One In A Million – Set 3 months after Lexa betrayed Clarke at Mount Weather. Clarke is pregnant with Lexa's child, after she gets taken by Roan and ends up in Polis, how will Clarke feel when she sees Lexa again after all this time? Will she tell Lexa that's she pregnant or keep it a secret? G!p Lexa Don't Like Don't Read.

A/N: I do not own The 100 or any of it's characters. ©

A/N 2: Some of the dialogue and scenes are the same from some episodes, but further along it will change.


Chapter 1

Niylah walks into her room and sees Clarke sleeping peacefully. The grounder must admit the blonde is very attractive, but she knows the blonde is in love with someone else who is not her. Clarke wakes up and sees Niylah putting food down on the table.

"Hey." Clarke said in a groggy voice. Niylah smiles at her.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" The grounder asked nicely, they've become good friends.

The blonde nods. "Yeah, but things are going to get worse because I'm going to get bigger than this." Clarke said pointing to her 3-month belly.

Niylah nods understanding her. "Clarke how are you really? I mean is the father going to be in your child's life?" Niylah asked carefully, hoping she didn't made Clarke upset.

Clarke sighs, and speaks. "I don't where Lexa is." Clarke said with a bit of anger in her voice.

Niylah's eyes widen when Clarke says Lexa's name. "Lexa? Lexa got you pregnant?" Niylah asked.

Clarke nods. "Yeah. Yay me." Clarke shakes her head in disbelief. Niylah stands up and hands Clarke the food she made.

"You need to eat. For the both of you. I'll go run you a bath." Niylah said as she walks out of the room. Clarke smiles and then she eats her food Niylah made for her. As Clarke is eating, Niylah runs a bath for Clarke, but she doesn't have any soap. She walks to the front and sees a man who is Ice Nation in her home.

"Can I help you?" Niylah asked the strange man.

"I'm Roan, and I'm looking for Wanheda." He said staring down Niylah like she knows where Wanheda is.

"She's not here." Niylah said as she grabs the soap from the top shelf. Roan chuckles.

"Look, I'm not here to cause any problems. I just need to know if you've seen her." Roan said to Niylah.

Niylah sighs impatiently. "I said I haven't seen her. Now go away, I got a bath running for me." Niylah lies walking back into her bathroom putting the soap into the water. Roan shakes his head and leaves. As soon as he leaves Clarke comes out and walks into the bathroom.

"Hey, you okay?" Clarke asked.

"Some guy named Roan from Ice nation came in here looking for you. I don't know why." Niylah said.

Clarke groans. "Someone put a bounty my head. I know they did, they want me dead." Clarke told Niylah.

"Clarke…."Niylah doesn't even finish her sentence.

Clarke stops her. "No, I can't let you get killed. Enough of that shit already. Let's take a bath together." Clarke said taking off her clothes and winks at Niylah.

Niylah laughs and takes her clothes off as well. "You look cute with a baby bump." Niylah said getting into the tub.

"Thank you." Clarke gets into the tub as well sitting in front of Niylah. Niylah and Clarke talk as they take bathe together. Clarke ends up washing her hair turning it back blonde along with some red still in it. After they got done with their bath Clarke and Niylah goes to sleep with Niylah behind her.

Clarke wakes up to a sound that's outside of the hut. Clarke gets up and puts her shoes on. She puts on her dad's watch looking down at the time that reads 3:05 AM.

"Fuck." Clarke whispers tiredly after she finds out what time it was. Clarke takes a flashlight and a knife and heads out of the hut. She flashes around and she doesn't see anything. Clarke was about to turn around until she's grabbed from behind. Clarke tries to scream and fight her way out of the hands of the person, but Roan knocks her out carrying her back to Polis.

Back inside the hut Niylah wakes up to an empty bed.

"Clarke." Niylah calls out looking for the blonde. She puts her shoes on and grabs a flashlight. She walks out and sees a flashlight on the ground along with some footprints.

"Shit, Clarke." Niylah whispers to herself as she runs back into her hut grabbing some supplies as she goes to look for the blonde.

5 hours later

Roan finally makes it to Polis after sleeping in a cave with Clarke still knocked out. Clarke is finally up and on her feet with a bag over her head. Clarke tries to talk, but the cloth in her mouth is preventing her from doing so.

Roan finally gets up to the top floor, and Lexa's men finally open the doors to where Lexa is. Roan walks in as he sees Lexa on her throne.

"Wanheda, kom ai don swega klin." Roan said pushing Clarke onto her knees and taking the bag off her head.

Clarke squints her eyes because of the sunlight not noticing where she is before she sees more clearly.

"Hello Clarke." Lexa said as she stands up from her throne with Titus on her left and Indra on her right.

Lexa walks down the steps as the blonde glares at her with anger.

She stops in front of her blonde. "The deal was for you to bring me to her unharmed." Lexa said with a hint of bitterness.

Roan speaks. "She didn't come easy." He told Lexa.

"I'd expect not." Lexa said more calmly. No speaks for a moment.

"I've done my part, now do yours. Lift my banishment." Roan commanded.

