
Ok, People, this is a new story, now some of you may be going Raskor you already have two stories going on why don't you focus on those. Well because I wanted to make this idea I had a thing and I think it will be great but I wanted to cover some stuff First.

This will take place during Volume 1 RWBY when they just arrive at Huntsman Academy.

I will not Tell who the Guardian will be but they can't use their weapon and their powers for obvious reasons. Also, I am sorry if I get some of the RWBY characters personality wrong if I did please tell me and I will fix this.]

Nothing from the game has happened yet so Ruby will get the basics. And Yes I will be using the missions from the game it's DLC too, I will also be using my Hunter and my friends' characters mainly due to the fact that they are needed for the story. (Also If you are asking how she becomes a Guardian maybe you should read due to the fact I will explain it in the story.]


"I wonder who my Guardian is." I asked myself. I'm a Ghost and I have been looking for my Guardian for so long I searched everywhere for my Guardian from Earth to the Moon, Mars Even Venus. And now my search has lead me to this Planet called Remnant the people here have light but it's different from the pure light of the Traveler, but one person here light is so bright that I can feel it burn away any darkness though this is nothing special from the other Guardians thy all had light that burned away any darkness. But here it was different this one was the only one on this planet with this gift. Now I just need to find them.

(Huntsman Academy)

'Weird.' Ruby thought, 'I feel like something is following me, Nah I'm just imagining things.' Ruby thought. As she turned around something rammed right into her face and sent her to the ground and the other person too. "Oh I'm so sorry are you ok."Said Ruby, she then saw a weird drone like thing had flown into her which was weird to say it in the simplest terms was someone spying on her with this weird drone thing.

"Oh, what hit me a Hive Knight."Said the Ghost has he got back in the air.

"Did I just hear a drone thing talk in sarcastic tone." Ruby asked out loud.

"Um yes, you did." Said The Ghost.

"Awesome!" Yelled Ruby, "So are some type of new spy gear by Atlas or are you like just some person's pet project?"

"Hey, I'm nobody's pet project." Said The Ghost.

"So what are you doing and why are you following me?" Asked Ruby.

"I'm looking for my Guardian I have been doing so for years." Explained The Ghost, "I have been tracking their light that leads me to this planet. Wait, your light levels, yes yes yes I finally found my Guardian!"

"You did who are they is it someone I know!"Asked Ruby.

"May I ask what your name is?" Asked The Ghost.

"It's Ruby Rose, now tell me who is it oh I bet it's Yang or is it that boy Jaune, please tell me!" Begged Ruby.

"Well um, you are your the only person in this world that has the light of the Traveler." Explained The Ghost.

The look on Rubys face was one mixed with surprise and joy and confusion.

"Wow that sounds great I get to be a Guardian, but what is Guardian drone thing?" Asked Ruby.

"As much as like to explain I have to do this first." Said The Ghost, who then erupted in a blinding light that engulfed both him and Ruby. Ruby felt a weird sensation the type when you get something off your chest, soon the light died down and Ruby who's armor now different but simpler her old set but now with a Helmet.

"Wow, that was awesome !" Asked Ruby,"Wait what did you just do why do I feel different?"

"Well, I just completed the process of well becoming your ghost, that just your body getting used to having light fully unleashed." Explained The Ghost, "Before you ask no I won't explain it we would be here for years."

"Ok, what's your name or is it Ghost?" Asked Ruby.

"Well I don't have a name and a Ghost is what my kind are called." Explained The Ghost.

"Wait, if you're now my Ghost does this mean I could name you?" Asked Ruby.

"Well yes, it does it if helps you communicate with me." Answered The Ghost, 'Please don't give me a name like little light or Spooky.'

Ruby was in deep thought of what she should call the weird drone in front her, thinking of a million names she could name it, then it hit her what she should name it.

"I got it!" Yelled Ruby, "I will call you Summer!"

'Well, it's better than some names that I heard that Guardians name their Ghost' Thought the now named Summer.

"So what does a Guardian do I never heard of them before, are they some form of elite Hunters?" Asked Ruby.

"Well no being a Guardian mean you are a protector of light and Humanity." Explained Summer, Summer was silent for a minute as if someone was talking him. "Listen I need you to follow me it's not safe here."

"This is Huntsman Academy how could I not be safe here?" Asked Ruby.

"Well stick around long enough and we will see rookie." Said a voice from behind, Ruby spun around to see a man dressed in mostly black and red armor with a cloak.

