixture of emotions. First off, why does SHE have to be the one to do the chasing and not Beast Boy? Second, this person clearly had a bias towards the changeling. Something she decided to keep mental note of. Finally, the entire plot was just… just…


Raven's face grew red at the rouge thought. Though she made no effort to deny the fact that it was true. Despite how raw the entire thing sounded, the premise was actually pretty cute. It almost physically hurt her to admit it, but it really didn't seem that bad. It was practically a typical romance novel, and she did not know what was worse; the fact that she kind of likes the idea, or the fact that she reads romance novels on the occasion.

Well, they were equally bad in all honesty.

"What did I just get myself into?" She asked herself.

Raven began formulating her response right away, making sure that she informed the user that there will be minor adjustments to that original storyline.

Re:BBRAE Collab Project

Message from: Deadpan46

Hello there,

Upon reading your atrocious plotline, my initial thought was that this was not worth my time. However, after some careful consideration, I concluded that with the right guidance… this could potentially turn out decent. What you mentioned sounds more along the lines of a climax, rather than an entire plot. My recommendation would be to start off with some backstory. Find a way for the two to gain the others' interest. The reader needs to know how they both developed their feelings before they can gain any emotional attachment. That way, the ending will be way more impactful and meaningful. Give me some time, and I will send you a rough draft of how that should play out. Do not expect me to be as timely as you prefer. I would advise you determine yourself how the two should be introduced into the story, and what causes them to become close in the meantime.

- DeadPan46

The demoness wasted no time in sending the message. After that was taken care of, she got up and began to grab her laundry. Once she hoisted the basket full of dirty clothes, she slid her door open with her powers and made her way to the laundry room.

"Now the fun will commence." She spoke ironically.

After that deep conversation with Cyborg, Beast Boy felt off-center. That, and he really needed to pee. Deciding that he should definitely relieve himself of his burden, the changeling shuffled along out of his room and into the hallway. As he gracefully danced towards the bathroom; his place of solace and serenity, he saw Raven coming from her room with what appeared to be a basket full of uniforms and other clothes. Feeling as though they have been lacking some dialogue, and the fact that they would indeed be alone for a while, he decided it would be best if he would get ahead of the game.

"Hey Rae, watcha' got there?" He asked her inquisitively.

"Not clothes, that's for sure. Want to take a gander as to what it might be?" Raven replied cynically.

"But, that's literally a basket of clothes Raven." Beast Boy responded intelligently.

"I wasn't- ugh… never mind." The empath rolled her eyes at the changeling's ignorance to her blatant sarcasm.

"Whew Rae, that's a lot of clothes! That's almost as much as I have on my floor!" Beast Boy quipped as he walked closer to her to inspect the contents of the basket.

"First off, stop calling me Rae. Second… don't you- Hey stop!" Raven realized what the green bean was doing and tried to prevent Beast Boy from searching through her clothes, but he had already begun by the time her reflexes kicked in.

"Man there's a ton!" Beast Boy exclaimed, sifting through the pile.

As his eyes met with a particular kind of clothing, his eyes widened. Lo and behold was one of her bras, and he managed to see the tag.

30D?! Holy crap!

"How dare you!" Raven screeched, enraged. She slapped the curious shape shifter; hard enough to where the sound reverberated throughout the entire hallway.

"OWWWW! That really hurt!" Beast Boy cried. He rubbed his now somewhat red cheek as he attempted to recover from the fierce blow.

"That's what you get for messing with my stuff you pervert!" Raven scolded while her face tinged pink.

"I'm not a pervert! I just couldn't believe ya had so much piled up! This looks almost like a months worth!" Beast Boy explained earnestly.

"Yeah well you don't have to explore my dirty laundry! Now if you excuse me before I decide to kill you, I need to throw these in the washer." Raven declared before walking off, heading to the room that housed the washing machine.

Now completely embarrassed, Beast Boy resumed his trek to the bathroom.

"Dude.. I can't believe that. She has D's…" Beast Boy said to himself dreamily.

Beautiful, wonderfully plumpy D's. Jiggly jiggly puff.

What kind of thought was that?!

The kind that admires nature's creation.

Yeah… yeah that makes sense. Squishy squishy.


Now in front of the restroom door, Beast Boy entered in and locked it. Within minutes, his loud voice of both shock and frustration could be heard.

"Dangit! Now I can't pee!"

As Cyborg entered the common room, he was pleasantly surprised to see that the aforementioned couple had ceased their affections and were now cuddled up together watching the TV. With a smirk, the cybernetic young man made his way down to the couch before plopping himself onto it.

"Alright guys, I'll be stealing the TV from you." He remarked.

"Go ahead, there's nothing really that interesting on right now anyways." Robin mused, motioning to the place where the remote lay with the tilt of his head.

Giving a satisfied grunt, Cyborg grabbed the remote and changed the channel to the connection for the GameStation. He then grabbed one of the controllers, turned on the console and sat back waiting for everything to load. While everything was booting up, he remembered his recent conversation with Beast Boy; the mentioning of Robin and the offer that had been given.

"So Rob, what's up with this whole freelance thing Beast Boy is talking about?" He asked

"Well… I was planning on keeping it on the down-low for now, but I guess he already gave that up." Robin sighed.

"He didn't exactly give it up, our talk warranted it. If he's serious about the whole thing, he ain't gonna have much time to do anything about his feelings towards… well, you know." Cyborg finished, with the last part spoken quieter in the fear that they could be heard.

"I guess that's true, I didn't realize that." Robin confessed. The team leader rubbed his chin with his free hand, while his other was holding his girlfriend close.

"What is this 'offer' you speak of friend Cyborg?" Starfire asked with immense curiosity.

"Batman told me about an organization that is looking for young talent willing to undertake special solo operations that regular agents could not handle. Going solo has always been a dream for Beast Boy, so I figured he would definitely want the opportunity." Robin answered.

"Oh, that is WONDERFUL! I am sure friend Beast Boy was pleased to hear such a glorious offer!" Starfire responded joyfully.

"See, that's the thing Rob. Does he really want to do it? I know that may be his dream, but what about his strong feelings too?" Cyborg pressed.

"That is something he is going to have to decide for himself Vic. We are all adults here, we are eventually going to have to make adult choices. We are now at a point in life where every choice leaves a serious impact, and we have to be somewhat responsible with the outcome." Robin explained.

As the TV screen lit up with the console's dashboard, Cyborg began selecting which game he felt like playing. For a moment, he somberly looked at his feet.

"Rob… are we at a stage where we are all going to have to lead separate lives altogether?" He asked.

Robin looked up and ran his fingers through his hair. "Things change. We can't always be Titans… one day we will all have to abandon this current life."

"Can't we?" Cyborg rhetorically questioned.

After the debacle that was Beast Boy's evident "excitement", he made his way back towards his room.

