Hetty Pov

I couldn't sleep. The thought of Matron sending me far away, away from all my friends, my mother... I couldn't think like that. I still had 24 hours left. 24 hours to change my life.

I gazed around me at all my sleeping friends, I felt myself panic a bit. It was no use waiting. I had to find out what Matron had planned for me. I crept out of the room and into the corridor, pausing at the moon-lit view of the grounds outside.

Even in such attractive lighting, the hospital seemed as dreary as ever.

"Can't sleep? Me neither.." a whisper came over my shoulder.

I started suddenly before relaxing when I saw Vince peer through the window.

I shook my head, "Matron... she's got something bad planned for me. She's planning to go to New York!"

"New York? How'd she manage that?" Vince asked surprised.

"Long story..." I replied wearily before pausing, "Vince... I'm scared.."

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. We stayed like that for a few seconds, finding comfort in one another.

"If there's anything I know about you Hetty, is that you always work things out in the end. Trust that things will get better. Eventually.." he whispered into my hair. I held back a sob.

"I'm going to miss you, you know.." I confessed, "Even though you were horrible to me sometimes.."

He smiled weakly, "There's something I need to tell you"

I watched him carefully, as he swallowed nervously before meeting my eyes, "My placement at the Gladstones is only temporary. Colonel Brigwell promised me a place in the army, after I fully recover.."

I nodded, trying to hold back my feelings.

"That... that's wonderful, Vince.." I stuttered.

"Hetty.. I want you to know that I like you. A lot. And if I could I would stay by your side but... joining the army has always been my dream. I want to save people. I want to be a hero..." he explained.

"You already are.." I said without thinking. We met each others' gaze and before I could say anything, he moved towards me and quickly planted a kiss against my lips. My heart was beating erratically now, and I couldn't help but smile coyly.

Finally, he cupped my face in his hands.

"I can't promise that we'll see each other again.." he muttered emotionally, "but whatever happens I hope you find happiness, Hetty Feather.."

Tears pooled around my eyes as I finally realised what this was.

"You too, Vince. Stay strong out there.."

We hugged each other fiercely letting the tears pour from our eyes before parting reluctantly.

"Now do what you got to do," he stated, letting his hands fall by his side, as he glided off backwards.

"Goodbye Hetty Feather..." he whispered into the still air.

"Goodbye Vince Rickard.." I whispered back at his retreating figure.

I felt my heart resolve itself somewhat quickly, placing my emotions back behind the cage. Vince was right. In the morning, I'd find out what was going on.

Hetty Feather deserved to be happy.

"Feather! Wake up, get dressed. Your carriage is waiting.." Matron hissed, waking me from my sleep.

"Why? What for?" I asked suspiciously.

"You're going to Highgate to be with your mother.." Matron told me. Despite my sleepy state, I wasn't fooled.

"I don't believe you"

"Believe what you like! I'm sure there are plenty of other girls willing to take up the position.." she exclaimed walking away with a smug grin.

"Hetty.." Harriet looked at me knowingly.

My suspicions faded almost instantly. Harriet believed her.

"This isn't a trick..?" I asked, as my mouth went dry.

"You think I have time to play silly games.." Matron stated matter-of-factly. No way! Maybe I'd been wrong about Matron. Maybe there was some hope for my future after all!

Matron hurried me off to the basement room.

"You need a new dress if you wish to impress the lady of the house!" she exclaimed. My stomach twisted horribly. Matron was stalling. Why?

"I don't understand..."

"All you had to do was abide by my rules.. you couldn't resist having a little snoop could you?" Matron stated casually. Oh. Oh no! She knew I'd seen her with the tickets.

They weren't for Harriet, like Sheila had said before. They were for her. I tried to hold back my anger.

"So what's going to happen to me?" I asked fearfully.

"Oh, my good friend Mr Brumsden will escort you to his mill.."

"No!" I exclaimed. This couldn't be happening. Mr Brumsden was evil to the core. I knew from what he'd done to Blanche. And now Matron was trying to do the same again.

