Disclaimer: "Harry Potter" is the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. This was written entirely for fun, not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is written from the POV of Draco Malfoy. It starts at the end of the first year, starts canon and goes slowly AU.

Hogwarts Express

"I can't believe the Potter and his friends got last minute points," I whisper angrily. "We had the cup. We were in lead with more than a hundred points. It is completely unfair!"

Pansy sympathises with me, as she nods. "It is completely unfair! We should have won. I don't even want to acknowledge this. It should have been the seventh time in a row, Draco!" She shakes her head slightly in disbelief. "We were more than a hundred points in lead."

"We were," I say. My mind is now elsewhere, no longer focused on the conversation. Six times Slytherin had won and now I had joined the house it has lost. After seven times! I feel crestfallen. What would father say? Would he be angry at professor Dumbledore's sudden act of dishing out house points to his old house or would he shake his head and tell me I disappointed him? Vin is gagging and his face shows loathing. I look up at him.

"Did it taste like earwax?" Greg asks amused. "I had that once- absolutely disgusting."

Vin shakes his head. "Green apple. Just a little sour."

Greg then offers Vin a red-looking bean. "To wash away the sour taste," he explains, "I think it's strawberry." Vins nods thankfully as he grabs the bean. The bean does not look very red as I look at it a little better. It has a purple tinge. I notice Greg is smirking slightly, as Vin bites down on it.

"Ugh, liver," Vin complains. Pansy, Greg and I all start to chuckle.

The whole losing the house cup thing is still bugging me. "Pansy," I say, immediately catching her attention. "I still can't believe he dished out last-minute points. Fifty for a game of chess to Weaselby- Fifty to Granger for being a know-it-all. Sixty to Potter- you know, Sev was right, he must be just as arrogant as his father thinking school rules don't apply to them-" I feel terribly frustrated. "If I had sneaked to the third corridor, Sev would have made sure Slytherin ended up on bottom and everyone knew it was all my fault. Perfect Potter of course gets so much points that they suddenly win the house cup even while they were last."

Pansy softly squeezes my arm. "I know, and then Longbottom got ten points for bravery as he stood up to his friends. Aren't Gryffindors chosen for being brave? If he had shown some cunning or an ounce of brain cells at least it would have been surprising.."

I chuckle, suddenly feeling more calm. "I know," I complain. "What do you reckon they even did? You know Potter has been in the hospital the past weeks!" I straighten up as I feel curiosity peak. "Honestly, madame Pomfrey can heal a broken arm within a minute, it must have been bad."

Pansy smirks. "They went to the third corridor, what else?"

"The one you shouldn't go to unless you want to starve a long and painful death?" Vin asks dryly.

I feel put out. "Too bad he didn't kick the bucket, if Potter had such a death wish that he went into the- Auww!" I felt a sharp pain on the top of my head as Greg slapped it.

Greg is frowning. "Don't be such a prat!" Greg looks offended. "You shouldn't say things like that. Don't tell me you'd want anyone to be hurt or to die."

I smile sheepishly. "It's just a joke.."

"Ignore the prat," Vin says to Greg. "You know how touchy he can get. It's just his petulant hour."

Pansy then cuts him of. Her eyes are gleaming and she is sitting on the edge of her seat. "So you think he went to the third corridor. Do you think they found something there? And why would Weasley play a game of chess there against professor McGonagall- It just doesn't make sense."

The remaining time at the Hogwarts train we are musing about what could have resided in the third corridor and about the cryptic things he said as he dished out last minute house points. "Okay, I think were not finding out," Pansy concludes. "What are your plans for the holidays, I mean of course I will see you at the july ball and of course the charity events of Draco's mum, but what else?"

"You know," Greg starts off, "I think I saw a streeler last summer, so I am going to try to find it again."

"Well, just don't touch it," I say disdainfully. I don't like magical creatures. I hate imps. I hate flubberworms. I hate doxies. I hate fairy pixies. I hate gnomes. I hate murtlaps. I hate kneazles. I even dislike puffskeins. Tee only animals I liked were owls: smart and affectionate.

"Why would I touch a streeler. Merlin, Draco, I am not stupid," Greg says, "I am pretty sure I know more about magical creatures than you do: I know that the slime is poisonous. Though it is only slightly worse than touching some nettles, at least the ones in Britain. Anyway, I just like looking at those snail shells, all those slowly changing colours make me feel calm."

I smile apologetically. "Alright wicked," I say, seemingly unable to try and sound as if I actually thought that would be nice, "Other things you are going to do?"

"My dad's probably wanting to teach me some spells," Greg says sounding vaguely. Greg suddenly seems cheerless.

Greg severely seemed to dislike practising the dark arts with his dad. "At least we're not at Durmstrang, right?" I say.

"Thank Merlin for your mum," Greg bursts out. "She's amazing."

