I finally got this story update, really a pain for typing this much so I don't care as long I get the stories update. So let's get the story started and have fun reading.


Chapter 2: First Day as Slifer.

An airplane is seen flying over the ocean, as it holds many of the new students heading down to Duel Academy Island. It is a large island where Academy is seen in view, followed by a dormant volcano far away from it.

"Whoa, the academy looks great up here," Syrus states while looking over at the window. Garfield is seen sitting next to him.

"Cool, just wake me up until we landed," Garfield replied half sleep.

"Okay, students. Put on your seat belt cause we are about to land in Academy island." said the driver

The airplane goes towards the island to get the students there.


The new students are seen at the central inside the academy.

Garfield and Syrus are have seen wearing identical uniforms. Red buttons jackets with white button straps, black pants, black knee socks and red boots. Akiza wearing a red sleeveless jacket, black skirt, long black stockings with red short heels.

Bastain is seen wearing yellow versions of the uniforms.

They all face the screen, showing a bald man with a brown beard, he is Sheppard, the Chancellor, and principal of the school.

"Welcome students. I'm Sheppard, the headmaster here. And you are the best duelers in the world." Sheppard said

"He seems nice," Garfield whispered to Syrus.

"Yeah, I know it," Syrus whispered back.

"Now gets yourself's settle in your design dorms and you may be relaxed in your new home. Of course, what rank you in." Sheppard said


Garfield and Syrus learn that they're in Slifer Red as they head down to their dorm.

"Wonder what the red dorm is like?" Garfield asked.

"Who knows, maybe it's as fancy as the Obelisk dorm," Syrus replied.

"I highly doubt it." spoke a voice startling the two. They saw the redheaded girl next to them as she is walking beside them.

"Whoa girl, you scared us!" Garfield said in shock.

"Not the first time." Akiza replied with a shrug "You guys know which way is the red dorm?"

"Uh, I think it's down to the forest," Syrus replied. "You're new here, right? I don't remember seeing you at the entrance exams."

"I took a private registration." she said as she walks aside with the two "Name Akiza, that's you need know."

"Nice to meet you, name's Garfield Logan. And this my friend Syrus Truesdale." Garfield said as he put his hand on Syrus's shoulder.

"Hi." Syrus introduce with a smile.

"Hi, I don't think red dorm be perfect," Akiza said

"Why you think that?" Garfield asked in confuse.

"What I heard..." Akiza replied

When they made it to the red dorm location, all Garfield and Syrus's hope goes down. The dorm is more like a motel place.

"Our dorm is the lowest rank," Akiza said look at it as well.

"So much for expectations," Syrus said as Garfield climbs up at the stairs at the second floor, seeing the back of the dorm.

"I don't know, the view of the sea looks nice," Garfield said, seeing the brighter side.

"Well, I'm heading to the female side," Akiza said as she heads to the female side of the dorm.

"Well, nice meeting you, Akiza. We'll be sure to hang out soon." Garfield offered as Akiza just opens the door to her dorm.

"Whatever," she said as she went inside to close the door the behind her.

"She's not much of a social butterfly, isn't she?" Syrus asked.

"Oh she's just setting in, let's go find our dorm room," he said as he looks for the dorm number.


A door open for one of the rooms. Garfield and Syrus got in seeing the place. It´s has a triple bunk bed, long desks that hold two computers and a tv.

"Looks like we lived in the same room," Garfield said look around the room.

"Man, we meet for the exam and is now roommates. Think like we connected to each other from ancient life Garfield, you a pharaoh and I´ll a guarding Senato." Syrus said

Syrus image him and Garfield back in ancient times. Garfield is king of Egypt and Syrus is his Guarding Senato.

"If that true, that's kinda cool," Garfield said

As Garfield opens the curtains of the window, he and Syrus heard a grumbling noise.

"Oi! Who opened the blinds?!" Demands the older boy on the top bunk, he has black short hair with two spiky buns, black eyes, big red nose and wears a silver coat with red trim and black pants. He is Chumley Huffington, a repeated Freshman.

"GAHHH!" Garfield/Syrus scream.

"Enough screaming!" Chumley barks at them.

"Sorry, it's just that we're new here." Garfield states as Chumley gruff.

"Obviously," he said as he lay back on the bed. "What are you doing in my room?" he demands.

"Well, I'm Garfield and this is Syrus, we're here as your new roommates," Garfield states as Chumley just grumbles.

