Authors note: continuing to the ever popular Toon Pirate as I do Chapter 5, and like I said, read and review and ask any questions if need be.

Jimmy Kudos voice: my name is Jimmy Kudo or at least it used to be, but thanks to some poison slipped into me by a crime organization I got to solve crimes as a kid.

Shows the events of Jimmy spying on the Black organization deal and getting knocked out by Gin as he is fed the poison by him and then Bella as Vander Decken caring him off in his childs body.

While I try to get my real body back, but how can I do that and protect the ones I care about?

It then shows Jimmy or as he now calls himself Conan Edogawa is against the book shelf as he gave his name to

Conans voice: as detective Conan Edogawa and also with the help of a quirky and strange Female with a devils fruit power named Arabella and her Baby Transport snail Rikku who also ate a strange fruit known as the noise noise fruit which gave her great eavesdrop and noise based powers.

II was the first new centery, in 100 years

It shows Bella standing on the edge of a ship looking to the horizon as the wind blows through her longer hair.

And then changed to her looking like Kakashi as he used his ninja skills to dodge and doing a hand stand on a pirate as Sanji as he kicked a few enemies away.

When I feel like I should cry, I locked away my tears

It then showed Bella running through a hall of Mirrors showing all her transformations, as she passed and looked back only to fall down some crumbling dirt, only for Luffy to stretch his arm as he grabbed Bellas hand as he grinned as she smiled at her Captain, as she also sawed Nami, Zoro, Ussop and Sanji help her up together.

The end of a millennium, we waited a long long time

It then showed Bella on the Going Marry as Naruto trying to work with the ropes, only to accidentally lift Ussop up the mast upside down as he rubbed the back of his head as Luffy and Rikku laughed, till Nami struck both Luffy and Naruto

To see the brave new world and the mountains we would climb

It then showed Detective Marine Richard More spying around a corner holding a newspaper, as Bella with Rikku on her shoulder with him also spying.

And then Richard Hitting Bella as Blackbeard as he was on the ground nursing his wound as A One piece version of Connan and Rachel gave him a look as Rikku on Blackbeards shoulder was worried.

the things we try to comprehend, as a child we mad a mystery

It then shows Bella writing on a desk with Rikku looking as Ussop and Luffy sneaks reads what she wrote as she as TFA Starscream chases the two for reading her works

theres nothing I need to Defend theres nothing great about me

All I will ever believe in is the pounding of my heart now, it dosent answer questions, thats just the way it goes

It then shows Bella as a shadowed Skeletal hand grab Bella finger as Bella gasped and smiled as if she knows who it is as she smiled deeply.

All I will have ever believed is the pounding in my chest it wont predict tomorrow or give me final rest.

It finally shows Bella sitting on the front of the Going Marry as Rikku rode on her shoulder and watched as the ship sailed on to the horizon to Rafel and one piece…

Chapter 5: Sirins call, beware of Idols

Two days passed since Jimmy was shrunken into Conan edagawa as Bella changing into Hachagin went back to Shells to mess with the marines and Helepemo as he kept Rikku save in his swim bag as he continued down the seafloor path to Shells town 'I wonder if Will is ok? Morgan better not giving him a hard time' he thought as he surfaced to see if he was going in the right direction and sawed the town ahead of him as he rapidly swam and went to shore as he snuck through town in a cloak to the forest lake to wash the salt water off his body as he kept Rikku on a rock, however a change to her was that she had on a transport rig.

On suggestion, Bella got Rikku equipped with a transport rig so that they can communicate with each other and even shared Numbers with each other to keep in contact with one another.

"so how do you feel with your new rig?" asked Hachi as Rikku looked at it "it feels odd, but Its really helping me out I can hear further away and really connect…but I still need a bit of help with your headphones for that prank of yours in that specific location" she said as Hachi shook the water off and nodded "good now its time to sneak *holds his headphones out* this in and lets get into position, according to Jimmy when I sang it attracted people for an odd reason, which means I have a connection to the Toon force" he said as he picked up Rikku "now lets do this" he said as he became Armorpho and became invisible as he phased into Helepemos room and sawed him asleep (A/N: Just so you know, its nighttime) "*Whispers* Lets do this and have some fun" he said as he carefully and without waking him up he placed them over Helepemos ears as he phased out and floated to a rock out on the ocean like a tiny island that wasn't far from Shells town as he hid behind it as he became Manboshi only poking out his tail.

"Ok Rikku let it rip" he said "Okey dokkie, but I do back up vocals" she said as she started some music

(cue "The Sirins call" made by youtube player "Magpiepony")

Manboshi and Rikku: Listen to our song, don't turn away

Our magic is so strong, you will obey

Led astray

As the Ompah mermaid sang slightly amplified with Rikkus help, and in Helepemos room he got up with a start as he lifted his face mask in surprise "what is that beautiful singing?" he said in awe.

Manboshis discussed voice: No body can resist the charm of a sirens call (Rikku vocalizes)

The melody will enrapture and enthrall

Rikku: Forever and ever

Theres no escape (Rikkus voice: Forever and ever)

He got hearts in his eyes as he felt the love for the mysterious voice "Where is it I got to find it" he said running out of his room in his Pjs not even noticing his headphones as he hured more of the song.