"Who are you?"Asked Ruby.

"Names Marcuse, now if you would we really need to get out of here and back to the tower." Marcuse said calmly, with a voice that showed experience.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, I don't even know who you are and what you want, plus much rather stay here at Huntsman Academy." Said Ruby.

"Listen, rookie we don't have time for this before they figure out where we are and attack, I know you have a lot of questions, but will have to answer them later." Said Marcuse.

Tragic then struck as a dark cloud appeared along with blue flashes of light, the cloud soon disappeared and ten Goblins and a Minotaur appeared from it.

"That's them take cover kid!" Yelled Marcuse, as The strange robots unleashed a storm of gunfire at the two. Ruby seeing that this was an actual firefight ducked for cover behind a tree which was quickly be destroyed by the never-ending storm of gunfire. Getting out her Crescent Rose Ruby using the Sniper part of it to take aim at the head of one of the weird robot thing. She aligned the shot with the center of the head and pulled the trigger.

"Alright head shot!"Said Ruby, "Kid look again it's still standing and you didn't even take one bit of its health away." Said Marcuse, "Wait what health bar?" Asked Ruby.

"I know this your Ghost first time with working with a Guardian but even I didn't forget to bring up the HUD when I first found Marcuse." Said a strange voice in Rubys helmet.

"Who was that?" Asked Ruby.

"That's my Ghost Enclave." Answered Marcuse.

After Marcuse said that another Ghost appeared wearing a different shell than hers. "Hello pleasure to meet you." Said Enclave.

"Hi so you're his ghost, tell me why did my weapon do nothing to the weird robot thingy." Asked Ruby.

"Well you see your weapon does not light in it and only weapons of Light and Darkness can harm the minions of the Darkness." Answered Enclave.

"Kid catch!" Shouted Marcuse, Ruby then caught the weapon that he had thrown her it what she had guessed and Assault Rifle.

"Keep it I got another one way better than that one." Said Marcuse.

Raskor then jumped into the air and to Rubys amazement jumped again taking out a hand cannon he quickly fanned the hammer and took out four Goblins before getting back into cover.

"Well kid what you waiting for going to let me kill them all." Taunted Marcuse.

Ruby not wanting to be outdone took aim with her Assault Rifle and pulled the trigger, she was surprised to see the weapon was very accurate and did not have much recoil. She then noticed she had taken out four as well, it also struck her that she could see a name and health bar above the robots head.

"Ha, Not bad for rookie." Said Marcuse.

"Well, just you wait and see I'm full of surprises." Said Ruby.

"Is that so Ha, you're already acting like a Hunter," Said Marcuse.

The two then continued shooting at the Vex the last two Goblins dropped without effort the Minotaur nearly shot Ruby a few times before they could take it down but other than that they were fine.

"So now do you see why we need to get out of here they are just going to send more if we don't leave right now" Said Marcuse.

"Ok, you convinced me but first tell me, howdidyoudoublejumpinair!" Asked Ruby excitedly.

"Look kid your Ghost here can tell you all about, but I got a bet I get you to the tower in less than five hours with Cayde so mind doing me a favor and coming along?" Asked Marcuse.

"Ok, just let me tell Yang she is going to freak out when she hears this!" Said Ruby.

"Um, I hate to ruin your plans Guardian but the Vex have seemed to stop time here everything and one is frozen in place." Warned Summer.

"Come on rookie!" Said Marcuse, who then grabbed her hand and started running. Ruby saw no reason to put up resistance due to the fact this man was only one she knew who knew what the hex was going on here.

"Listen, rookie we need to get you and what just happened to the Vanguard whatever the Vex did it can't be good." Said Marcuse as he was running.

The man eventually led her to the forest and onto a small clearing that had a real spaceship, but what was on the bottom really caught her attention.

"Wait is that a real spaceship with R...R...R...Rocket Launchers!" Ruby yelled happily, Her Ghost noticing she was drooling.

"Yeah, this baby saved God knows how many times and they said over tuning the Launchers would be Overkill no such thing as Overkill." Said Marcuse.

'I have to get myself one of those.' Thought Ruby.

"But back to the objective at hand, we need to get out of here Enclave if you would so please." Asked Marcuse.

Before Ruby knew what was happening she was engulfed by a blue light, just as soon as it appeared it disappeared now she was seated in Marcus's lap which made her blush a little.

