"And then there came a day unlike any other, when Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves powerless under threat to formidable for them to comprehend. On that day, Thanos declared himself supreme ruler of the universe."

Thanos was standing on a platform just outside of Earth's orbit, he then extended his Infinity Gauntlet and immediately he formed a space platform with stone busts of himself, burning torches and throne that overlooked a giant statue of himself.

He then waved his hand and all the stars out there began to shine. "Millions of suns, worlds and lives wiped out by the power of the Infinity Gauntlet." He then clenched his fist. "My power."

Then he saw one of the stars shining and it soon dawned on him that it was not a star at all, but was in fact the Neo-Jet and it was headed straight towards him. He immediately put up a force field that shielded him and when the Neo-Jet struck him it exploded instantly.

Thanos looked at the destruction of the Neo-Jet. "Attacking Thanos? A pathetic attempt from my pathetic species."

He immediately lifted his gauntlet and the pieces of the Neo-Jet rose into the air. He then crossed his arms of the pieces slammed into one another and then when he spread his arms out and they separated into all different corners. However, then he saw heading towards him was an entire armada of Gronckle Busters each one piloted by a New Viking.

"At least it gave us a distraction," said Night Fury.

"Really because he doesn't look that surprised," said Hunter as he landed on the platform and began to surround Thanos.

"You insult me by facing me in such primitive armour," Thanos snarled. "You earthlings should know when you are beaten."

"We will never surrender," said Astrid.

"Those Stones are too dangerous for anyone!" Black Widow yelled and immediately charged at Thanos.

She then began to swing her fists directly at him, but some kind of force field was protecting him. Then Thanos raised his gauntlet and Black Widow found herself unable to move.

"What do you know of danger, earthling?" said Thanos clenching his fist. Immediately Black Widow saw that her armour was caving in on itself. "You are merely the vessel to bring the stones to me, only Thanos can control infinite power."

"Heather," Hunter gasped.

His armour formed a crossbow on its gauntlet immediately fired an arrow at Thanos then immediately froze him. Immediately the grip on Black Widow lifted and she fell to the ground.

"Thanks, Hunter," she said.

Thanos however quickly managed to break through the ice and then Astrid came charging towards him slamming her axe-shaped hand directly at him. Astrid smiled at the moment she struck him, but he quickly vanished when she saw that she merely annoyed. Thanos then slammed a powerful fist right into Astrid's armour sending her flying towards the moon and they all watched as the massive crater formed the moment she struck it.

"Astrid!" Gronckle roared.

"Please tell me that he did not just send one of our big guns flying towards the moon with a single punch?" said Captain Marvel

"I'm afraid he did," said Toothless.

"Anyone got any ideas on how to deal with the Infinity Gauntlet?" She-Gronckle asked.

"Everyone has a weakness, even Thanos," said Captain confidently as Thanos walked to the edge of the platform. "It's just a matter of discovering it."

Thanos looked down on Earth. "Your passion for this sustainable planet, is your greatest weakness." He immediately began to move his hand and they watched the storm clouds began to gather across the planet. "When I destroyed my own planet, I didn't even blink an eye."

"Is he conducting a symphony?" Ant-Man asked.

"What kind of music does the crazed psychopathic alien–like?" Wasp wondered.

"A symphony of destruction," said Night Fury.

All across the planet earthquakes and storms of raging on it was as if the was going to break apart at the seams. Lava shot out from cracks within the Earth, hailstones pummelled cities, the sea began to freeze. Thanos was unleashing whatever he wanted to turn the world upside down.

"I'll enjoy making this slow and painful," Thanos smiled.

"Yeah, me too," said Gronckle slamming his fists together.

She-Gronckle then raised her fists. "Normally I detest fighting, but I will make an exception of you."

"Earth won't fall on our watch," said Captain. "New Vikings, battle ready!"