"Please Matron, I won't say anything I swear!" I pleaded, trying to not panic. This was getting more horrible by the second.

Matron made her way to the door, as I tried to escape. She pushed me onto the ground in hatred.

"YOU STARTED THIS WAR, FEATHER! AND NOW I AM FINISHING IT!" she shouted, as I lay there in shock. Never had I ever seen Matron this ugly. She was a vile, heartless creature. I should never have believed her, not even for a second.

She shut the door and turned the key in the lock.

So that was it. My whole life led to a future of hell. I allowed myself a few moments to cry. This was not good.

Vince Pov

"My fellow comrades, as today is our last day at the hospital, I hereby declare that we break as many rules as possible. Who's with me?"

Everyone in the boys' dorm cheered in celebration, myself included. I couldn't help the twinge of guilt that I'd felt, saying a final farewell to Hetty. We both deserved to have the futures we'd dreamt of. I wondered what she was doing now.

As we left the dorm to help sort out the farewell service, I shook all sad thoughts out of my head. Our last day. We'd make it count.

In the chapel, us boys let all hell break loose. We played a game of tag and I ran across the perimeter, as everyone cheered me on. It'd been a while since I'd felt this same adrenaline, especially since my accident.

"Working hard, I see?" Cranbourne's voice boomed through the echoey walls as we all skidded to a halt, "I've just had word from the barracks, one of their officers will be here to collect you directly after the farewell service".

Judd piped up, "What about me, sir?"

"Cook needs a volunteer in the kitchen, Judd.." Cranbourne stated. I felt sorry for him. He probably had it worst of all, having to watch us go when he still had to follow all the rules of the hospital. I made a mental promise to visit him at the gates when I could.

I gazed up at the ceiling in pensive thought.

"Sir!" Gideon called as we all saw what he was looking at, "The roof's leaking again".

Ned rushed in discreetly, as Cranbourne eyed him suspiciously.

"Privy, sir.." he stated, failing to hide a grin.

Once Cranbourne was gone, he chucked us the football as we all rushed out for one final game. Despite all the fights with these boys, I was going to miss them all immensely.

Hetty Pov

I banged as hard as I could on the door, despite my raw voice. It was pointless. I turned to the window. Maybe if I could get out...

I paused momentarily, as I saw a familiar figure. Upon further inspection I saw that it was Harriet. She was leaving already.. before the service even started. I banged against the window, shouting with all my might.

"HARRIET! HARRIET PLEASE!" I shouted, before collapsing into sobs as her carriage trodded away into the distance. I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye.

It had been an hour, and I'd been slumped against the clothing rack. It was no use now. The service had already begun, and I'd be taken away forever.

But even in the darkest moments there was hope.

"Hetty? You in there?"

I almost cried in relief. It was Sheila.

I banged against the door as she tried to turn the handle, "Sheila hurry up!"

"Stop whining and let me concentrate!" she exclaimed, and I shut myself up for once.

Dear reader, may you never go through the torture of waiting to hear your fate. My heart and soul were in my throat as Sheila fumbled with the lock. When she finally through the door open, we embraced each other fiercely. I let out a gasp.

"You'll never guess what happened!" I started but Sheila shushed me.

"This isn't the time for one of your boring stories, Feather. Someone's here for you!" she hissed before pulling me out the room and running. We ran for our lives just as we heard Mr Brumsden's heavy steps behind the corner.

Then it hit me. Sheila had risked everything to do what was right. Even sacrificing her own future. Who knew Ormsby had it in her to be so selfless!

In my state of adrenaline I asked her, "Does this mean we're friends now?"

She was quick to respond, "You're still a fuzzy-haired pest.."

I grinned as we stood outside the chapel, preparing for our little outburst.

"Enemies forever?" I asked holding out a hand.

"Enemies forever," she confirmed, shaking on it. This was it. We were about to expose Matron. Together.

We burst into the chapel.

"What on earth is going on?" the Colonel asked furiously.

I took a deep breath, "Matron's running away to America; that's what all this fundraising's been for!"

"That is slander!" she immediately retorted to my displeasure. Of course, she wouldn't admit what she'd done.