"Real funny Enclave, sorry he just likes putting people in embarrassing moments." Said Marcuse.

Marcuse then started the process of getting the ship to take off, which looked really looked complicated to Ruby not seeing this type of technology before wondering what type of weapons she could make with this tech.

"Wow, this is so cool you stuff like this everyday oh do I get a cool spaceship too!" Asked Ruby.

"Wow there Little Red Riding Hood calm down you get yours in time." explained Marcuse.

"Oh, sorry, wait Little!" Said Ruby.

"Oh, quiet down just a joke." Said Marcuse, "Hey listen we are about to use some extremely dangerous technology that may or may not blow us out of existence quite literally, your not scared are you."

"Who me no." Answered Ruby, 'Oh god I don't want to be blown out of existence.'

"Well, good cause I'm activating now!"Stated Marcuse, as he slammed his hand on a button that sent speeding through the fabrics of time.

"This is awesome!" Both Ruby and Marcuse yelled, 'I'm strangely enjoying this!' Ruby thought.

It only took a few minutes for them to enter back into existence again, Ruby was already looking out the cockpit window taking in all the sights being fascinated by everything she was seeing.

"Wow, everything is so pretty oh what's that planet called!" Asked Ruby.

"Mars." Answered Summer.

"That one?" Asked Ruby.

"Venus." Answered Marcuse.

"Ok, how about that one!" Asked Ruby, while pointing to the cradle of Humanity.

"That's Earth the cradle of Humanity in this reality." Answered Enclave.

"So where are we going?" Asked Ruby.

"The Tower Cayde is going to want to speak with you so is the rest of the Vanguard." Said Marcuse.

The ship was approaching fast towards the tallest building in the city the Tower.

(Old Earth, The Last City, The Tower)

Ruby barely managed to land on her feet as she and Marcuse appeared outside the ship.

"Same thing happened to me Rookie when I first came to Tower, takes a bit to get used the sudden transitions." Explained Marcuse.

"So, you gonna tell me how long you been at this whole being a Guardian thing?" Asked Ruby.

"Well, I was resurrected sixteen years ago so I would say Sixteen also guess that's age now too." Answered Marcuse, "Rookie as much I would love to sit around and talk we got to go see Cayde."

"Oh, yeah sorry kinda forgot about that while I busy looking at how beautiful this world is." Said Ruby.

The two then started walking towards the Vanguard Hall, on the way Ruby noticed many strange looking individuals mainly a woman with three glowing eyes, a gigantic man with horned helmet that had one broken horn, and a funny looking robot with a fur collar.

Then there were the three most entreating people in the room a man with Blue skin, yes Blue skin Ruby told herself, a woman with a buzzed haircut, and a robot with cloak on and a look of absolute boredom.

The Robot upon seeing who had just entered turned his attention to the two.

"Well lookie hear my Favorite hunter walks in all of sudden with face I haven't seen before I would say the Warlocks crazy plan actually worked." Said Cayde-6.

"Well to be honest Cayde I did have Enclave look it over like five hundred times before I even agreed to use the Darn thing." Said Marcuse.

"Don't we all but back to business I see you got the new Hunter back in one peace good so tell me did the Vex start trying to kill you there too." Asked Cayde-6.

"Since when have they not shot at us, also had to let this little lady here keep one of the old Rifles just to keep her alive, but other than that the mission went well, but we do have one problem." Said Marcuse.

"And that would be?" Asked Cayde-6.

"The Vex kinda froze time there I just have this feeling this is going to effect us in some way." Said Marcuse.

"Dammit one problem after another I have Ikora and her Warlocks look into a way to stop it." Said Cayde-6.

"Enclave can fill you in on the rest later right now we the rookie to worry about." Said Marcuse.

"Ah, yes the new Hunter tell me sweetheart what's your name?"Asked Cayde-6.

"Ruby, Ruby Rose." Answered Ruby.

"Well Ruby welcome to the team I'm Cayde-6 your current Vanguard of the Hunters, listen up since your new here and you don't know what the heck your doing here I'm going to give you a mentor, someone to show you the ropes and tell you whats right and whats wrong, got that." said Cayde-6.

"Ok, who is it?" Asked Ruby.

"Well, I'll give you a hint you know him and he wears a lot of black." Hinted Cayde-6.

"Marcuse is going to be my mentor ….. Awesome!" Screamed Ruby.

(End of Prologue)