Captain immediately tossed his shield, Night Fury and Toothless fired their repulsors, Captain Marvel unleashed his photon beams thanks to his armour's personal accessories, Wasp her stingers due to the aid of her armour's personal accessories and Hunter kept on firing arrows.

However their attack to merely just bounced off Thanos' force field. Gronckle and She-Gronckle then jumped into the air and charged at Thanos, who merely raised his gauntlet and pushed them back with a powerful energy pulse. The two of them were sent flying and went straight through Thanos' throne and the polls hit everyone else knocking them to the ground.

"If you can find a weakness here, Cap, now is the time," said Night Fury.

Thanos turned his attention back on Earth and continue to rage storms across the planet. He erupted volcanoes, created massive sinkholes and even set the ocean on fire.

Toothless looked at the others. "We need to get to Earth and help."

Night Fury got to his feet. "Leave that to SHIELD, if we do not get that gauntlet off Thanos now there won't be an Earth."

He then fired his repulsors at Thanos, but they just merely struck his force field leaving him completely unharmed. Black Widow's armour was too badly damaged and she had to exit.

"I should have taken the stones from the Tower," she admitted. "Thanos has this power because of me."

"Don't blame yourself, Widow," said Night Fury. "He would have found those Stones with or without you."

"No! I started this, I'll finish this," she said plainly and activated her stealth tech. "Give me cover."

Hunter looked at Night Fury. "Trust me when Black Widow has a plan, is a good idea that we follow it."

Night Fury nodded. "All right, New Vikings lets by her some time. Hit him hard!"

Gronckle and She-Gronckle's armour was also badly damaged and they had to remove it. However they are the main components directly at the platform causing a massive explosion that caused Thanos to look at them.

"Fools, you really think you can destroy me?" he said.

Soon everyone is out of their armour to allow Gronckle and She-Gronckle to toss them out Thanos.

"Not you, the ground," said Gronckle as he tossed another piece of the armour.

The moment the armour slammed into the ground began to crack.

She-Gronckle then grabbed hold of another armour. "You really shouldn't turn your back on us!"

She then tossed the armour into the ground cracking it even more and soon she and Gronckle kept on tossing their armour.

"Guys, push him into Earth's gravity well," Night Fury ordered. "He can't escape that."

Eventually the ground gave way and Thanos found himself falling down towards Earth. However, he merely raised his gauntlet and the ground reshaped itself back to what it was originally with him standing on the edge.

"By human standards you're considered to be intelligent, Haddock," Thanos smirked. "Shame human standards are so low."

Thanos noticed something flashing on the moon and then there was a massive burst of energy. Black Widow had managed to climb around the platform and was now directly behind Thanos.

"A mere glove is no match for my axe!" Astrid yelled as he flew down very quickly towards Thaons.

"Tricks and bluffs are not," said Thanos as he caught Black Widow as she jumped at him.

He then immediately used as a human shield and immediately pulled back. She crashed the ground then used Glamdring this slow her descent. Thanos smirked and then tossed Black Widow towards the Earth and outside the oxygen field he had created.

"You monster!" Astrid yelled she charged at him.

She then flew right past him and towards Black Widow, he quickly caught her before she ran out of air and then flew back towards the platform.

"A valiant effort, Widow," she said.

Gronckle roared in anger and immediately charged at Thanos. He wasn't the only one as Captain Marvel did the same and Ant-Man took on his giant form. The three of them then swung to their fists towards him, but all they did was striking his force field.

"You're nothing more than gnats," said Thanos looking totally unfazed by their attacks. He then turned his back on their and concentrated on destroying the Earth. "Not even worth swatting."

Night Fury looked at Captain. "Cap, like it or not, were going to have to use our contingency plan."

Captain grimaced. "I still think it's risky, but it's not our only option. What do you need?"

"Readings," said Night Fury. "On each of those Stones in action."

"So we just have to get Thanos to attack us with six of the most powerful weapons in the universe, easier said than done," said Hunter.

"We can't even get Thanos attention," She-Gronckle pointed out. "How can we get to use the stones one by one?"