"New huh? Well, let me tell you how things work around here." Chumley said.

"Like when parents weekends are up?" Syrus asked.

" I mean the colors of our uniforms." Chumley states as he began "There are three kinds of students here: Obelisks blue students, who are considered the highest ranking students based on of either their grades or through connections. The Ra Yellow students are those with excellent potential and are second highest. But then there's us, the Slifer Reds, also known as the Slifer Slackers."

"Slifer Slackers?" Garfield asked, weirded out by the name.

"We're the bottom of the barrel, the flunkies, and dropouts. No one shows any respect for us. By the way, name's Chumley." he states as he introduces himself.

"Man, this ranking sounds like they took a page from the Harry Potter movies." Garfield states "But no matter, rank doesn't mean a thing to me. As long as you're good at dueling, then you can be at the highest of ranks!"

"You got a heart, but that takes more to get the people who respect us," Chumley said as he goes going back to sleep.

Garfield and Syrus were walking through the hills after they unfinished packing their stuff. Garfield notices how sad Syrus is right now.

"Come on Syrus, don't tell me you still work up by that ranks," Garfield said

"But Chumley says we are the lowest ones in school," Syrus said in his head down.

"Don't say like that, the red is for hot flaming in your heart. Just keep on going is a way of being a great duelist." Garfield said

Syrus let Garfield's words sink in, as he felt a confidence boost "You're right, Gar! I'm a red, and I'm feeling all burnt up!" he said with determination until he noticed Garfield heading down to the academy. "Gar, where are you going?!"

"C'mon, Sy, let's go explore what's in at the academy!" Garfield said as he rushes down there as Syrus follow.

"Wait for me, Gar!" Syrus shout as he picks up his pace and follows Gar.

The two walk down the hall of the academy, as Garfield finds a large dueling arena. The two look at awe as they saw the wide spaced dueling arena.

"This place looks so awesome." Garfield states.

"I'll say," Syrus replied.

"Hey, you two!" spoke one of the two blue students who spotted them "What are you reds doing here?"

"Oh, we're just exploring the school." Garfield states. "This place has a nice dueling arena."

"Well this part of the arena is for Obelisks only." the glasses wearing blue student states. "Slifer Slackers like you aren't welcome here so get lost."

"Oh come on, not like we're gonna break something." Garfield states "So does anyone of you guys want to duel?"

"Garfield, I think we should leave," Syrus said nervously.

"Hold up, aren't you that guy who beat Dr. Crowler on the entrance exam?!" The brown haired blue student asked.

"Yo, Chazz! The kid who beat Dr. Crowler is here!" the other blue student calls out.

Garfield and Syrus look up to the stance to see Chazz looking them the whole time.

"So you're Chazz huh, I can see why my dorm thinks you a showoff," Garfield said with a smirk.

Chazz just rolled his eyes at him with annoying, while grunting his mouth.

"He's named is Chazz, and you make a proper respect. Got it?" Said the glasses one.

"Yeah, one day he is the next king of games. The best duelist in the world." Said the brown haired.

"That's impossible because he's not going to be the next king of games. That be me, what I going to be." Garfield said

Both blue students looked at him with disbelief, begin to laugh.

"You a Slifers Slacker, that be a day." Said the glasses one.

"Shut it you two, maybe the new kid is right," Chazz said

"What do you mean?" Asked the brown haired

"You've seen him beat Crowler and his legendary monster of his." Chazz states "He must be some kind of good duelist."

"You guessed it," Garfield replied.

"Unless it's dumb luck. Why don't we have a duel to find out." Chazz said with a smirk.

"Bring it on, then," Garfield replied.

"That's enough, Chazz." spoke Alexis as she appears "Can't you go on the first day without showing off."

"Hey, Alexis, here to watch me beat this Slifer in his place? It's going to be an entertaining battle." Chazz states.

"As if, if he can beat Crowler, then he'll probably mop the floor with you." Alexis retorts. "Anyway, I came here to tell you and your cronies that you'll be late for the Obelisk's welcoming dinner."

Chazz only clicks his teeth as he walks out along with his cronies "You're lucky that I have dinner plans, Logan. See you when you decide to lose." he said as he and his cronies exit.

"Sorry about that, not all of us Obelisks are jerks like Chazz. He's just so arrogant towards the Slifer Reds." Alexis told them.

