The story I am about to tell you is a difficult one to believe. There are heroes and villains, titans, gods and monsters. They are what shaped an epic future and made for this unbelievable tale. But as with all fantastic endings in life, there will be trials and tribulations, suffering and pain, that shape this tapestry of life that the Fates created.

It all began with the Cube. No being knew exactly where it came from, only that it held an immense power, to create worlds and fill them with boundless life. But as with all great power, some had less than favorable intentions for it while others wished to protect it from hostile intentions.

That is how the war began. On a planet called Cybertron, inhabited by a race of metallic titans, war began to ravage its surface until the entire planet became a lifeless husk consumed by death. The Cube, launched off world in a final attempt to save it, was lost to the far reaches of space. The remnants of the dead planet scattered across the galaxy, searching in hope of finding it and rebuilding their home. Far and wide they searched, sometimes waging war with their foes across the far reaches of the universe.

For many long ages they searched, hope slowly beginning to seem lost after so many ages of countless searching and coming up empty handed. Then, by some miracle, a new discovery was called to their attention, to an unknown planet to called Earth. But they were already too late. Someone else had it.

Prologue: The Tests Begin, The Beginning of Rebirth

The sky was blue and clear. The winds swept gently through the grass like a lover's caress, and the temperature was neither too hot nor too cold. It would have been a perfect day except the peacefulness was shattered by the terrified screams and cries of two children that rent the air.

"Mommy! Daddy! Help!" The little blonde-haired girl screamed. Tears streamed down her beautiful angelic face as the intimidating men in dark suits dragged her and her brother away from their beloved parents.

Both of them fought and kicked with all their might, but their captors just held them tighter.

"Daddy!" the child wailed again.

"Hang on! Daddy's coming!" a sandy-haired man called, racing towards them from the far end of the street, and brutally shoving the leather-clad men out of his way. Anyone who tried to stop the man was sent flying, bowled over in his mad dash to get to his children.

But it was already too late. But even at his current pace, it was obvious that it was no use; the man would never reach his children in time to save them.

The golden-haired siblings bravely tried to fight against their captors, kicking, screaming and fighting, but it was too little effect. Their valiant attempts at resistance proved to be useless since they were too small to do too much damage. The masked men just held them firmly, allowing the two no leeway to escape.

At the other end of the street, opposite from where the man had come from, a big white van stood idling, waiting for the hired kidnappers as they hauled the children toward it.

As soon as they got close enough, the back doors swung open revealing two more lackeys covered from head to toe in leather and holding guns. The men holding the children tossed the youths in first like they were goods instead of living beings, unceremoniously shoving them into the dark interior of the waiting vehicle.

As the two managed to whirl around, the last image they saw before the doors sealed shut and cut off all light, was their father's terrified gaze as he seemed to mouth the words, "Wherever you are, I promise I will find you!"

A wet cloth was forced over their noses and mouths.

"I love you!"

Then all went dark.

In a dimly lit room filled with multiple screens and monitors, there stood a man. In the faint light of the monitors, his features were hard to distinguish, but you could tell he was tall and had closely-cropped, light-colored hair. But that was about it. Like a statue, he stood still in the middle of the digital information hub. The man seemed to be quietly drinking in the information that flashed across the screen before him, like a predator waiting to ambush its prey. Eyes watching, waiting, calculating; assessing all the risks.

Behind him, there was a knock at the door behind him.

"Enter," he said blandly in a clear but low and rumbling voice like a tiger growling.

The door slid open to reveal a bespectacled woman wearing a white lab coat and holding a tablet in hand as she stepped over the threshold. Though a head shorter than the man, she held herself in a manner that was neither dominant nor submissive as her coolly indifferent gaze briefly swept across the room in a moment of insatiable curiosity before focusing on the man. Her dark hair was pulled back in a neat bun, but with her rather sharp, inquisitive stare and slightly magnified ice-blue eyes, she looked a bit hawkish.

From the looks of her, she was obviously a scientist.

"Sir, we acquired the necessary subjects we required," she reported tonelessly as she stepped forward and handed him the data-filled pad.

Finally, the man turned around, and his features became more distinguishable in the feeble light streaming in from the doorway.

He was pale with a long face and square jaw; you could just barely make out the faint lines of old scars from times long since passed. His hair was a platinum blonde, almost grayish-white, trimmed in a short military buzz cut. His black eyes were hard and calculating, almost reminiscent of bottomless pits; they held no shred of remorse for those who got lost in their icy-cold depths. Aside from that, the man was full decked out from neck to toe in thick leather that seemed to enhance his lean, trim body. And through it all, despite his cool and collected veneer, you could tell he was no pushover; his very being seemed to command obedience from any and all. And when he smiled, the expression looked more like a cruel smirk; a look of a predator that had just caught his prey.

"Excellent. Are the scientists ready to go to testing phase?" he asked, scanning through the information on the iPad.

The scientist nodded. "Yes, sir. We just need you to oversee operations."

"Very well." And with that, he followed the scientist out of the room.

They made several turns through the large, labyrinth-like facility, coming to a stop outside a metal door. To the side, there was keypad with an iris scanner above it.

Being in the one in front and leading, the man was the first to undergo the device's scrutiny, making sure to use his body to block the scientist's view as he typed in his eight digit passcode and allowed the scanner to confirm his iris-based identity.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, there was a tiny beep and ca-chunk as the red light above the door turned green and the door unlocked, allowing the man entrance with the woman trailing after. If one more person had even tried to follow them, an alarm would have sounded and the entire facility would have gone on lockdown.

The room they entered was completely white and sterile, obviously a lab. Several men and women dressed similarly to the scientist lady milled about the room, attending to their various tasks. No one even looked up from what they were doing when the duo entered, just continued on as if nothing had happened.

Ignoring the room's other occupants, the two made their way over to the opposite side of the room, going through another door and finally arriving in a small room with a large window on the left wall and a table in the center. The flat surface was covered with several computer screens, monitors and other odd looking devices that all seemed to be working in sync. Another man, a middle-aged, balding scientist, sat working at the screens, somehow managing to monitor all the assorted devices and the various data that some read out.

Whatever all the electronic devices were reading out, they all seemed to be scrutinizing something that lay on the other side of the large one-way glass window before them. But none of the people in the small room even bothered to look at, or much less through, the window.

Eventually, the scientist at the monitors looked up and gave the woman the thumbs up, and she nodded, turning to the leather-clad man.

"Sir, we're ready."

A cruel smirk stretched across the man's lips now. "Good, then let us begin."

The tortured screams of the subjects on the other side of the glass never made it past the thick walls of the room they resided in; their tales of agony never to be heard by the ears of the outside world.