Now or ever (Rikkus voice: forever and ever)

Manboshis discised voice and Rikku: Heed our siren

song, we feed from hate, theres no where to run, nobody can repel us

Soon you'll sing along, it is your fate

Divide and conquer the land and we will rule all

Helepemo then ran around the base asking for help to find the mysterious female voice, something that through the headphones the Transport snail and Merman giggled hearing him as they continued to sing.

Manboshis: Our time's come at last, all bow down (shows the marines reluctantly getting a ship, or a skifth as Will Turner sighed and joined on this to keep his Captains sun from getting hurt)

Soon we'll regin supream, you will fall

Rikkus voice: to our schemes

Manboshi: No body can stand up to our combined power

Pirates, marines, civilians will fall (Rikkus voice: Forever and ever)

You will Fall! (Rikkus voice: Forever and ever)

Helepemo on the ship looked around with a spy glass looking for the owner of the voice as they sawed a rock and a poking out tail as the song really picked up making not only Helepemo enthralled (more so thanks to the headphones) but also the marines minus Will who was confused at what is going on and why there was a mermaid or merman out in the east blue.

Manboshi and Rikku: So

Heed our siren song, we feed from hate, there's nowhere to run

No body can repel us

soon you'll sing along, it is your fate

divide and conquer the land and we will rule all

Manboshi: you can try to hide, but no one can spare you from our enchantment


We will rise to our glory

Manboshi and Rikku: Our destiny awaits

Heed our siren song

We feed from hate

theres no where to run, nobody can repel us

soon you'll sing along

it is your fate

Divide and conquer the land

we will rule all x3

We will rule all (Rikkus voice: Forever and ever)

Soon the Sketh got to the rock and jumped forward "Come to me my lovely mermaid!" he yelled…only to end up stone seeing a portly cute Ompha merman as he grinned "I ant a mermaid, but if you swing that way I will be happy to give you a date" he said giving kissy faces as Helepemo just fell backwards onto the rock as Manboshi sawed Will and waved as he took back his headphones and placed the item and Rikku safely into his swim bag and swam off as Will smiled recognizing the merman by his necklace and the transport snail.

'oh Bella' he thought as the marines fanned Helepemo to wake him up as he was just stoned stunned at what he nearly fell for as with Manboshi he got to a shore area where he pushed himself and slithered waddled to the lake as Rikku poked out as he washed the salt water off.

"That was really fun Bella you are so clever to do that" said Rikku as Manboshi poked out and chuckled "I know, and I fear I traumatized him on mermaids…meh he grows up in five years so this is a push of growing up" he said as he continued to wash the salt water off.

Meanwhile as morning came, an alarm rang in Detective Mores agency of Toky-city as Conan woke up as he turned off his alarm as he yawned as he got out of bed and got a box to reach for the sink to brush his teeth 'it has been three days since I have been shrunken and I am not a hair closer to the ones that had shrunken me *His mind eye then flashed seeing the two who did the deed* the men in black coats' he thought as he got dressed and went down stairs reaching up for the door knob as he peeked in and sawed Richard watching Tv watching the Yoko Ukino chanel and drinking 'meh but what can I expect with this dork in charge, he's not exactly in the fast lain of the information highway' he thought as the TV announced Yoko Ukino showing as Richard got excited "Woah Yoko Ukino" he said as the fishman cheered happily as Conan sighed 'a grown detective with a pop star crush, and he wonders why no one will hire him' he thought looking at a poster of her…she looked like her anime counterpart but she had a fin signaling she was a mermaid or a half mermaid.

With Bella she started walking through the town to find a good spot to train on some of the powers she was struggling with "Got to keep practicing Rikku, I think I got a small grasp on some forms, but you sawed that fight with the robber…I was vastly underprepared" she said as she had a flashback of when she confronted the robber and got hurt…and even Rikku and Conan got hurt "Not again…Rikku we got to pump it up and train harder then ever and not get super distracted to much" she said as Rikku in secret played training music as Bella chuckled at that as they soon passed the elementary school where Conan now goes to school "Humm, that is where Conan is going to school I hope he is doing ok in grade school" she said as she walked off to find a secret area to train.

Meanwhile in Class, Conan was suffering from having to be in grade school class as the grade schools spoke the times tables as the poor shrunken detective laid his head on the desk "2x I don't care" he muttered frustrated and bored being in class. When school ended Conan was walking off home as Amy, Mitch and George followed him "Why don't you walk home from school with us? You're the first new kid in a while, it must be kind of lonely" said Amy as Conan looked at the grade school kids "we'll be your friends" she said sweetly as Conan gave a small smile "Um, no I am busy" he said as George got mad " thinks he's to good for us *Picks Conan up by the scruff of his shirt* I guess I need to get the bear pounder" the bear cub mink said as Mitch Deadpanned "Oh great threaten him George he is sure to want to be our friend" he said as George letted Conan go as he glared at Mitch "Should I get the geek pounder out?" he threatened as Amy got between them "boys will you cut it out" she as Conan decided to take the opportunity to leave "It was great talking to you guys" he said running off as the three were surprised "Wait where are you going?" asked Amy as Conan after getting a good distance away sighed.