"Yeah," I say. "We'd miss Pansy way too much."

Pansy beams at me at those words. "You would all be miserable without me," she says happily. Her cheeks are slightly reddened.

"Yeah," Greg says, "And we'd have to do dark arts." His voice makes it clear that that would be a definite drawback, but I can't contain some sort of fascination, not that I'd want to curse someone, but I would definitely want to read up on it. Greg must have seen it. "Remember your pet rabbit." I glare. Of course I did. An nine-year-old upset Greg had flooed into our home and had carried white rabbit with black spots that looked burned, small cuts and had painful-looking boils. He had shown it and begged me to take care of it, not wanting for it to die. Mother had immediately melted and had nursed the little thing back to health and it was still hopping around in our garden. Of course I too had become fond of sweet little animal that I had chosen to call Pete. "Dad can be.."

"I know," I quickly say. He is right of course. It did not matter that those curses on the rabbit were not really dark arts, they were definitely wrong. I know that. And I know that Greg's dad can be cold and hard, while Vin was such a sweet kid.

For a minute no one says anything. "My parents are probably taking me to the manor in Spain," Pansy says. "And of course we'll attend to the parties and charity events like always."

"Well, you know about my summer," Vin says with a shrug. "I am going to visit Daphne-" When Greg was about six he had this huge crush on Daphne and had followed her around at parties and charity events like a little puppy. His and Daphne's parents had found it adorable and ever since had thrown playdates for the two. "Two days a week as always, I'll try to hang out a little with Greg and help my mum a bit in the greenhouses. She always likes it when I help her a bit. So, how about you Draco?"

"Probably my dad wants to do some flying and Sev will be around I guess. Maybe he'll teach me some potions." I smirk. "He says I have a real aptitude for the subject. And I'll probably read a few books. I still haven't been able to finish off that book I got for Christmas about Astronomy. And UGH- my mum will probably take me shopping, but she'll probably also tell me all those stories about her family as we watch the stars and she'll talk about arithmancy."

The train was slowing down. "We're there." Pansy says. "I'll see you over the summer, guys." She hugs all three of us warmly, but lingers a bit longer in our embrace. Pansy then blushingly leaves the compartment appearing eager to meet up with her parents. I walk onto the platform and look around trying to spot my parents.

I am suddenly nervous, but feel myself calm down as I see my mother smiling fondly at me. My father is not here. I feel a bit dejected that he is not here to pick me up, after having to miss me for so long. I quickly walk to mother who pulls me into her chest. Father would not be pleased with her public affections, as it was something that people beneath us did, but I really couldn't care less at the moment. I hugged her back tightly. Maybe it was kind of nice that father was not here, at least he would not look at me with that unhappy look.

Mother has an annoyed look on her face as she curtly says: "Father couldn't come, he is busy at the ministry." Her face then softens into a proud smile, which makes me stand a bit taller. "He was not very happy that you lost the house cup, but I'm so very proud of you, Dragon. Sev seemed to think you did so well this year. He was boasting about you. And you're growing so tall." She fondly strokes through my hair. "Let's get you home."


Her long fingers grab my shoulder as she apparates us home. "Dobby, bring Draco's suitcases to his room, prepare him a bath." She then orders.

Dobby bowed. "Yes, mistress Lady Narcissa."

Mother kneels in front of me. Her hand is stroking my cheek warmly. "I'll see you at lunch, Draco." I nod as I walk upstairs to take a bath. After bathing I descend the stairs. My father sits at the dinner table. He looks furious and for a second I wish to not have to enter the dinner room. I swallow and try to speak as calm and happy as I could. "Father, how good to see you. I heard you had business at the ministry."

Mother softly placed her hand on father's shoulder as if to calm him. "Sit down Draco. Your father is facing an inquiry at work. Let us just eat." The soft, kind words did not seem to have much of an effect.

Father started ranting. "I cannot believe they agreed with the inquiry that Weasley prompted against me. He is a disgrace to the name of wizards. Associating with muggles. Sinking as low as they can. Poor. More children than they can afford -"

I stayed silent, but felt hurt that this was my welcome home. No hug. No I am so proud of you. No I have missed you. Not even a smile. My mother seemed to have noticed how I was feeling, as she suddenly spoke up. "Lucius, dear, let us not talk about those bloodtraitors. Your son just arrived, look at how much he has grown. Seemed like just yesterday he was just a little bundle in my arms." She smiled warmly at me. Lucius did not seem much calmer. Mother's half-hearted try did not make things better. "Welcome him home properly."

"You," father bellowed pointing his finger at me. I shrink into my chair. Mother seems to silently beg him to stop, but he ignores her. "How dare you disgrace the ancient and noble name of Malfoy? I expect you to be seeker for Slytherin next year and beat that Potter boy. It is embarrassing that Potter became the youngest seeker in a century."