"By preying on his weakness," said Captain.

"Which he doesn't have," Wasp pointed out.

"Wrong… he's got the floor of any tyrant. Inflated ego," he said gesturing to the statue above them.

"Doesn't that mean that Snotlout is a tyrant?" Wasp frowned.

"Start scaring him guys!" Captain yelled to the others.

Immediately they stop attacking Thanos and looked back at Captain confused.

"Huh?" Captain Marvel blinked.

"There's only one reason he would pretend to ignore you, he is afraid."

That got Thanos' attention.

"Yeah, they could even get the stones himself and to make it worse he got himself tricked by a lonely human," Hunter pointed out.

"Indeed, if you were so powerful you would have known where the stones were to begin with," Toothless added.

Thanos glared at them as he turned around to face them with his gauntlets glowing. "I know what you're trying to do accomplish, mortals. Like all your plans it will end in failure."

He extended his palm and was about to blast them with a powerful blast that would no doubt disintegrate them upon impact.

"You have infinite power to hide behind, how verified is this?" Night Fury asked.

"It's a show of weakness, the weak always hides behind items of great power," She-Gronckle nodded.

"And if you really control the gauntlet you could just stop us with only one of those Stones," Night Fury added.

Thanos smirked as he closed his wrist and the Time Stone began to glow. "So be it."

He then struck them with a powerful burst of orange energy so powerful that it sent him backwards. When they pick themselves up they discovered that they had aged about 60 years. Night Fury and Toothless' armour looked a lot more rusty, but despite the changes they all looked at Thanos.

"The Time Stone, undefeatable because time is a power that no one can escape," said Thanos.

Captain then got his feet. "I don't know about that, I managed to escape it before."

Thanos policy could tell that he still had a lot of fighting and then blasted him with another beam striking both him and Toothless. The sudden blast caused Captain to age another 30 years and Toothless' armour was now almost covered in rust.

"How mighty are you, old men?" Thanos mocked.

"If it's our dying breath," said Captain getting up strongly.

"We're going down swinging," Toothless finished.

Then Captain tossed his shield and Toothless' fired his repulsors. Thanos didn't looked threatened in the slightest and merely fired a beam which disintegrated the shield and dispelled the repulsor blasts. The beam then struck both Captain and Toothless, Captain was disintegrated and Toothless just merely collapsed and broke into a million different pieces.

Captain Marvel looked at Night Fury. "I hope you know what you're doing, Hiccup."

Then he and twins got disintegrated when the beam struck them. Thanos then fired a beam again disintegrating Black Widow, Hunter and She-Gronckle. Night Fury's armour was now completely covered in rust and the power immediately shut down and he collapsed to the ground like a giant heap.

Gronckle then immediately charged at Thanos, but he was struck by another eating beam. This caused him to aid even more and now he had a long white beard and hair. This didn't stop him one bit and he charged at Thanos.

"Gronckle will smash…" Gronckle yelled as Thanos hitting with another eating beam.

Gronckle disintegrated just before his fist made contact with Thanos.

Thanos laughed, but then he was struck in the face by Glamdring which then flew back to Astrid, who landed on the ground in front of him. She had eased as well and now her blonde hair was mixed with grey.

Thanos then fired another eating beam directly at her causing her to be covered in wrinkles and her blonde hair turning into silver grey. "Feel the centuries overwhelm you."

Astrid merely smiled as she rose to her feet. "Overwhelm? The passage of time only makes Asgardains even more powerful!"

She then flew into the beam will demonstrate that she had never experienced before and was cutting right through the beam with Glamdring.

"Taste the Time Stone yourself!" she yelled striking the gauntlet.

Thanos was then sent flying towards the Earth as he turned into a wrinkled old man.

"No!" he yelled. "You will not defeat me, I can reverse the effects."

Immediately there was a bright light and Thanos return of the platform fully healed. However, in doing so he was forced to revive the New Vikings to their original state.