"they are nice kids…but I am a high school student not a real kid, I shouldn't get to close, at least until I get my real body" he said as he hured the sound of training as he was surprised "Huh?" he wondered as he followed the noises as he came to a forested park like area where no one visited as he sawed it looking like the Dragon human hybrid practicing karate, seeing Rikku on a stump playing music Conan deduced it was Bella, more so on the headphones around his neck ''Looks like Bella is training and *sees Drago panting and the jacket near Rikku* by the look of her panting, she has been doing it all day' he thought as Drago paused and sniffed Conan scent "I can smell you Conan come out" he said as he stopped practicing as Conan stepped out.

"Bella is that you? Have you been training all day?" he asked as Drago nodded "yup, human and Toon form, mostly on weapons *Points at a tree with arrows and bullet marks* and mostly on archery and crack shoting, with slow results as I never wielded a bow or arrow or even a gun before" he said as he walked over and placed his jacket on.

"Really?" he asked as Drago nodded "Fraid so kiddo, though slow I am not gonna quit now, but on some seeing on the screen is different then real life" he said becoming Beetle (Kubo and the two strings) as he prepped to practice using a sword "But what about you kid? Hows grade school?" he asked as Conan deadpanned "pure tourture" he said as Beetle laughed and practiced swinging a sword "Bah be proud its grade school, with that brain of yours you can climb up and graduate early" he said as Conan sighed "I could but It will make the Men in black more suspicious, so I am gonna have to down play my intelligence" he said as the cursed Samurai had to nod at that "good point, and also I better be ready to juggle discuss me and Rikku, I want to help find clues on the Black Organization, I feel that they will cause problems, even when I become a pirate" he said as Rikku looked at Conan.

"She is right, a organization like that maybe bigger around the grand line and in on the other islands as well, we need to be ready and get a lot of info" she said as Connan had to agree "And since you have my number can…" he started as Beetle walked over and nodded "I promise, any data I will share with you" he said as Conan smiled 'It is hard to be a kid, but with Bella and Rikku…I know we can find and bust this black orginization' he thought.

Later Conan, Rikku and Bella were at home as Bella, still as Beetle tried practicing manipulating four arms and trying on a oddly modified Marine coat as Conan felt the frustration of finding a case for Detective Richard to start tracking the Black Organization "Darn it doc, I've got to do something big or I will never find the men who shrinked me" he said as he laid on the couch as tried to clean his home "Paciance my boy, acting rashly will blow your cover *Looks at Beetle* the same with you Bella-chan, you need to be careful as you change since your Devils fruit is possibly the powerfulest of all the devils fruits, and you know what that will mean" he said.

"I know, I know and me and Rikku already filled a journal of identitys and covers for us and lots of combos, Conan needs to be careful as well" he said as he looked at himself in the mirror as Conan looked at the cursed Samurai and Doctor "I know, I end up putting Richard and Rachel at risk, as well as everyone I care about" he said "and those kids that want to be your freinds" said Rikku as she mimicked there voices as Conan gave her look "Have you two been spying on me?" he asked as Beetle gave a impish grin "Maaaybbee" he said becoming Ussop, dressed in a marine outfit as he raised his cap and hummed "nope the hair is to curly" he said returning to be Beetle.

"Oh by the way Rachel came yesterday" said as Conan got excited "really she did?" he asked as the inventor nodded.


It shows Rachel face to face with as she was tearing up sad and worried for Jimmy.

"Jimmy didnt show up to school again today doctor, and he hasn't been home either *turns to run* I am going to the police" she said as in a small panic grabbed her arm to stop her "Rachel wait *chuckles lightly* listen dear Jimmy probably stuck his nose in another case, you know how he is, he'll show up soon" he said as Rachel smiled lightly as Agasta encouraged her to hold onto the faith that Jimmy will return safe.

*Flashback ends*

"I don't know how long I can fool her, its tough to see a sweet girl cry" he said as Conan felt a lump in his thought at what he is doing…to hide he is Jimmy Kudo…and the truth of what happened to him…the biggest and hardest thing he can ever done in his life as Beetle noticed and placed a hand on his shoulder "be strong Kiddo, she is tough trust me, she will be patient and wait for you" he said as Conan gave a small smile.

"Oh I almost forgot, I got the thing to cheer us up" said as he ran to a new room and ran out with a bow tie in his hand…or what it looked like a bow tie "A brand new invention to cheer us both up and for my young detective friend" he said showing a red bow tie with a device on it "red bow tie meets voice change machine" he said as Jimmy took it "Voice change?" he said as Rikku was in awe.

"Oh just like me and Bella when she uses her headphones" she said as nodded "Exactally, that is where I got the inspiration from, just speak into the hidden microphone, the dials give you a variety of voices *Conan twists the dials to try them out* young, old, male female, anyone they will sound perfectly real, I am sure you will find a use for them" he said as Conan talked into it.

