Sasuke glared at the wall in front of him for a measurably long time. Sighing, his hand slipped into his pocket and he crumpled open the paper again.

Hinata, this Kakashi. I have been appointed Hokage, so you will be receiving orders from me from now on. I have received your reports about the success of your mission and I want to congratulate you. We were unable to send you someone to assist you on the mission because of two reasons I hope you will take into consideration. One, Konoha have been receiving outside attacks by old followers of Madara, and those who were upset with the outcome of the war. I'm sure you know as a Konoha shinobi that the village's safety takes precaution above all. Second, your father wanted you to prove yourself to your clan and thought that it would damage your pride as a contender for your clan's leadership if we did assist you. In any case, now that you have completed this mission, I ask you return home so we could talk more. After some discussion with the village's elders, we have to come to conclusion that is more convenient for Sasuke Uchiha to stay away from Konoha. Dragging him back in order to enact punishment would appease some of the villagers indeed, but it would do more harm than good. Uchiha's aid in the war may have redeemed him in the eyes of Konoha somewhat, but I think having him away from the village indefinitely is fitting for both Konoha and him as well.

Return to Konoha as soon you receive this message. Good job. -Kakashi, Sixth Hokage.

Kakashi as hokage was unsurprising. Although, Sasuke assumed Naruto would take that position after the old hag, but considering his age it was reasonable to think he'd have to wait a bit more before taking that prestigious role and accomplishing his life-long dream. That usuratonkachi was still too naïve to assume the position just yet.

He didn't care about the whole village preferring him to stay away, it wasn't like he even considered coming back in the first place. It was relieving, though, to know that they given up on forcing him to come back. They finally got the message to fuck off.

You would think he'd be pleased right now, but instead he only felt dead inside. He finally got what he want. For everyone to get off his back and leave him the heck alone. And instead he felt like shit. His throat was dry. Like someone just kicked him hard in the chest and he was knocked out of breath.

Growling quietly in exasperation, he pulled at his hair, his elbows on his knees. He stared at the floor, cursing himself.

Now what? What the fuck was he supposed to do about her? That girl in his bedroom right now who he would rather die for, than to let her walk out from his life. She was everything he wasn't, but

everything he ever wanted. Radiance, kindness, innocence, forgiveness, and so damn prideful. The fact that she let someone like him to taint her pureness made him want to scold himself that he was undeserving of her. And he was. So goddamn much.

He knew when the time came and she had to decide whether or not to stay with him, he was going to do everything in his power to make her go back. No matter how much it will destroy him. He didn't deserve her, not to the point where he would have the audacity to ask her to throw everything away for him. Konoha was her home, not him. It was the right thing to do.

Then why did he feel so fucking depressed?

Sasuke shook his head, a lump forming in his throat.

He hated himself for getting close to her. He hated himself for opening to her. He hated himself for offering to help her with her mission that day. He hated himself for even speaking to her and even as far as enjoying every time they argued. He hated himself for showing jealousy, an emotion he hardly portrayed his entire life, and it was all because of his possessive want to keep her for himself. He hated himself for every kiss they shared that tore him from the inside each time. He hated himself for not being able to keep his hands off her. He hated himself for sleeping with her and showing her a side to him that he never showed to anyone, any girl, before.

He hated himself for wanting her to stay with him regardless of their situation and for wanting her to abandon her family and friends for him. He hated himself.

He hated himself so much that he shot up from he couch and crept into the bedroom the kitty escaped to. He stopped at the door for a second, hesitant. The room was dark and quiet. Slipping out of his black boots, he tucked them aside and took off his shirt. He stayed in his jeans, not bothering to change into sweats. All the while, the girl didn't bother to look up at him or say anything. She gave no notice that she sensed him coming in.

Sasuke glanced at the lump in the bed. She was hiding under the sheets, he could make out her frozen frame below the covers.

Shit, did he hurt her again?

Gliding across the room, he sat on the bed, the bed creaking under his weight.

"Go away." He heard her muffle plea.

Ignoring her, he pulled off the covers. She tugged back and he snatched it out of her reach. She sat up, eyes blazing.

"What do you want, Sasuke?" She glared at him through her tears. Her white eyes blared in the dark, her cheeks smeared and flushed.

Sasuke blinked, eyes widening. "W-Why are you crying?" He cracked in horror.

Grunting, she looked away and rubbed her eyes. "None of your business." She sniffed, refusing to meet his eyes. "You didn't answer my question."

"Hinata, I'm-" He gulped and her hand shot up to stop him.

"Don't bother." She scooted away from him on the bed. His jaw slackened at her heartlessness.