"Have you any evidence to back up these claims?" the Colonel pressed as everyone looked around in confusion.

"I've seen the ticket myself!" I exclaimed, praying that he'd believe me.

"Uh, the ticket was meant for Harriet.." Matron added confidently.

"No it's not.." Sheila piped up to my surprise, "Her ticket was being kept at the shipyard!"

"Ask where the money is!" I asked the Colonel pleadingly.

Everyone turned to Matron.

"In my office safe, ready to be banked first thing. Must I be interrogated by two children?" she huffed.

"Matron, please deal with your girls.." the Colonel concluded. My heart dropped; we were so close.

"With pleasure Colonel.." she stated grabbing us by our arms and dragging us away from the chapel.

"She was going to send me to a mill!" I shouted to nobody in particular, digging my heels into the ground.

"Mr Brumsden's mill will seem like a holiday compared to what I'm going to do to you. As for you Ormsby, you can forget your new job with the Calenders.." Matron hissed as we were dragged towards the door.

I gave Sheila a pitiful look but she shook her head firmly. She didn't seem upset in the slightest that she'd lost her job, more relief that she'd finally spoken back to Matron. At least we'd be together.

"I saw her trunk! It- it's full of her clothes!" Judd suddenly exclaimed.

"I think we've heard enough!" Matron barked.

"Uh, this trunk where is it now?" Cranbourne asked.

"It's in the yard.." Judd claimed.

"Well, I suggest we go and find it and put an end to these allegations once and for all.." Cranbourne suggested. Matron dropped our arms as we scurried away towards the others.


She scoffed, "I have nothing to hide Mr. Cranbourne.."

"In that case, you won't mind Colonel Brigwell joining us will you?" Cranbourne added sternly. I didn't celebrate just yet.

"Look!" Ned pointed out, at the ceiling as another load of plaster fell on top of the boys' heads. Everyone hurried out of the way, just as the roof fell in on itself. A collective gasp hushed the chapel before a load of coughing broke out.

"Everybody stay calm!"

We all got hurried out of the chapel in a rush, before anymore accidents happened.

Vince grabbed my shoulder, "Hetty! I'm so sorry, I should've been there.."

"It's fine, no one knew. Even I fell for her trick.." I admitted, clasping his hand.

"..Speaking of Matron, where is she?" Gideon asked confounded. Amongst all the chaos, Matron must've made her escape. Before I could say another word, Sheila was pulling me away from the others and towards the carriage outside.

"Stop!" we yelled, as she embarked on the carriage, luggage in hand.

"Get out of the way! What are you doing?" she shouted as the horses trodded to a halt just in front of us.

Sheila glanced at me, "If I get trampled on, I'll never forgive you Feather.."

My attention was elsewhere. Matron clambered out of the carriage and was advancing towards us, seeking vengeance.

"Matron! I think you owe us an explanation.." he demanded joined by the nurses and Cranbourne.

There was no way she was getting away this time. No chance.

"My sister Annie has been taken ill suddenly, I must get to her.." she exclaimed. Oh no, she didn't.

"Check her bag!" I moaned frustrated by the lack of attention. It was so obvious.

"Can't you see this girl is a compulsive liar?" she proclaimed.

"There's only one liar here, Matron.." Winterson interrupted to my absolute relief. Cranbourne pulled the luggage away from Matron, gasping as he saw the money fall out.

"I was merely keeping a hold of it.." she stammered.

"Wait!" we heard a sob as Nurse Macclesfield ran into the yard, "She's been planning this for months, I was supposed to be going to New York with her!"

"That's a lie!" she exclaimed but it was no use.

"Nurse Winterson, will you please call the constable. It seems we have a thief amongst us!" the Colonel declared. Sheila grabbed my hand. Could this really be happening?

"Hetty Feather, you are a vindictive, spiteful little brat!" she cursed at me but her words gave me no harm.

"All I did was tell the truth.." I replied sadly.

Once Cranbourne had dragged Matron away to be locked up in her office, Nurse Winterson gave me an arm to cry on.