"Ah no sweat, I don't care about guys like him. My folks at home always say that those who look down on people only receive the karma placed in them. I wouldn't mind dueling that guy someday." Garfield states.

"Hey, you two!" Said a familiar voice.

Garfield and Syrus turned back to see Akiza, who glaring at them.

"Hey, Akiza, what's up?" Garfield asked

"You two about to be late for your welcoming dinner," Akiza said

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" Syrus said in a panic.

"Well, guess we're be going then. Nice meeting you, uh Alexis right?" Garfield asked.

"Alexis Rhodes, and it's nice meeting you both. Welcome to the Academy." Alexis states.

"Well, see you around." Garfield said as he and Syrus left with Alexis "Oh, and my name's Garfield Logan, by the way."

"Hurry up, you two!" Akiza yells at them as they left the arena while Alexis watches them leave.

'Garfield, huh.' Alexis thought, 'What an interesting guy.'

Each of the dorms is having their own welcoming dinner. While Obelisks and Ra dorms have five-star meals, the Slifers have some mediocre meals.

"Oh man, rice, sardines pudding and pickled eggs." one red student complains.

"This is a one-star meal." another replied.

"Oh come on, the rice seems good." spoke Garfield who is seen munching on the rice, as he noticed someone missing "Hey, where's Akiza?"

"I think she prefers to eat alone outside." Syrus states.

"Oh come on, she should mingle with us once in a while," Garfield said as someone came in. It was a man with black hair with double bangs, glasses, white skin, eyes shut, and wears a white button shirt, black pants and shoes.

"Welcome, Slifer Reds. My name is Professor Banner, let's all greet and introduce ourselves," he said kindly.

So each of the Slifers introduces their selves until three left and that's Chumley, Syrus, and Garfield.

"My name is Chumley, I loved eating, sleeping and best of all dueling. I want to be the best dueler who I'll be proud of my family." Chumley said

"My...names is Syrus. I come to the duel academy to learn the way to duel." Syrus said shakily

"And I'm Garfield, and I'm here in the duel academy so that I can become the next king of games!" Garfield states with pride. "Let's have this toast as roommates to be good friends at the academy."

"Right!" Syrus and Chumley said as they cheered.

Meanwhile, Akiza is seen eating her dinner while outside of the dorm.

"Hey, Akiza," Garfield spoke getting the girl's attention. "What are you doing out here eating alone? Don't you want to meet anyone here?"

"Yeah, no," she said while sipping her tea. "I can't stand being in a large crowd in a small room."

"But there's so few of us in there." Garfield points out.

"Well, I get headaches, so I prefer to not meet so many people here," she said as Garfield thought of something.

"You know, I just realized that you're the only girl here in the Red Dorm. Most of the girls are in Obelisks." he points out.

"Well, I guess I didn't do very well on my exam," Akiza states while looking down. "Anyway, I'm about to head down to my dorm room. Gonna prepare for the first day of class."

"Well then, maybe someday we can hang out more, and we might duel someday-"

"Absolutely not!" Akiza snapped at him, surprising Garfield as she realizes her outburst "I mean, that sounds nice, maybe some other time."

"Oh...okay, it's that's cool with you," Garfield said

Akiza got up begin to walk in her room, she looked down with sadness. 'I can't duel, not the front of everyone.'

Garfield seeing her left, as seeing her like that makes him worry. "I make sure I'll help her if she in trouble."

Your heart pure like my first master.

Garfield startled of that voice, he looks around trying to find the person. "Where are you?"

You'll be shocked at who you talking to, in the meantime just help any people who are your friend.

Garfield doesn't know who it is but its right, he walked back to his room to get some sleep. Unaware of him in his deck pouch, it's glowing. Inside the pouch, the one who is glowing... Dark Magician Girl!


Garfield got in his room, seeing Syrus on the computer. Chumley was in his bed trying to sleep.

"Hey, Gar, went to talk to Akiza," Syrus said look at him.

"Yeah, when I talk about dueling each other. She yelled at me for that." Garfield respond

"Really why'd you say?" Chumley asked

"I don't know, once I say about dueling her she snapped," Garfield answered

Suddenly Garfield and Syrus's phone rings, both of them pick it up and see they got a message. Once Garfield opens it, revealing to be Chazz.

"You remember our duel Logan, come to blue dorm duel field. Don't be late." Chazz said shut off.

"Whoa, looks like Chazz wants to duel right now," Garfield said with a smirk.