God that was so stupid. I definitely shouldn't be thinking about Raven like that…

Why not? Can't one appreciate perfect symmetry?

How do I know what that word means?

Well, after seeing those curves, anyone would understand.

What's wrong with me?

You have taste.

As he re-entered his room, Beast Boy wasted no time in running to his bed, grabbing his laptop from underneath, and heading back out. He did not want to be continuously bothered today, and he also did not want to be cooped up in his room the whole time. The roof did offer some fresh air; and besides, he could find good inspiration while being up there.

In a few minutes, the portable zoo found his way onto the roof of the tower. A gentle breeze blew through the tufts of his hair, and the crashing of the ocean waves hitting the rocks could be heard around him. As his nostrils flared, he could smell the feint and subtle smell of flowers off in the distance. Though the primary reason for the location of the Tower was seclusion, the choice brought forth magnificent benefits. This was one such case.

Beast Boy walked forward until he could feel the sun's rays hitting his back, the light emanating from it apparent in the time of day. After brief moments of awe, the shapeshifter move towards the edge of the roof and sat down; before opening his laptop and turning it on. He never knew what to do with this much time in his hands, and he never really got out much. Most of his free time was spent with comics or electronics, so there was not anything else he could find himself doing. At least, for now.

It was good that he had found this hobby. He never wanted to ever admit it to anyone, but he now enjoyed reading. Reading and writing to be exact. Though there were always jokes and prods about his lack of academic prowess, he wasn't completely stupid. In fact, he was quite intelligent. Short on some common sense, sure. But dumb he was not.

He logged in to his profile, and saw he had a response. It took him several minutes to read, and afterwards felt quite challenged. There were some parts that almost seemed rather hostile, but there were some very valid points as well. He really did need to add more depth to his proposed story, though he was not sure if he would be capable of coming up with something on his own. Though he had a pretty good imagination, he could only go so far. After all, he never actually experienced a true relationship before.

Well, maybe Terra…

No, she definitely did not count. She never truly cared for him. At least, not the way he had cared for her. Or thought he cared for her. However, he could channel the rollercoaster of emotions he felt during those dreary times and use it for the dynamics of his story. It would be difficult to say the least.

Beast Boy exhaled. This was turning out to be much harder than he thought it would be. He was moving onto foreign land; not knowing a single thing about the area. He closed his eyes and thought about the entire thing. As if by some divine intervention, Beast Boy remembered several stories he had really liked. Maybe he could borrow from some of them?

It could work. The changeling searched through his library and found the most recent titles he had read. Ready like a man on a mission, Beast Boy was about to click on one of them. Then, he had an even better idea.

"I mean, I did PM someone, I might as well try to get some insight from this guy too!" He told himself.

Beast Boy clicked on the author's profile, selected the private messaging option and began composing.

Story Advice

Message from: xXGreen_is_MeanXx


So I am totally writing this amazing BBRAE story, but I kind have reached a writer's block haha. I have the ideas I want for how it should go, but I don't have much of a clue on what would bring Raven and the spectacular Beast Boy together in the first place! I mean… they are cute and all and they for sure would look good together. They make a nice looking couple and would definitely make some pretty sexy lookin' babies LOL. But I'm just not good with playing the game. Like dude, I'm stuck here behind a keyboard writing romantic fiction. Do I sound like I get girls? Hahaha I'm just kidding! Well, not really but yeah. ANYWAYS, I really like how you are able to come up with so many ways they fall in love with each other. It's really awesome! I was hoping you could, ya know, help a guy out and maybe give me some suggestions as to how it should all start off. What should I make happen that would allow the two to begin to like each other? I would really appreciate the help!

Ya boi,

- xXGreen_is_MeanXx

Grinning like an idiot, Beast Boy hit send. Hopefully soon, he would hear back from the author. For once, the hero was the one who needed some saving.

"You know Rob, I think we should do something later tonight." Cyborg suggested.

"Like what?" Robin asked.

"I don't know, maybe go downtown… eat and shop or whatever. Something. We've been cooped up here for too long. I feel like we've been on house arrest!" Cyborg joked.

"That's true, we have been stuck in the Tower for a while now. I guess it couldn't hurt to get some fresh air and a change of pace." Robin agreed.

"Oh joy! That would be wonderful! I have been wanting to do the shopping! I am very much in the need of new clothes." Starfire replied gleefully.

"Uh…Star? You have a ton of clothes in your closet." Robin pointed out.

"Yes, but those are old ones!" Starfire innocently responded.

"Old? You just bought them several months ago!" Cyborg interjected.

"Which is exactly why we need to go! Oh please Robin?" Starfire asked with a glint in her eyes.

Being the firm and level-headed leader that he was, Robin wasted no time in laying down the law:

"Eh why not? Let's make a trip out tonight!"

With a final heave, Raven threw the last bit of clothes into the washing machine before putting in the detergent. Soon enough, she had it all up and running.

"That takes care of that." She said to herself.

As she began to make her way out of the laundry room, the empath heard her communicator go off. Taking it out to see what it could be, Raven was slightly surprised to see Robin calling. She accepted it, and watched as his face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Raven. Later tonight we are gonna have an outing. Now I know that as much as you hate being in public, we do need to find some time for team bonding; especially outside of the Tower. We'll probably hit up a few shops, maybe grab something to eat. I'm not entirely sure what the full plan is, but we will most likely just play it by ear." Robin informed her.

"Oh. Great." Raven enthused.

After pondering over the information, Raven became inquisitive as well as suspicious.

"This wouldn't happen to be decided by your weakness to Starfire's insistent begging is it?" She asked.

Giving a nervous smile, the team leader reassured her. "Of course not. I think it will do us some good."

"Somehow, I don't believe you." Raven replied coldly. "But, you make it sound like I have a choice in the matter; when you know good and well I don't."

"This is true." Robin smirked. "Seriously though Raven, I think it will be fun. I also think that you will wind up having a good time. You usually do, even if you never admit it."

"As if." Raven half-heartedly retorted.

"Well, try as you might… we both know you aren't getting out of this one. Just like all the other times." He grinned.

Raven scoffed, but remained silent. One way or another she would be roped in; it was always inevitable.

"I'm going to go. Gotta let Beast Boy know as well." Robin said before ending the call.

"Hmph. Always the respectful and considerate one that Robin." Raven said to herself sarcastically.

As Beast Boy was smiling to himself, his happy thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his communicator. Similarly to Raven, the changeling saw that he had an incoming video call from Robin and answered it.

"Hey Beast Boy, we will all be heading out later tonight for some fun." Robin told him.

"Fun? Robin, I am the embodiment of fun." Beast Boy replied.

"Since when did you expand your vocabulary?" Robin questioned teasingly, the corner of his mask raised.

"What can I say, comics can really help an individual find culture." The geen elf said smugly.

"Nerd culture." Robin chuckled.

"Hey! There is some true art to be found in those books! Don't knock em'." Beast Boy responded flatly.