I felt my heart beating fast. "But father -"

"No," he said angrily. "You disappointed me, Draco Lucius Malfoy, I also expect your school marks to pick up."

"It's not my fault," I say ashamed, feeling like the world was being really unfair at the moment. I just wanted him to tell me that he was proud of me.

"I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family -a filthy mudblood, would beat you," he said bitingly.

I felt horrible. "The teacher's all have favorites, that Hermione -"

"No, you better hope she did not beat you in every exam and next year I expect more of you." Then with an annoyed huff he walked out of the room. My heart is pounding. I am sweating a little and my breath is ragged. Tears are burning in my eyes. I should have done better.

Mother softly starts to stroke my hair. "Oh Dragon, he did not mean it like that. He just expects much of you because he cares. He is proud, but he does such an awful job showing it. He was just angry because of that stupid bloodtraiter. It's all Weasley's fault, okay." I feel weak, as a tear trickles down my cheek. Why couldn't I be stronger? "Little Dragon, don't cry, you'll do fine."

I felt stressed and upset. "What if I can't?" Anxiety grew. I did not like to disappoint. "Mum, I can't. That girl - that mudblood, she's brilliant."

She sighed. "Don't worry about it, I will talk to him." We sit in silence. I grab a piece of toast and start playing a little at it. My hunger has left me. Mother then suddenly smiled in remembrance. "You know what, he was once beaten by this younger student in a duel, one on one and she was a muggleborn." She chuckled and seemed to revel in in the memory.

I felt better. "Who?"

She bit her lips. "I never told you any of this." She winked at me. "Her name was Lily Evans."

"Potty-boys mum?"

She chuckled. "I see you gave him a childish nickname." I felt affronted. "Yes, Potter's mum. I hope you are not thinking too highly of that Hermione Grant?"

"Granger," I corrected her. "No, mother, I would never befriend a mudblood, she shouldn't even be admitted to Hogwarts. It is just, I cannot deny that she is talented. I like smart people."

Mother relaxed. "Theodore is quite smart. Or Blaise. Just as Pansy, who always has liked your company. She is a beautiful girl, right? And you also have Vince and Greg, who are absolutely adorable. Can you remember that Greg found that ugly kneazle with that broken paw and took care of it? And little Vinny that just kept following Daphne Greengrass around when he was little."

I want to smile, but father's words keep bugging me. "I don't want to play quidditch, I'm awful," I then admit as I feel my face redden. "Father knows that. I am not him. Plus I prefer potions or astronomy."

Mother kissed my cheek. "He just wants to one-up that Potter." Her voice is sooting.

I sigh, mangling the toast with a spoon. "I will never make the team."

Then she looked quite guilty as she coughed delicately. "He plans to buy new brooms for the team if you will get the job of seeker." I front, she can't mean that-

"Dad's not paying for me to be on the team, right?" I asked. "What about Adrian Pucey?" Adrian was the former seeker of the Slytherin quidditch team. Mother did not hear me. Great, soon everyone will know that the only reason for me being on the team was my father buying my way on and I couldn't say that I had no interest in playing since it would seem ungrateful. Bugger.

I did not feel like eating at all and I went to the library. I must have lost track of time. I was reading an advanced potions book, when Lucius walked in. "Good news, Draco," he drawled. "Marcus Flint understood how useful it would be to have you on the team. I am so proud for you for making seeker."I smiled, even though I shared Severus opinion on quidditch and I had done nothing to deserve the position of seeker, it was nice that father was happy with me, even if I only got seeker because of my father's "generous donation". Lucius then continued. "You will be glad to hear that Severus is having dinner with us to celebrate and he will also bring your school results."

I suddenly felt sick. "Of course. Thank you, father."

Soon Severus walked in, his robes billowing behind him and a small scowl on his face while he looked at my father. He smiled at me and when he stood close enough to me that he could say something to me in private, he told me he was very proud of my grades.

I feel my throat go dry as I ask: "Did I beat Granger?"

He scowled. "You did outstanding." I take it that meant I had not beaten Granger.

"Father will not be pleased." I sigh. "And now all the Slytherins will hate me because I am the worst quidditch player ever."

He scowled at Lucius, who did not seem to notice. "You never practiced a lot of quidditch, always reading books instead, maybe you will surprise yourself," He tried to cheer me up. "Who knows how good you'll be if you'd apply yourself to it. Lucius was not a bad seeker himself, I am sure something from him must have rubbed off on you. And Narcissa was an excellent flier even if she was never really interested in the game," Severus encourages. "Besides I do not plan to lose against Gryffindor next year. That boy just got on because he is the golden boy."

I immediately object. "He is really good. Besides I just get on because my father paid my way in. That is worse." As I had said it, I immediately knew Severus would not listen. Ever since he had set his eyes on Potter, he had loathed him. I feel dejection constrict my chest, making it hard to breathe.