"I don't know, Gar," Syrus said with unease.

"If you're dueling with Chazz, then all you'll receive is trouble," Chumley told him.

"Well, what kind of guy would I be to pass on a challenge?" Garfield said with a smirk.

"Well, guess I'll come," Syrus said with an uneasy sigh.

"You guys go, I'm going to sleep through the night," Chumley told Garfield and Syrus head out of their room as they sneak out.

Akiza was in her room, setting up a poster to make her room more homely. Her room is filled with a bonsai plant, posters of monsters and J-pop bands, her guitar in place, and her own cat shaped radio/alarm clock. She was thinking about how she snapped Garfield earlier and felt guilty about it.

'Man, I should apologize to Garfield.' Akiza thought as she sighs. 'Maybe tomorrow since he's probably sleeping by now.'

Suddenly, Akiza heard footsteps from the top floor. Confused, she peaked at her window, seeing Garfield and Syrus sneaking out the dorm.

"What those two doing, I should follow them to make sure they don't get in trouble," Akiza said open her door.

Garfield and Syrus walked into the blue dorm duel field. Seeing Chazz and his friends are waiting for them.

"Well, I thought you chicken out red slacker," Chazz said

"Nah, I don't give up a challenge," Garfield states as he steps up on the field. "So, are we ready for this?"

"Ready to lose to me, I bet," Chazz replied with a smirk, as his friends cheered for him while he steps on the field.

"Let's duel!" they shout as the duel starts.


Chazz's turn, as he pulls out a card from his hand "I summon my Reborn Zombie in defense mode." he said as he summons a white-haired zombie as it kneels down. [ATK/FEF 1000/1600, Lv. 3]. "And I place one card face down and end my turn," he said as he places his card down.

"Okay let's game on! I summon my Vixen-Scythe and Kitty-Katanas in an attack mode! Bringing out my gal, Vixen Dagger!" Garfield said puts down the cards.

Kitty-Katanas and Vixen-Scythe appear in the fields combing into Vixen-Dagger.

"Alright, Gar!" Syrus cheered for his friend.

"Just as I predicted." Chazz states as his trap card rise up "You just activated my trap card."

"Say what?" Garfield asked, didn't expect that.

"You see, you just set off my trap card, Chthonian Polymer. It's only activated when you summoned a fusion monster on the field, I get to tribute my Reborn Zombie out of the field, and in his place is that I get to control your Vixen-Dagger!" Chazz said as Vixen Dagger disappears from Garfield's side of the field as she is placed on Chazz's side.

"Aw, shoot," Garfield said in shock.

"I knew you'd summon that Vixen-Dagger into the field, so I know what kind of strategy to use it against you." Chazz states with a smirk "That's the difference between me and you, Logan, I'm the top of my dueling prep school while you are just another small town boy."

"Wait, how did you know I live in a small town? Did you google me?" Garfield asked as Chazz just sweat dropped by his question.

"I was trash talking you," Chazz said in deadpan.

"I knew I'd find you here," spoke Alexis as she came down to the dorm field.

"Alexis, how are you know we are here?" Syrus asked

"Because I know Chazz, he wants to duel that tick him off. And that Chthonian Polymer is one nasty trap, that card can control a fusion monster by sacrifice one monster one of its own." Alexis said

"Oh man, Garfield just summons that fusion monster," Syrus said in worry.

"I sacrifice my very own zombie to get your Vixen-Dagger," Chazz said with a smirk.

Vixen-Dagger begins to make a dark aura around her, roaring.

From behind the other side of the exit, Akiza witnesses the duel as she hides.

'Great, he's here for a duel!' Akiza thought as she looks at the Obelisk blue students 'That's the Chazz guy I've heard about, and that blonde girl.' she notice Alexis 'She's the queen of the school. Wonder if I would duel her someday.' she thought in wonder until she shook her head 'No! I can't duel or else.' she thought to herself as she continues to watch the duel.

Garfield looked at his deck, nothing too strong enough to take on Vixen-Dagger. 'Dang, I got nothing to take down my best fusion.'

'Come on Slacker, make you moved.' Chazz thought

"I summoning my Dog-Star in Defense mode," Garfield said place his card.

Dog-Star appears kneeling down to defense.

"And put one card face down and end my turn," Garfield said to put down a card.

"Your joking cause use your Vixen-Dagger to attack your stupid dog!" Chazz said

Vixen Dagger charges at Dog Star, thus destroying him out of the field.