"I'm told your mother's army marches on Polis." Lexa stated.

Clarke frowns in confusion about Roan's mom. Who was this woman Lexa was talking about?

"That has nothing to do with me. Honor our deal." Roan said as he gets aggravated with Lexa.

"I'll honor our deal when your Queen honors my Coalition." Lexa said to him.

Roan smirks, but inside he's angry.

"Lock Prince Roan of Azgeda away." Lexa told her men, and they do as they're told. One guard pushes Roan before grabbing his arm taking him out of the room.

Titus waited for a second and then speaks to Lexa. "What of Wanheda?" He asked her.

Lexa held her hands up. "Leave us." Lexa said to him.

Indra and Titus both leave, but Titus stops and turns around to look at Lexa.

"You heard me." She states to him. Titus lowers his head before leaving them alone. Two men left at the door.

"Sis em au na gyon op." Lexa told her men. The two guards walk over to help up Clarke. Clarke is finally on her two feet looking right dead at Lexa with a hard on glare.

Lexa removed the cloth from Clarke's mouth. "Im sorry, it had to be this way. I had to ensure Wanheda didn't fall into the hands of the Ice Queen. War is brewing, Clarke. I need you."

With all of her anger boiled up inside of her, Clarke decides to do something she'd never thought she do to someone. She spits on Lexa.

All of a sudden Clarke is screaming in rage as she gets dragged away from the grounders. Before she's out the door she yells.

"You bitch. You wanted the Commander of Death, you got her. I'll kill you. No!" Clarke continues to yell as she's dragged away further away from Lexa.

Lexa sighs as she wipes the spit off her face and walks back over to her throne and takes a seat.


1 week Later

Clarke is looking out of her window, looking down at Polis. Her door opens and she turns to see Lexa standing there.

"What part of "I won't see you" was unclear?" The blonde asked Lexa.

"I respected your wishes for a week, Clarke. We've got bigger concerns." Lexa told the angry blonde who's been pissed at her for over three months.

"We, don't have any concerns at all." Clarke said to Lexa.

Lexa looks at the blonde" Yes, we do. I'm hosting a summit with Skaikru at sundown. You'll be returned to your people." She told her calmly.

"You went to all that trouble to capture me just to let me go?" Clarke walks up just a little bit.

"I went to all that trouble to save you." Lexa said to the blonde.

Clarke really wants to hit Lexa." You know when I could use saving? When you abandoned me at Mount Weather." The blonde reminds her.

Lexa thinks, but speaks. "Clearly, you didn't need my help." She stated.

Clarke still feels rage. "Clearly." She spits.

Lexa feels the rage from the blonde. "You're angry, Clarke, but I know you. What you've done haunts you, and it's easier to hate me than to hate yourself." Lexa said.

"Oh, I can do both." Clarke assures the commander.

"What would you have done if their leader had offered you the deal: Save your people at the price of mine? Would you really have chosen differently?" She questions.

"I don't betray my friends." The blonde told her.

"But you did. You had friends in Mount Weather." Lexa reminds the blonde.

"Those deaths are on you, too. The only difference is, you have no honor, and I had no choice." Clarke points out. Which is true.

"It helps no one to dwell on the past, and that's not why I'm here. You're right. I'm not just letting you go back to your people. I want something more. I want your people to become my people. I'm offering Skaikru the chance to join my coalition, become the 13th Clan. No one would dare to move against you because that would be moving against me." Lexa stated.

"Just leave me alone. I'm done. Do you understand that? I left." Clarke said getting annoyed with Lexa.

"You can't run away from who you are, Clarke. Join me. Bow before me and your people will be safe." Lexa said.

"Bow before you? You don't give a damn about my people. I know why you're here. I made you look weak at Mount Weather, and now the Ice Nation is exploiting that. Well, if you want the power of Wanheda, kill me. Take it. Otherwise, go float yourself because I will never bow to you." Clarke says bitterly as she turns away from Lexa walks back over to the window.

Lexa eyes follows the angry blonde. Lexa leaves right after that.


Same day a little bit later.

After the conversation she had with Lexa Clarke decides to get some fresh air. As she's looking over Polis Roan comes walking up the steps. Clarke chuckles quietly.

"Well, if it isn't the Prince of Azgeda." Clarke said with an attitude.

"Don't be fooled. I'm a prisoner here, same as you." Roan told her as he walks up to her.

"You're the reason I'm a prisoner here." Clarke says bitterly.

"Relax, Wanheda. I'm here to help you." Roan said to the blonde.

Clarke doesn't believe anything that's coming out of this guy's mouth. "Sure, you are." She said rolling her eyes a little, before looking back over at Polis.

"Commander promised to lift my banishment if I delivered you safely. She broke our deal. I'm willing to strike a new one with you so we can both go home." Roan said with a bit an of anger because of what Lexa did.

Clarke notices, but decides not to bring it up. "I'm already going home." She said to Roan.

"Then you won't have a chance to get what you really want." He said trying to urge the blonde on getting back at Lexa.

"What would you know about what I want?" She questions the Prince.

