Inuyasha stared down at kagomes lifeless body in horror. Why hadn't he gotten here sooner? A deep unending sorrow crashed into him, as, with shaking hands, he caressed the spot where his unborn pup had once lived. Sango bowed her head over kagomes head, crying into her hair as miroku silently cried next to her, pulling her up into a hug. "No." Inuyasha suddenly said, shaking in denial. "No. Im not letting her go!" He shouted out as he tenderly lifted her into his arms, bridal style. He started to run to the only place he had any hope left.

Inuyasha arrived at the only place he could think to go, and banged on the door. "Open up! Its me!" The castle doors slowly opened and he stepped inside, looking around. The person he was looking for was facing away from him, staring out a window. "I knew you would come here eventually inuyasha." He stated emotionlessly, still staring out the window, "but why should i even try to help you?" "God damn it, sesshomaru, you are supposed to be my god damned brother! We're the only family we have left, and if you have ever loved me at all, then please! Help my mate and pup!" Inuyasha cried out through his tears. Sesshomaru finally faced him, staring at him blankly for a moment. He finally walked over to him, drawing out tesseiga, and looking over the lifeless form in inuyashas arms. He saw the imps trying to take her soul as well as the soul of the child, and dispatched them with one swing. He turned away, pausing as he looked back over his shoulder at inuyasha. "...i have always loved you inuyasha...even if i dont like to admit it..." he started to walk away, pausing for a moment as he heard inuyasha speak. "Thank you sesshomaru...i love you too, you know..." Inuyasha whispered hoarsely as he watched kagome for any signs of life.

Kagome was in a tunnel, a bright light at the end. She looked at it curiously. It looked so inviting. She started to head towards it, but paused as a voice floated to her. "Kagome...please, come back to me.. " she heard the voice say. She had heard this voice before, but where? Her memory returned to her the longer she thought about the voice. Wasnt this...? "Inuyasha?" She whispered as she looked around. The light was calling her again, but so was the voice. She finally stepped away from the light and headed into the darkness, heading towards the voice of her mate.

Kagomes eyes fluttered open and she realized she was being carried in strong familiar arms. She tried to feel if she was in any pain, but felt none. Her wounds seemed to have disappeared. She glanced up and saw inuyashas face swim in and out of focus. She could tell he had been crying. She wanted to tell him she was okay, but she couldn't find the strength to speak.

Inuyasha walked on, hoping that he had gotten them to sesshomaru in time to save them. He sighed, just wanting to look into her eyes and see her looking back at him once again. He glanced down and his heart stopped for a moment. Kagome was looking up at him, still very weak looking, but alive. He stopped walking, lifting her up and kissing her on the lips desperately. "Kagome!" He cried out as he released her lips reluctantly, pulling her into a hug. "Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again!" He said as kagome smiled faintly into his throat. "I love you too koishii.." she whispered hoarsely.