"I'm not here to dis on your hobby, I think you having any given form of reading is good. Just letting you know that pretty soon we will all be getting ready for a night in the town." Robin finished.

"Wow Robin, that's pretty low." Beast Boy stated.

"Haha, well… make sure you get ready soon. We are all going in our civvies." Robin added.

"Sure man." The portable zoo answered.

"Catch you later then." Robin said before ending the call.

Beast Boy continued to hold the communicator up to his face, putting on a mocking expression and tone.

"How about you catch these hands." He remarked while shaking his free hand in front of the now blank screen of his device.

The evening had rolled around, and all five Titans were out and about in casual wear. Robin and Starfire had chosen the typical coordinating outfits; Robin wearing a black collared shirt and light denim jeans, and Starfire wearing a black crop top with light denim skinny jeans. Beast Boy always made sure to choose comfort and practical over the fashionable, wearing a purple V-neck t-shirt and black shorts. Cyborg was Cyborg, so clothes were never really required. However to try to be modest, the mechanical man decided to throw on his old varsity jacket while wearing very baggy athletic pants. As for Raven, she stuck to a blue hoodie over a white sleeveless t-shirt while wearing a rather flattering pair of black yoga pants. On her t-shirt was a rather emo looking sketch of an actual raven.

The group made their way through the miniature crowds of people occupying the sidewalk, the street lights causing the concrete to glint under the night sky. The cold and crisp air flowing from the oceanside made its way into the city, gently caressing the strands of hair on every exposed head. It was a beautiful evening, and a lively one at that.

As the Titans advanced through the different streets, they passed several shops and stores. There were teenagers loitering, children misbehaving, parents reprimanding, elderly people reliving youthful bliss; it was truly a wonderful sight to behold. Because of the lack of crime, Jump City had finally been able to bring about its own peaceful atmosphere.

"So, where to first Rob?" Cyborg asked.

"I'm not sure. Are any of you guys hungry yet?" Robin contemplated.

"I know my stomach is low, I need to fill up!" Beast Boy replied heartily.

"Oh yes, I am the starving!" Starfire exclaimed.

"Eh, I could use a bite." Raven confessed.

"Alright, it's settled then. Let's get us some FOOD!" Cyborg cried out with excitement.

As if by nature, the five guided themselves to their favorite pizza place, Marinaccio's. The savory smell of fresh baked dough being retrieved from the warm ovens could be sensed from miles away it seemed. The premium high-end ingredients used in the made-from-scratch pizzas were simply to die for; attracting a variety of people to the restaurant.

As they passed by the groups of people, several individuals turned their heads to look at the frequent saviors of the city. Though they were much older than when they first started out, their features were not only easy recognizable… but quite obvious. It did not help much with the fact that four out of the five Titans were beyond just human. A walking half-machine, a pale grey half-demon, a green changeling, and an orange green-eyed alien princess were not hard to miss.

"Okay guys, who's ready to get their munch on?!" Cyborg questioned with enthusiasm. The cybernetic man clasped his hands and rubbed them together in anticipation.

"I'm assuming the tab will be picked up by the gentlest of all gentlemen, as usual." Beast Boy grinned, snapping his fingers then pointing to Robin suggestively.

Robin shrugged. "What would you guys do without me? Starve, probably." The leader said; answering his own question.

The joyful bunch entered the restaurant and settled inside. After talking to the woman at the counter, they waited for a short period before being seated at a reasonably sized table placed by one of the large multi-pane windows that adorned the building. Through it you could see the heart of the city; the hustle and bustle of people as well as the fluctuation of traffic. It was a great view and a good compliment to the illustrious meal they were about to devour.

Within the next few minutes, they decided on what to order. The waiter wasted no time; being swift and efficient in taking their order immediately. In a snap, he made his way to the kitchen to inform the chefs of what was to be prepared.

"Man, it's been ages since we've been here." Cyborg noticed.

"It is kind of nice to just be out, doing nothing but taking in the world around us." Robin agreed.

Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement except Raven, who merely blinked her eyes.

"C'mon Raven, you know you like hanging out with the gang!" Cyborg teased.

"Don't ruin what could be a half-meaningful moment, Cyborg." Raven spat.

"Oh, but you must like being with us Raven! Our friendship is like the strength of a thousand moons!" Starfire encouraged.

"Yeah, I mean look at how you would have turned out without us; in the funny farm!" Beast Boy reminded.

The empath turned and looked back at the changeling with annoyance evident in her eyes. "That was when I had no one. Without you, I could manage." Raven sneered.

Beast Boy feigned offense, blinking profusely while holding his hand to his chest. "You wouldn't even miss these fabulous ears?" He asked.

"What, those daggers?" Raven rolled her eyes.

"Alright, knock it off you two. You both sound like an old married couple." Robin commanded, his last statement causing him to have a subtle grin appear on his face.

"We are not a couple! And I am not old!" Beast Boy protested.

"With how childish you act, I'm sure most would agree with you." Raven prodded.

"That's enough Raven." Robin said more sternly.

Beast Boy, whose cheeks were now red with both annoyance and embarrassment, folded his arms as he sat in his seat with a pout. Raven merely looked the other way.

"Let's just try and enjoy the meal ya'll. Food will be out soon!" Cyborg said, changing the subject.

"Yes! I cannot wait to have the cheesy goodness that is the pizza!" Starfire expressed anxiously.

"Indeed, I have actually been having a craving of this place for a while now." Robin confessed.

"I do prefer to get my pizza from here… I guess." Raven admitted.

Beast Boy, still a bit miffed, let out a reaffirming grunt to the current consensus. Cyborg gave a light elbow to the changeling seated next to him.

"Come on grass stain, lighten up. I even ordered a vegan pizza for ya!" The mechanical man encouraged.

Beast Boy's ears raised slightly at his best friend's reassurance. "You did?"

"Sure man. If we are gonna have a legit trip out together, might as well make it an enjoyable one. Besides, we're grown. We don't have to constantly make fun of your terrible taste in food." Cyborg chuckled.

"I'm an animaltarian." Beast Boy responded flatly.

"Well, I'm a humanitarian; I am for the wellbeing of all humans… and part of that wellbeing comes from the consumption of various meats!" Cyborg laughed.

"Oh! It looks like our food is here!" Starfire informed gleefully.

Sure enough, the waiter came up with a large tray. The assortment of food was masterfully placed; being able to hold two large pizzas, cheese-filled garlic breadsticks, salads, and their drinks.

"Booyah!" Cyborg exclaimed.

"…That actually looks really good." Said Raven.

"Man, I didn't even realize how starving I was." Robin said, eyes fixated on the food.

"You sure you ordered me a vegan pizza?" Beast Boy asked Cyborg, still wary.

"Oh shut up." Cyborg half-heartedly retorted.