"Where are you going?" Sasuke slowly got up when he saw her moving toward the door.

"You can have the bed." She only said, indifferent.

Sasuke instantly took two steps and grabbed her wrist. He spun her to face him. "Hinata, I'm sorry."

She tugged her hand from his grip and he let her go reluctantly. She crossed her arms and stared at his chest. "For what?"


Her eyes shot up to meet his and she pressed sharply, "Sorry for what?"

"For being an asshole? For acting weird?" He offered. The unbelievable urge to tell her the real reason he was being distant with her was eating him from the inside. He knew that as soon as he told her, that everything between would change. Would alter and leave them with greater rift apart.

She peered him silently for a moment, looking unsatisfied with his answer. Finally she exhaled, staring at the floor. "Sasuke you are worse than a moody pregnant woman."

At that, he brightened. "So you forgive me?" He asked, hopeful.

She scowled. "Maybe. I dunno... I'm still upset with you. Saying I'm sorry won't cut it."

Sasuke frowned at how difficult she was being. His kitty was becoming rather arrogant. He had a feeling that she knew how much he disliked apologizing and was deliberately doing this on purpose.

He reached for her wrist again and drew her close to him. She tripped over her feet at his roughness and he slipped his arm around his waist to swiftly catch her. She tumbled into his chest, grabbing his arms to support herself as she tried to stand upright. "Why did you..." She trailed off when he caressed her cheek and her eyes fluttered to his in confusion. In a room full or darkness, her eyes shone like light from the moon.

Sasuke tried to envision a future without her. He tried and tried, but he could not. Once he let her in, she became a part to his whole. Having her removed from his life was like removing a limb from his body.

"I think I have a rather unhealthy obsession with you, kitty." He admitted to her, pulling her closer to him until there was no space between them. They stood in the middle of the room, two teenagers away from everything else in the world.

Hinata pulled back and looked at him with her wide eyes. "What?" She muttered softly at his revelation.

Sasuke pushed the strands of bed hair that fell over her eyes, his fingers lingering at the sides of her

face. "Tell me Hinata, if I haven't run into you when I left Konoha and let you in my life, how fucked do you think my life would have been?"

Her eyebrows shut up in surprise at his question, and she considered it thoughtfully. "I..I think you would have been, fucked." She grimaced at the terminology he had used.

"Indeed." He whispered, laughing softly. And he kissed her, unable to restrain himself anymore.

He still had so much more to tell her. The message, the fate of their relationship, and his resolve to let

her go...

But for one more night, he wanted to pretend. Pretend that they had all the time in the world and the complications between them did not exist.

It was just him, the arrogant broken boy, with a stubborn kitty that shined brighter than the sun and picked up his pieces. Her presence, her scent, her laughs, cries, yells, every fucking part of her was carved into him. When everyone had practically shouted good riddance to him, when everyone felt pleased back home at his disappearance, when it was clear that the place he once called home became a living memory of how he tried to destroy it, she was the only thing left for him.

She reacted to his kiss by stepping on her toes, curling her fingers behind his neck. He wrapped his hands around her waist, grazing the uncovered skin between her pajama top and bottom. He kissed her softly, applying pressure to her lips. He tried to kiss her passionately, slowly and gently, pouring his feelings he couldn't utter out loud into the kiss, but his greedy kitty would not let him. Pushing her body firmly against him, Sasuke gracefully clutched the back of her knees and wrapped her legs around his waist while she deepened the kiss. Her pink tongue darted inside, and he threaded his fingers into her hair.

He led them to the bed and he set her down on the pillows carefully.

Sasuke shoved all his anxious thoughts away and focused on the pretty girl in bed with him. Life has always been cruel to him. His family was stripped from him, then his only brother, and now he was forced to leave his lover. Life was cruel indeed. He buried his face beneath her jaw and rashly began to undo the buttons of her pajama top. He didn't realize his fingers were shaking as he undid the buttons until he accidentally ripped a button from her shirt.

"Shit." He murmured, forcing his fingers to stop trembling. When he finally undid the last one, he almost let out a sigh of relief.

Hinata remained motionless beneath him and he peeked up at her. She held his gaze and she gave him a tentative smile that almost made him choke from its sweetness.

She reached to cup his cheek. "Sasuke, please relax." She urged kindly, caressing his cheek.

"Huh? Uh..yeah." He blurted stupidly.

What the fuck was wrong with him? He was acting nervous for some reason. It wasn't like they haven't had sex before!

Hinata must have sensed his incompetence tonight, because she pushed herself and helped him out. She removed her shirt, and the thin one below it. Her hands slid to her bottom, and Sasuke helped her slide out of the fabric, until she was only in her underwear.