"I saw the look on your face when I took that hood off. You want revenge." He told her hitting that nerve of Clarke's.

"You want to kill her. So kill her." Clarke said not caring, but she really wants Lexa gone after what she did.

"You can get close. I can't. You'll find a knife under your bed when you return to your room. I've already bought enough of the guards to get you out of here. If you do this, Azgeda will take control of the coalition, and you'll find a strong and grateful ally in the Ice Queen." Roan explains to the blonde.

"And why should I trust her? From what I hear, she's worse than Lexa." Clarke said to him.

"That's because you've been talking to Lexa. Look. We're all trying to do what's right for our people. This is what's right for yours." Roan said to her. He wants Clarke to trust him.

Clarke looks at him listening to what he's saying, and she must admit he has a point, but how will this make her feel better if she kills Lexa and she's stuck alone with their child. Clarke has a lot of thinking to do.


Back in Clarke's room

Clarke is on her bed basically playing with the knife in her hands as she waits for Lexa. The blonde doesn't know what to do, she really wants to hit Lexa, but another part of her wants to tell her that she's pregnant. Clarke hears noises coming from the outside, she gets and turns away from the door.

The doors open with Lexa walking in. Clarke has a grip on the knife Roan left for her.

Lexa speaks. "You wanted to see me? I'm here." Lexa said to Clarke, but Clarke doesn't talk she just stands there.

Lexa speaks again. "Clarke…." Lexa tries to touch the blonde, but Clarke ends up putting a knife to her throat.

Lexa looks deep into those blue eyes that she's hurt and betrayed. Lexa shows no fear for what Clarke is doing to her, it's not like she's doesn't deserve to have a knife at her throat.

Clarke looks into Lexa's eyes as she tries to make a decision on whether she should kill the mother of her child or not. Clarke doesn't want their child to grow up not knowing who the other parent was because her anger got the best of her and because she listened to Roan ass.

Lexa feels the hurt within Clarke, all the commander says to the blonde is….

"I'm sorry." Lexa said with a small broken voice.

Clarke cries removing the knife from Lexa's throat dropping it onto the ground. She continues to cry as she touches her belly without Lexa noticing she's doing it.

Lexa speaks. "I never meant to turn you into this. You're free to go. Your mother is here. I'll have you escorted to her." Lexa turns to leave, but Clarke stops her.

"Wait. I have a better idea." Clarke said as she thinks of the idea.


Later on at night

"Let me know as soon as the scouts come back." Lexa told Titus as he walks towards the door.

He turns to look at Lexa. "I hope you know what you're doing." He says walking out leaving Clarke and Lexa alone once again.

"I keep asking myself, how did the Grounders know there was a self-destruct mechanism inside Mount Weather?" The blonde questions as she looks at Lexa.

"We'll get the answer soon, Clarke. Thank you for staying." Lexa said kindly.

"I stayed because it was the right thing for my people." Clarke told her.

"Our people." Lexa states to the beautiful blonde in front of her.

Clarke makes herself clear for what she's about to say. "If you betray me again..." Clarke trails off.

Lexa speaks. "I won't." She says honestly, before walks up and bowing to Clarke.

Clarke looks down at the mother of her child.

"I swear a fealty to you, Clarke kom Skaikru. I vow to treat your needs as my own and your people as my people." Lexa said as she looks up at the blonde.

Clarke holds out her hand for Lexa to grab, and the commander does. Lexa rises back up to her feet.

They both stare into each other's eyes for a minute. Clarke feels like she needs to speak, but she doesn't. Clarke says goodnight to Lexa before walking to her room with a guard behind her.

"Thank you." Clarke says as she opens the door to her room.

Maki speaks up. "You're welcome Wanheda. Let me know if you need anything for the baby." Maki said. Clarke's eyes widen.

"Wait. How did you know?" Clarke asked Maki.

Maki looks at Clarke. "I can tell. You're showing a little bit. Also, you threw up the boar we fed you, and you were sleeping a lot." Maki explains.

Clarke sighs. "I'm surprised you noticed." Clarke told Maki.

Maki takes her mask off. Clarke eyes widen on how beautiful she is. Maki has brown hair and hazel eyes. She's gorgeous, but she likes someone else.

"I won't tell Heda. You need too though." Maki told Clarke.

Clarke nods. "Thanks Maki. You've been really nice." Clarke hugs her.

"You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything, my room is across the hall." Maki told Clarke with a smile.

"I will." Clarke nods walking into her room closing the door. Clarke undresses and goes to take a shower. She needs it after a long ass day. After her shower Clarke heads to bed. Clarke falls asleep thinking about her baby and Lexa.


End of this chapter. I hope you guys like it. It's something that's a little different. I must apologize to all my readers. I'm so sorry guys for not updating, I've been going through a lot of things, and things aren't looking to good on my end, but I will continue to write just for all of you. You guys are amazing, and I love every single one of you who read my stories and leave positive feedback. Thank you so much. Also, in the next chapter Lexa and Clarke will take about the baby, and Maki trains Clarke on certain things she needs to do about being a mom. Octavia will have a scene with Clarke next chapter. Till next time.