The waiter placed the food on the table, bit by bit until all of it lay before the hungry Titans. Steam was visibly emitting from the pizza, indicating it being freshly baked. Everything smelled absolutely amazing; the authentic Italian being oh so tantalizing. After everything was set up, the waiter took a step back before giving a courteous bow. Instead of leaving, however, the waiter spoke.

"My dear ladies and gentlemen, I hope you will find everything to your liking. You need not worry about your expenses; these two fine young men have already paid for your meal." He said, pointing to the two guys seated not so far away from them. "Please, do call for me should you have any other requests. Buon appetito!" The waiter finished. With that, he left to tend to other guests.

"Someone paid for our meal? Raven inquired.

"Heh. Looks like Robin is off the hook this time!" Beast Boy slightly chuckled.

"I wonder who they are." Robin questioned.

As if on cue, the two individuals made their way toward the Titans' table. They each gave a small wave before introducing themselves.

"Hello. I'm Drake, and this is my friend Daniel. We are big supporters of what you guys are doing here in Jump. We too are very passionate about this city, and we hope that with your help… people will be able to see the kind of jewel it truly is. I know you must get some criticism from time to time, so Daniel and I decided to pitch in and treat you guys. It's the least we can do." The man identified as Drake explained.

The other man introduced as Daniel spoke up next. "Some time ago, you guys managed to save me and my son from our house collapsing during the tremors we had years back here in Jump City. I didn't always have the greatest opinion of you… but I have the highest respect and gratitude for you now. I never got the chance to thank you properly, so here is a small token of my appreciation. It's nothing compared to saving the life of my son and I… but it's something." He finished.

The Titans looked at each other. They have in the past years been approached by numerous amounts of people, giving either their thanks or their reprimanding. It had become almost a regular occurrence any time they decided to venture outside the Tower and into the city. Still, to have people not only generously give to them what they had… but to share the amount of impact the Titans were able to have in their lives was no less than gratifying.

"Thank you Drake, Daniel. We are not always the best at what we do, but we give our best every time. I'm just glad to see that we are making a difference here. There are always those who think we are nuisance." Robin addressed them.

"Yeah, we are here to protect the city! It's what we do. Or, at least what we try to do." Cyborg added.

The remainder of the Titans nodded their heads in agreement, smiling at the two men who stood before them.

"Well Daniel, we better head out. Landon wants to meet up at that café that just opened up a few blocks down. You know how he is about being punctual." Drake said.

"God I know. Anyways, thank you guys so much. We are really grateful. Enjoy your food!" Daniel reiterated before leaving alongside Drake.

After they left, Raven caught everyone off guard by breaking the silence.

"Well… it's good to see we still mean something to people." She said quietly.

"Yes, it makes my heart happy." Starfire smiled.

"We make a great team don't we?" Cyborg asked rhetorically.

Robin gave a warm smile. "Yeah, we do."

"That's cause we totally kick butt!" Beast Boy gloated.

"Oh friends, I do hope we can stay together!" Starfire innocently stated.

Everyone verbalized their agreement, before beginning to grab their plates as the food was distributed. As soon as the pizza made its way into their mouths, satisfaction could be felt in the atmosphere.

They were together right now… but as each Titan looked at one another, the elephant in the room was clear; no one was sure just how much longer they had each other.

Food began digesting itself as our heroes pressed forward on their journey through the city. For the past half hour, they've been going in and out of different clothing stores; Starfire abruptly changing her mind before being distracted by sales from surrounding shops. Though she may be alien, it seemed nothing kept her from being like any other average female. To the rest of the team's dismay, the compulsion to shop was apparently universal among all women; human or otherwise. As they trudged along, they came upon a large bookstore with a coffee shop set up inside.

"Ah, finally. Something decent around here." Raven mused.

"I actually wouldn't mind browsing myself. Aside from a good cup of coffee, I'm sure there are plenty of interesting reads here." Robin agreed.

"You read in your spare time?" Raven asked surprised.

"Not as much as you, but I tend to keep up with literature when I feel like it." Robin answered.

"Plus, you never know what kind of comics are in here! With big places like this, I'm sure I can continue my binge without even having to pay for a subscription!" Beast Boy grinned.

"I'm down for whatever. We heading in?" Cyborg asked.

"But friends! I have not yet finished my search for-" Starfire began.

"We can continue your search later Star, let's mix it up for a change!" Beast Boy cut her off impatiently.

Lowering her head in disappointment, Starfire conceded. "Very well, let us go into the store of books."

As they went in, they were met with bright lights scattered across the ceiling; leaving little room for anything other than some shadows that managed to be cast inside. The mixed smell of coffee and paper travelled throughout the air around them. It was very calming; creating a perfect place for the studious or the meditative. In mere seconds, the Titans dispersed to the diverse aisles of the store.

While Beast Boy was on his way to the comic section, he briefly glanced at some of the other books nearby. A sale caught his eye, so he stopped himself in order to see what was being offered.

'SALE! 60% off all diaries!'

Beast Boy looked down into the basket. In it were an assortment of different kinds of journals and diaries; all with different prints and colors. He chuckled to himself before picking up one. It was standard and simple, solid black hardcovers with a spiral spine. He opened it up and flipped through the blank pages, thinking to himself.

It would be kind of silly for me to just write down all of my life's events down in some book no one would ever read but myself.

He closed it, but let it remain in his hands.

"Heh. Like I would ever do that. Me writing a diary? That would make for a stupid story." Beast Boy said to himself laughing.

"Journalizing what happens to you now will help you to see how much you've grown in the future."

Beast Boy turned around to find Raven holding several books under her arm. She was looking not at him, but the diary in his hands.

"Do you really think I would be the kind of guy to keep a diary of myself?" Beast Boy asked jokingly.

"I don't know. But I could see you doing it." Raven nonchalantly answered.

"Nah, I don't think it's for me. Seems kinda feminine." Beast Boy said, tossing the diary back into the basket. Raven's eyes followed the toss and pursed her lips when it landed on top of the pile of diaries.

"I just think you might be missing out on a great opportunity. It could really help you gain some perspective." Raven insisted.

"I have plenty of perspective Raven. In fact, I have so much perspective, I can perceive that this is not something worth my time." Beast Boy teased.

"Whatever. I just figured I'd give you some reasons why it could be good for you. Sixty percent off is not a bad deal." Raven shrugged.

With that, the empath walked past Beast Boy to find a table to read her newly discovered books. The changeling turned to head to his original destination, but looked back.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe one day it would be worth it.

After a few seconds of inner debate, Beast Boy picked the diary back up and sped off; hoping no one saw what he would soon come to possess.

Eventually, everyone was reunited. Starfire and Robin were seated together with hot latte's; softly speaking to one another, while holding each other's hand with elbows on the table. Cyborg was casually flipping through several automotive magazines, occasionally checking his watch to keep track of time. Raven and Beast Boy were more secluded from the rest, engrossed in their reading choices.