"Test…test Hello" he tried as he chucked "Now only if I can get that moron detective some more cases as Beetle smirked "Just wait and see Kiddo, things like that just drop in at times" he said. Meanwhile outside Moures detective agency, Amy, George and Mitch were spying out the outside "thats where Conan lives, alright we tried being nice, well just force him to be our friend" said Amy as the two boys nodded as they tried to cross the street, but were stopped when a car went infront of them causing them to stop as they peeked out and sawed the driver open the door for someone as a lady dressed in fine cloths stepped out, however once out the three kids gasped recognizing her face "its Yoko!" they said in awe as Yoko and her manager went into the building and rang the doorbell as Richard, tired and with a small stuble peeked out "Beat it Mores detective agency is on a sudden vacation, please come back tomor…" he started however when he sawed the women face he paused and stammered "Wa-wait a second!" he said turning to get a good look at the women face as he got close to see her much to the ladies surprise "Its you, your *the women takes her cap off revealing long brown hair* Yoko Ukino!" he said as Yoko nodded "thats right" she said softly as Rachel (who was dressed that she just made supper) and Conan stepped up surprised to see her "Oh a pop idol in our front door" she said as Yoko looked shy "I am looking for help" she said, however as soon as she said that Richard rushed to the bathroom as the sound of knocking was hured…till the door opened revealing him cleaned up and sparkling as he held a rose in his hand as he placed on his swerve face.

"something is weighing heavily on your tender heart" he said as Yoko nodded "Uh huh" she said as Conan just deadpanned "Oh please spare me" he said

Richards voice: I hured that!

Meanwhile with Beetle after leaving home he decided to see if he can put his acting like a marine skills to good work and stepped into the Marine HQ of Toky-City as he defiantly got some head turnings "Hello there Honzo D Kazajin, reporting for duty" he said saluting as the marines just blinked looking at the cursed Samuri…with a Transporter snail wearing a shogun helmet and a shell colored black and red. and a beetle symbol on the side "Um do we know you?" asked Inspecter Mcquire as Honzo smirked.

"No, I am a fresh fella from the Logetown marine base and I was transferred here *rubs his head* sorry if you don't know , things got in a mess over there and my paper work got lost but I am here to temporary help" he said as the fishman just gave a look "I am gonna call over there and check he said as he went to a transport snail as Honzo got worried 'not good if he calls smoker I am doomed' he thought as Rikku got an idea and seemed to give a signal to Mcguires Transport snail.

"Hello, this is the Toky-city marine base connect me to Captain smoker" he asked

Captain smokers voice: Smoker here

Smokers voice said as Honzo sawed Rikku had intercepted and was feeding words to the transport snail as he smirked. "This is Inspecter Mcquire of the Toky-city Marine detective branch, calling to ask if you sented a marine named Honzo D Kazajin?" he asked

Captain smokers voice: yes…with the slight increase in murders and mysteries I thought I sent him over for back up temporary, plus some of the boys here are tired of his miss fires with his bow and arrows and on off blank attacks, they are glad he is gone.

'Captain Smoker' said as Beetle gave a look at the cheek as Rikku smirked.

"Um ok, any thing else we should know?" asked the inspector

Captain Smokers voice: Just that thanks to his on/of blankness he has a hard time returning to human form and prefers to stay in his half Zonan form, but you shouldn't have problems, he is very perspective and very helpful

"Ok thanks for telling us Captain Smoker" he said as he gently tapped the Transport snail as he looked at Beetle who gave a grin "Sooooo….can I help out?" he said as Mcquire blinked a few times "Well, you can help only because we are a bit short staffed since some are out with a flu and some on family matters, if there is a case you can come if need be" he said as Beetle gave a grin "Alrighty then!" he said only for the transport snail to ring again as He answered it "Inspector Mcquire here *eyes widdened* what?! Alright we are on our way *Hangs up* looks like you are gonna get your chance Honzo" he said as Beetle got a look and nodded as soon all men on deck went to the location of the call.

Police radio: All units to tree top tower

It said surprising Beetle 'Tree top tower that is where?' He thought as soon him and the police came as they stepped up the stairs to the location as Beetle bit his lip and sawed the corpse 'This is gonna be like "beware of Idols" which means…' he thought as Mcguire talked to Yoko and her Manager "So you unlock your door and there is a stiff new addition to your living room furniture" he asked as Yoko nodded "yes" she said timidly as Honzo looked around slightly tuning it out as he looked at the corpse again 'a man dies out of love and without Jimmy pointing it out and the clues…its unsolvable' he thought as he sawed Conan as he looked at the ground as Amy watched.

"That is not the only weird thing inspector" he said as he looked over the ground with a magnifying glass "It may not be much but there are definite traces of moisture around the victims body" he said as Beetle nodded "Agreed little boy *goes over and kneels down* and if you look around the room has been ransacked like someone was trying to look for something or steal something so consider that…But" he started as Conan finished looking at Beetle, recognizing him as Bella "but the one chair over there seems to be deliberately placed *places a hand to his chin* and why would they turn the heat up? Perhaps to prevent us from figuring out the victims time of death" he said as Beetle crossed all four of his arms.

"Valid point kiddo" he said only for Conan to be glared at by both Richard and Moure as he chuckled "hehe heheh *Points at Amy and talks in a adult tone* stop talking nauncence you dumb kid" he said as Richard didnt buy it "yeah nice try" he said hitting him as he then looked at Beetle "And who the heck are you?" he asked as Beetle pointed at himself.

