It Returns! Weekend Shipping, after so long of a break. Though i might just change the title to "when i am in between writing other things" shipping. Or just "Shipping one-shots" probably the second. But for a reason, i had college, then depression, then a lack of interest in continuing writing, i had started too many projects and felt like i was letting people down with sporadic uploads, but now i realize i was letting everyone down more by not uploading at all, and these one shots are easy to do in between my now active works, so i will get these out to you when i can. First on the docket will be this chapter, see the title for that, then next, and in no particular order, i have been requested to write: Mercury x Emerald, Blake x Jaune, and Ironwood x Raven. So until those next three are out, don't expect your requests to be written right away, unless i really really like the ship, then it might get priority. And as a new rule, there will for the most part, be SWF, with some scattered more NSFW scenes, but nothing said outright, or graphic descriptions. As these are One Shots, or at best 2-shots (as with Blake x Winter and Adam x Winter) i just don't feel like putting the effort into full Smut Scenes. Is a particular chapter gets huge reception, i might extend it into its own longer one shot fic, or even a full story (Dragonslayer became Aftershocks) but it is unlikely. Alright, enough talk, lets get shipping.

Vale. It was a beautiful kingdom. Mild climate, good trade, happy citizens. All in all, a prosperous kingdom. But he saw only it's flaws. Unchecked criminal organizations running amok, poor defenses, and no standing force to repel attacks. Not like HIS kingdom. Atlas would never be taken….his thoughts were interrupted by a voice behind him.

"Trouble sleeping?" Turning he saw Glynda Goodwitch, the ever strict teacher and co headmistress of Beacon Academy. She was also their repairwoman, and trusted advisor to Professor Ozpin.

"Arm was acting up" he replied, gesturing to it, not wanting to say what was really on his mind.

"And so naturally you got fully dressed and came out here to gaze menacingly out over the city" Glynda did always have a way of cutting straight through nonsense with sometimes harsh but accurate humor. "What's really wrong James…?"

What was wrong? He could list a few things he thought were wrong. Ozpin's seeming lack of trust in him. His insistence to sit idly by, letting mere children act for him, this kingdom acting so lax when war was brewing. But he said none of those. Instead he replies with something different.

"What ever happened to us Glynda?" he heard her sigh, before she resting against the railing next to him. For a few minutes neither said anything, Glunga adjusting her glasses, James standing still as ever. Eventually, after watching the distant airships for a while, Glynda spoke.

"You left. I stayed. That is really all there is too it. You came here from Atlas to learn from the best teachers, but when the time came to choose, you chose Atlas, and I chose Vale"

"Is that really all it was? Just kingdoms and distance? Borders, lines on a map?" He looked at her. Her blonde hair gently blowing in the breeze, green eyes unfocused, staring, he believed, and things long past.

"It wasn't just that." he had thought so. "You said that Beacon trained the best. Yet you chose to abandon Beacon for Atlas. And well…." she glanced at his right side "if you hadn't….perhaps things would have turned out differently" James sighed, the areas where the cybernetics attached to his body giving a dull ache as the sometimes did when he remembered the old injury. He felt Glynda's hand on his arm. Turning to look fully at her, he placed his hand on top of hers. Deep down, he felt he still loved her, and that she still felt the same.

At x]school they had been nearly unstoppable. With her telekinesis and his Pinpoint, they were a formidable long to mid range combo. They had technically secretly liked each other from the start, but they hadn't made it public until their third year, after they were they couldn't agree over which of them should go on the the Vytal festival finals. After that they had a full glorious final year, enjoying their time together. But once they had their licenses, he got contacted. The Atlas military, then headed by the brilliant genius Martin Polendina, contacted him. Sais he had been keeping a track of him his four years at beacon. Top scores, finas in the tournament, high combat rating. He was told someone like him, given time, could even come to rise as high as General. That was a time when the military was far less strict. But when he joined, as a captain, he started pushing for change, and with Martin's help, he integrated the military better into their huntsman school. The idea proved to be so genius, that after a few years, he was named Headmaster at Atlas. And only a few years later, when Martin stepped down, the old man asked James directly to take his place, noting that it would also give him two council seats, making him the most influential member of the council.

Meanwhile, far to the south, his love, Glynda, was growing becoming a huntress of renown. Now using a riding crop to better channel her sembance, she found she could even create storms of ice with the help of dust. She had saved countless lives, and with further training, even found she could press objects together so hard that they actually fused together. When news of her skills reached Vale propper again, she was contacted by none other than Professor Ozpin, the prodigy himself, and the recent headmaster of Beacon. He offered her a spot at his school, as the Combat Training teacher. And she took it. She didn't expect that it would lead to...other duties. And secrets she had never imagined, reconnecting with the most insufferable drunk she had ever has the misfortune to know from long ago, and...him. He was the most recent member of their…"secret circle"

Now here they were. Two members of a secret group, hiding world changing secrets from everyone, and personal secrets from each other. Had it been any other time, they might have kissed then. But they knew too much, and knew that it could only lead to ruin. So they instead stood in silence, hands resting on the railing, close, but just barely not touching, until they seperated, heading back their separate ways.

Bittersweet I know, but it's how I imagine their relationship, and I actually feel like this could have happened XD. again, with Aftershocks, Echoes of the Past, and my other story on AO3 I am working on, these will be randomly in between those. Still do comment suggestions, none that are listed above or already done though.