"So Robin, what is this 'Blüdhaven' you speak of?" Starfire asked her young lover.

"It… it might be where we live. Someday." Robin informed her.

"But, we live here! With our friends." Starfire said confused.

Robin let out a sigh. Transitioning would be rather rough, he had to admit. He had always known they would one day reach this point. They had to. He couldn't be Robin forever; and as Bruce was getting older… he was becoming less bearable. There were times where the mood was just too tense, and things were continuing to divide them. Maybe it was because he had outgrown him; one way or another. But leaving him would be easy. It was leaving the team that would prove to be difficult. They weren't just a team, they were family. Separating from them would be like undergoing intensive heart surgery. In a way, it was. He knew good and well all of them would be forever altered by it.

"I know Star. I know. But even our friends will have to live their own lives. Besides, me and you could have a future… together. Blüdhaven will give us a chance for a fresh start; an opportunity to be independent. Think of the life we could live! That doesn't mean we still won't be a family." Robin assured.

Starfire snuck a glare at the Titans. Her friends. Admiration was evident in her facial expressions as her eyes scanned them all. She loved them, and it was difficult to imagine how life would be without them. What Robin was saying sounded wonderful. Actually, it sounded like a fairytale. Her dashing hero of a man, and her being his princess. They would be on their own adventures in their own city. The romanticism behind it all was appealing. But would she be able to adapt to that new life?

"I will miss them all. Beast Boy and his funny jokes, Cyborg and his booyahs, Raven and her… her, um.. the girl talks! Yes. Our girl talks! Oh, it makes me sad to think of losing them!" Starfire sniffled.

"We wouldn't be losing them Star! We will just be on our own path. That doesn't mean we can't take a detour from time to time." Robin insisted.

"Yes… but we would not be a family anymore!" She countered.

"…Well…" Robin began. He paused to look from side to side, searching for anyone who could have been in earshot. When he was sure that no one was overhearing their conversation, he continued.

"Maybe… maybe we could have a family of our own." He finished.

Starfire's eyes widened, partly in shock and partly in sheer joy.

"Oh! Dick… that would be… that would be the best thing that would ever happen to me!" She exclaimed as her eyes dilated.

Robin gave a reserved grin. "It would be for me too Kori."

Beast Boy slightly shuddered, visibly cringing. Raven looked up from her book and raised an eyebrow.

"You good?" She asked.

"Ugh. Robin is talking about how much sex he's gonna have once him and Starfire move out." Beast Boy answered.

"You were listening in on their conversation?" Raven pressed, narrowing her eyes.

"Of course not! But I can't help that I have a very heightened sense of hearing." Beast Boy said honestly.

"I can't imagine Robin being the forward type." Raven assessed.

"Well, he didn't exactly say that. But he did mention to Star how he wants to start a family with her." Beast Boy admitted.

"That makes more sense." Raven stated, feeling more comfortable now that things were cleared up.

"Anyways, what're you reading?" Beast Boy asked her, changing the subject.

"I'm currently skimming through this story about this girl with a troubled past who goes through several tragedies in her life, eventually finding tranquility and peace within herself. With the help of a man she soon falls in love with, she is able to change herself for the better." Raven explained.

"Seems like a typical love story. Who's the author?" Beast Boy asked sincerely.

Raven looked at the cover of the book. "Um, his name is Ed Rich Sardino." Raven told him.

"Is that Italian?" Beast Boy wondered.

"I'm not sure." Raven answered with a slight shrug.

"What's the name of the book?" Beast Boy questioned further.

"You're asking me a lot of questions." Raven noticed.

"I'm just trying to make conversation." Beast Boy said.

"Fair enough. It's called: 'Feeling Tests'." She answered.

"That's an odd choice for a name, don't ya think?" Beast Boy asked.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Said Raven.

Beast Boy gave a small smile at the empath before returning his attention to his comic books. When Raven caught his quick and subtle smile, she blushed. It wasn't that she was affected by him or anything. Azar no. She was just already worked up from the book she was reading, that the moment felt… different. Plus, the whole FanFiction fiasco was still fresh on her mind; so that played a major role.

It's not like he's that cute.

The half-demoness hid her face behind her book to conceal any other confused signals she might have been giving. Suddenly, her head shot back up as her eyes widened.

Wait… did I just indirectly admit I think he's cute?!

She took another quick peek at the changeling, who seemed laser-focused on his comic book. Her brows furrowed as she attempted to convince herself that she thought nothing of the sort.

He is most definitely not cute!

Since she knew her thoughts would just become a cascading snowball of what-if's and emotions that did not belong, she decided to distract herself by keeping their open dialogue going.

"So, what kind of kid's book is that?" Raven asked plainly.

"Hey! It's not a kid's book! It's a comic." Beast Boy corrected her.

"Ah. I suppose they must be different somehow." Raven replied sarcastically.

"They are a world of a difference Rae." Beast Boy informed her.

"Oh? And what is yours about then?" Raven prodded.

"This is a Lord of the Rings comic. It's kind of separate from the movies, going into other story arcs. This is Gollum; my favorite character!" Beast Boy told her, pointing to the character on the comic.

"Looks just like you." Raven teased.

Beast Boy stuck his tongue out at her. When he looked back at the comic, he noticed a typo.

"Hey! It says 'Golem' instead of Gollum." Beast Boy complained.

"Okay? What's the difference?" Raven asked confused.

"Gollum is normally spelled with two L's, an U, and a M. They spelled it with one L, an E, and a M." Beast Boy said.

"How would they not know how to spell the names of the characters they are writing about?" Raven mockingly asked.

"Yo guys, we ready to move on?"

The two turned to find Cyborg, who had finished looking at all the various cars featured in his magazines, looking rather impatient.

Robin and Starfire also shifted their attention to the older Titan. He appeared to be bored, and rightfully so. Cyborg wasn't the kind to be entertained by reading, so really this whole time he was just waiting for everyone to be satisfied before finding something else to do. It was fair… he was the only one who didn't really get anything out of it.

Robin felt that they needed to find something more suitable for all of them, that way they wouldn't be rushed; but no one would feel left out either. After all, this was supposed to be a group activity.

"How about a movie?" Robin asked the group.

"Now that's more like it!" Cyborg said, cheering up.

Everyone stood up and reformed their group. Together they walked out of the store and resumed their earlier journey on the sidewalk.

"So, what movie do you guys wanna see?" Robin asked them.

"I'm actually not sure. I haven't been keeping up with what movies have been coming out lately." Beast Boy admitted.

"I heard there was this pretty good modernized spaghetti western that had just came out the other day. It looked like it was received well initially." Cyborg mused.

"What's it called? I'll check to see if they have any showings around this time." Robin asked as he pulled out his smartphone.