"My name? its Honzo D Kazajin I am a temporary transfer from Lodgetown" he said as Richard stared before the cursed samurai pushed him back "And yes I ate a devils fruit the Insect insect fruit model: Beetle, and I prefer to be in this shape" he said as he crossed his upper arms" in a glare as Mcquire stepped away to talk to the fellas checking over the body "have we determined the cause of death?" he asked "We are pretty sure its the knife in his back Inspecter sir" one of the marines said as Mcquire hummed at that and looked at Yoko "Did this knife belong to you ?" he asked surprising Yoko "Is Yoko a suspect?" asked the manager as Mcqure pushed on "do you recognize the deceased?" he asked as the manager spoke up "Well, we have to take a closer look" he said as he and Yoko stepped forward to lean forward…however in a klutzy move the manager slipped and fell on the corpse and wrapped his hand on something in the victims hand…something only Honzo and Conan noticed.

"Watch your step" he said as the manager stood up "No I am sorry but we don't recognize the deceased *looks at Yoko* right Yoko?" he asked as Yoko nervously seemed to nod "Right" she said as Conan was suspicious 'he slipped on purpose, he took something from the body' thought Conan as his eye caught something slipping from the Managers hand, the same thing Honzo sawed as he walked over and stepped on it and shifted it close to Connan "*Whispers* I know you sawed what I sawed so *lifts his foot* here it is" he said as Conan picked it up '*Whispers* Its hair, its possibly the murders, but why would hide it?" he asked as Honzo and Rikku shared a look "*Whispers* I don't know but you know this case is more then what is being shown" he said as the inspector spoke up "A murder in a locked room with no forced entry *Looks at Yoko* sorry mame but that makes you our only suspect" he said as Yoko was surprised "But sir please I am not a killer" she said as Richard was also surprised "just because she had the key? Don't jump to conclusions" he said as Conan deadpanned and dropped a hint as he spoke to Amy.

"Your parents keep a spare house key, right Amy?" he asked as Amy nodded "Thats right" she said "yeah Mine do" said Mitch as Honzo gave his two cents "so do I at Lodge town in the hotel I am staying at" he said Rachel went over "please keep it down" she said as Richard got inspired as Yoko spoke up "why yes, had a spare" she said as Richard grinned "Great, that proves your innocent" he said as he pointed at the manager " is the true crook *He then grabbed him by the scruff of his cloths* I bet you loved her, and she turned you down and this is all some sick revenge" he said

"Moron, I doubt he would had done it as there is a big fat lack of evidence" said Honzo with his arms crossed as Richard glared at the humanoid beetle "Evidence? *points at Yokos face* Look at this face, a face so beautiful cant be the murder and do anything wrong" he said

"*with a deadpan* is that so" said Mcquire as Conan had a deadpan as well 'idiot' he thought as Yamagishi got nervous "its true I had a spare key, but I lost it three days ago in her dressing room" he said as Richard glared "dont lie to me" he said "I swear, Yoko was doing a commercial" he said in a pleading tone as Yoko spoke up "Its true, we looked for an hour and never founded it" she said as she explained as Conan, Beetle and Rikku shared a look that showed they think its something else as Honzo walked up to Conan as the two started to help look around.

'I know we are missing something important, the big picture still dosent make any sense' Thought Conan as Honzo helped look near the couch 'you are thinking like I am and I know who did it, but do you?' he thought as the two then sawed something 'a earing' 'Yukos earing' they thought in unison as Conan tried to get the fishman inspectors attention.

"*tugging on Mcguires coat* Inspecter Look I see founded something underneath the couch" he said as Richard gave a look "Beat it shorty" he said as Conan pouted as Honzo sawed this 'poor Conan, but what can I do, I am a newbie to them and they may not take me seriously' he thought as he sawed Conan get behind the couch as he smirked 'smart boy' he said as behind the couch he spoke in a deep male voice.

"Inspecter the boys right there is under the couch" he said as Beetle went over "I'll get it" gets a Tissue and picks up the earring "Here it is boss" he said "well I'll be, it looks expensive" he said as Yoko looked at it in surprise "Huh thats one of Yukos" she said as Inpecter Mcguire turned to face her "and that will be who?" he asked "Yuko yukazawa, we started our careers together" she said as Yamagishi spoke up "Yuko is furious at Yoko due to her getting the big lead in the movie that she wanted" he said as Richard got inspired again "Finally the case is closed, the Killer is Yuko Yukazawa! *Points at the Marines to go* GO GET HER BOYS!" he yelled as he looked at the fishman inspector "Right inspecter?" he asked as Inspecter McGuire was surprised "Lets not jump off the high horse just yet, lets uh bring her in for questioning" he said as Richard gave a look at the Marines "Well you hured him GO!" he yelled as the marines ran out to follow the order…as strange as it maybe.

Richards thoughts: a women with a vengeful motive, it has to be Yuko

Mcguires thoughts: that earring is just a ruse, Yokos the killer hands down

He thought as Honzo looked at the two knowing what thoughts they have 'two thoughts, and two girls, and soon *looks at Conan* the real truth will come…' he thought as one can see a split between Bellas human self and Beetle/Honzo.

