Foster's Home for Imaginary Hustlers

House of Bloo's: Part 1

Laying in bed at night with the TV at his control was one of his favorite things, but something on his mind kept him from getting comfortable or even enjoying late night adult cartoons.

Earlier that day, Bloo and his creator Mac had gotten in trouble with Mac and Terrance's mom…again. And now, their mom wants him to go because she wants her little boy to finally grow. It wasn't his fault, though! If it weren't for Terrance's bullying them all the time, they wouldn't be getting in fights and trashing the house. It was always Terrance's fault…but…Bloo couldn't find it in him to stay mad at the teen for long…h-he wasn't gay! (At least, that's what he wants you to think. Yeah, he denies it, but he's in the closet.)

Bloo placed an arm behind his head and groaned in worry, trying to take his mind off of having to leave his creator by watching TV again. But it didn't work at first when most of the channels he landed on were airing topics on running away, giving items away, being alone, depressing locations, and even songs about the blues.

The more he watched these mocking channels, the more agitated the blob became and soon decided he was fed up with it. He leaned forward he pressed the channel button at lighting speed, surfing through different channels with rage.

But after landing on the hundredth channel, he was certain he heard the one magic word that may fix his problem. Bloo froze and slowly flipped back to the correct channel, where a female announcer continued advertising a commercial.

"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a wonderful, funderful, imagination habitation! Food, shelter and care are all provided to those imaginary friends out there who are looking for a place to call home! So, if you know of or have an imaginary friend in need of a home, then come down to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Where good ideas are not forgotten."

"Foster's…Home… for imaginary friends?" Bloo quietly repeated, a smile creeping up onto his face. This…was perfect! This would fix his problem! He could have a place to hide and live safely from his creator's mom, Mac could come visit him whenever he wanted, Terrance wouldn't be an annoying bully anymore, and they could make tons of new friends. And who knew what kind of imaginary friends were there, given that kids can create anything they wanted to?

This wasn't just beneficial, it was really exciting! Bloo would have new friends! And who knows? Maybe he'll find someone special there, too.

The next morning, Mac was off school since it was Sunday, so Bloo woke him up early to take him to Foster's. But as the blob lead the young boy to the outskirts of town, Mac was becoming doubtful when they walked passed an old mansion. It was the only other building in sight, so he quickly assumed this was where Bloo was taking him…but there was just something unsettling about it.

First off, along the entire perimeter was a rusted metal spiked fence with unique little metal hearts alone the top. Next to the huge mansion was a giant tree just barely taller than the building, but it looked more dead than alive with its thin and wilted limbs. Poor thing. And last but not least, the mansion itself came off as very quirky and crazy, especially with its bright pink and black paint.

"U-uh…so, this is the place you saw on TV?" Mac asked meekly, as he and Bloo approached the front gate.

"Sure is!" Bloo replied happily, pushing the gate open and walking in with more excitement than his creator.

"I don't know, Bloo…"

"Oh, c'mon, this is awesome! The lady in the commercial said that this is a fantastical, magical place where imaginary friends need a place ta crash, hang out and do stuff!"


"But nothing! Listen, with me living here, Mom'll be happy, Terrance'll leave you alone, and you can come see me every day! Everything fixed itself in the end!" With that, Bloo walked onto the front porch and knocked on the front door. The two waited for a few seconds before the door opened, revealing a tall old rabbit with proper posture and dressed in a tuxedo, spats, a monocle over his left eye and a top hat.

"Good day, Gentlemen. How may I be of assistance?" the old rabbit questioned politely in a thick English accent.

"Cool, a bunny butler! Well-!" Bloo began with excitement, but the rabbit quickly interrupted him.

"My good man, I will have you know that I am Mr. Herriman, head of business affairs of this facility, and in no manner a butler or other member of service! Now, I would fully appreciate if you would state your business."

Both the blob and the young boy stood frozen in silence, neither knowing what to do or say. After a while, Mr. Herriman grew impatient.