"It's alright," she comforted, "It's over.."

And it finally was.

Vince Pov

We got the news that Matron had been exposed, once Cranbourne had returned to give us a final farewell. Hetty would be alright, he'd mentioned to my ease. As the boys all got ready to go to the barracks, I sat on the edge of my bed thinking.

I was not sorry to leave this place.

Who was? If anything, today just showed how cruel our lives were under Matron. At least now we had some kind of freedom. We could make it in the world.

"Five years today, we all meet up outside St. Paul's.." Ned stated.

"Deal.." they all chorused. The cynic inside me said otherwise.

"If you're lucky.."

They all stared at me annoyed. They were right, it wasn't the right attitude to have. I glanced down at their pile of hands and joined their circle.

"Brothers.." Mathias said.

"Brothers!" We joined it before returning to our beds to do one final check. Yet Mathias seemed unsure.

"I'm not going.." he suddenly stated, "This is your future not mine.."

We all stared at him. Talk about last minute nerves.

"Where are you going to go?" Ned asked him.

"I'm going to see the world.." he smiled, seemingly satisfied. I gulped. Despite all our petty fights, I was going to miss Mathias.

"5 years today.."

"I'll be there, I promise.." Mathias noted before making his quick exit. Something told me, he was still pining after Harriet. And that he wanted to be there for her, eventually.

To each their own.

Judd came towards me, "Good luck.."

I couldn't look at him, "Yeah.. you too"

I turned to go, but my heart stopped me. My best friend deserved a proper goodbye.

I hugged him fiercely, holding back my tears. 5 years. We'd meet each other again.

A soldier's life was a hard life. But if there was one thing I was good at was fighting to see another day. Just as I entered the yard, I saw Hetty with the constable. She'd had a rough day.

"Told you things would get better.." I teased. She planted a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you.."

I shrugged modestly, "The boys are meeting up outside St. Paul's, 5 years from now. It's stupid but.. maybe I'll see you there?"

She smiled, "You don't get rid of me that easily.."

I mounted my carriage and gazed at her as we left. 5 years from now... I'd be a changed man.

Hetty Pov

Saying goodbye to Vince was hard. We could have had something special, but we did the right thing. He wanted the army and I wanted family.

As the nurse and constable left, I picked up the book that was in Matron's bag.

"Hetty! I'm not going with the others.." Mathias confessed running towards me.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll get a job, save up for a ticket to New York.." he told me. Of course, Harriet. I was going to miss her so much. An idea came to me.

"Maybe you don't have to.." I suggested, holding out Matron's ticket to Mathias.

"Hetty.. I can't. What about you?" he asked.

"I'll find something. But you and Harriet deserve to be together. It's destiny.." I said soppily as he grinned before enveloping me in a firm hug.

"I'll tell her how much you miss her.."

"And when I find something.. I'll send a letter, so we can never lose touch!" I added, before hurrying him along just as Mrs. Calender left the hospital with Sheila and Gideon.

"What happened to Matron?" she asked me.

"The constable's here to arrest her.." I informed her.

"All thanks to Hetty.." Gideon added in my favour, but Mrs. Calender continued walking towards her carriage.

Gideon paused, "I'll miss you.."

"You'll always be my borrowed brother.." I said tearfully, hugging him one last time. Sheila would take good care of him. But what about me?

Everyone had their futures, and here I was. Alone.

"I can peel potatoes.." I sobbed trying once more, "And if I try really hard, I can make porridge without lumps in it. I risked everything to make sure Matron paid for what she did, it's got to be worth something isn't it?"

Mrs. Calender looked on me fondly, hesitating.

"It just so happens my husband is rather fond of lumpy porridge.." she eventually confessed as I sobbed in relief.

"You won't regret it!" I exclaimed as I hugged Gideon.

"You have got to be joking.." Sheila groaned, but even she couldn't hide her smile once we were in the carriage.

We'd finally done it. Matron was finally exposed and now I had a future. A happiness, with my brother and frenemy Sheila. Who knew what was next for me? Finally, I had a future and something to be excited about.