A few minutes passed as Yuko was brought in, however she was as rude as she was in the anime "Tell me your gagging me hunny, dead Smuch in Yokos place, then Yoko did it, don't need a badge to figure that out" she said as she made a face at Honzo "Ugg, that is quite a face only a mother can love, what are the marines hiring now a days" she said as Honzo crossed his arms 'I nearly forgot how rude she is' he thought as Yoko tried to keep the peace "Please Yuko" she said "I never been to this joint tonight, so that rules me out" said Yuko as Richard got mad "if that is so *Holds Yukos earring in a plastic bag up to her* then how did this get in here?" he asked as Yuko scoffed "Who can know baby doll, maybe she stole it just to set me up" she said in a cocky tone.

"Thats not all, the superintendent downstairs testifies that he sawed someone here that looks like you" said Richard as Yuko stuck her nose up "I'm a bombshell on a island town, lots of girls look like me *Walks off* I got to powder my nose" she said as Richard got mad "Hold on I got lots of questions" he said as Yuko turned angry "well I am done answering, label a girl a killer over a earring I'm to busy for that" she said flipping her hair revealing pointed fox ears as Honzo was surprised 'she is half mink?' he thought as Richard and Mcguire gulped as Yuko got close to taunt Yoko "Though not as busy as the pop queen turning great films into teeny bopper jokes *Yoko looks on the verge of tears* of course your popularity wont last long once the tabloids learn that you are a killer, you'll loose as many jobs as me hahaha" she said with a laugh as Honzo got mad and wanted to give her the what for as she turned around and walked away as Richard got in a row.

"You dirty snake, no one talks to Yoko like that!" he yells as Conan noticed something, from the back and when Yuko covered her hair, both she and Yoko looked exactly alike 'from the back they look exactly the same' he thought as Honzo noticed Conans look 'good you see it kiddo, now to set the bait and lure', but how did Yuko know… he thought as Yuko stepped into the bathroom as Conan looked at Richard "Mister, I think I figured it out" he said as Richard got mad "How many times, have I told you…" he started only for Amy tired of seeing Conan and her friend being yelled at, kicked Richard in the Shinn "owww, why you little brat!" he yelled as he chased after Amy "come here" he yelled change her as Rachel decided to comfort Conan.

"Conan you must not interfere with the investigation ok *Hugs Conan from behind* I know its hard and you only trying to help but you got to keep your thoughts to yourself *Sighs* Jimmy could solve this case *gets sad as Honzo and Rikku watched also sad* Is he ever coming back?" she said as Honzo kneeled close. "Rachel, I am sure he will come back, and if he is here, he would had told you to not worry and to be pacent and to hold the faith" he said as Conan nodded and broke free of the hug "Dont worry Rachel, Honzo is right, you don't have to wait long" he said confusing Rachel as he caught himself as he gave a fake smile "I mean thats my guess" he said as Yuko stepped out of the bathroom and took out a cigarette packet and pulled one out "I can skip out, I told you I never been here" she sad as she picked up a Sea king statue, only to flip it making a flame come out revealing it to be a lighter, something Honzo, Rikku and Conan noticed as she exhaled a smoke ring.

"Wow that is sure a tricky lighter" said Conan surpisign Yuko as she sawed the kid detective play with the sea king lighter "How do you know how to use it so quick if you never had been here? Lady" he asked surprising Yuko and the detective and inspector as Honzo smirked "Kid has got a point, you care to answer him" he said as Yuko stumbled over her words "m-m-my friend has something just like it" she said as Inspecter Mcguire got suspicious "Which friend?" he asked however Yuko just stumbled as Honzo tapped her shoulder "can you please show me where the bathroom is, I really need to go, but its my first time in this building, so I am a bit lost" he said "um its just down the hall on the left you cant miss it" said Yoko as Richard got suspicious "Hold on you knew exactly where the bathrooms were too *Yuko gasped* you've been lying to use because your the real killer, you wanted a Scandle to ruin Yokos Career, so you *Points to the victim* killed this man inside her apartment" he said much to Yukos shock.

"your wrong, I came into the apartment but I didnt kill him, that wacko man, he grabbed me from behind, so I fought him off, I come her several times in the last two days with the key I stolen from Yokos dressing room


It shows Yuko dressed in black searching Yokos apartment for anything that is scandalous for the tabloids.

Yuko voice: was looking for some scandal I can sell to the papers, but the night I came in today I wasn't alone.

It then shows Yuko gasping as from behind a man reached out for her as she was tackled to the ground.

Yukos voice: I struggled as hard as I could (shows Yukos ring flying off and under the couch) Finally I got free and I fled (shows her running away)

*end Flashback*

"Unlikely story Miss, how can you stab someone in the back in self defense" said Richard as Yuko got mad "I told you I didnt kill the guy" she said as Honzo watched as he whispered to Rikku "*Whispers* she is right, if she did then she would had left fingerprints and had blood on her cloths, a quick search and that would have condemned her" he whispered "*Whispering* Unless she had gloves on then it wont condemned her, but the cloths will" whispered Rikku as a marine came in with a piece of paper.