He then narrowed his eyes. "Meer luck, humans. Having an Asgardain among you."

"Luck is not part of the equation, Thanos. Teamwork is," said Night Fury.

Captain Marvel immediately turned on him. "Is that right, Hiccup? You had no clue we would survive that!"

Astrid then turned on him in rage. "You are ungrateful Coeur," she said forcing him to look at her. "You didn't believe that I could overcome such an attack? I'll show you mine might!"

She then raised Glamdreing, but before she could smite Captain Marvel, Captain grabbed her arm.

"Stand down soldiers, our battle is not with each other," he said.

"Hiccup is playing chess with our lives," said Black Widow gesturing to Night Fury. "Like you always does behind that armour!"

"You're the one who collected the Infinity Stones for Thanos," Ant-Man pointed out.

"Yeah, how do we know you're not working for him?" Wasp snapped.

Black Widow then immediately aims her stingers directly at the two of them and they soon got ready for fight. Captain then quickly placed himself between them.

"I said stand down," Captain yelled.

Then suddenly Hunter performed a leg sweep aimed his an arrow down at him. "We don't take orders from you!"

"You're take orders from Glamdring!" Astrid yelled as he jumped into the air.

Captain rolled out of the way before Astrid's axe struck the ground sending a massive jolt of electricity in all directions. Captain Marvel then blasted her in the back with his photon beams.

"I knew I should have worked with you guys," Captain Marvel glared. "I do far better on my own."

Hunter then struck in with an explosive arrow. "You're nothing more than a hothead, who gets himself into more trouble than anyone here."

Thanos smiled, because the Mind Stone was glowing and he was messing with them for his own amusement.

Night Fury and Toothless appeared to be the only ones not affected and they soon realised what was going on.

"New Vikings, stop!" Night Fury yelled.

Thanos smiled. "Yes."

"This isn't you!" Night Fury yelled at all them.

"He's right, Thanos is using the Mind Stone!" Toothless agreed. "You need to fight it!"

Sadly everyone was doing battle with one another and Captain Marvel immediately turned on the two of them.

"I'm getting sick and tired of your voices!" he yelled and fired a photon blast at the two of them. The attack was so strong that they were sent flying off the platform and Captain Marvel soon chased after them. "I think it's time for a change of leadership!"

Night Fury was about to blast him with his repulsors, Gronckle appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Night Fury and then tossed him at Captain Marvel and soon the two of them landed back on the platform. She-Gronckle had also grabbed Toothless and also tossed him back onto the platform.

The two Gronckles then landed on the platform and looked at all of them.

"You think you're angry?" Gronckle asked.

"We'll show you angry!" She-Gronckle yelled.

The two of them then charged towards them and then jumped into the air before slamming down onto the platform.

"Mind Stone making you angry?" She-Gronckle asked.

"Rage burns within me," said Astrid.

"Welcome to our minds every day," said Gronckle.

Hunter looked at the two of them. "How do you control it?" he asked aiming an arrow at them. "Tell me! Now!"

"We do not control anger," said Gronckle looking at him.

"We aim anger," She-Gronckle finished.

The two of them then focused on Thanos and then immediately charged at him.

"They're right," said Night Fury landed on the ground. "Use the anger, but focuses on Thanos."

Immediately they were launched everything towards Thanos pushing him back to the edge of the platform. Ant-Man grow to his giant size and slammed his massive fist right on top of him before retracting it. Thanos got to his feet in time to see the two Gronckle charging at them and with two powerful fist see said them flying towards remained of his throne.

Thanos smiled gleefully at them. "Rage, fury, give in to them."

Night Fury landed on the ground. "If you insist, but you're not going to like it. For the angrier Gronckles get…"

The two Gronckle then emerged from the rubble jumping at Thanos.

"The stronger we become!" they yelled in unison.

They then slammed their fists into him pushing him back and they kept on unleashing their fists upon him forcing him back towards the edge of the platform.