Joy, next to my father, I would now also disappoint Severus when I'd loose the quidditch cup. Severus scowled. "How can you say that? He is a bully. Arrogant. Thinks he is above the rules. Just like his father."I just held my mouth and listened to his ranting.

Dinner was a quiet affair after my grades were looked at. Father was disappointed as I had expected. Mother was proud though. Still mother's encouraging words did a poor job of cheering me up after father's harsh words.


The following days father's awful mood calmed down a little as I started feeling more cheerful. Pansy had visited numerous times, Greg and Vince six times and Theo twice. Near the end of the summer dad's mood had lifted. He had been keen to teach me about quidditch and seemed very sure that we'd easily win with such a good player as me on the team. He also had been offering to play exploding snap with me and during the evening had joined mother and I to watch the stars. Father had also been teaching me a few spells, for if anyone would annoy me. Nothing even close to the dark arts: mother would have never stood for that. He had taught me a transfiguration charm to give someone bunny ears, a charm to make little insects crawl out of someones nose and he taught me how to brew polyjuice potion. After which he told that he once impersonated Narcissa and was rude to some professors, giving her quite some detention, because he had been offended that she had told him off for something he no longer could remember. It was now almost the end of the summer vacation and the booklist had arrived. We went shopping for the new school year. I got new robes, some wand polish from Olivander's, some new potion ingredients, owl treats for Arrakis and now we were going to the book store. In Flourish and Blotts it was incredibly busy, apparently our new teacher had a signing session. I went upstairs where only two or three people were looking through books. Mother and father were standing in line for me. You'd think a teaching job at Hogwarts would not be glamorous and grande enough for the blonde man that looked a little bit too pleased with all the attention he got. Then I sighted the Git, that being Potter. Lockhart smiled delighted at Potter as he recognized the famous boy. I scowled. I saw Lockhart drag him to the front. Potter grew incredibly red and started stammering. Potter looked horrified.

Flourish and Blotts

I ignored that I felt sort of bad for him and walked down the stairs. Anger was flaring up in me rapidly. Stupid scarhead, it was all his fault, I thought heatedly, being made seeker, being bested by Granger, dad having an inquiry at work. I snarled at Potter. "Bet you liked that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter can't even go into a bookshop without making it to the front page."

Then a small, red-headed, freckled girl in worn robes stood in front of Potter, while looking furiously at me. She quickly crossed arms. "Leave him alone."

I smirked. "Ooooh, look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!"

The girl who must be a Weasley according to the bright red hair then turned bright red in her face as well. I felt pleased. Father then placed the silver snake of that ridiculous walking stick on my shoulder. He always liked to take that stupid stick with him in public, thinking it made him look powerful and rich, though I mostly thought it made him look stupid. "Now, now Draco, play nicely." He admonishes me.

Then father turned to Potter and I feel slightly horrified. "Mr. Potter. Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me." He used the silver snake to pull back Harry's bang and his scar is now no longer hidden from view. Potter looked guarded and clenched his fist. Father's action was obviously too intrusive. Father smiled at Potter. "Your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."

Harry gritted his teeth. His face showed clear anger. "Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer."

Father looked amused. "Hmm, you must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish."

The know-it-all then spoke up. I had not even noticed her presence. "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Of course she could not keep her mouth shut.

My father looked coldly at Granger. "And you must be... Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you... and your parents." Father looks at the muggles and for once I wish that he would not call them mudbloods, especially with so many people around. "Muggles, aren't they?" I feel relieved. Then father focusses on Ron. "Let me see. Red hair, vacant expressions…" Father than takes one single book out of the Weasley girls cauldron, which he inspects. "Tatty, secondhand book." He smiles coldly. "You must be the Weasleys." Then Arthur Weasley arrived and tried to walk past them with their children, without having to converse with father.

I feel relieved as Arthur said in a strained voice: "Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside."

Father though seems keen to pick a fight with Arthur. It must be the inquiry he is facing I realise. "Well, well, well. Weasley Senior."

Arthur grits his teeth. "Lucius."

My father looked ready to fight Weasley's dad. Please don't, I silently wish. "Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur. All those extra raids; I do hope they're paying you overtime." Father gleefully shows the book he picked out of Ginny's cauldron. "Though judging by the state of this, I'd say not." He then places the two books back in her cauldron. "What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard... if they don't even pay you well for it?"

Arthur now looked furious. "We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy." Arthur seemed to be losing his patience.

Lucius Malfoy smirked. "Clearly. Associating with Muggles... And I thought your family could sink no lower." He drawled. Weasley's dad looked furious at father. Father though finally is done. "I'll see you at work." I looked at Potter, the Grangers and the Weasleys. I felt as though I had to say something to them.

"I'll see you at school." I muttered softly. Then father dragged me away.