"Inspecter, we determied the identity of the victim, Akioshi Fuji, 22 graduate from Cannon high school and works in a factory" he said as Richard looked at Yoko "Cannon high huh? *Yoko had a shocked look on her face* did you use to go there Yoko?" he asked as the Manager covered it up "Just a conencadence, right Yoko?" she said as Yoko just looked like she was on the verge of tears "that man…I really did know him" she said shocking everyone as Honzo gave a look.

"You two were High school sweethearts hearts? Am I correct?" asked Honzo as Yoko looked at the Beetle samurai as he walked over and guided Yoko to a chair as they sat as she nodded as Yamagishi went up "Yoko Why?" he started as Honzo held a hand up "I am sorry , I cant deny it any longer" she said as Inspecter Mcguire spoke up with a look "A stab in the back, huh, you know there are better ways to break up with your boyfreind" he said surprising Yoko "But I didnt kill him, in fact if you want to know the truth of it he broke up with me" she said as Conan looked at her.

'Come on who is the killer? Yoko, Yuko, , it just dosent add up, something is missing' thought Conan as he looked down at the floor 'something vital that it will break the case wide open' he thought as he looked down and his eye caught something 'a dent in the floor? Let see now, the room was a mess, and only this chair was left standing, the heater was crank up high, there are water stains on the floor near the body, the strands of long brown hair in his hand and now this dent in the floor…thats it, why didnt I see it before!' he thoguht as Honzo sawed Conans look and smiled "now you got it bro" he whispered as he grined…

However for the moron Fishman detective…it was different "i got it *Points at Yamagishi* The Killer is you Yamagishi!" he said surprising and shocking him "*Gets a Cigarette as he lit it with his lighter* as Yokos manager you know that any big scandal will cost you both your fortunes" he said as he inhaled some of the smoke "the old boy friend knew a secret and threatened to come clean and in a panic you offed him" he said as both Honzo and Conan got mad.

'no Detective, the manager didnt do it' thought Conan as moans were hured revealing it to be George who passed out after seeing the corpse "ohhh, what a nice nap" he said "you fainted when you sawed the crime scene" said Mitch as George looked back and forth "wheres the bathroom?" he asked as Amy pointed "Down the hall" she said as Richard continued on his accusation as he leaned close "you hired me after the fact to make you seem less suspicious" he said as Conan got on the coffee table and kicked the ash tray "Sorry old man" he said as the ash tray went flying, only to hit Georgre knocking him down sending it flying "oops" he said as Honzo sighed at that "Confess *the ash tray hits a corner* you'll feel better" he said only to be struck from behind as he waddled till he sat in a chair passed out as behind the chair Conan got his bowtie voice emulator ready 'now to set the dile to the old mans voice' he thought

"At lest thats how it looks, but it's not the truth"said Conan in Richards voice as Honzo and Rikku watched as Honzo crossed his four arms " if you had really concocted this plan for all of us to discover this body you would had first prepared evidence that would had proved your innocence, the same for you , as the obvious suspect you lead us to the crime" He said as Mcguire had an idea "that means the culprit is *looks at Yuko* " he said surprising Yakazowa "Now hold on" she started as Conan/Richard inturpted "no not her if she killed in self defense or to frame Yoko, she wouldn't had admitted to meeting him" he said Maguire got frustrated "perfect you ruled out everyone" he said as Honzo spoke up "Detective Moure didnt ruled out everyone Boss, but this case is a lot more complicated then what is shown and we made out right detective?" he asked as Conan decided to play along with Honzo "correct Honzo, earlier when you fell on the body, it was an act, I sawed you reach over and take strands of hair from the victims hand" He said as Maguire got mad and grabbed Yamagishi "So your the real crook!" he yelled as Honzo spoke up "He is a crook but he is not the murder Inspecter *Holds a small strand* think about the hairs significance, it is very unlikely that a man stabbed in the back can even grab some of his killers hair" he said as Maguire looked at the half beetle "where is this going Honzo?" he asked as Conan/Richard spoke up.

"What Honzo is addressing is that the guilty party wanted to make it look like Murder, a murder committed by " he said as Yoko gasped and grew worried "Look like Murder? don't tell me" started Maguire as Conan spoke/finished for him "Thats right, the murder is the late himself" he said surprising everyone minus Honzo and Rikku who smiled "Richard you Nut, how can he stab himself in the back?" asked Maguire

"Its the answer to a classic riddle using a block of ice, turning the apartment heater to maximum, he took strands of Yokos hair from a brush on her dresser, then standing on a chair he took one last breath and jumped back on to the knife frozen in the ice" he said as Honzo then bended down to point at the Dent.

"If you look close you can see a dent where the knife is that was made on impact with the knifes handle and lightly you can see the puddle of water from the ice that melted due to the heat emanating from here, due to the ice shattering into pieces and melted due to the heat *stands up and crosses his arms* am I right detective?" he asked.

"you are right, a very thorough plan, but went to far" started Conan/Richard till Maguire realized what he meant "with the hair" "Precicely, when sawed it, he thought that Yoko had done it and took the hair to protect her" he said as Yoko looked sad at the detective "but why, why would he do it? why would he kill himself like this?" she asked as Honzo placed a hand on the sleeping Richard as Conan peeking a smige nodded.