"Oh, very well. I haven't the time for such an indecisive child," the old rabbit sighed while slowly closing the door, "I shall bid you gentlemen a good day."

"Wait a minute!" Bloo shouted as he stopped the door before the rabbit could close it back.

"My God!" Mr. Herriman cried in shock.

"Please, Mr. Rabbit-Man!" Bloo pleaded.

"Herriman!" Mr. Herriman corrected grimly.

"Whatever! This is my boy Mac, and he has the worst life ever!" Bloo began dramatically and yanked the said boy in, only to accidentally drop him and give Mr. Herriman sad puppy eyes, "His life is so vile and cruel! I have no idea where to begin…but I'll try."

"What?!" Mac questioned as he stood back up, no thanks to Bloo.

"Ya see, this poor, pathetic kid lives completely alone and unsupervised with me, his jerky teenage brother and his busy mother. We live in a terrible, run-down apartment with no electricity or running water! Man, oh man, does it STINK! No, I'm serious. It has this awful stench that'll make ya hurl."

"It is not!" Mac cut in angrily, only to be ignored once more.

"Oh yeah, and his brother's a total jerk who's, like, eight feet tall, weighs, three-hundred pounds and has no brains! And he beats this poor kid up twenty-four-seven because there's no adult around to stop him 'cause his mom's got, like, fifteen jobs during weekdays, including weekends, not to mention that she hardly ever comes home before midnight!"

"What?!" Mac couldn't believe this.

"So yeah, Mac is basically always killed dead by his big, stupid brother."

"So, the only thing that this poor boy ever has to look up to when in doubt is me, his best and only buddy Bloo. But you won't believe this. His mom said that he's too old to be playing with imaginary friends, and that he has to get rid of me for good! So, here I am on my knees-!"

"Uh-uh!" Bloo looked back at his creator in confusion, but then he realized he wasn't actually on his knees when Mac pointed down. So, he quickly dropped to his knees.

"So, here I am—on my knees—if you could just find it in your big, bunny heart to open up your wonderful home to this poor, pathetic and rejected imaginary friend, then maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be so…blue!"

But after he peeked his eyes open to see what the rabbit would think, he was only greeted by a grim expression and crossed arms. So, that was a cue for Mac to start to drag the blob out.

"I'm very sorry, Sir…h-he's nuts! We'll just be-!" Mac began as he continued to try and drag his friend out, only for Mr. Herriman to once again interrupt.

"Very well. I shall arrange a tour for tour." After adjusting his monocle, the old rabbit hopped to the other side of the room and picked up an intercom microphone from its hook, speaking loudly into it as his voice echoed throughout the house.

"Miss Frances?! Miss Frances?! Your presence is requested in the foyer! There are two gentlemen in need of a tour!" Mr. Herriman announced, and Mac and Bloo smiled at each other in excitement.

"Miss Fran-!"

"I'M COOOMIIIING! SHEESH!" Mr. Herriman placed the microphone back on its hook once the harsh and annoyed female voice faded, turning to Mac and Bloo, "She will be with you momentarily."

With that, the old rabbit hopped out of the room and out of sight, leaving the boy and the blob alone. And just seconds after Herriman left, the two gasped when they saw just a fraction of the house's residents; there were short imaginary friends, tall imaginary friends, skinny ones, fat ones, ones with multiple eyes or just one, ones filled with water, or made of rubber, with wheels, shaggy hair, thirty legs, and so much more!

But as more passed by, the two noticed a strange similar feature about every single imaginary friend. They were all…slutty. There was just no other way of putting. They all either wore very revealing clothing, makeup, dresses, lingerie, wigs, basically anything sexy. Most of them even carried around alcohol, drugs, chokers, leashes, and even cigarettes.

"Um…" was all Bloo could say.

"This seems…promising?" Mac finished doubtfully, "As long as you can live here for free and I can visit you whenever, it'll have to do."

"But everyone here just looks so-."