He looked at the kitty below him hungrily and exhaled softly. No matter how many times, he was always left breathless at the sight of her body. Kissing her shoulder, he slid his hands down her milky skin and let out a shudder. "Fuck, you're beautiful."

She giggled softly and kissed his cheek, fingers tracing his jaw tenderly. "You're handsome yourself, Sasuke."

Sasuke looked at her, unsure how to react to her compliment. She didn't give him a chance, clutching his hair in fists and kissed him hard. He returned it just as ferociously and viciously, tasting her and welcoming her to enter his cavern. Their tongues danced, as they battled to consume one another. His hands roamed down her body, and with practice he had her out of her bra and underwear in seconds. Clasping her breasts in his palms, she moaned into his mouth, arching her back and urging him for more pressure. Her nipples hardened at his touch, and he drew circles around them. Breaking the kiss, he panted into the crook of her neck. His heart thudded loudly in his chest, his mind racing.

"I'd kill the next bastard that sees you like this." He growled roughly, sliding his hands up and down her length, almost possessively.

Hinata beamed. "And what if it was a girl?"

"Her too. I'd skin her alive."

At that answer, she slapped his shoulder. "Sasuke! Stop thinking murderous thoughts!"

Sasuke trailed kisses down her neck to her collar bone. She shivered under his touch. "Can't help it." He murmured sheepishly.

"And what do you mean by next?" She added, offended. "There will be no next!"

Sasuke stopped, swallowing hard. He wanted to desperately to believe her words. To beam in happiness that she wanted him only, and even considered a future with him.

There will be no next.

He wanted this...this thing between them to work. So fucking badly. But life had to be so fucking cruel, hadn't it?

"I surely hope not." He teased her halfheartedly, trying to mask his pain underneath.

Hesitation flickered across her face momentarily but was contorted to pleasure when he slipped his fingers in her wet clit. Since he was so damn awful at expressing his emotions to her, he had to show it to her physically. He wasn't the talking and touchy type, but dammit all if he wasn't going to make it clear to her tonight that he never wanted anyone but her. Never considered wanting anyone until she came along. She moaned his name, gasping and groaning, and he knew she was ready. Undoing his buckle hastily, he slipped out of his jeans and then stripped his boxers. Grabbing hold of his cock, he

looked down at her.

"You belong to me, Hinata." He growled ferociously. "Do you understand?"

Hinata nodded, her body flushed and her eyes memorized him. And he entered her and was rewarded with silkiness and warmth. Grunting, he thrust into her and she met his thrusts with equal fervor. Flipping her over on the bed, the kitty balanced herself on top of him.

"Ride me." He almost begged, letting out a moan when she immediately complied. He closed his eyes, almost afraid to meet her eyes when she pleasured him. It was too much. He didn't want to see her glazed look or how she positioned herself on top of him and slid in and out of him rhythmically, panting his name through her pink, kissable lips.

The kitty raked her nails into his chest, as she slid down his length. "Fuck, Hinata. God." He let out a grunt, clutching her hips and assisting her. She pulled out and then sat on him again, and they both screamed in pleasure, hitting their orgasm.

"S-Sasuke..."She gasped hoarsely, collapsing onto his chest. "I already told you I am yours." She closed her eyes, and laid her head against his stomach.


"I know." Sasuke replied quietly.

He flipped her on her back, still inside her. Capturing her lips in a long, heated kiss, she sighed contently in his mouth and he tasted vanilla. Slowly, he began to make love to her. As opposed to their rough sex, Sasuke wanted to know one last time what it felt like to make love to her gently and to be in her. He clutched her head in between his hands and kissed her, while he entered and rocked into her, so unbearably slow and taking his time, marveling every second inside her. The kitty must have noticed his change, and she kissed him just as passionately.

For some time, they made love and were coiled into one, memorizing each others faces and climaxing together as if they were one person.

Afterwards, they laid in bed and the kitty curled next to him, resting her head on his bare chest. Sasuke stared at the ceiling, his arms crossed below his head on the pillow. When he felt her breathing slow down, he cleared his throat and murmured the words he punished himself to never utter because he refused to be a selfish bastard.

"Please don't leave me, Hinata."

It was a mistake for ever letting her in his heart. A big fucking mistake.


Note: Hey guys, this story is a reupload. I took it down several years ago due to personal reasons, but a lot of people complained and I decided to post it again. However, I was able to recover up to this chapter only! If anyone has a copy of this story from many years ago, please let me know. Otherwise, I am going to write up a new ending and try to remember how I ended it to best of my ability.

Thanks for reading.