[GARFIELD'S LP: -1000. 3000LP.]

"And now, Vixen Dagger, attack Garfield directly!" Chazz orders as Vixen Dagger charges and attacks Garfield.

[GARFIELD'S LP: -600. 2400LP]

"Guess you were all just talk." Chazz mocks with a smirk.

"I more than that, I'll draw," Garfield said pull out a hard look at it and smiled. "I summon my lightning ninja, Cheetah-Strike."

Appears in the field to be a humanoid cheetah, wearing a black and yellow ninja suit, the weapon to be two ninja daggers full of electricity. ATK/DEF: 2500/1500.

"You just waste your cause I using your vixen to attack you again," Chazz said as he commands about Vixen to strike.

"If I use my trap card, Mirror Gate!" Garfield said

"What!?" Chazz asked as the Vixen Dagger in his control shatters into pieces.

"With Mirror Force, the monster you declared to attack, gets destroyed due to the effects of Mirror Force." Garfield declares.

'That's not a bad counter move.' Alexis stated in her mind. She then noticed someone else watching the duel.

Akiza noticed Alexis noticing her, as she quickly hid as she continues to watch. 'I don't get why am I hiding? I should be there to bail those two out, but the duel looks like it was getting good.'

"In the ability of the trap card, the attack send right back at ya!" Garfield said with a smirk.

Chazz gets slashing all over while grunting in pain.

[CHAZZ'S LP: -3200. 1800 LP.]

"Well play Logan, I'll summon my Zombie Polymer. To sacrifice it to bring out my powerful Horror Centar!" Chazz said place his card.

Appears to be a center wearing black armor with a spear. [ATK/DEF: 2500/1500, Lv.5]

"Okay, I'll draw!" Garfield said

Suddenly Alexis begins to hear footsteps, she looks at the windows seeing some black troops. "Uh oh, the academy guards!"

"The guards?" Syrus asked in a panic.

"Stop the duel, guys. Security clearance is coming." Alexis told them as the holograms stopped as they're turned off.

"What? Man, I was hoping to finish." Garfield said.

"Sorry, but in this past hour, the security always checks up for any students sneaking around here. Chazz knows it, don't you?" she scolds as Chazz just click his teeth at the realization.

"You got lucky, Logan. See you around," he said as he and his friends left off.

"That be the day. Let's get out of here." Garfield said

Once the guards came, the place is empty.

"Thought I heard voices." Said one of the guards

"Probably just your imagination, let's keep look around." Said the leader.


Garfield, Alexis, and Syrus manage to escape from security, once they made it outside they heard a voice.

"There you two are!" spoke Akiza who appeared behind the bushes.

"Akiza, what are you doing here?" Syrus asked.

"Like I haven't figured out you two sneaking off around here," Akiza states, hiding from the fact that she's been hiding and watch the duel.

"Oh sorry, it just that Chazz want to challenge me into a duel and I can't say no," Garfield said rubbing his head while has a smile.

"And you about to lose to him by attacking his monster. " Syrus said

"Actually, I got a perfect card to defeat him," Garfield said

"Really, what card?" Alexis asked

"This, Monster Reborn. I can easily take down with my Vixen-Dagger." Garfield said show them the card.

Alexis, Syrus, and Akiza were shocked by this, as they realized that Garfield could've beaten Chazz right there and the duel would be in Gar's favor.

"Wow, that could've been a sure win." Syrus states.

"I agree, you would've beaten Chazz right then and now." Alexis states.

'Whoa, he could've won.' Akiza states in her mind. She's impressed by Garfield's skill.

"Now let's go you two, we got classes tomorrow," Akiza said

"Okay, let's go Syrus. See you tomorrow Alexis." Garfield said to begin running.

"Hey Gar, wait up," Syrus said as he walked with Garfield.

"Yeah, see ya," Alexis said

"You two better wait for me," Akiza said walked with them.

'I think this year be better than ever." Alexis said looking at Garfield with a smile.


Why schools always ruin the best moments in fun time! Oh well, looks like Garfield have his rival in school. Stay tuned another for GX, and one review why put DC or Marvels Heroes? I just say I don't want to copy the show orderly. Jaden Hero deck because of what great heart he's got. Garfield deck be warriors, ninjas, or shogun deck becuase what great spirit in dueling or magical for Dark Magicion Girls for her. sign out!