"Now you know why you're not supposed ta have sex with Scissors?" Bloo was cut off by a female voice, as the owner of the voice walked down the main staircase with a large dark purple blob-looking imaginary friend, and his right arm was covered in blood-stained bandages.

The woman was young, most likely her early twenties, weraring a green jacket over a white t-shirt with the PowerPuff Girls on it, a purple skirt and blue sneakers; her hair was red and short, and put up in a spiky bun; her most noticeable features were her accessories: a black spiked leather choker, matching leather bracelets, and her tiny sparkling black nose piercings.

"Scissors?! Scissors!" the young woman called out, and a pair of scissors with skinny legs and buggy eyes came running in. The woman looked down at him and crossed her arms, "Scissors, whaddya say?"

"I-I'm sorry I got too rough with ya, Georgey," Scissors apologized in shame, his voice was very nasal and stuck up, "I-I love ya…"

"Love you too, Scissors," George, the giant blob of mucus, added sincerely.

"Ok, go play," Frankie softly told the two, and they quickly ran off, "WEAR PROTECTION NEXT TIME!"

Mac and Bloo stood in silence, unable to believe what they just witnessed as the red head approached them.

"Whatever that bunny says is wrong, Guys. The name's not Frances, it's Frankie," she clarified dryly. And as she came closer, Bloo couldn't help but notice how pretty she actually looked…he felt his face heat up a tiny bit, but luckily not enough to noticeably blush.

"U-uh, right! I'm Bloo, and this is my creator Mac," Bloo quickly introduced with a smile.

"Hey, Bloo. Hey, Mac. So, you guys want a tour of the place?" Frankie asked politely.

"Yes, please," Mac kindly replied.

"Cool! Follow me. Foster's was founded in-." Just before Frankie could truly begin her tour, none other than Mr. Herriman's voice echoed on the intercom again.

"Miss Frances?! Miss Frances! Your presence is requested in the fourth floor sleeping quarters!"

"I'm busy! What's the problem?!" Frankie called back in annoyance.

"It is Duchess. She-."

"Give me that thing!" a feminine voice with an Indian accent hissed, "Frankie! Frankie, get up here NOW!"

"Ugh, one of these days…" the said red head growled and cursed under her breath, turning her attention back to her tourists, "Sorry, guys, Her Highness calls…but who's gonna give the tour now?"

Wilt's POV

Just as I dipped my last strawberry in the chocolate on the side of my plate, that uptight rabbit's voice came one again. Wonder what he's on about this time…

"Miss Frances?! Miss Frances! Your presence is requested in the foyer! There are two gentlemen in need of a tour!"

For once, Mr. Herriman said something that caught my attention. Two gentlemen, eh? Most likely new guys who need a place to stay—and that's right up my alley.

I ate the chocolate-dipped strawberry in one bite, and picked up my plate to take it to the kitchen. Once I threw away the butts of the strawberries and put the plate in the sink, I quickly made my way to the foyer to check out our new guests.

"Miss Frances?! Miss Frances! You presence is requested in the third floor sleeping quarters!" Oh, boy. Three random guesses as to who needs help this time.

"I'm busy! What's the problem?!" I heard Frankie call from the foyer, and she sounded pretty ticked. Who could blame her?

"It is Duchess. She-."

"Give me that! Frankie! Frankie, get up here NOW!" Ugh, I can't stand that old hag. But as soon as I rounded a corner, I froze and my heart skipped a beat.

Standing in the foyer next to a little boy had to be the cutest little imaginary friend I've ever seen. The little blue blob was so plain and simple, just radiating with humbleness. I felt my face heat up…I had to meet him. But how can I do that without coming off as creepy?

"Ugh, one of these days…sorry, guys. Her Highness calls…but who's gonna give the tour now?" This day just keeps getting better and better.

"I'll do it."

Normal POV

Mac, Bloo and Frankie turned to find another odd imaginary friend walk in, wearing a huge toothy grin on his face as he approached. He was ten feet tall and skinnier than a bean pole, his skin was snow white with a bold red one on his chest; he was also missing his left arm, which was now a little stub, and his left eye was nothing but a mere googly eye on a broken stalk; he wore a red leather choker with a heart, a red and white-striped wrist band on his right wrist, a red fingerless leather glove, red and white-striped thigh-long socks, and black and white high tops.

