Thank you all for wanting a sequel to Instant Addiction. I love writing these characters so much and can't wait to see how they develop. Especially Liam. This story is going to start one year after Dakota was born. There will be time jumps but I will let you know when they begin. Also I will go more into Jensen and Bucky's relationship, they are just too cute not to. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1-

Emerson Rogers was leaning against the counter of Bake Away Bakery, her second store, watching the news with Bucky, Liam and Eli sitting at one of the tables eating their cupcakes. Steve was called by Tony Stark to help with a terrorist and attack in London, made by Hydra. Captain America was needed for the first time in two years since they got married. Her daughter Dakota was sitting in her Aunt Jensen's lap, smashing her own cupcake. Every time the camera would show anything with red, white and blue, Emerson could feel her throat going down to her stomach. This was the first time in a long time that she had even seen Steve in his Captain America uniform. And the last time he was in the suit, it was before she was shot and had Eli. Before he retired officially from being Captain America.

"The official head of Hydra, Nicholas Schmitt, son of Joann Schmitt, is dead. Thanks to Captain America, Hydra is officially done terrorizing our world. Thank you, Cap. With no Hydra agents left the world can rest easy." The red headed pretty British newscaster said. "The world once again owes our lives to Captain America and the rest of the Avengers. Hopefully we don't need you again, but at least we know even when retired you'll come and save us. Signing off Miranda O'Riley news channel 7."

Turning the TV off, Emerson let out a long deep breath she didn't realize she was holding. "His demons are gone."

"This is the best news I've heard all year." Bucky said with the biggest smile on his lips. His fear, along with Steve's, was that Hydra would come, find him and turn him against everyone he loved. Him and Jensen have been together for two years now and just got engaged. Jensen also found out that she could get surgery to get the scar tissue out of her uterus to be able to have a child. By the help of Bruce Banner and Helen Cho with the correct hormones. It was a long shot but the two wanted to at least try and now they were three months pregnant. Emerson was excited that she was going to be an aunt, as it was something she never really thought she was going to get the chance to be.

"Really the best news you've heard all year?" Jensen asked with a teasing tone, one hand holding her one year old niece in place and the other resting on her growing stomach.

Winking over at his fiancé. "Okay second best thing I've heard all year."


"Daddy's coming home?" Eli, at the age of three, asked. Eli was the perfect blend of both Emerson and Steve. He was blonde, but it was the dirty blonde Steve wears on the top of his head. And had Emerson's green eyes. He was growing fast and Liam didn't like that his little brother was already to his shoulders. He also didn't like that his little brother and little sister had super soldier serum running through their veins, while he didn't. But Steve always told him that it didn't matter how much stronger, faster or even smarter they were, they would always need their older brother.

Kissing the top of his messy blonde hair, Emerson replied. "He most certainly is. I'm sure he is going to call any moment."

And right when those words slipped out of her lips, the bakery phone started ringing. Knowing it was her husband, she let Liam answer the phone.

"Daddy?" The nine year asked softly.

"Hey buddy." Steve's voice said through the phone. "I'm on my way home."

"Good. I miss you."

"I miss you too Liam. Can I talk to your mom?"

Liam handed the phone over to his mom and smiled softly. He heard his dad's voice and knew that he was coming home. That was all the nine year old wanted, his family back together again.

"Hey babycakes. That uniform still really works for you." Emerson said as she walked to the back room of the bakery.

Laughing softly while he walked father away from his team. "Well thank you. Clint is flying now, we will be landing in about 5 hours. I miss you, I can't be away from you this long. It's been almost a month."

"I know. The longest we've been apart is when we broke up." The blonde sighed as she began frosting cupcakes. "I do not like being away from you this long. You'd think I'd be sick of you by now."

"Well I personally am very glad that you aren't sick of me." Steve chuckled. "But I'm also glad that I am officially done with Hydra."

"You should have seen Bucky's face when the newscaster said Hydra was finished. It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders." Emerson said a smile growing on her face.

"I told you it would be worth it."

"I know, i know you told me so." She said with an eye roll. The two had a fight about Steve going back into the field for this mission. Emerson didn't want Steve to leave because she knew that he would do anything to stop Hydra. And that involved dying if need be. And she didn't want to have to raise three children by herself. Steve on the other hand wanted Hydra to be gone for his family. He wanted to be able to go to the park with his children and wife without looking over his shoulder to make sure there weren't any Hydra agents wanting to kill him and his family. But most of all he wanted to do it for Bucky, the one who Hydra has hurt the most. Bucky retired from anything to do with the Winter Soldier and hasn't touched a gun since. Except for the ones he hid around his and Jensen's apartment. He would never truly trust himself until the threat of Hydra was gone.

"Go home and relax. I'll be home soon." Steve said and Emerson could hear the smirk he was wearing on his face. His I told you so smirk. She hated that smirk.

"Alright. I love you. What do you want for dinner? Or do you want us to come to the tower to be with the whole team?"