"New Vikings pour it on!" Captain ordered.

Thanos found him to completely overwhelmed as everyone attacked him in unison. Gronckle and She-Gronckle did not let up their punches, Captain tossed his shield, Black Widow and Wasp fired their stingers, Captain Marvel unleashed his photon blasts and Hunter warped him in a cable arrow. Then Night Fury and Toothless unleashed their unibeams and Astrid unleashed a giant bolt of lightning upon him.

Thanos realised that the Mind Stone was doing more harm than good and releases influence upon it. Immediately they all found themselves calming down and looked at in one another apologetically.

"Forgive me, it was unworthy of me to call you a Coeur," said Astrid to Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel shrugged. "I don't even know what a Coeur is."

"Enough of this!" Thanos roared breaking free of the cable arrow around him. "I do not waste time with lesser beings."

Immediately raised his gauntlet which then began to glow.

Toothless smirked. "We knew you could destroyers with one stone. Thanks for proving us right."

Thanos growled at them. "Then I will use stone that you cannot possibly defend yourself against!"

Then immediately the Soul Stone began to glow and instantly the New Vikings found themselves floating in the air.

"With the Soul Stone I have full control over all of you," he laughed.

"Not quite all of us!" Toothless yelled as he flew down towards Thanos and punched him across the face. "Some of us don't have a soul for you to control."

He then unleashed a barrage of missiles at close range knocking Thanos back and causing him to lose concentration over the Soul Stone freeing the others.

"It pays to have an android on the team," said Night Fury.

Thanos glared at them. "You were just fortunate to have a soulless robot among your number."

"Soulless or not, he's human like the rest of us," said Captain raising his shield.

Thanos growled and immediately the Space Stone began to glow. He then vanished into thin air and there was absolutely no trace of him.

"Oh, come on," said Hunter as he prepared an arrow.

Thanos then appeared right next to Captain and punched him hard in the face. Hunter then fired his arrow, but Thanos vanished before it could hit him.

"I hate the Space Stone," said Hunter.

Thanos then appeared behind Gronckle and struck him in the back followed by a quick blow to She-Gronckle. He then promptly vanished once more and appeared behind Captain Marvel and slammed his fist right on top of him and then disappeared once more.

Thanos appear directly above Astrid and as he fell he grabbed hold of her axe. Naturally he was unable to lifted and crashed into the ground along with Astrid, who lost her powers when she was separated from Glamdring.

Thanos had disappeared again and then reappeared above Toothless and slammed his hand right on top of him causing him to crash down into the ground. He then appeared once again next to Ant-Man and punched him in the face sending him flying into Wasp.

Black Widow had noticed something during all his disappearance acts. "One… two… three…"

She then rolled out of the way just as Thanos appeared behind and dodged his best. She then fired her stingers directly at him and actually struck him before he vanished.

"Two… three…" She then looked at Hunter. "Duck!"

Hunter then asked questions and immediately ducked and a good thing he did, because Thanos appeared next to him and would have been struck by his massive fist.

"Nice Widow, his attacks aren't random," Hunter smiled he then grabbed one of his arrows. "And if there's a pattern…"

"You can do what you do best," Black Widow finished.

Thanos appeared behind Night Fury and struck him in the back before vanishing once more.

"One… two… three…" Hunter counted.

He then aimed an arrow just over Astrid, who was still recovering from Thanos' surprise attack. Thanos then appeared directly behind her, but then got hit by an explosive arrow and immediately vanished.

"One… two… three…"

Hunter fired another arrow above Night Fury just as Thanos appeared right above him. He was struck in the face and disappeared instantly.

"One… two… three…"

Hunter fired a third arrow right behind Toothless and as he predicted Thanos appeared behind him. This time his torso was covered in tough foam and Thanos looked up to see Night Fury slamming down right on top of him. They skidded across the ground until they were at Astrid's feet, who immediately dropped Glamdring onto his face trapping him in place.

