At last Elsa was truly happy. She was finally reunited with her baby sister, Anna. And for that one moment, everything was perfect. And then that moment ended.

As Elsa awoke, she gradually came to the realization that it had all been a dream. She was still locked in the same cold, damp dungeon which had been her home for the past 13 years - ever since the accident.

When her parents were still alive, they would allow her to leave the dungeon a few times each year, mostly on holidays and on her birthday, but her hands would always remain shackled for the protection of those around her - and they would never, ever allow Elsa to be in the same room as Anna. Since their death, however, Elsa had been largely forgotten. She was given one meal each day, but without the use of her hands Elsa was forced to eat like an animal, and would often hear the guards outside her door laughing as she lowered her face into her bowl.

The cruelty of the guards, along with the total disdain demonstrated by the entire royal staff bothered Elsa, but what hurt the most was the fact that ever since the accident so many years ago, Anna had never once come to visit her. Before their parents' death, Elsa knew that it was they who had forbidden any contact, or even communication between the sisters - for the protection of Anna of course. But for the past three years, Anna was the only family that Elsa had left. How could she have completely abandoned her? How could she not have come to visit her even one time?

But today would be different. As Elsa sat up, she heard a faint tapping sound coming from her small dungeon window. Looking toward the window, Elsa could see someone knocking gently on the glass. Rushing to the window, her eyes squinting to see through the bright morning sunlight, Elsa began to focus on a girl standing outside her window, just a few feet in front of her. Elsa couldn't believe her eyes. Although she hadn't seen her sister since the accident, she was convinced that it was Anna!

Elsa had so much to say to her younger sister. She apologized for the accident that had nearly killed her so many years ago. She told her how much she wished that they could have grown up together as normal sisters do, and how sorry she was that she couldn't be there with Anna to mourn their parents' death. But most of all Elsa told Anna how deeply she loved her. And the entire time, Anna just stood silent, listening to everything Elsa had to say.

But although Elsa was convinced that it was Anna standing just outside her window, it was not. How could it be? For on this very morning 13 years ago, Elsa had ended the life of her baby sister, striking her with a blast of ice magic and killing her instantly. And although the king and queen hoped the trolls would save their baby girl, it was not to be, for as soon as Grand Pabbie saw Anna, he knew that it was already too late. For Elsa's sake, he said "she will be ok", but the king and queen could see through the troll's words, and knew that their younger daughter was dead. They knew they had to isolate Elsa for the protection of everyone around her, but resolved to never tell her that she had indeed taken the life of her only sister, as they knew that Anna meant everything to Elsa.

Elsa spent the remainder of her days locked in the dungeon, but she no longer felt completely alone, as every year on the anniversary of the accident, Anna would come to visit her. Elsa would talk to her sister about everything that had happened during the past year, but most of all, Elsa would always tell Anna how sorry she was, and how deeply she loved her.