Since they were out for leisure, the Titans preferred to use their smartphones over their communicators. The communicators were great for general use; but specifically meant for withstanding extensive combat. They were very durable, and had almost limitless reach no matter what region they were in. The downside, was that there was no way to access the internet. Therefore, each Titan still owned a smartphone in addition to their communicators.

"It's called 'Late Night Rendezvous'. It's about a shootout between outlaws and sheriffs that all started from a botched bank heist. Has a lot of good reviews and has already been discussed as Oscar-worthy acting." Cyborg answered.

"That sounds pretty dope!" Beast Boy interjected.

"Well, he's right. There are a lot of good reviews." Robin concurred.

"So did you find any showings then?" Cyborg pressed.

"There seems to be one in about thirty minutes, which should give us ample time to get there and get seated." Robin explained.

"Wonderful! Let us go then!" Starfire said happily, lightly clapping her hands.

"Yes, let's. I can't wait to see the spaghetti sheriffs and the meatball muggers." Raven commented sarcastically.

"Oh, I get it. It's funny because I called it a spaghetti western." Cyborg shot back with equal sarcasm.

"Well I thought that joke was a pizza crap." Beast Boy snickered.

Both Cyborg and Raven looked back at the changeling as if he had just had an aneurism.

"If evil doesn't kill me, your jokes will." Raven said stoically.

"That was pretty lame bro." Cyborg agreed.

Beast Boy had a giant grin on his face, smugly eyeballing the two.

"It was great." He insisted.

"What will be great, is if we can actually start heading there now." Robin cut in.

In silent agreement the rest of the Titans continued their walk, making their way towards the theater. The wind had begun to pick up drastically as the evening started to unfold. The sun had fully set, and the stars had made their appearance. The sound of waves crashing against rock and structure could be heard off in the distance, setting the mood for a magical night. Jump City truly was a beautiful place when it wasn't being ransacked by villain after villain.

As they strolled along, the team subconsciously took their places amongst each other; Starfire next to Robin, Robin next to Cyborg, Cyborg next to Beast Boy, and Raven next to Beast Boy.

Cyborg smiled, who was attentive to their peculiar order. Even when they were off duty and on their way to see a movie; whether they realized it or not, the demoness and the changeling always subconsciously found each other. They may not have been aware of it, but it was as though they always were drawn to one another. It was practically a natural occurrence. Usually they were always the first ones to respond to each other on the battlefield, but this even took it to another level.

Yet they somehow still don't see it yet. Cyborg thought to himself.

It was quite the distance, but the Titans made it to the Theater in good time. While they could have easily used their powers to get them there in an instant, they did not want to ruin the genuine emulation of what "normal" was like. Tonight, they were just civilians taking part of what their city had to offer them.

"Hey, move your butt already!" Beast Boy demanded.

"How about you shut up?!" Raven snarled.

"Just find us a seat you two!" Robin scolded.

"Yeah, I don't want to miss a second of this movie!" Cyborg retorted.

"Let us not fight friends!" Starfire pleaded.

The Titans scurried along as they quickly tried to find decent seating inside the movie theater. Pushing forward and moving past the plethora of legs, they each continued on until they found some available spots.

"is it cliché that we have just enough seats for us or what?" Beast Boy quipped.

"Yeah… this is actually very fortunate." Robin agreed.

"Man… all of these legs. Ugh, I can't stand legs." Beast Boy complained.

They sat down in the same order they walked, with this time Robin noticing and internally smiling. He then turned and looked at Starfire. She returned his gaze and it caused him to blush immensely; but he didn't care to hide it anymore. He knew where he stood, and she was his now… and vice versa.

The team settled in and waited for the movie to play. When they saw that the opening scene had started, they all turned their attention to Cyborg expectantly. Sure enough, he gave them a thumbs up before he looked at his wrist and pressed a few buttons on it. In seconds, compartments on him opened up; revealing several snacks and candies.

"Heck yes!" Beast Boy said victoriously.

Cyborg began distributing the snacks to them, one by one. They each grabbed them earnestly, ready to get their munch on. Yes, even the Titans were not too far above sneaking in treats into theaters. After all, they were heroes…

And movie theater food pricing was just plain robbery.

Satisfied with having their food in their hands, the five turned their focus back onto the film; the backlight illuminating their faces in the otherwise dark room.

"Settle down there pardner, I'm just here ta take yer valuables. Ain't nobody gonna get hurt or nuthin' unless ya cause anymore stirrin'."

"Bill, hurry it up! We don't have all day here!"

"Course' we don't, it's the evening Dutch!"

"Just quit yer yappin' and finish bagging the rest of what you can get out of these unfortunates."

"Dutch, Bill! There are about twenty lawmen outside waitin' for us!"

"Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Arthur, get the men ready! We's about to have ourselves a showdown!"

As the movie intensified, Beast Boy and Cyborg were gripping the edges of their seats. The buildup to the point of the shootout was nothing short of extraordinary. The way they introduced the outlaws caused for everyone to grow an attachment towards them all. As odd as it was, it really made them all want to root for the bad men to make it through and pull it off.

Robin on the other hand was a tad disinterested. Yet he was perfectly fine where he was, as Starfire held onto his arm while anticipating what would become of the bandit group. Though he may have not been completely wrapped up with the story, he was content with the result it brought him. A nice moment to enjoy with his beautiful girlfriend.

Beast Boy leaned back. Now this was what he called a real rootin' tootin' cowboy movie. The reviews did not do it any justice; the film was just too awesome!

A few seconds later, his heart had jumped into his throat. He looked to his side to confirm what he thought was happening.

Raven had fallen asleep during the movie!

But it wasn't the fact that she had fallen into a deep slumber, but rather how she did that was the subject matter.

The empath had somehow managed to fall asleep, with her head laying on the green elf's shoulders.

The poor changeling was filled with such a strong mixture of emotions; being ecstatic yet mortified as to what would happen should she wake up. Should he nudge her to keep them from both causing an embarrassing scene? That would definitely ensure the rest of the night went smoothly, and no awkward encounters to occur later on.

Nah… I like this.

Beast Boy grinned as he looked down on Raven's serene face. She seemed rather comfortable in her position, breathing softly as her breaths warmed his neck. This… this was bliss.

"Heh…" Beast Boy let out a low, giddy laugh.

The other three Titans turned to see what caused the changeling to chuckle during such a tense point of the movie. However, once they saw what had transpired before them, they all gave that knowing smile. Cyborg and Robin gave a thumbs up, while Starfire giggled lightly. Beast Boy's cheeks grew red, but he gave them a light nod of approval.

He looked back at the screen, but his attention was no longer on the men being shot at. Though it was such a simple action, it caused him to deeply reflect upon his future.

Would this be us? One day, sitting on our porch together with her by my side…? Is this what it would feel like to be together? This… comfort that I find in this?

His thoughts were interrupted by a startled and bewildered Raven. She shot up and looked around her frantically, looking to the other Titans to find answers as to what had gone on; but they all kept their eyes on the movie. Flustered, the empath sat up straight and refused to look anywhere near Beast Boy.