"Oh, Wilt, you're a life saver!" Frankie sighed in relief, "I need you ta give Mac and Bloo a tour for me. Please?"

"Sure thing, Darlin'. Go deal with the witch," Wilt replied with a wave of his hand, his voice had a very noticeable ghetto accent.

"Thanks again," Frankie added.

"FRANKIE!" Duchess shrilled through the intercom.

"COMING!" Frankie called back with just as much anger and disappeared up the stairs.

After Frankie left, Wilt continued to smile with pride down at Mac and Bloo(especially the latter), but it became quite awkward as the two just stared up at him with wide eyes and slack jaws.

"What's the matter? Cat got'cher tongue?" Wilt eventually asked, his smirk growing.

"You're tall…" the two replied in awe.

"Why, thank you."

"You should play basketball," Bloo added.

"Well, I dabble…but I have better and more important things to do these days," Wilt explained sheepishly, but his confidence quickly returned, "Still want that tour, Boys?"


"Then let's get started."

With that, the tall imaginary friend lead them on a crazy tour through the wonky house, taking them to many rooms with very similar purposes; for example, waiting rooms, sitting rooms, living rooms, and then the parlor. But he stopped them by a large portrait of an old lady above a grand fire place.

"I apologize, but we have to make a little educational stop. Ok?" Wilt chuckled and pointed at the portrait, "This is Madame Foster. She was the one who had the brilliant idea to open up her home to certain poor, unfortunate friends like us. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't even be here right now. Cool, right?"

"She rules," a random imaginary friend pointed out.

"She's awesome," another added.

"She's old." The last imaginary friend's comment wasn't as respected, especially by Mr. Herriman, and he quickly lead the last imaginary friend away to be dealt with. And Wilt quickly noticed the wooden paddle in his hand.

"Oh, I remember those days. Getting whacked for playin' too rough," Wilt sighed while reminiscing, making Bloo and Mac share awkward glances. But soon, the three continued with their tour through numerous halls.

Wilt once again stopped them, and for a very important reason. He stopped them outside Mr. Herriman's office.

"Sorry again for constantly stopping, but I gotta point this out. This is Mr. Herriman's office, and unless you're inta masochism, you don't ever wanna get sent here," Wilt explained firmly.

As if on cue, the same imaginary friend from earlier walked out of the office, holding his swollen and red behind in pain.

"Yeah, not all of us are freaks like you," he hissed at Wilt, making the said tall friend grin and roll his eyes.

After that, they continued their with another set of very similar rooms, such as wash rooms, bathrooms, powder rooms, and the laundry room. After seeing the laundry room, another imaginary friend who was dressed in drag was walking out of the room with a basket of clean clothes on his back. but when he accidentally dropped a cock and didn't notice it, Wilt decided he'd hit two birds with one stone.

He'd not only help and put the sock back, but he'd also effortlessly impress his little blob friend. So, Wilt quickly picked up the sock and rolled it into a ball, spinning it on one finger and dribbling it across his shoulders before tossing it into the basket.

And just as he expected, Mac and Bloo were both quite impressed with his basketball skills.

Next up was a set of rooms like the dining room, a tea room, the pantry, and then the kitchen. But just when the boys were about to leave the kitchen, a female imaginary friend stopped them in their tracks.

She was some sort of odd mash-up but appeared bird-like, with the head of a palm tree, the mouth of a deflated raft, the body of an airplane, and the legs of a human, but those weren't the only weird things about her; she was all pitch black except her hair and beak that glowed bright green, as well as some heart-shaped marks on her sides, and she wore a matching glow stick necklace and anklets.

"Coco?" she inquired in a scratchy voice.

"Uh, no thanks," Mac replied.


"Yes," Bloo informed with a smile.