"I'll take that," said Hiccup removing Thanos' gauntlet.

"Thanos, is invincible," Thanos wheezed.

"Clearly not otherwise we would not have beaten you," said Night Fury. He then looked at the others. "We don't again team, after all saving the world is what we do best."

They then watched as the storm is around the globe began to die down and everything returned back to normal.

They were soon back on Earth with Thanos container walking through the Tricarrier. Stoick was now informing them of the events they had missed during the maelstrom.

"You're going to have to repeat that General, who exactly disbanded?" Captain asked.

"All of them," said Stoick. "The storms caused a massive breakout on Hydra Island, but Thanos destroying the world had one unintended consequence. HYDRA is helping survivors, AIM is rebuilding the charity and the Squadron Supreme wants to join SWORD. The world was nearly destroyed by Thanos and now it's brought humanity together."

Captain just couldn't believe what he was hearing. "The world at peace? It's always ever fought for."

Hunter looked at Black Widow in disbelief. "No more bad guys? This is going to get real boring real quick."

She smirked. "Back to the circus?"

"Oh, ha-ha," said Hunter dryly.

Captain looked at Stoick. "Stoick, what about the Red Skull?"

"You're not going to believe it, he turned himself in," said Stoick gesturing to Red Skull, who was sitting in a cell. "Said that he wanted to pay for his crimes."

Captain stopped and looked at Red Skull and immediately could tell that something was wrong.

"You're right, I don't believe it," said Captain.

He immediately tossed his shield which bounced off the ceiling and slammed right into Thanos' face. Thanos was bounced back towards the edge of a cell and Captain's shield returned to him.

Immediately everyone stared at him in bewilderment.

"No cool, Cap," said Gronckle.

Astrid nodded in agreement. "Gronckle is right, it is not honourable to attack a chained prisoner."

"He's not in chains," said Captain tossing his shield at Thanos.

The shield struck Thanos in the face once again and returned back to Captain.

"Have you completely lost it?" Captain Marvel exclaimed.

Night Fury looked at him. "Cap, we've won."

Captain looked at him. "Hiccup can't you sense it, it's the Reality Stone creating what we want to see. We have to get Thanos before he destroys us all."

"I don't sense anything strange," Night Fury admitted. He then immediately turned his sights upon Thanos. "But if you do that good enough for me." Everyone then turned towards Thaons. "New Vikings, battle ready!"

"What?" Thanos stared.

They then all attack to the same time pushing him backwards and shattered the entire reality.

In truth, Thanos had really use the Reality Stone to trick them, they were all lying down on the ground as their minds were being connected to the Reality Stone. He was about to finish them off when the connection between them and the Reality Stone severed and they began to awake.

The sudden disconnection caught Thanos completely off guard and he just stared at them. "How did you pathetic mortals continue to defy me?"

"You even had me fooled," said Night Fury and then turned to Captain. "But Cap is grounded enough to always see reality."

"Your continued luck is no match for my control over the Power Stone!" said Thanos as the Power Stone began to glow. "It's time to end this farce once and for all!"

He immediately unleashed a powerful burst of power which knocked Astrid, Gronckle and She-Gronckle off their feet. Then Wasp and Ant-Man began to shrink and began to engage Thanos, Wasp kept on firing her stingers and Ant-Man kept on punching him across the face miniaturised.

"You can't hit what can't touch," Wasp mocked.

"How's that Power Stone working out for you?" Ant-Man asked.

Thanos was shielding himself as best he could from their attacks. "I may not be able to you, but your friend on the other hand are another story!"

He then unleashed a powerful beam directly at Night Fury and the others, but before it could made contact Captain Marvel placed himself in front and shielded them from the blast and absorbed it.

"How about you have a taste of your own medicine!" Captain Marvel yelled and fired a powerful photon beam directly at Thanos.

Wasp and Ant-Man immediately moved out of the way as the blast struck Thanos with so much force that he was nearly tipped over the edge of the platform.