Did I just do what I think I did? She asked herself.

For the remainder of the film, they both kept their eyes trained on the screen. No word was said, and nothing was cleared up as to what went on the past several minutes.

"Man! That was AWESOME!" Beast Boy exclaimed.

"BOOYAH my brutha'!" Cyborg joined in the hype, giving his green companion a high five.

"That was… actually pretty enjoyable." Raven awkwardly confessed.

"Oh yes, but the ending was so sad!" Starfire added solemly.

"Typical… so typical. I can't believe they fell for that. Those poor bastards…" Robin said unbelieving.

"What was the name of that movie again?" Beast Boy inquired.

"Late Night Rendezvous." Cyborg answered.

"Speaking of late nights, it's really late now." Robin noticed.

"Dang… it's already midnight?" Cyborg asked rhetorically.

"Well it was a long film." Robin acknowledged.

"Now that you think of it, I am kinda exhausted." Beast Boy admitted. He stretched his arms and gave a complimentary yawn.

"How on Earth are you tired BB? You're usually way more active at night!" Cyborg reminded.

"It's true, you do sleep as late as you stay up." Robin agreed.

"I don't know dude, I just feel tired is all." Beast Boy answered honestly.

The Titans stood in a circle under a streetlight, avoiding the crowds of people exiting the theater. The night sky was lit up with billions upon billions of stars; their majestic beauty scattered across the atmosphere. After they all took a deep breath in unison, Robin broke their temporary silence.

"Well, we better head home. Time to wind down." He told them.

They all verbalized their agreement, nodding their heads. As Robin looked at each of them, he could tell by their eyes that they were low on energy. It was a long and eventful night, but it was worth it. Well worth it.

This could be the last night you spend time with them. He reminded himself.

Slowly but surely, they made their way down the sidewalk and to the T-Car Cyborg drove them in. One by one they entered the enhanced vehicle, getting comfortable before the mechanical man took them onto the highway.

Soon enough, they were all back to the infamous T shaped tower they all resided in. All of the Titans retreated into their rooms in order to change out of their casual wear… all except for one: Robin.

The spiky-haired leader made his way into the evidence room. The room was dark and dreary, with glass cases allowing fractions of light to reflect off of them; refusing the area from being covered in complete and total darkness. Robin flicked the light switch, so that the room was then easily visible. He walked past case after case; the assortment of weapons and gadgets collected over the years from various villains and vigilantes that had made their appearance in Jump City. He stopped in front of an empty case, and though he knew what it had originally housed, he read the label anyways.

'Red X'

It had been a number of years since had pulled that stunt. The irony of the entire situation warranted a small grin from him. It was a memorable experience, but definitely one he did not want to relive again. Now, the suit was in full commission once again; but not by him. While he was devoting his time to other matters, he still had an ongoing investigation into Red X on the side. Whoever the rogue who now donned the suit was, he needed to be brought to justice… and he vowed that it would be himself who would handle Red X personally. Besides, it was primarily his fault for the creation of the persona to begin with.

After one final moment of nostalgia, the Titan leader walked further down the vast room. Moving by more and more cases, memories seeping in and out of thought. Finally, he reached the end of the room, with a single case that was freshly made and placed; having no dust nor any smudge on the glass. Hesitantly, he removed the glass casing and let out a breath. Opening a small bag he had brought with him before entering the evidence room, Robin pulled out articles of clothing. He took a few seconds to reminisce as he stared at the red and green material, running a hand across it with sentiment. Finally, he found resolve and placed the clothes in the empty case; before topping it off with the iconic black mask. He returned the class casing on the top, sealing the costume inside. Because of the lighting, Dick Grayson saw the reflection of himself on the face of the costume. The infamous 'R' complimenting the background in an almost romantic tone. His expression hardened, and with determination he turned away. He walked out, remembering to the flick the light switch off before slamming the door closed.

The first Robin died inside, and only Dick Grayson had emerged.

Beast Boy had finished taking off his civilian attire and put them back where they belonged; on the floor.

He then opted for his purple matching pajamas, which he had begun to use after recently relinquishing his religious wearing of the Doom Patrol suit. He used to be so attached to the suit, that he would never take it off except for when it needed to be washed. Aside from that, he wore it for all occasions… including to sleep. He hadn't outgrown it entirely, but he found that he didn't need to wear it ALL the time.

With a yawn, the changeling pulled back the covers on his bed. As he was about to swing his leg over the mattress and settle down, he stopped.

"I wonder if that guy ever got back with me." He wondered to himself.

Removing himself from his bed, the changeling made his way to where he had put his laptop after using it on the roof. The clamshell laptop sitting on his impressive clothes pile was quickly swept up and kept under the arms of a very tired shapeshifter.

"While I'm at it, I'll grab a snack or two." Beast Boy told himself.

Beast Boy made his way to the ops room, and laid his computer down on the table by the television. He then made a quick trip to the refrigerator, retrieving left over tofu he had stashed in one of the lower drawers of the fridge.

The green elf then situated himself on the couch, set his tofu on the side, and opened his laptop. Navigating to the log in screen and loading his profile, Beast Boy found that he did indeed receive a response to his message:

Re:Story Advice

Message from: TheForceIsStrongWithThisOne

Hey there, xXGreen_is_MeanXx.

You want ideas, huh? You could just ask Cy. Just kidding... let me guess, he has no idea that you have a crush on Raven, does he?

You could always go with the oldie but goodie: Terra comes back and Raven realizes she is hopelessly in love with you. But yeah, that's been done a few times too many. Maybe Dr. Light could hurt you, like really bad, and after Raven deals with him she nurses you back to health, and that's when the magic happens? Do you like that? Or are you asking for real world tips to get Raven to fall in love with you? If that's the case, I'm afraid you're on your own, green bean!


- TheForce

Beast Boy sat there on the couch, mouth agape and eyes wide open. The unbelief caused him to be so dumbfoundedly silent, you could hear a fairy fart.


Shaking his head to recollect himself, Beast Boy set his hands on his keyboard. He was about to type a long drawn out response about how offended he was by the forwardness of the reply, when he halted himself.

He… he actually makes a good point.

Beast Boy was so caught up with trying to figure out how they would fall in love in the first place, that he failed to realize the obvious; how did he fall in love with her?

The changeling had such a focus on how they should wind up together in the story, that he completely forgot that he should remember what made him fall in love with Raven in the first place. Perhaps he could work on his side of things, describing how he found himself infatuated with the empath and incorporate a version based off of that in his story. He would then just need to discover ways that Raven could fall in love with him.

"Well, what better way to find out something than by going hands on?" Beast Boy rhetorically asked.

Before he lost the inspiration, Beast Boy opened up his document application and began typing away a draft of his story; telling his side of how he would come to adore the purple-haired demoness.