"Its because Fuji…still was in love with you deeply" he said as Yoko was on the verge of tears "If you haven't noticed, you and your rival look virtually identical from behind, except when Yuko flips her hair, it reveals her Mink heritage, that was why followed Yuko, confusing her for you into your apartment *Looks at Yuko* when this *air quotes* stranger reached out for you, you thought he was attacking and fought him off *Crosses his upper arms* in truth he just wanted to talk to his love *Kneels down to corpse* the rejection…was a bitter blow to him, who was already desperate and in pain" he said as Yuko was just surprised.

"But he broke up with me, it was his idea" she said as Yamagishi just looked away "No Yoko, you were wrong, I ask him to break up with you for your career" he said as Yoko got sad "How could you" she started as a marine ran in "Inspecter" he said saluting as Maguire faced him "What you got?" he asked "We went to the victims apartment and founded a diary" he said "Show me" he said as the detectives read it over…the words of a depressed and sad man.

Jimmys vo: the journal conformed my theory, its pages seething with the seed of feeling, it drifted through his factory days, consumed with the feelings of the girl he once knew and was convinced to give away.

Bellas voice: on that last page he wrote "I am gonna tell her everything, even if it ruins her fame, we have to be together, I know that she'll say yes…and yet in the end thanks to one mistake…

Maguire then closed the diary with a sigh "in the end, this poor smooches tragedy was the result of a lie, a misunderstanding and a no good twist of fate" he said as the others just stood there in silence, as Richard slowly woke up in a daze, and then in pain due to his still lite cigarette that burned down and burned him as Maguire sawed him and smiled placed both his hands on his shoulders surprising Richard "Richard you nuddy old Buzzard, you were right, I got new respect for you" he said confusing Richard as Conan whipped his brow "Ugg what a day" he said as Rachel bended over and sawed him as Honzo slipped out as he walked out smiling "hehe well Rikku we went through a case and we had helped" he said with a chuckle "you are not gonna make it into a habit to help Conan out?" he said as Beetle tapped his chin "Hummm…maybe, it can be a real time warp to pass and something to keep us entertained until Cannon starts, plus…I want to perfect my acting skills as well…which means lots of journal writing is needed to cronicol…and to work on our discusses" he said as they stepped out.

Later in the night on the rooftops looking through a snipers scope was Vigilante as he watched from a phone booth Conan talk to Rachel as he smiled under his bandana as Rikku using her devils fruit powers helped listen in "Kid just stay strong, you and Rachel will unite and you Kiddo…will be back to normal" he said as he had a wistful smile on his face 'just as you Brook…stay strong and in five years we will be together, so stay strong and I will come' he thought as in the Florian triangle a certain Yomi Yomi user looked through the fog as he had thoughts of a mysterious girl…a girl who can sing like a angel and was as beautiful as one as he wondered theses questions…

Who is her, and will they meet in the future? "Yohoho, I hope we do so" he said as he strummed his violin as it echoed through the foggy haze.

(Ending credits: Case close season 1 ending)

It shows Bella standing on the pier of shell town smiling as the wind blew through her hair as on her shoulder was Rikku the Transport Snail as the two smiled as it then soon changed to the two and Will turner enjoying a meal at Rikas mothers restaurant chatting it up as Rikku was eating some lettuce on the table.

Its just my imagineation, a sword of empty concentration

It then shows Bella using her headphones to talk through Rikku who mimics the voice of a fishman who resembles Richard More as he was passed out against a wall.

As it then shows her with a glare as she ran down the path as Kaku as Rikku held onto his shoulder.

While I fiddle with my fingers and take a sip of liberty

It then shows Bella in the forest meeting Rikku the transport snail on a rock as she held a hand out to allow her on her palm.

lets walk lightly to the adventure rhythm of the combat

It then showed Bella as Robots in discuss Bumblebee using a pair of unique sunglasses that can detect people as he followed the path as Rikku held on.

and very impossible the pieces are there for me

She then looked down and sawed Luffy face against Axe Hand morgan as she glared and became Luffy, but dressed in different cloths as he/she stretched out and punched Morgan along with Luffy.

thats right, right, right

Bella/Luffy and Rikku then looked at a star eyed Luffy and Coby and an impressed Will and Zoro as the two smiled

I was in the same place just last week and i know and the only things changed are my cloths

It then shows Bella as Carabu with Rikku in his hair as he sits on the crows nest on the edge looking forward on the ocean as in his minds eye he sees a shadowed thin figure with a puffy afro as he smiled as Rikku gave a knowing look.

So step by step your in control don't be uptight

It then shows The Straw hat pirates, though only Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Ussop, as Bella sits in the middle of them as she gave a piece sign with Rikku on her shoulder as the group was happy as the sound of a camera was hured as if there picture was being taken.

case by case go a head and laugh everythigns alright

It then shows Bella with a mirror behind her showing all her favorite toon forms as Rikku rides on her shoulder.

beyond the countless days and endless nights, I know he patiently waits just for me

It then changes to the foggy lands of the Flourian triangle as it shows Brook looking up to the foggy says as he 'smiles' thinking of a soulmate he never met yet but is waiting to meet.

but I got to go my own way…

It then finally shows Bella as she looked at the camera as she smiles at the audiance.

Authors note: Chapter number five and case number two on the ark as next chapter…will have elements of the magna to make it awesomeness and special.