"Now!" Night Fury ordered.

He, Astrid, Captain and Black Widow immediately grabbed Thanos in an attempt to hold him down. However, he had had enough of this and his entire gauntlet began to glow as his frustration grew.

"I'm tire of your feeble tactics Vikings, you failed!" Thanos roared and blasted Night Fury away.

He then pushed away Astrid, Captain and Black Widow away in advance towards Night Fury, who was lying down on the ground.

"Thanos is done playing your games!" he roared as his gauntlet began to glow."

Then he blasted Night Fury blowing him into pieces.

"Night Fury!" Captain yelled.

Thanos then walked up to Night Fury's helmet and picked it up. "You failed your team and your planet, Haddock!"

Then the visor on Night Fury's helmet slid off revealing nothing inside the helmet much to Thanos' surprise.

"Vikings my visuals are down, but I think he's on to us," said Hiccup's voice.

In reality Hiccup was in his lap within the Tower along with his mother and Stan. They were working tirelessly in the programming that they were working on. Hiccup had in the bin and remote control of his armour from the very start and had got readings of all six of the Infinity Stones.

"I've got readings from all six stones, but we need a few more seconds before we can finish this once and for all," said Hiccup as he typed tirelessly on his console.

"This whole time, nothing but an empty armour shell," said Thanos and crushed Night Fury's helmet. "Of course, Haddock is too cowardly to face me himself."

His gauntlet began to glow and he raised it into the air. Then suddenly appearing out of nowhere was a large portion of Hiccup's lab along with Valka and Stan.

Hiccup turned his head and immediately saw the situation. "Okay, he's definitely on to us."

"We only need a few more seconds," said Valka as she and Stan began working on a robotic body on the slab.

Thanos was now slowly making his way towards them.

"Creating defensive perimeter!" Captain ordered.

Thanos' gauntlet glowed once more and he raised it. Then suddenly appearing out of the ground was a hand made of rock which then grabbed Captain. The other New Vikings attempted to stop Thanos, but then themselves were caused by these rock hands. Astrid, Gronckle, She-Gronckle and Captain Marvel were so strong that two hands had to grab hold of them. Ant-Man took on his giant form, but a massive hand emerged from the ground and grabbed hold of him before slamming him down to the floor.

Thanos smirked at them all. "You have a perfect view when I finally wipe your leader from the universe." He then looked at Hiccup. "What sort of madness would drive an Earthling to insult Thanos with such trickery?"

"I just need to keep you busy for a few moments," Hiccup shrugged.

"It's done," said Valka.

Hiccup immediately looked at Toothless. "Toothless, commence upload!"

"Commencing download," said Toothless.

Then Toothless' eyes went black as all power exited from him. Then the robot on the metal slab stood up, this one bore some similarity to Toothless, only there were a lot more muscles around the arms and legs and then fingers resembled claws.

"Upload complete," said the robot with Toothless' voice.

Hiccup looked at Toothless. "What he did have the new body, bud?"

Toothless smiled as he stood up straight. "Thought, you would never ask."

Thanos narrowed his eyes at Hiccup. "You your foolish machine can defeat me?"

He then immediately fired a powerful energy beam from his gauntlet and aimed it at Toothless. However, he merely raised his hand and somehow managed to absorb the energy.

"I'm liking the new upgrades," Toothless smiled at Hiccup.

"Thanks, Mum," said Hiccup gesturing to his mother. "She was the one who came up with the algorithm allowing you to absorb the energy into another dimension."

"Of course it was only possible once we managed to improve on the design that my son made," Valka added smiling proudly at her son.

"Nothing warms the heart more than seeing mother and son bonding," Stan smiled.

"I think I'm going to puke," Captain Marvel grumbled.

Hiccup then smiled at Thanos. "Of course you made it easy for us for showing us each one of the energy signatures of the Infinity Stones."

In rage Thanos fired another beam at Toothless, who quickly absorbs the energy once more.