"Yes, please, and with marshmallows!" Bloo finally snapped.

"No, Darlin', no. This is here's Coco. She wasn't askin' if you wanted coco, all she says is coco," Wilt politely corrected, but then smirked again, "But sometimes, it sounds like she says cock. Ain't that right, Coco?"

"Coco coco co," Coco hissed with a death glare.

"What's her problem?" asked Mac.

"Oh, she just hates my guts because of what I do. But guess what, Girl, it's a free country and I can think and do whatever I please," Wilt mockingly replied and continued to grin at Coco, "See, her beliefs are that gays and trannies, like me, are pretty much evil, and she prefers straight love making."

The boy and the blob once again looked at each other in confusion and disgust, and their faces said they were thinking the same thing, Well, that explains everything about Wilt. Seriously, what kind of house were they in? A whore house?

But the two never asked because they feared they would learn too much, so Coco now tagged along for the rest of their tour, as they made their way through even more hallways. And on their way, Mac stopped to quickly tie his shoe, but he had the chilly feeling that someone or something was watching him. And as soon as he turned to see if anything was there, it was like some cliché horror movie when he saw nothing at all.

So, he quickly turned back around and ran to catch up with the others, and their tour continued on to more entertaining places like the music rooms, jumping rooms, play rooms, and even an arcade. Mac and Bloo both stopped and took in the huge game room in awe, so Coco and Wilt had to drag them out in order to continue.

The fun part of the tour quickly ended when they went on to see some bedrooms, but they were eventually interrupted by a horrible sight. Frankie was in a very fancy bedroom that looked fit for royalty, as she was getting pelted with clean bed sheets.

The one throwing the bed sheets at the red head was another imaginary friend; she was a disgusting sight with yellow skin, a short elephant-like nose, a tree-like tail decorated with ornaments that jingled like cowbells, and her face was as scrambled at Picasso; she wore a white cotton dress, an Indian hat with a red jewel crest, and green and black-striped socks with black high heels. She was the physical definition of disgusting.

"No, no, NO! This is unacceptable!" the ugly witch screeched at Frankie, "I will not stand for my good linens to be washed with everyone else's dirty laundry! I have said this time and time again: Wash in important water only! I don't care if you have to drain water from the Swiss Alps, just do it, do it, do it!"

After she was done yelling at Frankie, she finally noticed the crowd of gawking eyes in her bedroom doorway. "What are you looking at?! Get out, get out, get out!"

Wilt slammed the door shut as soon as she finished her sentence, scoffing in annoyance from having to hear her bickering…again.

"What on Earth was that?" Mac questioned with a sneer.

"That's Duchess. She thinks she's the prettiest thing ever thought of, but she's just a bottom feedin' slut in my opinion," Wilt informed mockingly.

"She's gross," another random imaginary friend pointed out.

"She's ugly," another one added.

"She's evil," the same imaginary friend that Mr. Herriman whacked earlier informed.

"She is indeed," Mr. Herriman agreed grimly as he hopped by.

But once more, Mac felt the suspicion that someone was watching him, and he still didn't see anything when he glanced down the other end of the hall.

"Hey, Wilt?"

"Yeah, Darlin'?"

"Speaking of evil, a-are there any monsters in this place?"

"Monsters? Are you crazy? This place is pretty dodgy, but there can't possibly be anything worse than what we've already seen," Bloo protested with a scoff.

"Well…" Wilt cut in with a chime.

He and Coco then lead them out to the backyard, where a giant metal cage was held to the ground with heavy chains, as growling and roaring could be heard from inside.

"They're called Extreme-o-sauruses. Vicious, destructive imaginary friends created by violent teenagers. Heed my warnin', Boys: Don't ever get too close," Wilt warned as the monsters inside threw themselves against the cage walls.

But as if Wilt jinxed it, a large tentacle made out of spiked balls suddenly reached out of the small window in the cage door, quickly grabbing Mac and throwing him around like a rag doll.

"Mac!" Bloo shouted in terror.

