Hey guys! Back with a new chapter! Not much to say here, except thank you for the reviews The Night Whisperer and GreyMoonHuntress. You two have reviewed on each one of my chapters so far and that's really amazing and awesome of you guys to do! And thanks everyone who favorited, followed and read my story so far! Just wanted to say that, so without further delay, on with the chapter!

Chapter Six

I sighed and leaned back against the tree I was currently sitting in. I looked down at the white haired girl who was mumbling to herself and shook my head. 'She should be more aware of her surroundings.' I thought as Nobu and Yoichi jumped down and scared her. I snickered at her expression, but made no move to join them.

"Maa, they can handle that themselves." I murmured quietly as I felt my eyelids lower slightly. I covered my mouth as I yawned. I blinked the tiredness from my eyes and tried to focus on their conversation.

"Ah! Somebody help me!" The woman screamed as she tried to crawl away from an angry Toyo.

"A kubi-oiteke monster is after me!" I tried to hold in my giggles as Toyo got even angrier. Toyo finally was fed up, I guess, and he chopped her on the head. She grunted and fell forward, landing face first on the ground. I didn't bother holding in my giggles this time, and nearly fell off the branch because of it. Luckily, everyone was more focused on the girl.

"Toyohisa," Nobu said. "She's speaking the language of the rising sun." I blinked. 'She is, isn't she.' I tuned out of the conversation when they began yelling at each other. 'Everyone's so goddamned loud. Ugh, people.' I thought grumpily as I jumped out of the tree, causing the girl to scream. I plugged my ears.

"Tch, shut the fuck up. So annoying." I muttered as I glared at her. 'Way too tired for this shit.' She gulped before screaming out,

"I'm-I'm Olmine, a magician and an octobrist!" I blinked. 'Magician? She can do magic? Cool!' I thought as I continued to listen, my earlier sleepiness forgotten.

"T-the great master has ordered me to watch over you Drifters!" I frowned. There was that word again, Drifters. What does it even mean? Is that what people from other worlds are called here? Does that mean that they're more out there? If so, things just got a little more interesting.

"I don't understand." Toyo said and I refrained from facepalming. 'It's not that difficult...'

"You! Explain it so that this idiot can understand!" Nobu shouted at her and I rolled my eyes at her resounding screech. Toyo and Nobu began to bicker and I sighed in frustration. 'Jeez, what's with all the yelling? I'm gettin' a headache just listening to them.' I thought frowning slightly.

"Uh..well...In this world, we call men and women like you all-," She said gesturing towards us,

"-who come from another world, Drifters." I grinned and mentally pumped my fist. 'Ha, I was right!'

"And the purpose of the Octobrist Organization is to watch and gather those Drifters, in order to fight, fight against the Ends." She finished and it was silent for a moment.

"No way."

"Nobody tells me what to do."

"Fuck that shit."

"To hell with that." We all said simultaneously and Olmine looked like she was gonna have an aneurysm.

"What?!" I covered my ears.

"Like I said before, we call people like you who were sent from other worlds, Drifters. And we call Ends, every evil being who was sent here from other worlds." Olmine said as she sat tied in the castle corner. I was sitting on a piece of rubble near her, as was Toyo. Yoichi was standing in front of her and Nobu was behind Toyo and Yoichi.

"The main goal of our Octobrist Organization is to locate, watch and gather all the Drifters to fight against the Ends." I raised an eyebrow at this. 'So we were forced here to fight in some war? Is that really why I'm here? Not that I'm complaining, but it's pretty fucked up that I died, just to come to another world to die again.' I thought, scratching my nose.

"So, um, could you untie me please?" She asked and Toyo huffed.

"No way in hell! I still can't understand what you're saying." I snickered and he shot me a glare.

"It's pretty simple. She and her organization want us to fight in a war." I said, reclining back. I was still tired, and my body felt exhausted. 'Then maybe you shouldn't be reckless! You still have injuries that aren't fully healed!' I blinked. Almost forgot about that. Toyo still looked kinda confused, but I'm pretty sure he's starting to get it. I blinked when Nobu started laughing 'maniacally'.

