Warnings: Sexual Abuse.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Fosters or any of its characters.

"Please don't leave! I'll be good." I plead to Stef and Lena

They were standing on the front porch. Lena had one arm wrapped around Stef's waist and the other on the handle of a large suitcase. The sound of a horn honking drew my attention to the car full of their children.

Stef looked at me coldly "Lena and I have decided that you're to much to handle. We already have 4 beautiful, healthy children and well...We just don't want another with all this baggage."

"It's nothing personal." Lena added flippantly.

I dropped to my knees, my emotions getting the best of me. "Please! I don't want to be alone." I begged.

Lena smiled. "Oh, you won't be alone, Callie. We've arranged for someone to stay with you."

I was confused. Just as I opened my mouth to question her, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist. Stef and Lena have already made there way to the car when I feel the heavy, hot breath whisper in my ear. "Time to come inside, Callie. We're going to play a new game today."

"Callie! Callie, wake up! You're safe!"

I sat up panting, in a cold sweat with hair plastered to my forehead and my pajamas clinging to my body. I wiped the tears from my face and looked up at Mariana who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"I'm fine." I breathed out, still trying to catch my breath.

"Are you really fine, Callie? This is the third nightmare this week and you've been so distant," She murmured. There were tears in her eyes.

I felt a wave of guilt hit me. "I'm sorry, Mari. I'll be better, I promise."

"You don't have to be better, Callie. I just want you to talk to me, or Moms. Please."

"We're talking now," I replied with a weak laugh.

She glared at me, "You know what I mean."

I stayed silent.

"Something happened to you," She observed quietly, "Ever since we started school, you've been different."

"Mari..." I shook my head, silently warning her not to get involved.

"No!" She was adamant. "Something happened! I know it. Did...Did someone hurt you?"

"Mariana, drop it." I hissed at her. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

She stared back at me with a shocked and scared face. "Okay, I'll leave it alone...For now."

"Thank you!" I said gratefully. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to Mariana.

"Can...Can I lay with you?" Mariana asked me shy.

I looked at her closely. She looked so young with red rimmed eyes, a makeup free face and a hand clutching my blankets tightly. I didnt hesitate to let her in and she snuggled into me gratefully.

"I love you."

I hugged her closer to me, "I love you too."




"Why aren't you eating, Callie?"

"Not hungry." I muttered, poking at the salad with my fork.

"You've been quiet and distracted all during class too," He noted with insincere concern.

"Why can't you just leaving me the hell alone," I snapped. Then I froze. "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Crowden. I didn't..."

"Come here, Callie. Now."

I glanced up at him. His mouth was set into angry frown and his eyes had darkened considerably. He was sitting behind his desk and I hesitated before stepping in front of his chair.

"Do you know what happens to bad girls, Callie?" He asked me, almost conversationally.

I swallowed hard. I knew this answer very well after years in the foster care system. "Th-They are punished."

"Good. You're not entirely incompetent after all." He smirked. "Get on your knees."

"My knees?" I questioned in alarm. This was not part of the routine.

I glanced behind me towards the locked door. Mr. Crowden cleared his throat pointedly and pointed to the ground in front of him. I slowly sank to my knees.

He stared down at my kneeling form thoughtfully. Coming to a silent decision, he slowly unzipped his pants and took out his hardened member.

I tried to look away, but Mr. Crowden gripped my chin tightly, forcing my face only inches from his member.

My cheeks turn a bright red as I blush in shame and embarrassment at my position. "Please. I-I won't tell if you let me go. Ever. P-please." I whined desperately.

Salty tears ran down my cheeks and blurred my vision. Mr. Crowden reached down and stroked my cheek softly. "You're so beautiful, Callie. I love when you beg."

I let out a loud sob at his words.

"Open your mouth."

I took one last desperate look towards the door - and was that a flash a blond hair I just saw? - before Mr. Crowden pulled my mouth towards him with a tight grip on my hair.

My refusal to open my mouth ended quickly when he rained down a succession of quick, hard slaps to my face. Quickly, he thrust himself into my open mouth with enough force for me to gag harshly.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled quietly while thrusting hard into my mouth. It was hard to hear over the sound of my wildly beating heart and my desperate breaths between thrusts.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this... not like this...I'm broken...I'm sorry...Sorry," He panted between labored breaths.

His thrust were faster now and his breathing heavier.

There was a frantic knocking on the door.

Suddenly the room erupted with noise as a loud bang echoed onto the walls followed by noisy chattering.

And just as suddenly, Mr. Crowden groaned loudly from above me and released a thick, foul tasting substance over my tongue.