"Impossible!" Thanos roared.

"Something is only impossible if you just give up," said Hiccup folding his arms. "We persevered and found a way to utilise the Infinity Stones. You might have seen that coming if you want so busy building statues of yourself."

Thanos actually looked scared as he backed away as Toothless advance towards him. He tried to push him back with another blast from the Infinity Gauntlet, but Toothless immediately absorb the energy as quickly as he dispersed it.

"No meer robot can withstand my power!" Thaons roared.

"I can and I am!" Toothless yelled as he kept on walking towards Thanos.

"Toothless is beyond a robot, he's my best," said Hiccup.

Thanos was concentrating so much on Toothless that the stone hands holding the other New Vikings were starting to crumble freeing them.

"I can do this all day," Toothless smiled.

"Maybe, but I would prefer it if Thanos didn't hold the Infinity Gauntlet," said Hiccup.

"On it," said Toothless as he made his way closer towards Thaons.

Thanos did everything he could to push Toothless back, but it was no good. Toothless grabbed hold of the gauntlet and then removed it and then suddenly there was a blinding flash of light.

Everyone soon found themselves back at Berk and saw that the storm clouds had parted. Valka and Stan had vanished completely, hopefully they were back at the Tower, and Night Fury was back in his own armour.

"That certainly brought you down to Earth, Thanos," said Night Fury.

Thanos turned and saw Toothless standing there holding onto the Infinity Gauntlet.

"No one challenges Thanos!" he roared as he charged at Toothless.

However, before he could get anywhere close to him, Captain slammed his shield into his head and it soon bounced back towards its owner. Then Captain Marvel appeared nowhere and slammed right into Thanos before he knew what hit him.

"We do," said Captain and the others soon joined him. "When the New Vikings stand, tyrants fall."

Thanos then jumped at them only to have Gronckle grabbing hold of his leg. He then slammed him into a nearby building and Black Widow immediately fired her stingers pushing him back. Then She-Gronckle jumped into the air and slammed a powerful elbow right at the back of his head knocking him into the ground.

Thanos had just pulled himself up when Giant-Man slammed his fist right on top of him. He picked himself above and saw Wasp directly in front of him, who then fired her stingers right in his eyes. With him temporarily blind Hunter was able to fire a net arrow which wrapped itself around Thanos.

"I would give up if I were you," Hunter advised.

Thanos glared at them. "I do not need infinite power for gnats like you!" he roared tearing up the net.

He was about to charge at them, but Astrid grabbed his shoulder.

"Can a gnat do this?" she yelled.

Thanos turned around just in time to receive Glamdring slamming up against his chin. Astrid hit him with so much force that he was sent flying into the air and right above him was Night Fury, who then unleashed his unibeam. Thanos then found himself crashing into the ground and was finally knocked unconscious.

"Well, that was easy," said Captain Marvel.

Captain shook his head. "We couldn't have pulled that one any closer."

"I knew we could pull it off," said Hiccup looking at them all."

Toothless then approached him with the Gauntlet. "What do we do this?"

Hiccup looked at him. "I think you know what to do."

Toothless nodded and then promptly began to absorb all the power within the Infinity Stones and then they went completely black.

"Now no one can use the Infinity Stones ever again," said Toothless.

Later that day the Guardians appeared at the tower and apprehended Thanos.

"Excellent work, New Vikings," said Star Lord shaking hands with Hiccup. "And I must apologise for our behaviour."

"Thanos was a formidable foe, we all did what we could," said Captain.

"Well Nova Corp have created an entire present just for him, you won't be seeing him again any time soon," Star Lord assured.

"Sure you still don't want to talk about galactic threats with us?" Hiccup asked.

"I'm not saying that you guys haven't done at the range of against alien incursions, but you've only touched the tip of the iceberg," said Star Lord. "You leave the protection of the galaxy to us, did we need you will contact you."

They then watched as the Guardians took Thanos on board and soon the ship took off leaving the New Vikings behind.