"Olmine, you're getting the wrong idea here." He said, before then screaming out,

"For I am the Devil Lord of the Sixth Heaven! If you think I'm a good man, then you're surely mistaken! I am pure evil!" I covered my mouth and tried keeping my laughter quiet. 'He's fucking hilarious!' Toyo though, was not amused.

"Have you no shame?" He deadpanned and Nobu replied in the same deadpan,

"Of course not." I shook my head and sighed, leaning back.

"You guys are a riot. Seriously, you keep that up and I'm gonna bust a gut laughing." I said with a grin as I looked at those two. Toyo just glared at me while Nobu gave me a smirk.

"Jeez Mr. Grumpy Pants, keep frowning like that, you'll age faster." I said and he gave me another glare. I just gave him an innocent grin in return as I closed my eyes.

"No, I don't think you're Ends." My eyes snapped open and looked back over to Olmine.

"Why's that?" I questioned and she glanced at me.

"Those who're called Ends can't even be called human anymore, they can't make jokes like you." I raised an eyebrow, but shrugged.

"They harbor so much hatred and anger in their hearts that it's obvious! I don't know what happened to them in your world, but they utterly despise this one. There are only two things that the Ends do when they come here; devastation and carnage." I blinked and shrugged, whatever. I don't really care. After a moment she continued her explanation.

"They gathered in the North, subjugated the monsters near there and began marching South. If we let them be, they will no doubt destroy this world! That's why we implore Drifters to fight them!"

"How many soldiers do you have?" Nobu asked. Olmine looked confused. Nobu continued.

"I don't know anything about monsters, but they have an army. How many soldiers do you have to fight them?" That's a good question, were they just planning on using us Drifters as an army? Or do they have troops lined up? Her next answer made me realize just how out of their depth the Octobrist Organization seemed to be, at least in my opinion.

"Er, well our organization is made up of magicians...and our goal is to gather the Drifters…" I sighed.

"So none then?" Nobu asked.

"W-well, our plan is to try and appeal to the Kings and Lords of each country to provide armies and have the Drifters lead them-"

"Dumbass!" Nobu shouted, and I kinda had to agree. I wasn't big on war strategies and all that, but you really didn't have to be. 'It's common sense really. No greedy King or Lord is gonna sacrifice troops for some mystery organization, especially not without pay.' Turns out I was right, 'cause not a moment later, Nobu repeated my thoughts, although in a more dramatic fashion.

"S-so, what should we do then!? Without the help of the Drifters, we could never defeat the Ends!" Olmine screamed out and I refrained from covering my ears. 'Sensitive hearing here, jeez. How annoying.' I thought.

"Isn't it obvious? We take over the country of course!" Nobu said with a mocking grin and I blinked. I blinked again, and again, and again. 'Huh….he's a really greedy old man isn't he? Well...they don't call him Demon of the Sixth Heaven for nothing but still...taking over a country?' I grinned.

"That could be fun." I said, standing up and putting a hand to my chin.

"That could be...lots of fun, actually." I said and smirked at Olmine's astounded face.

"We'll start by taking over this country here, having Toyohisa as our head. Join us in destroying this country, so that your land can be peaceful and happy." Nobu said and Toyo looked shocked. I was too. 'Nobu doesn't wanna lead..?'

"Wait, why am I the head?!" Toyo shouted.

"Don't you remember sitting in the middle of all of us?" I blinked, before shooting Nobu a look. 'That's what he was planning then... I think I'm starting to understand why he did it though…'

"Yeah, so?" I blanched.

"Really Toyo? You don't get the importance of that?" I muttered, shaking my head as he looked on, still confused.

"Oh forget it." Yoichi muttered.

"Couldn't you be smarter, boy?" Nobu said with a sigh.

I slightly laughed, before plopping back down on the ground, feeling my legs ache. My fatigue was starting to catch up with me and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep. 'I'll just get the info on Ends later...ugh, my stomach still hurts. Blegh, sleep should help. Sleep always helps. Yeah...yeah, sounds good…..'

And I was out like a light.