"Ok, ok, ok! I know I'm inta some freaky shit, but not this freaky! Put him down!" Wilt threatened the tentacle, but panicked when its flailing didn't cease at all. Even Coco was running around in circles, clucking in fear.

"M-m-m-monster!" Mac cried when he saw another scary imaginary friend sprinting up to the cage.

He was a buff and anthropomorphic bull-like creature, with dark purple fur, giant horns and huge teeth; he wore a black net shirt that was torn at the chest, a leather belt with a skull buckle, khaki pants and matching boots.

As he let out a loud roar, he rammed into the cage with all his might, seemingly hurting the monster enough to finally make him let go of Mac, and he caught him when the said boy fell into his arms.

"El chico esta a salvo!" the bull cried as he cradled Mac, his voice was very gruff.

"Let him go, you big, stupid monster!" Bloo threatened and ran up to the purple monster to punch his sides and make him let Mac go, only to fail because his hits were too weak.

"No! I no monstro!" the bull sobbed in protest and run away, and Bloo was quickly on his tail.

"Bloo, Darlin', stop! You don't understand!" Wilt called out, as he and Coco were caught in the middle of their circling chase.

"Azul is loco!" the bull shouted in terror.

"Coco coco?" Coco interrupted nonchalantly, but the bull only replied with another scream, "Co coco co coco co."


"Coco co!"

"No, no, no!"

"Co co co, coco co co…"


"Coco co co co, coco co co."


"Co coco co. Coco co co?"

With Coco's calming words, the bull eventually calmed down and stopped to put Mac down gently.

"Si. Gracias, Coco. Lo siento," the bull apologized and sincerely smiled at Mac. But the sweet moment was suddenly cut short when Bloo finally caught up and jumped onto the purple monster, biting his shoulder and sending him into another screaming and running blur.

"Bloo, stop! I think he's cool!" Mac shouted over the screams of terror.

"Si, si! I cool, I cool! The little boy, he get swung around and around and around, and it so scary! I, uh, how you say, try to help! Please, little crazy blue man, I am no monster! I am good guy! I am friend!" the purple monster frantically pleaded.

"Fwiend?" Bloo repeated with a mouthful of shoulder, but he quickly let go when he realized he was still biting him.

"Yes, that's what we've been tryin' ta tell you! Mac, Bloo, meet Eduardo. He's practically the sweetest friend we got here at Foster's. I tell ya, you'll never find anyone more submissive," Wilt explained with a smile, muttering the last part under his breath.

"Si…I too scared to resist, anyway," Eduardo admitted sheepishly with a shrug.

"But why did you keep sneaking around and hide from us?" Mac asked out of curiosity.

"I-I, uh…I, um, how you say…scared of little kids, and well…I was afraid you would not like me, either," Eduardo explained in shame, lightly kicking his foot in the dirt and holding his claws behind his back.

"Not like you? You saved me! You're a hero, Eduardo!" Mac reassured.

"A…hero?" Eduardo repeated with excitement.

"See now? It's all good, and we're all friends here, right?" Wilt cut in.

"Literally," Bloo added jokingly.

"Exactly! And speakin' of friends, Darlin', wait'll you see the kinds of imaginary friends we got!"

Wilt then continued their tour, now with Eduardo tagging along too, as he showed them some of the imaginary friends Foster's had in store. First, he showed them equestrian imaginary friends; some had horns, wings, horns and wings, and some with horns and wings that talked. He then started pointing out random friends, such as simple ones, stealthy ones, two-in-ones, and unimaginative ones…an example literally being Mojo Jojo from the PowerPuff Girls.

"Not all kids are as creative, so they copy what they see on TV. It's just the world we live in," Wilt explained with a shrug.

With that, he named some more random imaginary friends, like big, small, young and old. But then Wilt got to the kinds of friends that took up the majority of the house residents; those being furries, anthros, drug addicts, cross dressers, whores, pimps, etc.

"And let's not forget: irrational, submissive and perverted," Bloo added while referring to Coco, Eduardo and Wilt when their tour ended in the foyer.