"I would like pizza for dinner and let's just stay at home tonight. We can do dinner with the team another night."

"You got it. Call me when you land. I love you."

"I love you too. Give the kids a kiss for me." Steve said before hanging up the phone. Emerson went back out to the front of the store to find Liam throwing a plastic Captain America shield that Emerson got for him when they first found out who Steve's alter ego was. Bucky was pretending he was the bad guy that Liam was fighting against. Walking up to Jensen who was wearing a small smile on her face.

"He looks so happy." Jensen said as Emerson took Dakota out of her arms. She could feel the tears coming out of her eyes. "I have never seen him smile this much before."

Nodding her head, she looked down at older sister. "He's finally free. Him and Steve get to have their life's truly back. There is no more Hydra hanging over their heads. Especially Bucky's."

"I know." The older blonde said wiping the, happy, tears away.

"Jen, hey you okay?" Bucky asked looking over at Jensen with a concerned look. Both Liam and Eli were wrapped around his arms trying to pull down the super soldier.

Looking at her fiancé with a huge smile on her face. "I am more than okay. I've just never seen you this happy before babe. And I have news that will make you even happier."

"You got rid of the KGB too?" Buck asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No remember the doctors appointment I went to yesterday?" Watching Buck nod his head the concerned look still on his face. "We are having twins."

"Twins?" He asked gently dropping Eli and Liam onto the floor. The super soldier started walking towards his future wife. "We are going to have two babies?"

"Two babies." Jensen said as she watched Bucky squat down to her stomach. The happy tears coming back to fill her eyes.

Resting both hands on Jensen's stomach. "Hi you two it's your daddy. I can't believe there are two of you in there right now. Your mommy and I are going to love you both so much. You have no idea how happy you are making me and your mommy."

Running her finger through his short brown hair, Jensen nodded her head. "So so happy."

Emerson and the kids left the two lovebirds alone and headed back home. Steve was do home any moment as he texted Emerson shortly after she ordered the pizza. Letting Liam pick out a movie for Eli, Dakota and himself, she made herself busy in the kitchen. Filling up a glass of wine to the top of the brim, she heard the door up and an exclamation of daddy coming from the living room. Watching and listening to Steve calm down the two boys, she caught his tired blue eyes.

"Liam, Eli let your dad relax." Emerson called out as she poured another glass of wine to the brim. "Continue watching the Flash. I'm sure Barry is going to do something super cool."

"It's like you've seen this TV show a million times or something." Steve said walking into the kitchen as the boy's cheered. "Can we put them to bed so I can show you how much I've missed you?"

"After the pizza gets here." Emerson said laughing while she wrapped her arms around Steve's neck. "And I'll show you just how much I've missed you."

"That sounds like the perfect plan to me. Pizza and sex." Steve whispered pulling her close to him. "I missed you so much Emmy."

"I missed you too Rogers." She mumbled on to his lips before capturing them fully into a deep long kiss.

"They are so going to bed early." Steve said pulling away from Emerson after he heard a knock on their door. "I'll answer that so you can get the kids ready."

"I'm sure the pizza guy is going to love Captain America answering the door." Emerson said kissing his cheek softly.

Laughing down at his uniform, he grabbed the money that was sitting on the counter. "I wanted to come see you guys. I let Helen fix my face and I left."

"Don't worry. I find it very very attractive." The blonde said winking over at her husband as she walked to the living room.

After pizza, cleaning up their messy one year old daughter, making sure their three year old son didn't escape from his new big boy race car bed and listening to their nine year old son talk about the baseball game that he, Steve and Bucky were going to go to tomorrow. Emerson and Steve fell onto their comfy grey couch in the living room.

"Bucky and Jensen are going to be in a rude awakening when the twins come." Emerson said leaning her head onto Steve's shoulder. Who was no longer wearing his Captain America uniform, after Dakota soaked him from head to toe. How a one year old baby was able to make a wave that big was beyond him.

"Twins?" Steve asked confused as he wrapped his arms around Emerson tightly. "When did they find that out?"

"Jen found out yesterday and she told Bucky today to keep his good mood up." Emerson explained. "He wants the KGB gone too."

"We can have Natasha deal with them. I think that if anyone can take down them. It would be her." Steve said with a chuckle. "But that's exciting. If anyone deserves to have twins it is Jensen. Her first husband didn't even stick around to find out they could do something like this."

Nodding her head. "I agree. Jen has always wanted to be a mom. I know her watching me go through three pregnancies was hard on her. No matter how much she doesn't show it. And Bucky deserves to have a normal life again."

"He's alway wanted a big family. I think he wanted five kids at one point." Steve laughed. "I can only do three. And even the three we have are sometimes too much."

"There are days when I miss it just being us and Liam. But I wouldn't change any of this for the world." Emerson said with a slight smile on her face.

"Me either." Steve said kissing her temple. "So about me showing you how much I missed you."