Raven got out of the shower as water dripped off her hair. She grabbed her towel and dried herself off, before adorning fresh pajamas she forgot she had until she saw them in the dryer from earlier. She brushed and dried her hair, making sure that there was no centimeter of it left damp. As coldblooded she appeared to be, she surely did not want to be freezing that night.

After the rest of the Titans dispersed once they had arrived at the Tower, Raven had gone into her room to meditate before deciding that she required a shower. She took a quick trip to the laundry room where she retrieved her clothes, and then proceeded to the bathroom. During this time, she had one thing on her mind that was troubling her.

How did I let myself become so vulnerable? And why was I so comfortable with being so close to Beast Boy?

While she didn't show it after leaving the theater, the empath was still thoroughly bothered by the fact that she had slept on the changeling's shoulder; even if it was brief. She normally had more control of herself, but that wasn't what disoriented her. She could be fine with the fact that she might pass out during a movie… but to somehow let herself have any sort of physicality with Beast Boy? That made her shudder at the thought, and the ones that followed after thinking of the word 'physicality'.

Even though it was something so minute in retrospect, it plagued her as though she made the gravest mistake in the world.

"I need some tea…" Raven decided.

Walking to the ops room, Raven did her usual routine of preparing her chamomile tea. When she was done, she took a small sip and savored the aroma that came from the hot liquid. No matter the time of day, it was always quite soothing and relaxing. The properties of the chamomile really were effective in bestowing their benefits.

Raven turned and leaned on the kitchen counter. Taking more moderate sips, she dropped her shoulders and let out a relieved sigh. Suddenly, something caught her eye.

Curious, the empath made her way toward the couch. She saw a hint of green, and when she drew closer she confirmed what she had thought she saw. There he was, full blown purple sleepwear, was the bane of her recent thoughts all tuckered out. Beast Boy lay there, eyes shut and limbs thrown about in different uncomfortable positions. From what she could tell, he was fast asleep.

She didn't notice it, but she subconsciously smiled as she gazed upon the green elf. She leaned in closer to him as she studied each of her features. Her eyes locked onto his ears, and she slightly tilted her head in fascination.

Maybe… maybe his ears are a bit cute I guess…

She felt her face flush, but she couldn't deny it. As crazy as it was, his odd shaped ears had their own unique appeal; and helped to actually make his face look adorable.


Beast Boy shot up in instant agony, as he looked up to find himself mere centimeters away from the face of a very mortified Raven.

If I wasn't in so much pain right now, I would be enjoying this! Beast Boy managed to think to himself as he drew his attention to her lips.

While she was invested in her onlooking, she was oblivious to the fact that she was leaning so far forward… her scolding hot tea began pouring directly onto the poor changeling's stomach!

Embarrassed by both their shared closeness, as well as her mishap, Raven stumbled backwards. Her cheeks gushed with red as she tried to find words to form an explanation.

"What in the virgin Mary's chocolate cheeses is that for?!" He cried.

Raven's face scrunched up. "Uh, what?"

"My. Belly. BURNS!" Beast Boy pointed out, emphasizing by pointing to his stomach with both hands.

Raven remained silent, but moved her gaze to his stomach. A lot of the tea had gotten on him, and she felt… awful.

That must have really hurt… She thought to herself.

Beast Boy began rubbing his stomach violently. "Son of Neptune, why did you do that?!" He asked with pain obvious in his voice.

"It was an accident! I was… just trying to enjoy my tea. I went to the couch to sit down, but tripped and almost dropped my cup. I didn't know you were there until after some of it spilled!" Raven lied.

"Well God Raven, it really freaking hurts!" Beast Boy complained.

"Here, let me help you." Raven offered sympathetically.

The empath walked back up and sat next to the now disgruntled changeling. She gingerly placed her hand on his stomach, before a blue light began to illuminate as her healing powers started to address any burns that may have been behind his shirt.

Beast Boy looked down as he watched the small and tender hand that was pressed up against him. Pain was rapidly dissipating, and he began to feel much better. He looked to his side to see Raven, who appeared to be very focused on helping him. Her eyes were trained diligently on his stomach, as if she was healing him with a fervor. Suddenly, her eyes met his. Not a word was exchanged, but while Raven continued to heal him, their gazes were locked onto each other.

Her gorgeous, purple irises seemingly searched his green ones. For some odd reason, Raven's breath hitched. Beast Boy gulped. The moment was so awkward yet so tense… but neither could find it in themselves to look away. Finally, the healing had been done and the blue light faded.

Raven was the first to break away. She looked down in a mixture between shame and guilt.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." She apologized.

Beast Boy bit his lip. "It's okay. You made up for it, thanks."

Silence once again filled the room, as there was nothing else that could be said. Raven then stood up and looked back.

"I hope you have a good night." She told him.

And with that, she abruptly left via a portal she had opened in front of her.

Beast Boy looked in the place where Raven had just stood.

"I think I will." He grinned

WOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY! Man that was a crap ton of typing. Honestly guys, it's been so long since I've updated this (it's been over a year) that I feel you guys really deserve some maximum effort! Hopefully, this is good enough for you guys, and I really do hope it is worth the wait! I have been absolutely swamped with life, and I had a hard time finding availability within my schedule to work on this. I know this is lengthy… and there are some parts that are walls of text. I just, it's hard for me to not have good narration in my stories. I like in depth narration, so sometimes I go a bit too far with it. If you made it this far with reading all of it, I sincerely hope you enjoyed it! If you skipped some of it, please go back and read it all! I promise you some of it is completely worth it! In case you haven't caught on yet or aren't sure, yes… there were A LOT of references! There were several nods to a few authors, and for those of you who read a lot of BBRAE; you should get them. Also, there was a cameo! TheForceIsStrongWithThisOne personally wrote the response, that way it would technically be a genuine cameo appearance. Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Please don't forget to favorite, follow, and most importantly review! I need to know if I'm doing a decent job or not, what you love about it, and what I need to work on. Glowing reviews motivate me to continue on instead of giving up entirely! As long as you guys love what I'm doing, I'll keep on keeping on. Additionally, please point out any spelling errors or inconsistencies in the writing so I can go back and correct them. I never proofread my chapters, because it would take me a while… and I generally don't have the time. Plus, I hate reading what I wrote over and over again haha. I know one of the inconsistencies I have is I accidentally mentioned in one of the earlier chapters that the Titans were still teens; when in fact I have them as young adults.

Side Note: PSI-Triforce, if you're reading this, I wanted to let you know that I have not given up on 'Secret Diaries of a Changeling'. Like any of my writing, I just lack the time to sit down and just type away. I wish I had more time, trust me. I plan on updating it sometime soon, as well as doing a major overhaul on all the chapters. There won't be a huge change, but some parts will be altered to make things more plausible and believable. By the way, I hope you and everyone else caught onto my little reference towards it! I kinda threw that in there haha.

Love ya'll!