Through the cloud of voices, one voice rang out the loudest.

"Get the hell away from my daughter!"




The next few minutes passed by in a blur.

Mr. Crowden was put into handcuffs and hauled out of the classroom roughly by 2 officers.

I sat there numbly as a blanket was wrapped around my shoulders and I was engulfed into a pairs of arms.

It was only when I felt an icy cold sensation on my cheek that I snapped out of the haze. Lena was standing in from of me, holding an ice pack onto my cheek. "Are you alright, baby? I'm so sorry," She let out a muffled sob. "Does anything hurt?"

I looked up her, my body still shaking, and replied, "M-My mouth tastes funny. And my throat hurts."

Her face crumpled at my words and she heaved like she was about to vomit. Instead, she turned to a paramedic and asked for a glass of water. When it was brought to me, she hovered over me as I went towards a sink and rinsed my mouth out thoroughly.

I turned to Lena. "I-Is Stef coming?" I asked nervously.

She frowned. "Mom is on her way, yes."

I nodded.

We sat in silence as we waited for Stef to arrive. The atmosphere in the room was tense. I could tell by her posture that Lena was desperate for answers but I didn't have any for her. Instead, she clutched me tightly to her chest, almost desperately.

"Where is she?" I heard Stef's voice say from the hallway. Her voice sounded worried.

"We're in here, Stef!" Lena called out, tightening her grip on me.

Stef ran into the room, eyes searching frantically. When she did see me (with knotted, disheveled hair and a red cheek), her mouth dropped in surprise and her eyes filled with tears.

She stepped forward and swept me into a tight hug, muttering praises of relief into my hair. Sniffling, she embraced Lena quickly before leading us over to a corner for privacy.

She gazed at me sadlyy. "I'm so sorry I let him hurt you, Callie. It was my job to protect you and I failed."

I frowned. "He didn't hurt me, though," I insisted.

She leaned back to look at my face. She tapped my cheek gently and I flinched. "You're telling me that this doesn't hurt?

"But...he bought me lunch and helped me with my homework. He didn't hurt me." I frowned, "Until today."

"When did this start, Callie?"

"The first day of school. He just...This was the only time...It didn't hurt me...not really...but today...I don't know what happened..." I tried to tell her what happened, but the words were hard to get out.

"Baby, I know this is difficult to understand, but he took advantage of you. I don't care what the circumstances were. He was in a position of authority and he abused that power."

I nodded slowly. It was difficult to wrap my head around. My thoughts were so confusing.

"Why didn't you tell me, Callie? I'm a cop. I could have helped you." Stef said.

I looked down at my feet, "You were so busy... and he said..." I trailed off, hesitating.

"What did he say, bug?" Stef encouraged.

"There was a fight," I started. "He said he would tell Le-Mama that I started it and other things. I-I didn't want to give you any reason to change your mind."

Lena spoke up, staring directly into my eyes and her voice uncharacteristically strong, "Nothing you can do is going to make us not want you. You hear me? Nothing."

I continued on as if I didn't hear her, "I'ts not like anyone would have believe me anyways."

"I would have believe you." Stef said.

I shook my head stubbornly, "You're a cop."

"That may be but I'm also your Mom," She protested.

"Well, maybe you should work on being a mother first," I said heatedly. "You're never even home..."

"I didn't realize how hard these past few weeks have been on you kids." Stef murmured, her voice filled with regret.

"Yeah, well..."

I was uncomfortable now. My momentary flash of anger gone as quickly as it had come. My rapid changes in mood were beginning to give me a headache and I burrowed back into Lena's body.

"We're going to fix this, Callie. I promise. As a family." Lena said.

"Yes, I agree with Mama. We are going to talk about this. Matter of fact, were going to talk about it so much that your going to get sick of us," Stef tried to joke with a weak laugh.

I glanced between Stef and Lena, "As long as you dont get sick of me first."

Stef took that moment to step closer and wrap her arms around Lena and myself.

Stef and Lena (Mom and Mama, I corrected in my head) hugged tightly with me wrapped securely in their embrace.

"Never." They promised.


Part 3 of 3

Well the ending was more underwhelming than I envisioned, but I dont think it was awful. Tell me what you think?

The story is complete as of now. If there is enough interest, I might consider doing a complementary one-shot of Callie's recovery. Depends on interest and my own feelings on it when the time comes.

As far as my own experience, it was no where near as intense as Callie's but it was unwelcome and I felt helpless to stop it. I've had a couple of nightmares while writing this story.

I encourage anyone who is experiencing any type of abuse to speak up and tell a trusted adult.

Review please!