"And now blue," Mac pointed out.

"You mean…?" Bloo asked with excitement.

"Yeah, you can stay," Mac admitted, and the blob immediately started whooping and jumping around with joy.

"Yes, yes, yes! This is so awesome!" Bloo cheered.

Bloo wasn't the only one who got really excited, as Coco started clucking and suddenly laid some colorful plastic eggs.

"Whoa," Bloo breathed in awe.

"What's she doing?" Mac questioned.

"Whenever she gets real excited, she lays these eggs. Open 'em up, there's a prize inside," Wilt informed and tossed Mac an egg, and inside was a shiny new vase, "Ooh, a vase! That's new!"

"This place is absolutely crazy—I love it!" Bloo declared hysterically.

"Glad ta hear it!" Frankie called as she entered the foyer, "So, you guys dug the tour? Pretty cool, huh?"

"The coolest!" Bloo quickly replied, "This place has its flaws, but it's still perfect!

"Yeah, just like Bloo said: With him living here, my mom will be happy, my brother will leave me alone, and I can visit him everyday. Our problems are solved!" Mac explained happily, his arms full with the four eggs that Coco gave him.

"Well, um…there is one little problem," Frankie reluctantly cut in, and the smiles on the others' faces all disappeared as well.

"What? Can't Bloo live here?" Mac asked with worry.

"Yeah, but-."

"Then there's no problem! I live here and Mac comes ta see me everyday, done deal," Bloo interrupted.

"Um, Mac, Bloo…Foster's isn't a boarding house—i-it's a foster home and whore house. If you leave him here, you can't come see him 'cause he won't be yours anymore," Frankie sadly explained.

"W-what…?" Mac couldn't believe what he was hearing, not that Bloo was faring any better.

"He'll be put up for adoption and prostitution like everyone else."

"Adoption?" Mac asked.

"P-prostitution?" Bloo whimpered.

"Yeah. For one reason or another, we've all been given up by our creators, and this is the only place that gives us shelter and let's us be ourselves. As much as we all love living here, all we want is to either be adopted by a new kid or make money for our kind of entertainment," Wilt reluctantly informed.

"Well, screw this! As cool as this place is, adoption's not an option—and I'm certainly not selling my body to a bunch of freaky perverts," Bloo protested and opened the door to leave, shuddering at the last part, "C'mon, Mac, let's just go…"

"Wait!" Mac quickly called.

"What?! Mac, are you crazy?! You're actually going with this?!" Bloo gasped in disbelief.

"I know, but what choice do I have? Mom said."


"But don't worry! I'm not giving you up. Just stay here 'till I think of a better idea. If I come back tomorrow…?"

"He's still yours…but if a kid shows up and wants him and you're not here, he will be adopted," Frankie answered him.

Mac looked down and took a deep breath in. "Ok."

"Ok? Ok?!" Bloo couldn't believe his creator.

"Don't worry. I will be here." Bloo was devastated, and he desperately wanted a hug from his best friend. But Mac couldn't with all the eggs in his grasp. "A hug? Uh, I got these, um…yeah…I'll be back, I promise!"

With that, Mac turned and left, and Mr. Herriman hopped in to close the door behind him.

"I'll be back. Hmph!" Mr. Herriman repeated with a huff, "If I had a carrot for every time I heard that, I would be a very fat rabbit. But do not worry. Master Bloo. You look like a fine imaginary friend, and will most certainly be snatched up by a new caretaker in no time."

As reassuring as he tried to be, Mr. Herriman's words didn't help poor Bloo at all. The said blob felt like he was going to cry and fought back his tears, as he walked up to a window and glanced outside to see his creator disappear down the sidewalk.

Uh, yeah. This is a real thing. Don't like it? Don't read.

I will be honest, this AU is inspired off of the Undertale AU Underlust. So, yeah, there's a little fun fact. Another fun fact: Wilt is my favorite in this AU, and you shall see why:3

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!